This piece was FABULOUS. We loved it. We always considered it one of the more memorable, creative pieces ever seen on the show.
We even liked the back.
Hats off to Nora for having the vision to look at a lawn chair and reimagine it as a Mugleriffic power dress. The lookalike styling was perfect for it.
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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No offense, but I bet that model was one of those ugly, scrawny, sickly looking kids. You can just tell. BTW, I think Nora is beautiful. I'm jealous. ;)
This was definitely my favorite outfit, very creative and fabulous. As Michael Kors said, it's almost wearable. Nora should have won the challenge.
Polite request: can you give a quickie recap of the challenge for each episode? Like "make a dress out of animal feces" or whatever the challenge happened to be during that episode.
I didn't watch Season 1, I don't have it on DVD, but I love reading your blog. It would help me a ton to know what the heck the challenge was when I'm reading your recaps.
Love ya! Mean it!
The challenge was to make a dress using materials bought for $50 at a supermarket.
FYI: you can rent season one from Netflix or Blockbuster, etc. Bravo also just reran a marathon, check it out.
Anonymous said...
Polite request: can you give a quickie recap of the challenge for each episode? Like "make a dress out of animal feces" or whatever the challenge happened to be during that episode.
I didn't watch Season 1, I don't have it on DVD, but I love reading your blog. It would help me a ton to know what the heck the challenge was when I'm reading your recaps.
That's a very good idea. We'll do that. Thanks.
Thank you anonymous 5:07!
I like that, but you know what? The more I look at it, the more I like meep girl's. I think I could have sold that, you know, pushed back a little on the judges and convinced them I had a vision. Did she just fold when the thing came down the runway?
How about a Turtle Poop challenge in season 4? :D Seriously, I loved Nora's dress too when I first saw it. It reminded me of the Thierry Mugler motorcycle bustier. And it brought to mind Grace Jones' "Warm Leatherette"
Nora reminded me of Joan Jett--
80's Sleek,take no prisoners sexy. This dress is bril-- color, fit styling. An excellent statement fitting challenge and designer. Looking forward to seeing how far Nora gets-- No DON'T tell me!
gosh, that is a gorgeous thing. it's flash and style, my favorite. still waiting on my dvd :(
one of my season one faves!!! thanks, guys!!!
EEE!! The blue lawn chair dress! That was one of my favorites. I need to rent this season again and go back to compare to this year's competition. Or I could just read your awesome coverage.
How about an one-line explanation on what the challenge is/was? It's not like everyone here bought the DVDs.
Not seeing the love for the blue chair dress. I just keep thinking somewhere in a Texas trailer park, a redneck is suffering from watching WWF on the floor.
Love it. Nora should have won this challenge, not that Austin's wasn't worthy also.
Anon 4:42
IMHO dahling,
1. It is worth your investment 1,000x over to buy the dvd via this site via Amazon.com
The fabulousness T&L are showing us some love and sunshine. You will get so much more from it if you watch the episodes. Or
2. Netflix it. And then cancel your sub.
Loveyameanit T&L fans.
Notice how Norah (standing next to her model) embodies cutting edge lawnchair chic, from her hair to her Attitude.
Girlfriend worked those colors too. I like. And thought her a close second to my fave, Austen.
Nora is innovative.
But she reminds me of wanting to throw my lawn chair in the back of my pick-up and go to a drive-in. (lol)
Not that I own a pick-up or there is a drive-in around where I live.
Oh, yeah, get the series from Netflix. Cheap and dependable. Definitely an alternative if you can't support our guys by ordering from their site.
If you haven't seen season one (and don't want to buy or rent it), Television Without Pity has detailed recaps which help explain why some of the people (Daniel and Wendy) were so annoying. There are spoilers in the episode descriptions though, so keep that in mind.
I love this one, it's made well and really cool. and just as michael said, it's wearable. austin's got shrinked and should have been the second.
btw, I do like this model!!!! allison is one of my favorite models of season 1. she is really pretty. I have to say I don't like melissa's face but she just know how to work it, well well ,ok. unlike season 3, there are so many huge models in season 3, i was like, what for? for more drama?---and alison was out partly because of the so huge and broad model alexandra.
I'm SO seeing "Morgan Whichever" here -- such an 80s blue, non?
Loved the skirt, but the top was a head-scratcher. Having the top of the bodice so high right through to the armpits gave it an unflattering, sci-fi body armor look, IMO. If the neckline and underarms on the top had been more feminine, this would have been smashing. I also question the industrial-size staples holding the back together. Granted they went with the body armor look, but I don't think that was really Nora's intention, here.
I think this was a conceptual piece, and they only work if you do them right. Nora did it right. If she had altered the neckline and tried to make the piece look more like a traditional dress, I don't think it would have been as striking as it is right now, and I'm pretty sure Nora realized that and went the way she did intentionally.
Personally, I love the transparent blue lawnchair details. The way nora wrapprd the "seat" of the chair gave it an ultra-modern look to it, and while it may be on the verge of being costumey, it is still incredibly striking.
Bravo, Nora
The challenge was to be creative with crap from the supermarket (I hate those challenges!)and I think Nora's and Austin's were the most creative outfits.
It's great to watch Season 1 again. So much stuff I had forgotten.
I loved Nora and (Spoiler ahead) think that she was auf'd way too early.
They all look so young. I'm loving this. Thanks, guys.
Nora is so cool. Is she a lesbian or not? Not that it matters, I'm just curious.
patsystone said...
Not seeing the love for the blue chair dress. I just keep thinking somewhere in a Texas trailer park, a redneck is suffering from watching WWF on the floor.
That's not a reason for love?
Patsy darling...
I'm totally dying here seeing all these recaps without seeing season 1 (not getting onto you PR Gay boys, I'm very appreciative & think what you're doing is great). I had this huge plan for this weekend to rent season 1 from Blockbuster but they don't carry it anymore in the town I'm in. Would anyone be willing to loan me their DVDs? I'll pay shipping!!
I, too, love the back. But the front? Kind of like she's in a convertible looking over the windshield.
Yeah, that model is way too skinny...definitely needs a few chocolatey muffins and maybe a milkshake and she's good to go.
TRUE CONFESSIONS - I cheated and have watched the first three eps!!!! I stopped, though, I promise. I really, really did.
What a Saturday - sitting on the couch eating leftover Halloween candy, watching PR without commercials!!!! Does it get much better? Oh, yeah, if I was eating Halloween Kit-Kats with T&L, LaLaura, and any number of folks from this blog.
Oh, and alcohol.
PLEASE give your dish on Mario's shower curtain outfit. I think it was one of the most overlooked outfits of the season.
Yeah, really, really loved this dress! Difficult to chose between this and the corn-husks.
I'm crazy bitch from NY and I would totally wear Nora's blue plastic lawn chair and placement outfit. I think it's fabulous!
Loved this outfit when I first saw the show. It's a bit Jetsons - which I love...
Good Gawd..A baby's blow-up backyard pool has more shape than this stick!! Almost wearable..??? by who( or is it whom??)Flipper's trainer at Sea World?
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