Entertainment Weekly has named Project Runway one of its Top Entertainers of 2006. Everyone looks gorgeous in the photos even if we question some of the styling choices.
What you probably didn't know is that a couple days before the photo shoot, Laura called us and said "I need my gay posse there!" Just guess what we said.
Anyway, fate, torrential rain and an overturned tractor trailer on the Jersey Turnpike prevented us from getting to the shoot on time. We did however arrive in time to get one rain-drenched photo.

After that, we went back to Laura's for a while and then on to Malan's party. We do it all for you, darlings.
By the way, Laura made her own dress and if we recall correctly, Uli is wearing Vera Wang.
Edited to add:

Watch the Access Hollywood video about the EW photo shoot here.

Also, don't miss Bravo's exclusive behind-the-scenes video at the EW shoot. It's a great video!
I love that picture of Laura in Entertainment Weekly. A little weird, maybe, but kind of awesome.
Uli looks freakin' gorgeous!!!
Could Jeffrey be ruder in the article, comparing Uli to WalMart designers? I swear, there isn't a gracious bone in his body.
OMG, they look fabulous, especially Laura and Tim. I'm so jealous!!!
Laura looks freaking GORGEOUS! Tom, darling, you look hot : - )
Uli could be a model. Wow. As I said over on BPR, Jeffrey looks like an Egyptian slave boy extra from a Victor Mature pic, and I like it. (He is a twit for saying that about Uli though. I think he's heard a lot about how she got robbed.)
Oh you lucky boys!!!! How faboo everyone looks. And to get the call. It's faint-worthy. Stoopid Jersey Turnpike. But at least you got there for our girl!
Good Lord, Angry Little Peanut looks positively dreamy in the photo! I want that photographer for all my future shoots.
Great picture, guys! They all look amazing. Then, you get to the article and Jeffrey does it again. What an ASS**LE!!
Laura looks stunning. LOVE. HER. CAN'T. GET. ENOUGH. OF. HER.
Laura made her own dress? Fantastic! She looks amazing, I mean, they all do. Great photo montage!
You bitches are fabulous! Thanks for sharing, darlings!!
Tim looks like a character from Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights. He looks great, doesn't he?
Jeffrey looks like an Egyptian. Beautiful picture!
"Laura called us and said "I need my gay posse there!"
" Hahaha. Interesting article! Great pictures! Thanks, boys.
Good thing I didn't believe you boys when you said that was the last post. Uli looks really great.
Aww, I miss michael. He looks adorable. What a beautiful smile. He has such sparkle and life in his eyes.
Uli looks amazing. I love that dress. Are those extensions? I don't think her hair is really that long.
DivineQueen said...
Uli looks amazing. I love that dress. Are those extensions? I don't think her hair is really that long.
Hi Divine,
We asked Uli and she told us those were extensions.
They all look great, but I can't get over how good Jeffrey looks in the picture.
"What Uli does...is very marketable," adds Sebelia. "But if greatness were a measure of number of sales, then Wal-Mart designers would be great. Uli will probably make more money than me."
I'm sorry but Jeffrey is a jerk. Great montage. I can't stop looking at Laura. She looks gorgeous.
I really wish they had larger versions of those pictures. They all look great...including you, fabulously glamorous Tom! By the way, where's Lorenzo?
I know it's because of the photo shoot, but Laura is wearing a lot of makeup. She looks gorgeous, though.
Heidi - I don't like her hair.
Tim - Hot! Mr. Darcy hot!
Michael K - He looks OK.
Michael - Not sure what's going on there.
Laura - Fabulous! Just fabulous!
Nina - Sweet...and I love her ring.
Uli - Amazing, like a goddess.
Jeffrey - Best picture. Almost unrecognizable.
I honestly am not understanding why everyone thinks what Jeff said is assholeish? Am I missing something?
It seems mostly true. Uli will probably make more money then Jeff.
Any chance Laura might be selling 8' x 10's of her shot? In B&W of course. It's a hot shot...reminds me of those old Vogue photos. Wouldn't mind hanging that on my wall..and yes...I'm serious. She could donate the proceeds to charity...or start a college fund for the latest rugrat. :)
I agree, boys, everyone looks gorgeous. Thanks for the link!
Amazing pictures! I wish they had done all the designers from Season 3.
The proportions of Jeffrey's thick, long, graffiti'd neck always make me think of a hyena.
How fabulous is Laura? She's like a modernized version of Kate Hepburn. Gorgeous. If I wore feathers around my neck, I'd probably break out in an allergic rash.
And Tom, you hottie, where's Lorenzo?
crepesuzette said...
By the way, where's Lorenzo?
Ms. Place said...
And Tom, you hottie, where's Lorenzo?
Hi darlings,
Lorenzo was taking the pictures.
"Edited to add: By the way, Laura made her own dress and if we recall correctly, Uli is wearing Vera Wang."
Laura is fucking fabulous. I wish I could just say: "Girl, I have nothing to wear tonight. You know what? Give me that napkin and I'll make a fabulous cocktail dress with it."
Wow, check Uli out! Her hair looks great. :)
I love that, in looking at this picture, international supermodel Heidi Klum is the least attractive woman of all of them! Go Laura and Uli!
Gorgeous pictures, especially Laura's, Jeffrey's and Uli's. EW did a great job. Tom, you look so cute!
See, this Jersey Turnpike nonsense wouldn't happen if you LIVED IN NY!!! This was a sign from God that you need to move here. Do it for Laura!
Is Michael holding a dress?
I hate Uli's dress. It looks like a shower curtain or something.
I'm so happy for you guys. Hanging around with the designers, meeting Tim Gunn...I think I'd faint if I ever met Laura or Tim Gunn (laughs).
Thank you for the pictures. I love them. They all look so cool.
Laura was born to be a star. She looks so glamorous in that picture. I loved the hair, makeup, dress, feathers...everything! Does she EVER look bad?
"Anonymous said...I love that, in looking at this picture, international supermodel Heidi Klum is the least attractive woman of all of them! Go Laura and Uli!"
It's true. Heidi's picture is the least interesting of the group.
Uli looks...ohhh...feeling faint....pants too tight...out of breath....ohhhh...[thump].
Fabulous! Thank you so much for the link to the video. Tim is adorable!!
They all look so glamorous. I can't wait to buy the magazine.
heidi looks as if she had a big face.
those four who had a half-body picture are lucky; their pictures are more interesting.
love uli and laura and tim's clothes. uli looks better than ANTM lol.
jeffery must be upset seeing tons of articles saying uli was robbed.
That's a terrific set of pictures. They look amazing. Uli's is definitely my favorite.
Anonymous 7:43, I'd totally buy one too. On the one hand, I'm sort of alarmed by how much I adore Laura, but on the other hand, she is fabulous! Plus I know that basically everyone (everyone sane, that is) agrees with me.
It's such an interesting picture; actually, they're all really, really well done. Even Jeffrey looks semi-attractive.
I love the pictures but they don't seem to go together very well.
I love how you guys are her offical gay posse now. It's kind of great, even though every other gay man alive is probably bitterly jealous & plotting your deaths. Still . . . worth it? YES.
That's my favorite issue of Entertainment Weekly every year. They always have great photographs.
Laura looks so beautiful, and that is probably my favorite picture of Uli. I like her with longer hair because it makes her look a little less bony.
Even Jeffrey looks semi-attractive.
I agreed with every statement until that one, Cecily. What bonehead would leave no room on his neck for baby #2 or even #3? I surmise he's stopping at siring one child, or perhaps he's planning to tattoo his forehead and nose in honor of his other progeny. He's a peanut and will always be one.
Jeffrey is just jealous of Uli. Uli obviously was the only one with a halfway original vision.
I love your picture with the designers, Tom. You're all so smiley, it's adorable!
not fair. wwfan says 1st day out of nutty house and you make me read all the comments
so I hope I wake you up T&L.
glad to be out n survived the ordeal. having the JB CD to get me over the day of intense combat duty helps.
in fact I was calming the craziest with JB music and healing myself.
Not very funny indeed. NO bravo indeed.
welcome me back. so over PR but its fun 2C all the familiar faces esp. Uli looking really hot. And of course Jeff and JB are my fav. well everyone too.
Wow! Laura looks absolutely gorgeous! And Uli looks the best I have ever seen her. Jeffrey doesn't look like his usual dirty self, he actually looks showered and clean in the photo. Who knew a little soap and water could make such a difference? But he's still an angry little peanut. Heidie basically disappears among the fabulousness of Laura, Tim and Uli. LAURA rises above all others on the scale of fabulosity.
I must say pretty much everyone looks lovely (though Michael K. is looking a little rough to me... albeit less taneorexic). Tim looks adorable, and a bit like he swiped that outfit Austin wore to the season 1 reunion... you know, the glam Paul Revere get-up.
Personally I think Jeffrey and Laura stand out the most vividly. Uli looks pretty, but even with that flow-fest, she sort of disappears next to Laura, and I was shocked to see Jeff so... glowy. Good look for him I must say.
Stop dumping on Heidi, y'all. What I love about her is that even as a beautful woman and a professional model, she doesn't feel a need to be an attention vampire. I think the styling and expression of her photo was deliberately mellowed down to let the spotlight shine on the show's true stars: the designers and judges. She is a true gracious hostess; the show is not an ego vehicle for her. She doesn't need to glam it up and pose for this picture. Good for her.
p.s. I also find nothing offensive about what Jeffrey said. Uli does aim her aesthetic for a broader buyer.
Laura, Tim and Uli Look absolutely breath-taking. I honestly didn't recognize Uli at first.
And the Peanut is flirting with a uni-brow.
UGH. Did you have to post Jeffrey's ugly mug on your page?? He's why I stopped visiting BPR.
I'm not into purple coolaid.
The only year-end list that Jeffrrey belongs on is the same one that includes Britney's brazilian.
--Gotham Tomato
ooooh. Just read the article. Sounds like Tiny Peanut is a tad bitter & that he has little (if any) commercial prospects.
Funny that he should compare Uli to Walmart: With that NASCAR neck, he is the one who looks like he belongs at Walmart.
And ironic that he should talk about 'greatness' not being determined by sales numbers. While that may be true, a major measure of greatness is in how you treat other people, and on that count Jeffrey fails miserably as well.
--Gotham Tomato
Uli! See? I TOLD you to lose the clip! She looks HOT!!
Nina....eeeek....extreme close up. Not liking it.
There is something....dare I say- Streisand-esque about Laura's photo....coming from me thats like saying she looks like the B;essed Mother!!
I agree with the others: I'm glad I ignored your "vacation post!"
Great way to liven up a Friday until my work party heats up.
Have a wonderful holiday, guys, and may all your gifts make your asses look awesome.
I was so dissapointed that on my birthday there would be no posting. You guys are the highlight of my morning, and everyday make me laugh. So I wake up this morning and decide.. oh ill check just in case I need a little birthday pick-me-up. and TAH-DAH! a posting how wonderful I think you just made my year.
Ebony Rose said...
I was so dissapointed that on my birthday there would be no posting. You guys are the highlight of my morning, and everyday make me laugh. So I wake up this morning and decide.. oh ill check just in case I need a little birthday pick-me-up. and TAH-DAH! a posting how wonderful I think you just made my year.
Hi Ebony Rose,
Happy Birthday, darling! Best wishes!!
Is Michael holding a dress? Pretending his wearing a dress? Very strange photo.
Good thing I didn't believe you bitches about the last post blah blah blah. The truth is, you bitches can't live without us. Hahaha I love you, guys! Thank you for the great pictures. Laura's is by far the best picture. She looks amazing!
Jeffrey ROCKS! He looks so hot in that picture.
Laura looks regal and beautiful. I love her unique but classy sense of style. And the hair style looks outstanding!
Might I propose a "Proxy Gay Posse" for Laura? If you guys ever get stuck on the Turnpike again, call Ed and I, and we will dash into NYC to fulfill your committments. We could have you boys cast in rubber and make Tom & Lorenzo masks. You could feed us fabulous bon mots and ripostes by cell phone (we'd wear ear pieces), whisper witty banter and clever conversation. We'd never be able to match your fabulosity, but we'd try our damnedest and beat a hasty retreat once you arrived.
"Anonymous said...
p.s. I also find nothing offensive about what Jeffrey said. Uli does aim her aesthetic for a broader buyer."
I don't think so. Uli's collection looked like anything Donatella would send down the runway. Jeffrey's collection looked like something you'd find at any mall.
WOW, Uli looks stunning!
Is it just me or does Tim Gunn look like he's getting ready to be an extra in "Amadeus" in that coat?
are those uli boobies?
Every time I see a picture of Jeffrey and his neck I think of the illustration in Alice in Wonderland.
Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English); `now I'm opening out like the largest telescope that ever was! Good-bye, feet!'
Uli WILL make more money than Jeffrey because SHE is the BETTER designer! He should have taken the mentorship with INC, he could have learned a few things. Jeffrey needs to get over himself and lose the "addict's chip on the shoulder." No other designer, not even the wretched Keith Michael, EVER wished a stroke on a fellow contestant.
" fritter said...
Is it just me or does Tim Gunn look like he's getting ready to be an extra in "Amadeus" in that coat? "
ROFL. He looks gorgeous, doesn't he?
I don't have the issue of EW yet so I can't weigh in on how everybody looks.
and I say this with a very stern face ....
WHEN did this happen? WHY were we, fruitflies and the like, NOT INFORMED IMMEDIATELY? You know we little minnions hang on your every fresh-off-the-presses word! Waaaah!
Now, I am going to go get in the car and go to the store to get the magazine so I can see what you two fabulous boys have been doing behind my has-no-life back.
Someone *may* be in trouble when I return.
going to store now -------->
Such great pictures!
Everone looks amazing, Laura, stuning as always, Uli, glowing and beautiful, Heidi, good Lord those cheekbones!! *thud*
And of course the divine Mr. Gunn, indeed, very Pride & Prejudice/Emma in al the best ways possible!
Someone finally got that damned clip out of Uli's hair! She looks so very beautiful.
I didn't realize Laura's chin was so prominant. Very Glenn Close.
Tim! Is he not gorgeous?
Jeffrey looks so young, and so much like his mother.
OK, I bought the magazine and I have to say that I'm not impressed with the larger version of the montage.
: - (
I noticed little mention of fan fave Michael Knight (except Mariana). Hmmm, I guess since he's not gay or the winning designer he's just invisible like... well. Too bad. Hope I'm wrong.
Why is no one talking about Michael Knight on this shoot? He is stunningly handsome. *swoon*
OMG This post keeps getting better and better. LOL. Thank you, kittens!
HOORAY for all involved! So much fabulosity---even Jeffrey looks good (in an Edie Sedgewick sorta way...)!
And how wonderful, PERFECT really, that you two are Laura's GAY POSSE! Some things make too much sense!
Uli is GORGEOUS!She should do her hair like that more often.
Jeffery didn't actually say Uli was like a Wal-Mart designer, he just said that there was more to fashion than selling clothes. People, stop reading into stuff.
Oh, I love the last video. Tim Gunn is wonderful!
Uli looks FANTASTIC!
Uli does look great, but I'm not crazy about the dress.
It's so cute to hear Tim saying that he "can't believe what's happening." He is such a wonderful and humble man. He deserves every bit of attention and recognition he's been getting with the show.
well you little scamps! you're whining about "so busy, too much to do, cookies to bake, packages to wrap, see you next week" and you just wanted to ditch us, like the cheerleaders ditch the band girls, and run off to NYC to play with laura et al.
Laura's dress and hairstyle reminded me of this:
Our gay boys are featured in an interview with Nazri from Bravo! http://www.bravotv.com/blog/fashionforwardqa/2006/12/q_a_with_nazri.php?page=2
Chris Rogers said...
Our gay boys are featured in an interview with Nazri from Bravo!
Hi Chris,
Thank you for the link. Isn't she fierce? We love her!
I didn't see Heidi in the video. Was she there?
OMG. Uli's boobs are out of this world! Where were those during the season??
These pictures are fantastic. Tim looks so elegant. He's such a hadnsome man.
Clarissa said...
I didn't see Heidi in the video. Was she there?
Hi Clarissa,
No, she wasn't. As far as we know, they were going to photoshop her into the picture with all of them. We believe that's what the space between Michael Kors and Tim Gunn is for.
wow nazri's Q&A!
Bravotv.com: Do you get recognized when you go to auditions.
Yes. My hair, actually. Is the first thing that people remember.
T & L
re: the Fashion Forward Q & A's....
I love how you are mentioned with no explanation..."The Project Rungay boys"....because they KNOW every true PR fan knows who you are....
Inner circle! Inner circle!
BTW how ungracious are Alison and Robert?
I mean, heeeelloooooo???
Why did you try out for a Reality TV show if you wanted to remain anonymous???
" I’ve just gone back to my life, and not be a bitch or anything, but to some degree there comes a point where you’re sick of it."
Allison: (who I like less and less with everyting I read/see about her post Season3)
"(FYI: It is not fun to be on a reality TV show if you are a somewhat private person, i.e., me)"
How cool! Great pictures. EW has been very supportive of the show. I love their interviews with the designers.
Nina looks great, and I love her ring.
OK, am I the only one here who didn't know that you boys don't live in New York?? Where the heck do you live?
Someone suggested New Jersey as an improvement, so it must be pretty bad. (and before you Jersey girls start screaming, I grew up there. Exit 4. Got out as soon as I could. There's a reason why 'Born to Run' is the official state song!)
Don't move to NJ. You boys are too fabulous to be bridge and tunnel crawlers. You must find a perch here on the island.
--Gotham Tomato
Ok now I know what I'll pick up for my 3 hour plane flight. Wow...Jeffrey looks...almost...angelic in that photo. Awesome!
Happy Holidays everyone and especially to our fabulous hosts Tom and Lorenzo..it has been my JOY to witness your catapultion (a word?) to stardom this year.
INNER CIRCLE....the two biggest words from 2006!
Is it just me, or did they photoshop Jeffrey to give him a chin and a non-head-eating neck??
I am getting tired of you guys.
You are nothing more than two desparate, catty rump rangers.
You aren't even funny at all.
Uuuuuliiiiiii ;-0
Wow, Uli looks fantastic and her "titzen" look great in that dress.
How does Laura look so fab? She's amazing. I never looked that good that pregnant!
Wow, Uli cleans up well!
Anonymous said...
"I am getting tired of you guys."
Well then, pack your things and go play somewhere else. Duh!
Laura looks amazing, full of class and style! I think she’s gorgeous anyway, but that picture really showcases her beauty.
my hunch tells me uli and gunn are an item.
had the most wonderful day. went shopping till we dropped.
Hey, I just saw the most bizarre version of PR last night. It was from Austria.
In the challenge, some girl named Maria had to make outfits for 7 kids, from her curtains. Tim Gunn was dressed as a nun & singing 'Climb Ev'ry Mountain'. Then a bitchy blonde said Auf Viedersen to Christopher Plummer. And were a bunch of boys in lederhosen: totally GAY. But strangely, after their runway show the models just kept walking, over the mountains to Switzerland.
Maybe it was the egg nog.
Happy Holidays!
--Gotham Tomato
Did anyone else watch the Access Hollywood video and notice that they called The Gunn "TOM Gunn"?!? Bastards!
I bought the magazine : - )
Great pictures!
Laura looks so elegant and regal. I love it! I also love love Uli's hair! It's so flowy and beachy, just like her.
Could you please, please, pretty please ask Bad Mommy how she gets her hair so shiny?? It's fabulous!
You fab guys! How lucky to be Laura's gay posse-enjoy!
Perhaps our dear angry little peanut hasn't quite recovered from the reaction to Uli's collection - beautiful clothes that women actually want to wear-quelle horreur!
Poor Nina looks like she was rode hard and put away wet in that photo.
Laura -- stikingly beautiful -- no surprise.
Angly Peanut -- still angry.
I'll ditto Gotham Tomato about not visiting BPR anymore since I hate looking at the Peanut's mug. Ugh! Not a gracious bone in the boy's body.
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