Anyone else think the front of Daniel's dress looked an awful lot like the back of Chloe's last week? We're surprised no one called him on this.
In fact, we're surprised no one called him on a lot of things. The judges pitched such a hissy over Marla's color choices and said not a word about Daniel's. That's kind of a mature, sexy red for a Barbie.
Not to mention, that's kind of a mature, sexy design for one too. We're already finding him so annoying that we're just counting the minutes until his auf'ing. There was no reason in the world for him to be sewing her into the dress at the last minute. The only reason he was in that predicament is because he thinks every stitch he completes is a masterpiece for the ages and requires contemplation and reflection.
Get over yourself, Mary. She looks like a lounge singer.
A reminder: there is actually a female body under all that fabric. In case you'd forgotten.
Here's Santino's approach in one sentence: "Look Mom, I can sew!"
And it's true. The boy really can sew the hell out of something.
The problem is, he can't seem to design something that actually looks good on a woman's body. There's so much detail on this thing and it's so oddly placed that it's all a little overwhelming and it completely obliterates her breasts and her hips.
To be fair, it did look great on the doll and we can see why the judges held it in such high regard because it's so over-the-top frilly that a lot of little girls would love it. If he had won it, we'd have been pissed that Nick didn't, but we would have been able to see what the judges were getting at.
Of course we're thrilled he didn't win it. Not because we're mean-hearted bitches (although we are)...
...but because he just couldn't hide his disappointment at not winning and kittens? That is DELICIOUS.
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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first comment! all right!
totally agree with the daniel/chloe connection.
and i'm just starting to realize the santino with the whole boobs disappearing act. all of a sudden i realized they were gone!
Nick for the win? I guess.
I personally thought Diana had it going on.
I'd buy Daniel's dress in a second. That shape would be very flattering on many body-types (though I might like a different color story).
As for Santino, I just don't like what he does, but that 'Whatchoo talkin about Willis' look, in the last screen grab, was pricesless. But that dress of his exposes the begining of the judges BIG double-standard where Santino is concerned: That dress looks like Angela's style, and yet while the judges treated her with such disregard, they treat Santino as if he is some sort of savant. I don't get it.
And just wait til a certain skater shows up and he sends a turkey down the runway. Literally.
--Gotham Tomato
Each top he's made is knotted in the back... is there any particular reason?
The skirt on this is so much, that I'm noticing a few "flyaways" from the FABRIC... it makes it look so much less finished.
He doesn't have the best sense of how to augment women's curves, either. If he had just fanned out the fabric around the bust more, it would, at least visually, emphasized the chest (hopefully wouldn't have bound it, but you can't have everything.)
this was the BEST! I have the image of Santino pouting etched in my brain from the very first time I saw it.
But you know what? I'd draw a parallel between this and the Wendy Pepper Banana Republic win. I like Santino's design WAY better for a Barbie, and my daughter was in love with it. But God, can you imagine the cost to produce that thing, with all those details?
I think it is clear that Santino has a future decorating for Armenians in Glendale. Jeesh.
Did you see that Santino's model has a belly!!!!!!
I thought the models had to be size 00000s. His dress was very cute but he made her have a belly!
...but because he just couldn't hide his disappointment at not winning and kittens? That is DELICIOUS. . . . you wicked, wicked boys. you are (deliciously) evil.
I thought that Santino's dress was adorable on the Barbie. On the actual model...yeah, not so much.
I thought that Daniel F.'s dress was quite attractive...for an adult. For a Barbie...not so much.
I thought that Santino's dress was adorable on the Barbie. On the actual model...yeah, not so much.
I thought that Daniel F.'s dress was quite attractive...for an adult. For a Barbie...not so much.
Okay, I have NO idea why that posted twice. Sorry, poodles.
Daniel Franco, where did you go? I miss his crazy silliness. And Santino just....doesn't get it does he? STOP WITH THE FROU FROU!!
"...and yet while the judges treated her with such disregard, they treat Santino as if he is some sort of savant."
Valid point. Santino got as far as he did through personality primarily. The judging would be far more objective if the designers were anonymous before the judges made their call. Dontcha think?
Daniel Franco's dress is a beautiful dress, IMO that has nothing to do with My Scene Barbie.
You PRGay boys are so spot on with "lounge singer My Scene Barbie" by Santorini.
But..... Lounge singers have finished hems!
Santorini could have sung a little tune as she walked down the runway and maybe then he would have run.
I agree with Gothamtomato, the judges have questionable standards, they change the field goals every challenge.
I thought Santino's dress was really unflattering and I couldn't believe he was in the top two. But I agree that it did look really cute on the doll.
I thought Daniel F.'s dress was too sophisticated (but not too sexy). Though I have to say his bright red was much better than Marla's dark red. I can see why the judges reacted differently to the colors.
Ugh, Santino is NOT woman-friendly. Once again, it's a hot mess. Heather is a skinny girl. But Santino's wretched design made her appear fat. It looks like she has a little pot belly. The stomach area is so tight and wrinkly, like a sausage burst from its skin. And the frou frou on the bottom is so unflattering. He never knows where to sew the boobs on a dress.
I agree that Santino's designs look very "Holly Hobbie". The judges slammed Angela Keslar for it, but Santino just skates by.
Finally, Santino had the most obnoxious and belligerent attitude on the runway. You can see it rearing its ugly head already. It just gets worse with each episode.
I didn't notice it until you pointed it out, but damn, that does look like the back of Chloe's dress. It is a very nice dress for young woman, and maybe even for adult Barbie. But not for teenage Barbie. Of course, Daniel F. is far from the only designer this week to create designs that were way too mature for the challenge.
And given that the challenge was in fact to design an outfit for teen Barbie and not for a real person, Santino succeeded. It's adorable for a doll.
And Santino's reaction to not winning was a hoot. What a story arc we have with him in these first episodes. He wins the first challenge. Second challenge, he's confident he would have won but that the judges just didn't want to give him two in a row. This one, he's shocked and then devastated that they liked Nick's better than his. Poor boy! And this leads us to next week . . .
I can't wait.
Anonymous 6:49 PM said..."I think it is clear that Santino has a future decorating for Armenians in Glendale. Jeesh."
Ok, as an Armenian (although, not from Glendale) I would like to point out that my peeps are not so much about the frou-frou as we are about the sparkle. You know, gold shoes. And stunner shades with rhinestone accents.
Maybe if Santino threw some sequins on that Disney Princess lampshade nightmare and then Bedazzled the hell out of it? Bling bling Barbie, anyone?
Oh lord, I just had a paillettes flashback...never mind, I take it back!
Anyway. If you're going to perpetuate stereotypes (but not brave enough to sign your name) at least get it right. Thanks!
You guys are way to harsh on Daniel Franco. I don't think he's made for the reality TV world, but his clothes are quite nice. And sure he may have borrowed from Chloe, but I like the way he incorporated it into his design to create a kind of futuristic cocktail dress where the fabric looks like it moves beautifully and has a flattering, tailored silhouette. At least give him props for his skills, which are head and shoulders above Santino's. I don't think he's as nearly "full of himself" as that guy. He's just a little too earnest and self-involved in his love of the "art."
Tarah's ennui-ed face in that wig looks like it belongs to the quietly alcoholic wife of a Texas oil baron.
"Get over yourself, Mary. She looks like a lounge singer."
what does this mean?
don't understand lol.
and as for the similar design...
gotta say it's almost the SAME!!!!!
i wanted to tell and ask whether i am right and i thought that no one noticed that! thank god, you guys are so clever.
how can they forgive him for that? and didn't chloe see that? my friend told me (didn't notice when seeing the episode)and then i check it online....
shame on daniel franco.
he also has that in his collecion.
hate that dress.
he copied the design and it's the same at the front and the back and he made that dress in a hurry.
a lame working way.
claudia...though i like Grace the most, but she as daniel franco's model, showing the clothes without making it falling apart. wonderful.
santino made model heather look like havng a little belly shown, well that's little belly but that clothes also makes woman look having no boobs.
hey! would any girl want that?
but as a dramatic exaggerated colorful doll dress, it works.
Daniel Franco always gave me the heebie jeebies. And you SO hit the nail on the head with his assessment of his own work!!
Dearest Gay Boys,
Would you PLEASE start saying catty things about the models? Please don't tell me they're off-limits for bitchery. C'mon. :-D
Love, Meg
Santino's dress looks like a pinata. Somehow he managed to make the waify Heather look like she had a belly. Just tacky!
Bleh. Daniel F's dress was good. Not Barbie at all, but good. Comparing it with Marla's Russian-in-mourning crap is unfair.
I liked Santino's dress. One of his best IMO. But it's also unfair to compare his designs to Angela Keslar's... concoctions. Words fail me. The dog challenge! The jet setter challenge! The recycling challenge! The Black and White challenge! I always felt thankful we were spared her couture dress... although you never know: her one shining moment was undoubtedly her Audrey Hepburn makeover. Maybe the couture show would've inspired her.
Santino's grimaces on the runway ARE priceless. He seems to go on every time, sure he's going to win. Amazing! And I guess the models are off limits. Too bad. Lots of material there.
Hey you two experts on fashion, design, pop culture:
Still haven't heard about credentials. Specifically yours.Listen, if you don't have any, fine just say so.If you started playing with BArbie dolls when younger(almost a certainty) and developed your catty like opinions then, just declare it and we will understand.
We are fed up with all your negative nonsense.DO you ever write positive stuff other than about the red lipped clown Laura Bennet who gives you free LV stuff so you can sell it and buy "equipment" you two use in your "studies" ?
You give bloggers a real real bad name. Utter nonsense you post, ans nothing of it is substantiated by credentials by either of you two idiots.(other than you are trying to make a living at blogging) and it would appear failing miserably.
Go tell that to my Dean of Education. We use clowns like you as case study. Bring it.
On BTW, man do you have a large noggin. WHat is it ? 11 3/4" ?
Santino's dress looks like it was made for a woman with 3 sets of breasts. Diana and Chloe's were much better in my opinion.
Daniel's was very nicely tailored, but I share your opinion that it is not "Barbie". I must however defend him against copying Chloe's dress from last week. Chloe didn't invent color blocking or the "saddle seam", if you look at Daniels previous work and the stuff he showed to get on the show, he uses a lot of style seams following the natural curves of a womans body, and color (and texture) blocking. The color block is usually a lot more subtle though.
What type of credentials are you suggesting they get? MD? Phd? Attorney at Law?
"mr. positive?" Are you Jay McCarroll? Sure sounds like. The obsession with "credentials" and critics being "qualified". Ugh, get over it dear.
Since when do you have to have credentials to blog? Is that a new major? That makes no sense. Anyone can have a blog. YEEESH. Just don't read it, Jay.
It's not Jay. Jay loves the boys.
It's some pathetic creature who is obviously jealous of the boys; probably because he or she doesn't have the ability to start his/her own blog and cannot deal with the fact that so many of us love this blog.
You're sad. Troll away, dickweed!
Dear Mr. Positive,
When you say, "we are fed up" I hope you aren't attempting to speak collectively about the other readers of this blog. This is a smorgasbord of delicious observations with a generous dollop of wit and a soupcon of snark and yet you are focusing only on the credentials; that's like dining at a five-star restaurant and only wanting to focus on the health department certificate!
If you have a bad taste in your mouth, demand a refund. Or leave a less than generous tip and vow to never return.
Certified(!) Food Critic
Anyway, LOVE Santino's last expression. You boys get the best screen caps.
When I think of Glendale Armenians, I think of black leather. I suppose there could be some sequins under it, and the men are definitely into gold chains and chest hair, but Armenians male and female appear to have a definite attraction to wearing the cows they left behind in old Yurp, dyed black. And no suede allowed.
Mr Positive: We are fed up with all your negative nonsense.
Listen, Queen Victoria, there are plenty of people who have no desire to be associated with your "we."
Don't like what you read? Nobody's forcing you to be here. You remind me of religious nutjobs who find x show or y movie so dreadfully offensive that they want it removed in its entirety--changing the channel or walking to another theatre is beyond them... just as clicking to another blog or website seems to be beyond your abilities.
Back to the real subject of the board.
Santino: The dress is passable on Barbie, a disaster on the model, and has so many bits and pieces it would never make it through the production line. The color palatte is nice, reminiscent of Austin's Grammy dress (as well as something else in the future). But the dress itself is overdone--it was like she stood still and he threw flounces, frills and bows at her until no more could stick.
Daniel: Long ago, Barbie was intended as a high fashion doll. (Look at the face & clothes on the original doll.) Parents thought she was too adult; Mattel brough her down a few notches. This dress is not My Scene Barbie, but it would definitely fit with the original Barbie concept--red and all. (And is much better than Raymundo's. Much.)
But the dress itself is overdone--it was like she stood still and he threw flounces, frills and bows at her until no more could stick.
Agreed. Way too much whickety-whack. That entire dress of full of knots and frou frou. It does remind me of Angela Kslar's doggie dress. The weird proportions, the poofy bottom, the craftsy schtick.
I'm astonished that Santino got away with it. He's a fashion cockroach - just like Wendy Pepper. No matter what gawdawful craptastic concoction he threw out there, the judges give him a pass. Except Wendy was more polite on the runway. Santino is a bigger drama queen than Jay McCarroll - and that's saying a lot...
Oh, and "Mr. Positive", shut up and go away.
I LOVE LOVE that last screen capture. Hahahaha. Santino's expression is priceless.
"Mr Positive"?
Bacci mi asino.
Ah, guys, stop bustin' on Mr. Positive. I think he's hilarious. Of course, I hesitate to offer that opinion at this time -- however, when I have completed my Ph.D. in Psychology of Blog Trolls, I will come back here and elaborate. The dissertation is taking forever, though! Sheesh. Credentials are a bitch to get, y'all.
I actually liked Daniel's dress, just not for a Barbie. And it did have a bit of a Star Trek quality, I thought. I'd wear that dress too, just in a different color scheme.
Santino's dress, while not well-proportioned for a real women, looked great on a Barbie and a girl would LOVE to have aBarbie dressed like that. I think he was justified in feeling slighted for not winning. His dress was great, but so was Nick's, who thought about the whole Barbie outfit. And that is what made the win for him. Not because Santino's was so frilly and girly.
I agree that Santino's skirt foreshadows Angela's 'Man's Best Friend' Jubilee Jumbles bubble. I actually thought this was pretty (and that Heather looked like a giant pissed-off doll) but the best dress, by far, won this challenge.
Blog trolls = Brilliant dissertation subject.
Ah, Santino pouts so well...
He's designing for women-does he actually know how to fit a design on an actual flesh and blood woman?
Perhaps Daniel F and Chloe have similar taste.
I think..... one of the reasons santino didn't win was that they simply COULD NOT put his picture on a Barbie box, it would scare the little girls.
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