S1/E6: Congratulations, Austin!

Thursday, December 07, 2006 by
Quickie recap: The designers have to design a bathing suit to be worn to a "fashion industry" party. While at the party, they have to "get the attention" of New York Post's Page Six editor, Richard Johnson. You can read Tim's Take on this episode here.

Congrats to Austin! While we think this is a pretty bathing suit, this was, for the most part, a bullshit challenge. Winning it had more to do with how well the designer and model could whore themselves rather than how well the garments were designed. And apparently, there are no 2 bigger whores than Austin and Melissa.

We love how this is what they cut to when Austin was describing his design. Call us crazy, but we're pretty sure that's what the inside of Austin's head looks like all the time.

Strangely, on other people they would stick out like a sore thumb but on Austin they're barely noticeable.

Like we said, it's pretty. It's also well-made and fully realized from a conceptual standpoint (the whole "wind and ocean" thing).

But we call bullshit on the statement that this is a fully functional bathing suit. Sure, if the wearer's only function is to stand and pose. Just don't try and tell us she can do a couple laps in the pool and come out looking like anything but a socialite who got too tipsy near the water's edge.

" So I swathed her in sort of gossamer, and winds, and rain, and the ocean." Really? Cause it kinda looks like you made that out of an old set of sheer curtains.

Oh, we're being too rough on him. It really is pretty. We just weren't crazy about how this challenge played out. Design a bathing suit! Great! But make sure it looks good in a bar! Uh...what?

And call us crazy (again), but we're starting to suspect that the only reason Austin applied to the show was so he could have someone do his hair and makeup for him everyday. He looks like he spent more time in the chair than she did.

[Screencaps: projectrungay.blgospot.com]

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Anonymous said...

i love austin so so much. But austin and melissa really whored it up for Richard Johnson. Hilarious!

jinxy said...

Oh, no one whored that room like Melissa. Did you guys catch the looks she was giving that guy? Good lord, I know girls are growing up fast, but a 16 year old that knows how to give looks like that??

It also made the Post guy look like a huge jailbait-chasing perv. Eew.

But the swimsuit was pretty. You wouldn't be able to swim in it without it looking crazy, but it served it's purpose well.

Anonymous said...

"Call us crazy, but we're pretty sure that's what the inside of Austin's head looks like all the time."

ROFL. I can't stop laughing. That is so funny and so true.

Bean said...

Wait...the designers get hair and make-up for the show? Did an aliance of professionals shoot Wendy in the face with a make-up gun in that last episode?

Suzanne said...

"We love how this is what they cut to when Austin was describing his design."

And as I was watching the episode last night and they cut to those clips I KNEW T & L were going to reference them today!!....

I had to rewind a bit though to make sure I was really seeing Melissa shake her ass in that guys face. I mean holy shit.....he must have had to keep a wine list on his lap....strategically placed of course....

Anonymous said...

It's a pretty swimsuit, but nothing extraordinary. I agree that this challenge was stupid. Who wears that to a party? The Playgirls who live in the mansion with Hugh Hefner?

DolceLorenzo said...

A swimsuit that also wears as an evening wear during the Fashion Industry party? EVENING wear? Who the fuck wears a bathing suit to an evening party? I hated this challenge, but isn't Melissa the best? I LOVE this woman, I mean, girl.

Vic said...

Melissa looks smokin' hot in this "bathing" suit. 16 years old? What was her momma thinking letting her out of the house looking like that? At her age I was still hugging my stuffed teddy bears, not flirting with a man old enough to be my father.

Lisette said...

Austin is just so damn pretty I can't actually concentrate on anything he makes.

Anonymous said...

One thing I love about this season, is the designers don't flip out of they don't get the model they wanted.

Second season with the 'scandal' of taking a model that another designer liked was just ridiculous.

Though, this season they had 'favorites', they didn't have an emotional breakdown when having to design for another model.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon 11:18, it's nice to see the designers work with different models/body types. I would love to see them forced to change it up periodically, not get so attached like S2.

Austin and Melissa are whores, but given the challenge that was what was required and it worked. Jay was a little put out about it, but he was a gentleman in the end. (I love when they pretend to fight!)

madelineanne said...

This is the episode where I realized that if I could a body from a catalogue, I would totally pick Melissa's. Seriously, I realize she's 16, but still, I would looooove to have my tush and legs look like that.
Cheers to a model who is lovely and yet not skeletal!
And yes, seeing Richard Johnson look like a big ole perv was highly amusing.

Anonymous said...

They have the same hairdo, what's up with that?


Anonymous said...

Austin is a riot! I love his explanation: "So I swathed her in sort of gossamer, and winds, and rain, and the ocean." LOL.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne said...
".....he must have had to keep a wine list on his lap....strategically placed of course...."

Heh heh

Sewhat? said...

This could not have been a funnier challenge, how could you choose anything more ridiculous than this? Austin and Melissa kicked butt and are sooo breathtakingly fabulous, you've gotta love them.

I was going to say that Austin's secret desire was to be Edith Head when he grew up, but I realized that Edith Head wasn't nearly pretty enough to aspire to.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Uli pretty much nailed this challenge (swimsuit that could be worn to an evening party) in her Season 3 final collection. I think the general idea was fine, but deciding the winner by who was the best to schmooze up the gossip columnist? Pretty lame. And why no comments from Ms. Slowey about all the tooty showing?

Anonymous said...

OMG ... now I know ... Austin is Lyle Lovett & Dame Edna's love child!

Two of my very favorite performers BTW, no insult!

And yeah, stupid challenge, just an exercise in marketing whoredom.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a pretty funny episode, but I could not tell if those were swimsuits or dresses or a bad combination of both.

Fnarf said...

So, Richard Johnson seemed like kind of a skeevy fellow. But then, I guess most straight guys would if Melissa was grinding her ass in their faces like that. Father, hell, he's old enough to be her grandfather if he got an early start, which something tells me Melissa is going to be doing too. But he was skeeving on all the girls, not just her. Nice leer.

And we know it was all her, because the sight of Austin prancing around the room like The Littlest Fairy, making little birds with his hands, and nattering on about the wind and the waves was just a teensy bit ridiculous. I knew a guy back in 1984 who danced like that to Bauhaus.

Anonymous said...

Melissa is gorgeous. I cannot believe she was only 16. WOW!!

Anonymous said...

The 4th Mrs. Trump!

Anonymous said...

I never get tired of watching Austin. He is very entertaining and charismatic. And Melissa, as Jay said, is 16 going on 35, right?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Lisette. I can't take my eyes off of Austin (or Melissa) either! Both are stunningly gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

This was another challenge where they ended up designing something costume-y.

Anonymous said...

LOL. That picture of Austin wearing "earrings" is hilarious! I totally missed that.

Anonymous said...

I loved this episode! Melissa is FABULOUS! Best model from Season 1!

Anonymous said...

I loved Austin's swimsuit and thought that was a very deserved win. Melissa did a great job selling it. You go, girlS!!!

Anonymous said...

Austin deserves to have his own show. Bravo? What are you waiting for?

Anonymous said...

Somehow he was able to make this girl's butt look big. I do like the curves better than the rib cage in the last girl, though. She's pin-up cute. Though I can't believe she's 16. what is her mother thinking?

By the way, this is a fugly suit!

Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong, I love Austin, but this episode really gave me the creeps. I hated the way the girls (no mistake...they are models, but the majority are extremely young GIRLS) were instructed to "entertain" Richard Johnson. It looked like the party was at Scores the way they were flashing and grinding. How sad is it that these girls were subject to that?

Anonymous said...

Apropos of hardly anything, I just thought I'd post this link to Melissa on the cover of a recent magazine:
Too bad they don't have a larger version of this.

TLo said...

Anonymous said...

Apropos of hardly anything, I just thought I'd post this link to Melissa on the cover of a recent magazine:
Too bad they don't have a larger version of this.

Thanks, anonymous! We were looking for that cover. Hopefully we can find a larger version.


Anonymous said...

I have been temmpted to buy it since I live in the Bay Area. If I do, I'll scan it for you and email it.

Alexis (formerly anonymous)

Anonymous said...

"It also made the Post guy look like a huge jailbait-chasing perv. Eew."

He is. (But he's from the Daily News - or at least, he used to be).

But that girl is NOT seriously 16.

--Gotham Tomato

TLo said...

Alexis said...

I have been temmpted to buy it since I live in the Bay Area. If I do, I'll scan it for you and email it.

Alexis (formerly anonymous)

GREAT! Thanks!!


Anonymous said...

"Melissa looks smokin' hot in this "bathing" suit. 16 years old? What was her momma thinking letting her out of the house looking like that?"

Her Mom was thinking, 'Sing out Louise!'

I wonder what restrictions were on Melissa during filming. I believe that anyone underage has all kinds of restrictions on them on a Union shoot, but since PR is non-Union, and unpaid, maybe they get around the child welfare rules. I recall being on film sets with kids and there were always social workers there.

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

I miss Austin. I think Bravo should just give him his own show where he makes dresses and gets dressed up.

I liked Jay's suit more than Austin's. I think it has to do with living on the coast an knowing which one would be more practical.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:54 -- I agree with you. This episode *really* bothered me. I didn't like seeing a 16-year old girl shake her naked booty at some old man pervert. And, where does a 16-year old learn how to look like she's smokin' hot?

I didn't like seeing the perv feel sexually uncomfortable around her, either -- he knew the camera was on him and tried to hide it but didn't do a very good job.

eric3000 said...

Yes, this suit was pretty but it would have been just as pretty if he had covered her butt.

Sugar said...

you know, i had to look at the pic with the tassels for a while to actually realize what was different. . .

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen Austin except for the blog, but I feel I love him. His hair is getting bigger, and I would like that to calm down abit, but he is beautious, and someone i really like from afar. I wonder if I saw him on the show, heard him speak, he'd ruin it.Maybe I'd really think he'd gone just a bit too far. But being Austin, I suspect he can pull anything off.UNLIKE Malan, whose voice and affect were so tiresome.

Anonymous said...

whether man or woman, I'd rather look like Austin than Melissa. She is not to my taste.

Fnarf said...

There is no way that Melissa was in that bar legally, even in New York, even with a phalanx of guardians.

Alden V said...

i thought for sure you guys were gonna show caps of Melissa giving the Page-6 guy a strip tease and him saying...

"I shouldn't look at her ass while the camera is on."


TLo said...

Alden V said...

i thought for sure you guys were gonna show caps of Melissa giving the Page-6 guy a strip tease and him saying...

"I shouldn't look at her ass while the camera is on."


Hi Alden,

We're posting that later : - )


Anonymous said...

"We love how this is what they cut to when Austin was describing his design. Call us crazy, but we're pretty sure that's what the inside of Austin's head looks like all the time."

I'm always guaranteed a good laugh wjen I read you blog, boys.

Anonymous said...

I was totally waiting for them to roll in the pool and push the models in to see which suits were REALLY functional.

BigAssBelle said...

oh criminy, i just got to watch this. too busy last night. geeeze, what a tart! i wouldn't have been surprised if the camera had panned and found melissa on her knees.

i was offended by that pervert's question to jay. why do i feel protective of jay? sure wish he'd trim that scraggly thing. but because he's flamboyant (austin is not?) he can't be in a grownup meeting? fuck that clown.

oh please, please, PLEASE y'all dish a little on Austin's horn dance? and his humping of Robert? oh i can't wait can't wait can't WAIT!!!!

Anonymous said...

Loved, loved, loved the shot of Austin wearing the curtain tassels as earrings!! I swear, the odd things he did and the distinctive look he adopted really made Season 1.

The Scarlett said...

One of the things that I loved about Season 1 was how the producers totally got that Austin was this beautiful, other-wordly creature. They edited his moments perfectly (such as adding that Esther Williams bathing beauty sequence). They didn't resort to wacky music when showing him. They just let Austin and his actions speak for themselves.