This was pretty cute, actually.
Granted, he used the pants to make pants, the shirt to make a shirt and the jacket to make a jacket, which means for the most part, all he really did was tailor his outfit to fit her, but still, it was cute.
And it looks fit and finished, which is more than you can say for a lot of the entries. But those shoes! What kind of mo are you, picking those shoes for that outfit? For shame, Raymundo.
And this was another disaster from Marla.
The only good thing we can say is that it at least looks like clothing, which is more than you could say about her last entry. That bib-like top is unflattering and ugly and the frilly little trim makes it worse. She looks like she's wearing a napkin for a skirt and a placemat for a top.
And why is she damn near naked? Marla certainly had enough to work with. What's the point of all the exposed skin? She looks outrageously uncomfortable.
Credit where credit's due: this was absolutely gorgeous and could have been the winner easily.
Not a word of criticism will pass our lips. This really is perfect. We don't know what he did to that denim, but somehow he made it look far more expensive than the outfit he started out with.
The layering in the skirt looks chic and stylish...
...and the jacket is perfectly fitted (although we would have preferred it was a little longer in the front). Kudos, Daniel!
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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Oh, but I loved the length (or lack thereof) of Daniel F's jacket in front! It was the closet thing to a shrug I would ever consider wearing. Agreed on all other points, though.
Closet? I meant closest. Freudian fashion slip.
And it was so satisfying (one might almost say...blissful?) to see Daniel fianlly get some praise -- and respond with such surprise and delight. Gave me warm fuzzies. Awwwww!
I'd wear Daniel F's in a minute! Best looking piece. I thought that seeing it on the show when first broadcast & still think so today seeing it on DVD.
"And this was another disaster from Marla..."
I have nothing to add to that. Priceless!
I do think Daniel Franco should have won this one. His outfit was gorgeous and looked like a million dollars. Chloe's dress seemed very simple to me. Then again, I'm not a judge.
Marla's outfit looks exactly like Nick's outfit - they both have that skanky bareback look. Hooker clothes.
1)Raymundo: Nice but way too retro for my taste.
2)Marla: JESUS!..which sucks because I do like her. She's sweet!
3)Daniel Franco: Very nice. I really like it.
"What kind of mo are you, picking those shoes for that outfit? "
Haha! Yeah, those're some lame shoes, but the outfit is cute. The different colored buttons and the initials on the back give a little something.
Boys, do you have a snappie of the back of Raymundo's design? I'm curious about that little patch or something at the bottom of the jacket/vest.
Funny--he and Daniel basically refitted their outfits (jackets as jackets, pants as pants or skirt -- and I agree, Daniel did a great job and could have won), but Marla reversed hers, which could have been clever, and yet. . . oy. There's really not much more I can say about it. Except, in terms of the back view, oy gevalt!
"The layering in the skirt looks chic and stylish..."
The layering is nice, but at the same time it looks like somebody ductaped her.
I'm with Agnes on the length of that jacket. It would actually work really well with those of us gals with short torsos.
I think Marla got off pretty easy on that skirt. She essentially did the same thing as Zulema but managed to skate past the judges because she pulled that skirt down so low it was beneath the model's hip bones. Thank heavens that girl wasn't au naturale downstairs. We'd have gotten an eyeful for sure.
Marla can apparently only do one outfit. Short skirt, bib top and bare midriff. Look at that brown thing from the first challenge, it's the same thing, really.
Hmmmm, I wonder what she will do next week... I wonder.
Loved Daniel's outfit. Jackets are what he really excels at. (I saw them in his collection).
I wish he'd do a line of just jackets & coats (both overs and unders). It is really hard to find great ones.
--Visionary Tomato
"not a word of criticism will pass our lips"...
"we would have preferred it was a little longer in the front"
sigh... I love gayboys.
loved daniel f's. Interesting to see it juxtaposed with the others. Daniel V ick, Marla, super ick, Mario cute but very Rizzo and the Pink Ladies
Maybe Marla saw Kirsten doing a napkin top and thought "What a brilliant idea--I'll make mine look like napkins too."
Loved Daniel Franco's. Like Chloe's, it almost looks like it wasn't made by peicing together other clothes. And he was just so pleased that they liked it.
Claudia is so freaking fabulous.
It's true -- Daniel F. did a lovely job. That is the only outfit in this challenge that I would pay real money for. I'd wear Chloe's cute little dress, but Daniel's entry was really special. Loved the jacket. Nicely done, Daniel Franco.
Marla darling what was up with the ass crack covered with the kitchen curtains? I agree with the PR boys, that is ugly
Daniel Franco did a nice job. I agree that it was the only outfit I can imagine paying real $$$ for. Well-sewn and polished. His and Chloe's charming dress were the only good ones. The rest look so trashy and slutty.
I loved Daniel Franco's. It is a great outfit. I'd wear that in a second!
you failed to mention the hideous fit of marla's -- that jutting hipbone? not attractive.
raymondo did a good job!
i love the outfit and i wish i could got one that vest!
it's very cute, also kudos for lovely model alison.
daniel....good dress but not my fav.
marla...always the weakest!
they just want to keep another wendy??
Daniel Franco is adorable!
The not so good, the awfully bad, and the fabulously gorgeous. Dead-on as usual, boys.
Marla tries so hard, but poor thing just can't get it right.
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