Under the Gunn

Sunday, December 10, 2006 by

Darlings! To prevent any more inbox buildup on what is apparently the story of the year, let us just take this opportunity to inform you all that yes, we heard that Tim does not have a contract yet for the presumed next season of Project Runway.

The operative word here is "yet," kittens. People keep asking us our opinions on this one and the fact of the matter is, we don't really have one. This sounds like fairly standard contract negotiations to us and we're pretty sure that Tim, Project Runway and the fans will all get what they want in the end. Patience, poodles. We have little reason to doubt that Le Gunn Magnifique will be back in fine form and making it work come season 4.


Anonymous said...

I think that the show would lose a lot without Tim, and I'm quite sure that Bravo knows that. Having said that, I've seen producers making a lot of bad decisions too. Let's just hope that's not one of them.

Anonymous said...

If Tim's not coming back to Project Runway, I will not be tuning in.

DolceLorenzo said...

Tim Gunn is such an asset to the show. He's a great mentor and it'll be a shame if he's not back on PR.

Hopefully it is just the producers trying to generate publicity.

Thombeau said...

All I have to say is: Who amongst us wouldn't want to be "Under the Gunn" once in a while???

He is the true star of the show.

BigAssBelle said...

oh, the runway would be nothing without Tim Gunn. the belle can't even bear to imagine it!

and to my fellow GayBoy fans, am i alone in my love of being called poodle? kitten? darling?

smooches, y'all ~ hope you're having a fab-o sunday afternoon.

Vic said...

Gunn without PR? Ok.

PR without Gunn? Inconceivable.

Anonymous said...

Tim Gunn is really what holds the show together. Sans Tim, no PR for me!!

Anonymous said...

You can't have project runway without Tim Gunn. I'm sure Bravo knows this, and will do everything to make sure Tim stays for season for. Or else ratings will be worse than Wendy Pepper's makeup.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Tim Gunn doesn't get paid?

Brooklyn Bomber said...

PR Boys, do you know the backstory--how he got the gig? I'd think his understated style might not have made him an obvious choice, so I wonder how his participation came about in the first place. (And bravo--no pun intended--to the people who realized how good he'd be.)

Anonymous said...

Tim wants a contract for the first time. He's never had a contract. And he's never been paid one cent for his work on Project Runway.

Project Runway is the number one show in the history of Bravo and Tim Gunn is a major factor in the success of the show. Who can blame him for wanting to finally be paid for his time?

Weinstein realizes that he will have to pay for Tim. He's pretending that he can do without him just that he can get him for less. Or else he is trying to get him for free again.

Also, Bravo is trying to pretend that this is a scheduling issue and that Tim is being a diva because he wants to devote his time to Parsons. HA! As if devoting his time to the only job he has that pays is being a diva!

Ask yourself who really could do Tim's job. Then ask yourself if that person would want to do it for free. Then ask yourself if that person would want to be compared to Tim because you know it would happen. Wouldn't it just be easier to finally pay Tim Gunn and tell yourself that you got a great deal for those first 3 years?

Suzanne said...

I know the Bravo people read this blog. Pay the man what he wants. Whatever he asks for. Do you really think we are tuning in to see HEIDI KLUM?!?!?!?

Um, no , we're not. As a matter of fact you can ditch her all together- whatever you were paying her- give it to Tim on top of whatever else he wants.

Anonymous said...

So, industry insider, are you saying that Tim Gunn is demanding to be paid?

Anonymous said...

Here's what Andy said:
"As you know, the show is produced by the Weinstein Company and Magical Elves -- I thought Weinstein's Sarah Rothman put it best when she said that every season is about working with people's schedules, and the production would find a way to work around everyone’s schedules, and are confident the team will be back."

I think it's much ado about nothing, if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

"industry insider" doesn't know what he or she is talking about. Tim has stated in interviews that he IS paid, just not very much. Don't believe everything you read on the internet, kids.

Anonymous said...

IMO they could get rid of any of the cast, ie Michael Kors, Heidie Klum, Nina Garcia, and they wouldn't really be missed. Heidie is the least needed of all of them and has little to do with why people are tuning in and watching the show.
Tim is the glue and Tim is the show.

Anonymous said...

Tim is to Project Runway as Andrae was to the boys of 35D. His role may be small in comparison to the other featured personalities, but without him, the whole thing just doesn't work.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bravo can't be this stupid, but I follow baseball and have seen lots of clueless management decisions about signing talent over the years. Doofuses at Bravo, Tim is your franchise. He's your ace pitcher, your cleanup hitter and your utility infielder all rolled into one. Offer him arbitration and a hefty salary or you'll be in the basement in no time.

Anonymous said...

The show obviously would not be the same without Tim, but nobody is irreplaceable. It would just be a different show.

Operakatz said...

Tim is what makes it work...they stumbled onto a real star here...Heck, I get as much pleasure from listening to his PR podcasts as watching the show...

jennifer said...

www.people.com has a poll out asking if you'd still tune it to PR w/o Tim Gunn. When I voted it was - 50/50 - which blew my mind! Go vote folks! You know Bravo reads this website, but they might check that too! Tim IS the show.

Lydia said...

A Gunn-less PR? That's like Christmas without the gifts. I can't even imagine it, though I'm sure they'll get it all worked out.

Anonymous said...

Fellow poodles, I am in agreement. The show has evolved around Tim to the place it is today. However, I have read that he works for very little. We all agree that is not right for a man of his calibur.

If Tim doesn't come back to PR, I'll forget PR, but I'll continue to follow Tim's career everywhere. He is extraordinary. I would suggerst that Bravo pull their heads out of their butts long enough to see the value he adds AT ANY PRICE. Pony up, people. Talent like Tim is exceedingly rare.

Anonymous said...

Tim Gunn is the best thing that ever happened to that show, they better keep him.

Anonymous said...

So why is there no contract in place for the designers' mentor? I don't understand that.

Anonymous said...

I choose to believe that Bravo couldn't possibly be stupid enough to do PR without Tim because he's such an integral part of the show's success.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they're considering a move to NBC in the future.

Anonymous said...

Tim Gunn NOT on Project Runway Season 4? I don't believe it. Bravo needs to do whatever it takes to keep him. He gets better and better with every season.

Anonymous said...

TIM GUNN MAKES THE SHOW!!! What else is there to say, really? It's all been said, it's all known.


Anonymous said...

What Bravo needs to do is start paying the man and maybe this wouldn't be a question.

I couldn't believe he said he barely gets anything. That is just wrong!

Anonymous said...

They need to get rid of Heidi before they get rid of Tim Gunn. He is the reason why so many of us watch the show. There is no doubt about it!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I wanna see Bravo topping all previous ratings and viewership WITHOUT Tim Gunn.

Anonymous said...

BigAssBelle said...

and to my fellow GayBoy fans, am i alone in my love of being called poodle? kitten? darling?

From the looks of things, you're not alone. Check out the Manolo's shoe blog and scroll down to Dec. 4th.


Anonymous said...

i love tim gunn. we all do. but we all know that everyone is replaceable in entertainment. PR is a design competetion, but it is entertainment first. and in this industry, people do what they can to cut the corners they can. so they're in negotiations with tim gunn. he wants more money. he is entitiled. but it is the bravo execs' job to try and get the bottom line on tim gunn (or his replacement) as low as they possibly can. my bet is that they'll come to a workable agreement and this will all be no big deal. but if they do replace our beloved, the show will go on, because it must. and we will watch, well, because we're all sitting at our computers every day pouring over the blogs even when the show's not running because we love it so much. and tim gunn, i have no doubt, will show up in all his fabulously glamourous glory elsewhere. and the gayboys will give us yet another delightful corner of the internet where we can all obsess over our beloved's newest project.

it's all good.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Heidi, a producer? She wouldn't fire herself. Facce it, Poodles, we love all of them on it...Duchess, Goathear, NINAGARCIA..all of them make it what we have loved. If something changes and it is good, we will love the new fabulousity. Humans are adaptable, but they do have long memories and we shall always refer back to the good old days.

Brandenburg3rd said...

Belle: No, you are not alone. I've been--well, verklempt!--over the idea of a PR sans Tim Gunn. As I read the comments from T&L, I swear I could feel someone patting my head and saying, "There, there, popkin, all will be well."

Between Project Rungay and Tim's podcasts, my sanity is saved on a daily basis. I owe the three of you a lifetime of homemade cookies.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bravo: The show dies without him. Fork it over.

Anonymous said...

The others all get what they crave - more publicity for their profit-making ventures. Time doesn't have a design/modeling business, so just having publicity doesn't do a thing for him in the $$$ department. Pony up the dough, Bravo, before you destroy your winning franchise.

We promise we'll buy all the stuff your advertisers are hawking.

Anonymous said...

AAAKKKKK! The mere thought of the show without Tim Gunn is enough to make me toss my cookies. This is an ensemble, people. Bust up the cast and the show goes right down the sewer.

You never see fans clamoring for more Kors time, Heidi time, or Nina time. BUT YES, they constantly demand more, More, MORE "Tim Time." Wise up -- he's what holds the show together in the fans' eyes.

Anonymous said...

Cripes. Project Runway without Tim Gunn would be like "Dallas" without JR. Just a wet noodle show, uninteresting and lifeless.

You've gotta have that one, centering personality, whether the character is good or evil. In this case, "good" rules. Plus, can anybody else possibly sum up the garments with such well-chosen words or worried scrunch of eyebrow? Our Tim is a master of expression and demeanor acting and carefully chosen phrasing, giving lessons to all on how to tell someone his/her stuff looks like crap while making them feel strong and confident.

Oh, please, God, let Bravo give him a very nice contract.

Anonymous said...

Bravo has Tim doing quadruple duty with those podcasts, blogs, and Q&A's in addition to the show. And, Tim's stuff is the single most erudite and beautifully written on the entire Bravo site. Also, when Tim gives interviews, he unstintingly flogs the show in the most complimentary terms.

I just don't get it. Why on EARTH would Bravo balk at paying Tim more? As Tim would say, "It eludes me."

Anonymous said...

If this is really a salary dispute rather than a "scheduling" issue, why is there a dispute? Tim is solid gold and should be paid in it as well.

Anonymous said...

This is NOT about an increase in salary. Let me make this perfectly clear: Tim has NEVER BEEN PAID for his Project Runway work. EVER.

ANY replacement that they would hire would want to be paid. Since they have to pay someone, why not stick with a proven winner?

TLo said...

Industry Insider said...

This is NOT about an increase in salary. Let me make this perfectly clear: Tim has NEVER BEEN PAID for his Project Runway work. EVER.

From New York Mag:

“People keep asking me when I’m going to leave Parsons, but what Bravo pays me could fit in a small piggy bank!”


Anonymous said...

theGayBoys said...

From New York Mag:

“People keep asking me when I’m going to leave Parsons, but what Bravo pays me could fit in a small piggy bank!”


So "industry insider" was incorrect, and Tim HAS been paid -- a pittance for his magnificent efforts. Query: is "industry insider" a Bravo plant trying to stem the tidal wave of support for Tim during salary negotiations?

Won't work. We get emotionally involved in (read "hooked into")the show because of Tim Gunn, the only non-diva, down-to-earth, sympathetic, voice of wisdom, genuinely caring, non-artificial person on the show.
If you can't be generous enough to reward his stellar contribution to the show and to your website's publicity machine, you don't deserve our loyalty as viewers.

Fork over the big bucks to our beloved Tim, or we walk if he does.

Anonymous said...

Just pay Tim what he wants. The show would be NOTHING without him.

Anonymous said...

Pay him what he wants, alreay. We want him, period.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say that the success of the show hinges on Tim Gunn, but he is a big part of it and Bravo should do whatever is necessary to keep him on the show.

Anonymous said...

If they lose Tim, would they lose Parsons as well? How can they possibly dicker around with the guy who is the key to it all?

Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC, But I just have to know: Have Tom and Lorenzo seen Laura's baby yet?

Fnarf said...

The Parsons link is an important one. No Tim means no Parsons and possibly no (or much marginalized) Fashion Week. They could probably still put on the show, but it would lose a lot of its professionalism.

Heidi I could live without, and I'd actually be happy to see the back of the other judges, Nina G. and Michael Kors (the human kumquat). Frankly, I question their taste level. It's hilarious every week watching a man who apparently owns one pair of jeans, one black t-shirt, and one black blazer judging creative garments.

Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC: Yes! We want pics of Laura's baby.

ALSO OFF TOPIC: Did you guys catch any of the "That Girl" marathon this weekend? Anne Marie's clothes were to DIE for.

BACK ON TOPIC: If the issue really is a scheduling issue, I feel certain Bravo would find a way to make the schedules coordinate. I kinda think that maybe Tim is being a little coy with Bravo this time around. And good for him. He is a deserving preshious.

Anonymous said...

Apologies for longwindedness to follow, desertwind says...

I imagine they're paying Tim some sort of "per diem" or "honorarium"(sp?). $$$-wise it sucks, but may actually give Tim more freedom than a contract-salary would.

Don't forget his Sept interview with that wiley Mo Ryan at the Chicago Tribune, where Tim answered "Good luck to them." re possible production-scheduling change:

I think it's the scheduling issue and they should go back to Season 2 sort of schedule. S3 had such short turnaround between shooting/editing/broadcasting & Fashion Week and I think that hurt the storytelling.

Of course, this means we'd have to wait a whole year for Season 4...

But! A Summer 2007 "PR -- where are they now?" series would be fun. Cheap to produce: Using broadcast & (the mountains of footage) outtakes with current interviews of designers. They could even re-edit some episodes to focus on the design process vs the drama. Or re-edit to focus on different storylines that were dropped from the broadcast episodes. Lots of possibilities and CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP to produce.

We'd watch, wouldn't we, kids?

PS - Bravo, of course, is thinking of PR as the anchor to their master plan of design shows, which would determine the schedule, too...

Anonymous said...

"Cripes. Project Runway without Tim Gunn would be like "Dallas" without JR. Just a wet noodle show, uninteresting and lifeless."

I read this and I instantly thought of the "return of Bobby" shower scene...

Anonymous said...

If the show got rid of Heidi or the "guest judge" the show would still survive.

Nothing measures up to the success PR has brought BRAVO. If they lose TG, they're screwed!

Anonymous said...

They should get rid of Heidi Klum (as in dumb) who adds absolutely nothing to the show. She reminds me of a low level capo in training.