We were both ready to go into this with an "Oh, Marla's dress wasn't that bad" approach. Then we got the screencaps.
Holy shit. It's worse. It's poorly executed AND an ugly design AND the fabric choices are all wrong AND she's badly accessorized. You just can't get any worse than that.
Oh Jesus. Deliver us from the whickety-whack. She looks like she has two giant centipedes crawling out of her cheap wig.
Same thing with Zulema. We thought this was a blandly forgettable outfit until we hit the pause button. There is a lot of crap going on there. The only reason we hadn't noticed it before was because of the washed-out color. What's with that weird strip of sheer fabric across the bust?
What IS that? Control-top for her knees?
The fabric looks cheap and the whole thing is really poorly sewn. She's just lucky she pulled this one out early enough in the game that there was bound to be something worse on the runway. This is a real stinker.
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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aww i wanted to be first. =(
oh well. missed it by a few minutes.
marla's is quite disgusting.
as is zulema's.
raymundo's looked better than both.
Marla: If you take away the hideous accessories and wickety-wack, you're left with a poorly sewn and boring skirt, and a top that, from the front, has some potential. From the back, wtf? But I didn't think it was the worst thing on the runway.
Zulema: I couldn't figure out why this one missed out on the bottom three. Who the hell puts teenage Barbie in this monochromatic cream color? Although a number of the designers made their designs too old, I thought Zulema was the worst offender: skirt's too long for a teenager (overcompensating from last week?), no color, no sense of fun or hipness. And this would be way off base even for adult Barbie.
Then of course there's the fact that it looks like crappy homemade lingerie/ piece of crap. Don't know what the front of the skirt is supposed to be. If she was trying to copy Chloe's style of curved seam lines, she did a piss poor job. Didn't she promise Nina last week there'd be no more poor execution on the runway?
You can really tell who had the actual Barbie experience - the gays!
I didn't think Marla's was THAT bad, but Zulema's was horrible. The color is wrong, the design is wrong...
What about Andre's dress? You haven't mentioned it yet and Lord knows that one needs at least SOME commentary on it to figure out what was going on with it.
What is Zulema doing now? Do we know? I hated everything she sent down the runway. Everything. The week she won, I was appalled.
Zulema's dress looked like Liz Taylor's slip in Butterfield 8 after a tussle with Laurence Harvey.
From behind it brought back memories of any suburban mother circa 1970 running from the bathroom to the bedroom in her full slip getting ready to go out for the evening.
Gawd, Marla's was horrible! I remember I was really rooting for her to be gone, but alas, I had to agree that Raymundo's was worse. Just barely.
Completely forgot Zulema's. It sucks, too. Boy, there were a lot of turkeys this week. I would have thought it would be a fun & easy challenge!
My original Barbie doll wouldn't have been caught DEAD in either of these ensembles.....
Marla's does look like something a My Scene doll would wear. In fact I wonder what her doll was wearing and if it isn't exactly the same.
Zulema's- Barbie only wears white when she's getting married again. And My Scene Barbie isn't the marrying kind ;). All this dress needs is a tulle cocktail hat and she could head off to Las Vegas for her 12th trip down the aisle.
Macasism, I agree you would think it(this challenge) would be fun and easy. The do have a very short time to sketch and pick out the fabric. But still...
Oh my Gawd! I remembered Marla's dress looking like a middle-class escorts, but I'd totally forgotten about Zulema's... Erk! Erk! Erk!
Not only is it totally blechh! but it also rivals poor Raimundo's on its incredible un-Barbieness!
Marla's model, Cara didn't help things either. One of our readers commented that she "walked like she was pulling a plow."
They never heard of My Scene Barbie and thought Tim said Crime Scene Barbie. Simple misunderstanding. I do it all the time.
The front of Zulema's dress looked like what it feels like to have your pantyhose sllllliiide down.
--Gotham Tomato
They are both ugly. Gosh, I forgot how many ugly dresses they had for this challenge.
I don't think these people have ever owned a Barbie. Nick could definitely teach a thing or two to these two.
yeah, have they even SEEN a Barbie? ever? not in stores, commercials, nothing? what about a preteen girl? no? shit, well then i think they have an excuse
nope sorry, they dont
What is Zulema's model holding in the first picture? From the look on her face, I would guess a matching Barbie barf bag.
I like of liked Zulema's outfit. I really kinda did.
I honestly can't tell if Marla's model is making her clothes look worse or if the clothes are making that model look so ghastly. Or are they just equally off-putting?
If you take away the whack (not whiggety whack, just regular, Marla's is actually kind of cute in a basic way. I can see how a "let's dress up in mommy's clothes" girl would like it, but not a teenager.
I remember really liking Zulema's when I saw it way back then, but now that I see it more detailed - holy cow. That thing is a nightmare.
Egads, those are fugly. Beyond fugly, if truth be told.
Andrae needs a trip to Red Lobster with Tim, stat!
Why the hell did everyone struggle so much with this challenge? This should have been cute and fun and airy, but most of this is straight up garbage.
How do they equate Barbie with cheap trashy centipede hookers, fat poofy raspberry skirts, and body shapers as outerwear? WTF?
I didn't even remember Zulema's barbie dress existed until you posted it here. I guess you were spot-on in calling it forgetable. :]
This ep bothered the snot out of me. (yeah I said snot.)
The judging confused me. On the one hand, they want to design for Barbie, so the outfit doesn't need to be realistic or wearable for a real person, especially a real teenager. Then the criticize most of the outfits as an inappropriate for teenagers BUT THEY ARE DESIGNING FOR A DOLL!
Still, I loved NIck's dress, and I am glad he won.
Santino- didn't like, fine for a doll, looks ridiculous on a real body.
Kara- cute, well made and a great outfit for a girl. Yeah, it looks like she's going to school, but duh Lilly THAT'S WHAT 16 YEAR OLDS DO.
Chloe- yawn.
Give Dan F that yan too.
Dan V- I just know an animal gave its life for that thing and will now be justified in haunting him. Yuk.
Lupe- loopy but cute.
Marla- sweet Mary. I need my industrial strength eye wash.
Emmett- actually cute.
Andrae- oh lawdy.
Diane- I do love her and I loved the outfit but the pieces didn't seem to go together.
Raymundo- Marla's was worse, but this was still pretty bad. Marla's at least was salvaged by her explanation- she's fancy and trying to look older. Raymundo's explanation- a surfer who wants to look like her mother... huh??? Really... huh???
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