Fashionably Wasted

Tuesday, November 21, 2006 by

Ah, when fashion and alcohol meet, it's rarely a pretty sight. But it's a laugh riot, you gotta admit.

Did anyone else feel the dread when they started drinking? Darlings, the likelihood of us applying to be on a reality TV show is about equal to the likelihood of us suddenly becoming tit aficionados, but even we understand the primary rule: DON'T GET DRUNK ON CAMERA.

Otherwise, snotty bloggers will wind up making fun of you two years later.

"WOOOOO! I'm getting auf'd tomorrow because I made a clown dress! HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

We really have to hand it to Vanessa. She totally embraced the moment.

And when we say "embraced," we mean "regretted it later and for the rest of her life."


Meanwhile, back at the Atlas...

The Gaylai Lama does not approve.

Can we just say that we're kind of falling a little in love with Austin? We're surprised he doesn't wear a little satin sleep mask with maribou feathers. Or a turban and a cold cream mask. Or rollers and a do-rag at the very least.

Awww, we can't make fun of her. She's such an adorable little lush.

Man, the cameraman must have been biting his lip the whole time to keep from laughing. Although we have to say, plopping down on a New York sidewalk at 3 in the morning to have a drunken smoke with Jay McCarroll does look like fun.


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Anonymous said...

This, to me, was the funniest part of the episode. The designers used to have so much fun together. Vanessa dancing is hilarious.

jinxy said...

Oh my god, the Gaylai Lama?? I now have coffee running down my sweater. Seriously.

I am so glad I was smart enough never to get drunk in front of a camera. What few pictures existed at one time of me in my less glorious moments have all been sought out and destroyed.

madelineanne said...

Nora is such a cutie patootie isn't she?!

ANd I would love to flop down for a 3 AM smoke on the sidewalk with Jay.

And as for Austin, ok, who else just KNOWS in their heart that before those lovely socks were put on there was a generous amount of lotion applied to the feet?
As soon as I saw him with the cottony socks I was sure that we had just missed him putting on thick cream to be covered with the socks to keep his skin supple!

Anonymous said...

I love Austin and his socks! And he did have a face mask on -- I think on the first or second show -- remember? He came to breakfast with it -- it was green, I think. Adorable.

Anonymous said...

SO SO SO funny!! I love this season so much! I am so glad you are blogging it right now.

I have to say, I think the designers in the later seasons learned their lessons from this season! SOME of the designers this season are quite unprofessional. And some of them think fashion means to make the wildest thing they can thing of! So funny!

Anonymous said...

I would've expected the cold cream mask AND the curlers from Austin. Maybe even the old school curlers. Hell, I'm surprised that glamorous man doesn't wear pearls to bed :)

And a smoke in the middle of a NY sidewalk with Jay? There really is probably nothing better :)

Great post!

P.S. Why didn't they do this every season? Just one episode where a group of the designers get drunk together. I mean, it doesn't have to be like "The Real World" where they do it every episode...but maybe one of the early ones where they're still all pretending to be friends :P

Anonymous said...

I can't help but think that Austin is Juliette Lewis's long lost sister, er, sibling. Of course, that's BEFORE she became a complete train wreck.

Anonymous said...

"We're surprised he doesn't wear a little satin sleep mask with maribou feathers. Or a turban and a cold cream mask. Or rollers and a do-rag at the very least."

Those captions are hilarious. Note to self: never get drunk when there's a camera!!

Anonymous said...

See? This is what I miss most! All the fun and the jokes. More fun and less drama, Bravo.

DolceLorenzo said...

"The Gaylai Lama does not approve."


Sewhat? said...

Austin does not have a sleep mask, but I hope you did notice that he brought his own satin pillow case. My mother used to sleep on one to make her hair-do last till the next of her twice weekly visits to the hair-gay.

Anonymous said...

The contestants were so much more real in Season 1. It was all so new. And Austin...there will never be another.

--Gotham Tomato

Unknown said...

i think they stopped allowing them to go out after this season because of robb :(

Anonymous said...

In the picture of Austin putting his sock on, behind him is an array of books. I wonder why?

Anonymous said...

Why? Who's Robb?


Anonymous said...

Oh Project Drunkway. Let's play a drinking game shall we? Every time a designer trips, shouts or says "fuck" while intoxicated, take a drink! And Austin looks like he's about to do a Shirley Booth impression. Hee hee.

Red wigs and neck tats,

LauraK said...

Could we get a close-up of those books on the windowsill behind Austin? Fashion How-to books perhaps? Fashion magazines? Hmmmmmmm?

Anonymous said...

Oh how I miss all the fun of Season 1. Best season ever!

Anonymous said...

" Laura K said...

Could we get a close-up of those books on the windowsill behind Austin? Fashion How-to books perhaps? Fashion magazines? Hmmmmmmm? "

That's a good question. Were they allowed to have books?

Alden V said...

season 1... BEST SEASON EVER.

you can ALSO see Wendy and Kevin having ipod/ ear phones on while working... and they did there own laundry...

these were taken away on future seasons...

Anonymous said...

The camera man may have been biting his lip because you can see right up Nora's skirt, too, as that scene progresses. Not that this has to do with what I just said, but does anyone else think that producer Michael Rucker is insanely hot?

Anonymous said...

sewhat? said...
Austin does not have a sleep mask, but I hope you did notice that he brought his own satin pillow case. My mother used to sleep on one to make her hair-do last till the next of her twice weekly visits to the hair-gay.

Is there something wrong w/ that? Yes, I am also the proud owner of a satin pillow as is my husband. He says it prevents bed head. A real time saver!

Anonymous said...

I really don't get the people who were whining during season 3 about the "elevated level of drama". People who said: "I wish the show would be only about the designs, as it was in the beginning."

Well. Heh. That's not true, is it?

Between the drunken excursions and the model shenanigans that takes up lots and lots of time, we barely get to see the design process at all in season 1! As for drama...well. I think I only need to say Wendy Pepper.

So people. Let's not kid ourselves. This show was never ENTIRELY about the designs.

eric3000 said...

Ewww! Who know where that sidewalk has been?

Anonymous said...

The last picture is the best. LOL.

Anonymous said...

I agree, every Season was filled with drama, but I think they had a lot more fun during Season 1.

Vic said...

I love drinking with the best of 'em and have been known to roll on the sidewalk much like Nora and Jay. But during a competition? Sure they had fun. But why risk it?

Anonymous said...

I love that Austin's socks are either (1) brand new/never worn or (2) washed and pressed with linen water.

LOVE him so much - he reminds me of a similarly delicate creature from college years. Ah, D. Stotlar, you are missed, but I believe you live on in Austin Scarlett!


Gidget Bananas said...

I loved how loose the designers were in Season 1. They made the show so much fun!

Anonymous said...

I really don't get the people who were whining during season 3 about the "elevated level of drama". People who said: "I wish the show would be only about the designs, as it was in the beginning."

Well. Heh. That's not true, is it?

The difference was all the decided mean-spiritedness in S3, led by waste of space Jeffrey. There was definately a different tone and in-your-face ruthlessness in S3 that was not present in S1 or 2.

Yes, Wendy was a demented housewife (probably still is), but there is always a tipping point to anything, like with cooking; when a pinch of salt becomes too much and ruins the stew. That is what happened in S3. Too much attention to nut jobs (Vincent); too much naked nastiness (Jeffrey, Keith). There is a point when there is too much conflict; when producers try to imitate what, in the past, happened naturally, and instead kill the golden goose by encouraging behavior that would be unacceptable in any other environment; what you get is overkill, and a dumbing down of the audience to get bigger numbers (it was obvious to see that dumbing down in the 'Jeffrey is our hero' type posts that flooded blogs like BPR during the finals - though much of that was obviously an orchestrated campaign.)

Reality shows are always the best in the first season, when no one knows what to expect, or what the show might do for them, if anything. After that first season, (sometimes second, as in PR), it is downhill from there while the producers try to squeeze every last drop out of the cash cow, and posers try to work the system.

I hope that PR can come back, but I don't think it will, given the worthless cretin they gave the prize too - that he was even there at the end showed they have no scruples (and the more you hear about the production; not paying models, using non-union crews, the more one loses any respect for the entire production).

Project Runway was a great idea for a show (though actually, watching the documentary 'Seamless' on the Sundance channel, I wonder if the idea was stolen from that competition). But unfortunately, that great idea is in the hands of producers don't care about real quality; just naked superficiality. If those producers had any sense, they would look at why most everyone was rooting for Michael to win: People DO want to see contestants who are decent human beings - not hateful, lying dogs.

And in the end, it's also like a great club: Once the bridge & tunnel crawlers hear about it, it's over. On to the next one.

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

Gotham Tomato -- well, I wouldn't go that far. I enjoyed the hell out of Season 3. The designs were amazing in S3, really a cut above (so to speak) most anything we'd seen before. With older, more experienced designers we were of course going to get a different dynamic going between them, personality-wise. I agree with you that Jeffrey was...unfortunate. He was angry and mean-spirited, and his designs were not good enough to make up for it. And clue why that guy was around so long. Or, you know, at all. But I don't feel like it was a disaster, not at all. I love the light-heartedness of S1 (well, always excepting La Pepper) and the drunken camaraderie, but even if Bravo had been able to replicate that, would we want to watch it over and over again? The show has changed, and so it should. Freshman year is great, you party all day long, gain 15 pounds and skip all your early-morning classes, and you wouldn't trade it for the world, but by junior year you've got to buckle down and take things more seriously if you want to make it to graduation, ya know?

And yeah, that analogy made sense in my head somewhere. On the screen, maybe not so much.

Anonymous said...

"... but even if Bravo had been able to replicate that, would we want to watch it over and over again?"

Not if it was 'formula'; not if they intended to replicate it- because you can't. But S1 wasn't formula. It was what just happened. This season did seem formula though; like they both cast, and then 'judged' for conflict (and looks) more than anything real.

I think that Tim, Laura & Michael were the only things that kept S3 from being completely unwatchable.

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

I would give my pinkie for a drunk-on-the-floor cigarrette with Jay at 3am in NY... for reals.

Anonymous said...


Except for "Dirty Diana!"

Unknown said...

The difference was all the decided mean-spiritedness in S3, led by waste of space Jeffrey. There was definately a different tone and in-your-face ruthlessness in S3 that was not present in S1 or 2.

...That is what happened in S3. Too much attention to nut jobs (Vincent); too much naked nastiness (Jeffrey, Keith). There is a point when there is too much conflict; when producers try to imitate what, in the past, happened naturally, and instead kill the golden goose by encouraging behavior that would be unacceptable in any other environment; what you get is overkill, and a dumbing down of the audience to get bigger numbers..."
I've missed not being able to read this blog (traveling)!

Gotham Tomato -- you said it all! Although I would add Kayne and Robert to your list of people that made S3 worth watching (Tim, Laura, and Michael).

Totally unrelated question -- has Laura popped yet?

Anonymous said...

dammit Alchemist, you stole my line!