S2/E2: Congratulations, Chloe!

Thursday, February 15, 2007 by

Quickie recap: Heidi throws a little party for the designers where Tim informs them that they will have to make their next garment from the clothes they're wearing at that moment. Hilarity ensues.

You can read Tim's take on this episode here and listen to his podcast here.

This was a chic, graphic, simple design that looked nothing like the original outfit. Good job, tiny little designer!

We're not gonna lie: as much as we love this dress, there's something about that bustline and those straps that annoy us. They seem ... off.

Love the pockets but that hem looks a skosh sloppy.

And we love the back, although this is definitely a dress for the gal who likes to showcase her hindquarters.

It's rare that a garment produced during the competition winds up looking good enough to slap a price tag on it and hang it up in a shop, but this is definitely one of those garments. She kept it simple, made smart choices about what she had to work with, and produced a chic, wearable dress. That was pretty much the whole point of the challenge, so kudos, Chloe!

[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]

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Marianne said...

Yes! I loved this dress because it didn't take the project so literally, and LOOK like a blender of Clothes Off Your Back (e.g. Santino's).

jinxy said...

I really loved how Chloe approached this challenge. She had the least fabric to work with and maybe that ended up helping her in the end. It forced her to be innovative, and she definitely rose to the occasion.

I love the results.

Anonymous said...

That is a motly looking crew of designers! Chloe was the best dressed and had the nicest fabrics to work with! Love the graphic statement she pulled together for the runway.

Anonymous said...

This dress was very memorable--one of the best to result from season 2. Anyone know if she sells this dress at her store (or do the PR rules prohibit them from using the designs they produce on the show)? I bet Chloe, though she had a minimal amount of fabric to work with, was glad she wasn't wearing raggedy denim and leather like so many of the other designers. Lesson to contestants: pack only nice clothes with good fabrics, that you don't mind sacrificing, when coming to play Project Runway.

Anonymous said...

Chloe rules. Plain and simple. She's so clever and I love the fact that everything she makes looks wearable. Love that Lot 8!!

Anonymous said...

loved this challenge. Chloe garment was chic and current. And she created it without all the drama...but, then again, that's EXACTLY why I love this show. Cry and cut, bitches!

Stephanie said...

I love this dress. Chloe really rose to the challenge. It's almost like she thought of taking a small piece of fabric and making a dress, rather than the other designers taking a jacket and making a dress. It's like a brand-new dress that wasn't something else before.

Smallest amount of fabric on one of the smallest contestants, designing for a model twice her height! I forgot how much I enjoyed watching the Chloe/Grace relationship. They seemed to really like working together.

Anonymous said...

Amen, NSO! I have always coveted this dress and would buy it, if it's available. For me, this dress is the most commercially desirable dress that has ever sprouted from a PR season (yes, WAY more than Kara Janx's wrap dress which just looks like a glorified bathrobe to me; and yes, I know that wasn't produced during a challenge, but it certainly has gotten tons of publicity).

Anonymous said...

The amazing thing is that tiny little Chloe managed to make something smart & wearable for Grace the Amazon Queen. Still one of my favs from S2.

Anonymous said...

I thought that this was the best chllenge of Season 2. I got hooked after this episode. Kudo's to Chloe! She stay cool under the pressure and produce a really good product.

P.S. Do you suppose these clothes reeked from Bar smells? How many designers smoke?

Anonymous said...

LMAO! I had the exact same thought! Did the designers clean these clothes?

Anonymous said...

YAY! I love this episode. Chloe deserved to win - Yes, Santino, that's right! I would buy that dress in a minute! I love it!!

Anonymous said...

Grace is absolutely fabulous on the runway. That girl knows how to walk!! She looked amazing in that dress. Congrats, Chloe!!

Anonymous said...

That dress on any of the other models wouldn't have been NEARLY as fab.


Jenn said...

Love the colors and the back of Chloe's dress...glad to see Kirsten go, she has this preening, irritating quality--much like Stacy Estrella of season 3.

Way to go, Chloe!

Anonymous said...

I was at Lot 8 during the PR Season 3 finale and there were quite a few dresses that she had for sale that I recognized from the show. I'm pretty sure that she had the dress from this episode on the racks as well.

Brooklyn Bomber said...

I definitely thought Chloe won this one. Stylish, simple, and wearable (well, by a skinny 20 year old who can afford to go braless). She did a great job.

Anonymous said...

I love this outfit. One of my favorites of all seasons.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe what she was able to accomplish with so little, but like she said: "That's why you're a designer." And you are, darling!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I loved this dress> My friends and I still talk about it, just like we talk about Austin's dress for BR. It is a gorgeous dress!

eric3000 said...

"Good job, tiny little designer!"

LOL! We never get tired of seeing Chloe standing next to Grace! I think Bravo had to buy a new camera in order to get both of them in the same frame!

Christina said...

I originally fell in love with Chloe when she was quoted in TV Guide as saying something like, "I'm my own one-woman Asian sweatshop" - but this dress is what sealed the deal for me. Perfect, perfect, perfect.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, the thing about her winning this challenge is not that it's a gorgeous dress, but it's the fact she was able to produce something amazing and pretty with very little.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I was just amazed as to how tiny little cute hip girl Chloe managed to make a fantastic garment for Glamazon Grace! The dress was so small to begin with, but it looked super on Grace. I think it defies the laws of physics! LOL

Great job, Chloe!

JP :)

Anonymous said...

One thing I just noticed while looking at the photo from the party is that Daniel V. is standing there with his arm around Chloe. They bonded from the beginning.

I don't want to post a spoiler, per our GayBoys' request, but there is a similar moment in a subsequent episode where D.V. is standing with his arm around Chloe.

Anonymous said...

Chloe is an amazing designer. I love everything she designs.

Vic said...

If Grace hadn't had a perfect figure, that dress would not have flown.

Anonymous said...

Girl was so, so lucky to have been wearing a big rectangle of fabric that night. (Not that she wouldn't have produced something nice anyway, but still! Gives a lot more options.)

Anonymous said...

Are you guys kidding - those straps and the way they seemed to "wrap" into the bust line was gorgeous and chic! They MADE that outfit for me. They gave the top of the dress an almost 3-D affect, as opposed to conventional flat straps.

Tbone said...

One of the things that gets overlooked when we talk about Chloe is how fiercely comeptitive she was on this show.

She came on and everyone was like "Oh, look how sweet and cute she is".

Cute and sweet she was, but you couldn't take her for granted. She wanted to win and had the tools to do it each and every challenge.

Love her! She knocked this one out of the park.

Anonymous said...

Next to all those cluttered, crappy dresses it is no wonder this one won, simple clean and neat. I would like this in black and white, in a material that can be used for a swimsuit cover up.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED this dress! So chic and adorable. Clean lines, fresh and beautifully cut. I want it!

Anonymous said...

this is the best on this spisode. certainly.
i love chloe's dress as much as the model Grace!
also love the hair and styling.

Grace seems happy for chloe for her good job. that's very sweet.

Anonymous said...

Omfg, Chloe is fabulous. The strap are weird looking though, they actually make the dress look a little crafty. Then aain, I can't imagine that dress without them.

Anonymous said...

favorite model grace!

you can check gracekelsey.com
for her modeling pictures, painting works and photography works!

also one of my favorite clothes of season 2.