The fabulous Malan Breton from Taiwan is showing his Fall 2007 collection on February 9th and he has graciously extended an invitation to the PRGay readership! Seating is limited, so the FIRST FIVE people to RSVP will get a little taste of Malanosity. Send an email with the subject line "Darling! The PRGayBoys are FABULOUS!" to james@brandwrangler.com. Good luck, kittens!
::sighs sadly:: Unfortunatly, I won't be able to see you boys there. I have classes that day and I can't risk missing them. Take pictures and give Malan a kiss from Maddie won't you?
Love and fleurchons,
Man. Mostly I love living in Oregon, but being so far away from Broadway and the PRGay boys really does suck sometimes. Oh well, give Malan (and each other) kisses from Miranda too.
This is lovely, but can someone please explain to me why it says "Autumn/Hiver" on the invitation? I could understand Automne/Hiver but Fall-in-English/Winter-in-French is a head-scratcher.
aw. i'm eating at PF Chang's on the 9th. aw? yeah!
Who got the tickets?!!?!
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