God, how we love her. There were excited claps in the PRGay living room when she reappeared on screen. Morgan darling, it's been far too long. How we have missed your unique brand of instability and raging irresponsibility.
Look at her. She may just be the greatest human being who ever lived. If you haven't watched S1 before, trust us, she only gets better.
"... on my HEAD!"
It's always drama when someone makes the veins on Tim's neck pop out.
Stern Daddy! Spank me -- I mean her! Spank her! Jesus, how tall is she? Because Tim's not short. He looks good in blue, though, doesn't he?
Meanwhile, drama levels reached such a high level that one of the designers was forced to walk the street, turning tricks. A whore for models.
Bet this stupid bitch regrets it now. You might have made it all the way to Olympus Fashion Week, dumb random girl!
This is starting to look like one of those Church of Latter Day Saints ads. "Mom? Why does God make me oversleep so my agency can drop me?"
Did anyone ever really buy Wendy's "Mom" crap? It struck us as contrived right from the get-go.
"Wendy, could you scoot over for a second?
I need to put my boot in this bitch's head."
I need to put my boot in this bitch's head."
Guys, we realize this is a lot to ask but please don't go revealing the entire outcome of season 1 in your comments. Many of our readers are watching S1 for the first time.
"Meanwhile, drama levels reached such a high level that one of the designers was forced to walk the street, turning tricks. A whore for models."
LOL. I miss Morgan.
Do you notice how the models get more coverage in S1? Morgan is adorable, the perfect little devil child with charming dimples and a great sexy walk.
La Pepper seems to be sincere in comforting her. Score one for her. Kara was truly gracious under pressure. Me? I'd have been screaming like a banshee and slapped the little bitch silly for making me a "whore for models."
As usual, great post guys.
I think Wendy should have comforted Kara Saun, not Morgan. She's just an irresponsible bitch ("My mother was out of town, and she usually wakes me up". Good TV, but very unprofessional.
"It's always drama when someone makes the veins on Tim's neck pop out."
ROFL. That's true. He looks hot too.
Maybe if Wendy would have spent less time comforting someone else's model, she might have had time to make enough clothing to cover a little more of her model and actually do some editing on her own look... Just a thought...
My perverse imagination can't help but wonder: What if Morganza had come back for season 3--paired up with Vincent? Dysfunctional drama queen model meets delusional short-fused designer. Whose brain would have exploded first?
Wendy and Morgan. Crazy is as crazy does.
and yes, she does only get better!
season 1 is so so awesome. I was just watching the final (don't worry, no spoilers). It was so great. First of all 2 hours long and I know there was some drama (who could it be??) but we also got to see the whole fashion week process - the clothes, the models, Tim's help. So great
Morganza...they just don't make crazy like they used to. She set the bar for crazy/delusional/disfunctional on PR. And oh how we miss her.
Wendy sincere? Hahahahaha, that's a good one.
"Wendy, could you scoot over a little bit..."
Oh man, SO funny!! And the look Crazy Saun's face looks as if that is what she'd really thinking...
Can you imagine? That's your first challenge and you're already dealing with some form of stress.
Yes Gigi I do believe La Pepper has moments of sincerity. That's why she makes a great villain. She's like a ping pong ball bouncing from good to evil, mixing up her different assumed characters. Among other things, Wendy fancies herself a good mother. That instinct grates against her true grain of raving bitch maniac.
I'm fascinated with La Pepper's inconsistencies. Her mamma side came out--briefly--when she comforted Morgan. But I have no fear that her creepy manipulative alter ego will emerge soon again.
I work in the industry and Morgan is still working AND still crazy as hell.
"My agency just dropped me..."
Now that's a shocker.
I wish Project Runway would do a ".....Where Are They Now.... thing on their website or something. Wonder what ever happened to Morgan the Maniac?
I'm new to the whole PR1 arena. Once again you guys had me screaming w/ laughs. Just watched this ep for the 1st time-- DAYUM. Where do they find these whackjobs? In there a bin in every borough where you just reach in?
Wow-- Kara Saun. She's HAWT.
The thing is, there are SO many Morgans out there: young, beautiful, cluelessly irresponsible. Makes for good TV, but you hope they're not your daughter or your daughter's friend! Perhaps that's what Wendy was thinking: "Please don't let my Finley turn into this!"
Morganza is indeed a national treasure. I wonder why I love the wackos from S1 and HATE HATE HATE Vincent. (I still can't believe he threw away the replacement clothes!)
Wendy is an operator. Just cuz she's a mommy doesn't make her a saint. She seized every opportunity, including playing on people's feelings about moms.
Check out those bondage pants Kara Saun is wearing. I had no idea...
I miss Morganaza! It totally bummed me out that Bravo seems to have leaned towards the more 'responsible' model set for S2 & S3.
Bean said...
Check out those bondage pants Kara Saun is wearing. I had no idea...
I know. I was like, man, that is some bondage get-up.
That's what I (well, one of the things)like about the PR boys captions. You see things you hadn't noticed before.
"My agency just dropped me ... on my head"
Oh, how can you not include KaraSaun's Morgan quote: "Morgan: sweet girl, but tragic." The KS took it all in stride, that's for sure. "Get this girl some coffee, get her into makeup, and let me paint her boobies!!!"
Kara Saun is all, "Let's go get you a cup of coffee" which is designer speak for "You best get prepared to wear only paint for a blouse, late-PMS'ing model - suck it up!"
"I need to put my boot on this bitch's head."
I am DYING!! I don't even have the DVDs and I'm checking this blog like some kind of Internet stalker. You guys are going to get me fired, I just know it. People are starting to avoid me because every once in a while I think "meep" in my head and start giggling to myself. And now this.
“You see, a model's brain has a highly developed "drama cortex."
“It's always drama when someone makes the veins on Tim's neck pop out.”
Model pimping is fun to watch.
Morganza, drama cortex personified. PR1 models are great snarkfodder.
Stern Daddy! Spank me -- I mean her!
ONLY you two could get me laughing today, in these most desperate times. Thank you for that.
That crazy streak in her hair was my initial tip-off. What a crazy cow...
Anyone remember her telling Jay on the one and only episode of "Project Jay" (BTW what the hell happened to that anyway?) that she divorced her husband because he couldn't handle her success? OMG someone give her a pistol already...
I hate Morgan. I read that she walked up to Tim Gunn and SLAPPED HIM ACROSS THE FACE. I'm sorry, but anyone who lays a hand on our divine Tim Gunn, violently no less, is DEAD. TO. ME.
Anonymous said...
I hate Morgan. I read that she walked up to Tim Gunn and SLAPPED HIM ACROSS THE FACE. I'm sorry, but anyone who lays a hand on our divine Tim Gunn, violently no less, is DEAD. TO. ME.
WHAT??? WTF? Can someone direct me to this article?
I just popped in for a sec to see what I was missing. Too too funny! I can't wait until the elections are over so I can get back to my "life."
Don't make me call to remind you to VOTE!
" Anonymous said...
I hate Morgan. I read that she walked up to Tim Gunn and SLAPPED HIM ACROSS THE FACE. I'm sorry, but anyone who lays a hand on our divine Tim Gunn, violently no less, is DEAD. TO. ME."
That's right. I forgot about that.
Hi guys!! Love the blog, been reading it all season. Just a little request, some of us don't have dvd players or can't get the previous seasons, so could ya'll please tell what the challenge is before you show the pics? I don't know what this challenge is? Stuff you can buy in a grocery store???? Or your neighborhood Walmart??? Thanks!!!! DiscoDiva
Anonymous said...
[...] could ya'll please tell what the challenge is before you show the pics? I don't know what this challenge is? Stuff you can buy in a grocery store???? Or your neighborhood Walmart??? Thanks!!!! DiscoDiva
We are going to do that. Thanks!
Episode 1: The designers must create a very sexy, glamorous outfit for a night on the town. The twist is that the outfit is to be made only from materials bought at a Manhattan supermarket. Each designer had $50 to spend on materials.
Yes, Tim Gunn ran into Morgan a few weeks after the finale at a fashion show. She walked up to him, slapped him in the face and said, "That’s for calling me a kook."
"I just made a gesture," says Gunn, "and said, ‘Once a kook, always a kook.’"
Fashion bitchiness at its best.
Thanks guys, ya'll are the best! I love you. My mother, husband and i check this blog several times every day. You two Marys got it goin on!! Discodiva
two questions:
1. where can we read about morgan slapping tim?
2. what was project jay?
ok 3. has pepper really gone and had plastic surgery and divorced her hubby and been on other reality shows? (oh how i HATE her)
love this blog!
She definitely divorced her husband, that's on her website.
But what's the deal, why was she on the floor with Kara's model? WTF?! Whose head exactly did Kara want to put her boot on more? I'd have been like, "Please don't encourage my model to bring the crazy, she really doesn't need it."
Hi Personette,
1)'Project Jay' is a one-hour documentary special that chronicles Jay mcCarroll's life post-project runway.
2) Here's a link to the article.
Sorry...The article is no longer available.
Oh how I miss Morgan too! I'll have to bust out my DVD's and watch along with you!
Missed Season One..Thanks guys for explaining the challenge~ Trying to get my hands on dvd's..so I will be able to follow along..sigh.
Okay guys, I won't take it personally if you remove this post, but those who really, really, really want a detailed, but no pictures, recap of S1 of Project Runway need to check out Television Without Pity.
Here's a link:
Their recapper, Jeff, is great.
Sorry if you guys don't like posts linking to other sites, but they do have the most detailed recaps. I like yours, though, because you bring on the snark!
Here's that link split into two so that the screen will show it:
Television without Pity Project Runway Recaps:
I don't know what's better -- T&L's snark or the comments section. I giggle all day.
--Granite Janet
I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Season 1 DVD from NetFlix. In fact, I wasn't going to read the blog until I could watch the first episode . . . but, dayum, I couldn't hold out. Funny, funny, funny.
And let me echo what LauraandMichael said. Don't forget to VOTE! Very important election. Make your voice heard!
i miss model drama.
"ok 3. has pepper really gone and had plastic surgery and divorced her hubby and been on other reality shows? (oh how i HATE her)"
Go to wendypepper.com. Then look at her picture. Then watch an episode of S1. See the difference? Right now, she probably has about a liter of botox in her face.
Wendy's (stupid, fake, insincere) mother act in this episode reminds me how much I miss having Bad Mommy on my tv. Which is a ridiculously huge amount.
hmm...i like the kara saun's pants...
morgan...not too crazy about her.
there are soooo less scenes for models in season 2 and 3. season 1 is good for the model scenes, it's like a little fun between the tension. how i wish grace in season 2 could've spoken more.
The article in which Tim mentions Morgan slapping him was in the Kansas City Star in December 2005. Here's the excerpt:
"I didn't like Morgan from the very first show when she was late. That's a cardinal sin," Gunn says of the infamously troublesome model. And week after week, problem after problem, the contestants kept choosing her, mystifying Gunn. "They loved the way she walked," he says.
Gunn ran into Morgan a few weeks after the finale at a fashion show. She walked up to him, slapped him in the face and said, "That's for calling me a kook."
"I just made a gesture," says Gunn, "and said, 'Once a kook, always a kook.'"
Having read that, I like her even less.
Oh, and Tim DOES look great in blue.
Wendy reminds me of my former boss who used to pull that "come to Mama" crap then use anything that was said against you later on. Wendy P definitly pours a second bowl of crazy O's in the morning.
Oh and Morgan, piece of advice dear; if you aren't on medication, you should be. And if you are, it's time to get your dosage adjusted!
Why am I never around when a PR designer needs a model?! *pout*
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