We guess it's supposed to be somewhat tongue-in-cheek but frankly, it's bordering on the vulgar and again, we're surprised the judges seemed to gloss right over it.
This is just a great big what the fuck. For some reason, the designers this season seem determined to do everything they can to make pretty girls look like scary clowns.
We just don't get it at all. Where's the "envy" part?
Hate it. Hate the rick-racky trim. It makes the whole thing look way too home-sewn. Once again, we have to ask: where's the envy part of this, Alexandra?
She's got it, yeah baby she's got it
I'm your Venus
I'm your fire
Your desire
I'm your Venus
I'm your fire
Your desire
It's just so bleh. So...undesigned. It's not ugly and it seems to be well-executed but when you're relying on the whickety whack to make your outfit, there's definitely something lacking in your design.
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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the best part of season 1 is definitely the crazy personalities...the designs so far, not so much!
I hated all of them. Some serious ugly.
I really hated the proportions in Alexandra's dress. The way it gradually got larger up top made the model look wierd.
Kevin's was supposed to be "leg envy."
I guess when you start with a screwball idea like that, it's only bound to stay in the crazy neighborhood.
Vanessa's design was very unflattering as a maternity gown. If you're going to do maternity, it's okay to enhance the belly... but part of being pregnant (one of the best parts) is that your tits get huge!! That dress did no titty flattering.
But I agree with Miss Jaunty. I'm loving the personalities so far.
Seeing the hat with Kevin's outfit (that is his, right?) led to this exchange:
Me: Goofy!
Sister: Yes, it does look pretty goofy.
Me: No, I mean the hat. It looks like the hat Goofy wears.
Sister: Ha, you're right! ...Oh god.
I am especially amused by the maniacal gleam in Morgan's eyes. She looks like she had extra helpins of the crazy flakes that morning.
And I have to wonder if Vanessa's dress might have had a prayer of working if Vanessa had the vaguest idea of how a pregnancy belly is shaped. She looks like she has a sled crammed up her dress.
The thing that always distracted me about Alexandra was her crazy-ass extensions. I just wanted to take a pair of scissors and cut them in her sleep. Where's La Pepper when you need her?
I just hated this entire challenge, really. Looking at the clothes, I'm obviously not the only one who didn't know what the hell they were supposed to do. I guess I would have made a really gorgeous dress that others would be envious of. Instead, we got a "whole lot of ugly".
There's not much to like in this challenge. The designers' personalities stood out and I really got to know them in this episode, but the outfits were overall a disaster.
As T&L said, things don't start to roll until the next challenge. And I can't wait to get started on that.
Ok, T&L are hilarious, but I just want the commenters to know that I not only laughed at the "goofy hat" and "has a sled crammed up her dress" caused a fit of giggles and diet pepsi jazz to shoot from my nostrils. It burns, but it's a GOOD burn!
I think for most of these the envy part comes from the models envying those who DON'T have to wear these outfits.
I know you have world wide fans T&L.
Namaste, Shalom and God Bless.
If I don't visit, it does not reflect the fabulous work that you dish everyday.
Oh, the joy you brought. Who would have guess.
I actually liked Alexandra's dress (the green with gold rick-rack, yeah?)
Let it be known that I'm no fashionista by any stretch of the imagination, but it gave me a Greek vibe, since the trim looked faintly like laurel leaves. If that was intentional (don't know if it was or not), then envy is VERY apt; read any Greek mythology lately? It's RIFE with envy of all sorts.
That's how I interpreted it, anyway. The green fabric added to my impression of it. Granted, I couldn't sew anything remotely wearable if my life depended on it and I don't know the intricacies of design, but other than Jay's, I like that one the best.
My two cents!
What was Wendy's design for this episode? I can't remember, and I don't see it critiqued anywhere. (It had to be pretty damn ugly.)
Wanna know what's funny? Miss Morganza seems to be wild about the "fat dress".
glitter and gelato,
Wendy's design was a spaghetti strapped tie dyed unhemmed disaster, with a "snake" of fabric slithering down the back, because, as Wendy said "envy will bite you on the ass". Nina HATED it, told her it was once again unfinished
What was Wendy's design for this episode? I can't remember, and I don't see it critiqued anywhere.
Ah, methinks T&L are saving the best for last. I, for one, can't wait.
"She looks like she has a sled crammed up her dress."
Tee- hee! That is hilarious! HOwever, as one who has been pregnant (on more than one occasion)there ARE days that my hair looked like that! Of course, I never left the house........
That last model looks like Laura's Paris model for the couture challenge.
All of those outfits are awful!
*hides in a corner until Season 3 comes out on DVD and I can see decent designs*
Not diggin on Morganza's preggo slut styling. Why would anyone envy that?
So true what everyone is saying -- for the most part, the outfits produced for this challenge were hideous. Okay, crazy concept to begin with, but still. Other than Jay's, Robert's and Austin's designs, I didn't really like any of them, and several (Kevin...oy vey) were just scarily bad. Mario deserved to go, yes, but if I'd been one of the judges it would have been difficult for me to choose -- I'd have wanted to send Kevin, Wendy, Starr, and Vanessa along with him.
"You're all out! We are now going out on the street to whore for some more designers!"
I thought Alexandra's dress was more envy in a Scarlett O'Hara "Oh, I wish I had money to make a dress that didn't used to hang on the windows" kind of way. Who knew Mammy was vibing a goddess while she was sewing and humming?
Gotta say, the models were overall better in Season 1. Morgan is a whacko, but she's gorgeous. Julia has a sort of fierce elegance and intelligence about her, so self-possessed she even looks good in this challenge. Martinique -- stunnning.
Gotta say, the models were overall better in Season 1. Morgan is a whacko, but she's gorgeous. Julia has a sort of fierce elegance and intelligence about her, so self-possessed she even looks good in this challenge. Martinique -- stunnning.
I agree that Morgan, Julia and Martinique are georgeous -- I also adore Melissa and Olga. However, I have to defend my favorites of season 3: Camilla is lovely, Marilinda is hot, and Nazri is, IMO, simply the best model ever to grace Project Runway.
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