Hooboy! Wendy Pepper, bringing the personality disorder to the game! You have to figure that before reality television came along, these types of people were probably weeded out by natural selection. Sure, they're fun to watch, but you wouldn't want one of them sleeping in your tribe.
"This challenge was very important to me because I myself struggle with envy constantly. Of course we all do on some level, don't you think? Who doesn't want to set their neighbor's house on fire for having a better lawn than you do? Anyway, when the bad feelings come and everything looks red, I find a quiet spot and rock back and forth to plot my next move."
"Must keep sewing...must keep sewing...must keep sewing..."
"Oh fuck. I thought she was in bed.
Hi Wendy. Boy, I'm exhausted, right? This is just too bloody much for me."
Hi Wendy. Boy, I'm exhausted, right? This is just too bloody much for me."
"So to overcome the crashing purple waves of envy just outside my peripheral vision, always threatening to consume and drag me under to their black depths, where the bad people who want to hurt me live, I've devised a strategy of fucking with everyone's heads so I can destroy them and get them out of my way."
"Hi Vanessa...must keep sewing...must keep sewing...must devise strategy...fuck with heads... destroy them...get them out of my way...must keep sewing..."
"Uh...it's not much of a strategy if you're going around and actually telling everyone what your strategy is, Wendy."
"must kill Vanessa in her sleep tonight..."
"You're bloody crazy. Do you know that? I mean really, do you know that? Because everyone else does, but I don't think you've quite caught on yet, love.""
"Shut up, you snooty English bitch!
'Ooooooh! Oym VahNESSahh! Oy think Oy'm so bloody sophisticated because Oy 'ave an accent!'
Well piss off, Mary Fucking Poppins!"
'Ooooooh! Oym VahNESSahh! Oy think Oy'm so bloody sophisticated because Oy 'ave an accent!'
Well piss off, Mary Fucking Poppins!"
"Are bad accents part of your 'strategy' too, Miss Streep? Do a German one now! I'm sure that'll bloody 'destroy' me, you Class A whackadoo!"
"I don't need this, you know. I'll just leave and take my rocking back and forth somewhere else, then. All I ever tried to do was be nice to you while I plotted your downfall, you...you MEAN HEAD! Well, I wouldn't sleep too soundly tonight if I were you, Princess Fergie!
cut and sew...and cut and sew...and cut and cut and cut..."
cut and sew...and cut and sew...and cut and cut and cut..."
"I wonder if I can get Alexandra to switch beds with me tonight?"
Once again darlings, we ask that you try not to spoil the rest of the season in your comments. Thank you! MWAH!
"Who doesn't want to set their neighbor's house on fire for having a better lawn than you do? Anyway, when the bad feelings come and everything looks red, I find a quiet spot and rock back and forth to plot my next move."
That is fucking hilarious! I hated her at that moment.
meryl streep....that's it!
I love that you can see the dye on Vanessa's hands. It makes Ms. Riley look just crazy enough to throw some borax in the face of la Pepper.
Effin' raging bitch showed her true colors with Vanessa. Loved Vanessa: She had Lolly Pepper MARKED.
Lolly's fixin' to dive off the deep end in this scene. The BITCH could hardly keep it together even tho she swore that she was manipulating everyone else.
Worldly Vanessa would have none of her skanky manipulations.
Loved this scene. Loved IT. LOVED IT! It sets the stage for the rest of Season One.
"All I ever tried to do was be nice to you while I plotted your downfall...."
ROFL! Pepperbitch in a nutshell.
Holy crap look at Wendy's nostrils flaring out. Looks like she WILL club Vanessa in her sleep. Yuuck. Creepy.
Okay are you guys psychic because I think it and you totally say it. And Mario bored me to tears.
Ah yes, Vanessa did catch on faster than the others, (though I think it was more a case of 'takes one to know one'), but I don't recall seeing this laundry room scene in the show. It must be bonus footage from the DVD, unless I was in the loo at the time.
But I think she's about to boil Austin's rabit stole.
--Gotham Tomato
"Looks like she WILL club Vanessa in her sleep."
More like, she'll skin her then wear her on the runway.
--Gotham Tomato
"deborah said...
Ah yes, Vanessa did catch on faster than the others, (though I think it was more a case of 'takes one to know one'), but I don't recall seeing this laundry room scene in the show. It must be bonus footage from the DVD, unless I was in the loo at the time.
But I think she's about to boil Austin's rabit stole.
--Gotham Tomato"
The laundry room scene is part of the episode.
Tom & Lorenzo, you make watching La Pepper again fun! Gawd, is she a piece of work or what. Props to Vanessa to being the first to figure her out.
you guys make me love season one all over again... sweet.
*sigh* la pepper... i almost miss her.
may we also discuss the crazylady make-up & mad scientist lab coat??
I have a theory about that lab coat. It was to cover up each time Wendy was about to molt her skin, then serve as a handy bundle for the old skin until she could ditch it in the trash. Vanessa interrupted her, so she had to sneak off to another location to finish molting so Vanessa wouldn't catch on that she was a snake not just figuratively, but literally.
Oh FINE!! Now I have to buy the DVDs. God, this is so funny I'm seriously about to pee. Now I just *have* to know what they were really saying.
Look at Wendy's FACE! God, she really DOES look crazy?
Do I want to know how Vanessa got dye on her hands? Did Wendy really do it?
It's like college when you get there and your room mate already has her half of the room painted black and a pentacle drawn in the center.
Please tell me she had just taken a shower and that her hair was sopping with sweat...
Gag me...
Of course I meant "wasn't" sopping...
Laundry Room? Maybe it was Wendy Pepper in charge of the fluff and fold incident during S3. She was just fucking with Vincent's head.
OMG..."bringing the personality disorder to the game". That is so damn funny! I can barely look at still photos of Wendy Pepper, much less stomach her rocking again...UGH..motion sickness among other things! (can't wait to see how you rip on her hair though)
What's up with the lab coat? She looks like a mad scientist. I can't wait for the boys' take on her dress. It was hideous, and the mask? WTF?
Sorry to be the simpleton, but I just cannot understand Wendy's hair. Each picture is completly different. The skunk stripe moves from frame to frame, the overall hair changes color, even the other stripes change color. WTF?
"What's up with the lab coat? She looks like a mad scientist."
Yes. She does resemble Simon Bar Sinister.
--Gotham Tomato
I feel about Wendy, the same way I feel about Jeffrey. They both try to play The Parent Card; as IF they are entitled to some sort of extra credit points simply because their plumbing works. But then, quite a lot of 'parents' seem to think that as well.
As much as Wendy & Jeffrey feign the concerned parent roles for the cameras, attempting to exploit that for their gain, what they seem to be completely ignorant about is that, someday, their kids will watch PR and see what totally obnoxious, manipulative, dishonest jerks their parents are.
Of course, by that time the kids may already see that and hate them, or maybe they'll already be chips off the their old parent's block, and be just as horrible people as they are. Or maybe they'll somehow, against all odds turn out to be nice kids, and be completely humiliated by their dishonest parents behavior.
Either way, exploiting your kids in this way, on TV, is really unforgiveable, and something no sane parent should do. ('Sane', of course, being the operative word.)
--Gotham Tomato
"...as IF they are entitled to some sort of extra credit points simply because their plumbing works."
I was thinking the same thing. Glad someone else said it first. It's so against the concept of 'family' to use them for what you perceive as an advantage.
"I don't need this, you know. I'll just leave and take my rocking back and forth somewhere else, then. All I ever tried to do was be nice to you while I plotted your downfall, you...you MEAN HEAD!"
LOL. And that pretty much sums up La Pepper, right there.
Her design and execution is amateurish at best. She is turning out to be such an evil, manipulative witch, playing the nice mommy card and then fully admitting she wants to win people's trust so she can use their confessions against them later (she actually said in case she needs to "get rid of someone"). Disgusting!
I think she's more sad than manipulative. I can't help but feel sorry for her.
I agree. Lolly Pepper bounces from manipulative to evil to misunderstood to caring mommy in microseconds.
She ping pongs all over the place. All you have to do is look at her hair to understand which personality has taken over for the day.
As little as I liked Jeffrey, I will grant him that he did seem to have a total and complete and utter love and joy over his son. Whereas with Wendy and Finley... well... I ALWAYS had the gut feeling that her daughter was being drug into the game by Wendy merely as a ploy, like you were saying. "LOOK HOW ADORABLE AND INNOCENT MY DAUGHTER IS!! Come on, Finley, tell the good people at home how good and wonderful your mommy is!... [if you do, I'll let you out of the basement tonight...] ) I don't want to list specifics, but watch for yourself. I just always had a really icky feeling whenever Finley was forced into the conversation.
Not to say, of course, that the editing of footage regard Jeffrey and his son was manipulative, but I feel it was more manipulative by Bravo and the editors to make us like him, rather than by Jeffrey himself to make us like him. Big difference, in my book.
Gotham Tomato, you hit the nail on the head! Have sex, have baby - big deal. Yes, I am the mother of a most *wonderful* son but that doesn't make me special. Wendy and Jeffrey play the parent card because they are otherwise hollow human beings.
She does have a "Cruella DeVille" thing going on with her hair, doesn't she? I think she's sharpening her sewing needles in order to better stitch up the puppy pelts hidden inside her bag.
Gross Got T&L
Something is not funnily wrong. It has to be evil what’s her name. I know that fabulousness T&L take the 2 seconds to personally Thank your adoring fans with an e-mail.
I wonder why your love and sunshine is not spreading all the way to Hawaii. I wonder if you have fans from there…..pause….must NOT.
I think evil Wendy sucks the joy out of PR. Never liked her. She is talentless.
There I said it. Dare you to publish this.
Hi T&L
I know you say Eins and Zwei. But do Germans use Glauckenstuck or it is only used in the US?
Wikipedia-Rose refers to her feelings of Schadenfreude and later tries to invent a word - Glauckenstück - to mean "feeling deep remorse for having felt Schadenfreude.
I have an Asian joke but not everyone finds that funnily wrong. Kan Pei means Cheers in Asia, but westerners think it is “Can Pay”, and Kan in Asian dialect is just F@#% U. Yes, I guess F means funny.
Can we please bring funny back?
I dont even have any neighbors anymore... anyone for some s'mores??
This post was great! Hilarious!
Could anyone tell what on earth Wendy was sewing. It looked like she was winding thread back onto a spool. She sure made it look important, whatever it was.
I almost peed myself when she started aggressively coming at Vanessa with that "why don't you like me? I've always been nice to you. I've always been nice to everyone but you won't even talk to me" stuff right after explaining how she was plotting against them. Bonkers, she's just bonkers.
And yes, her hair is insane. It has the texture of string.
It's so refreshing to spend time at a blog where you are allowed to mention that parenthood does not instantly confer wisdom & sainthood.
Wendy is still horrible, will always be horrible no matter how Finley turns out.
Is it just me, or does that dye age Wendy by about 55 years? The first time I saw her, I thought she'd gone gray.
I'd laugh with you all recalling Wendy's DSM IV pattern of behaviors, but I've met too many people like her and it's not funny anymore. People like her suck the life right out of you.
Her hair was the texture of string because she poured a bottle of bleach on it and made it that way. I think it brought out the crazy in her, when the chemicals seeped in.
I think Lolly Pepper and Vanessa Wack-a-do would make an excellent death match battle.
Amie -- That would be the best. deathmath. ever.
God, I never get tired of Whacked-Out Wendy. Whining Wendy is vomit-inducing, but when she turns on the crazy, I'm there. I swear, Wendy rivals Amanda Woodward (Heather Locklear on Melrose Place) as the bitch I've loved to hate the most in all of television.
I'm loving these blogs. I first watched these episodes two years ago, and seeing Wendy then -- it was just infuriating (and not in a good way), and the tension that built every week she WASN'T eliminated was almost too much. Re-watching (and reading the blogs) after the fact, when I know the results (I won't spoil them here), and have had two other Runways to help dilute the passion that was stirred in PR1, has added a whole new level of fun to the PR experience.
Seriously, I think Omarossa and Wendy are tied for Worst Reality Show Person ever. As you said -- before reality TV, these people really were weeded out by natural selection.
Anonymous said:
"I think evil Wendy sucks the joy out of PR. Never liked her. She is talentless."
Sucks the joy out? Are you kidding? I think she ADDED joy. Everybody else looked so interesting, dedicated and talented in contrast to her. Wendy added Spice! Ugliness! Meanness! Witchery! Falseness! Superiority! Conniving! Manipulation! What's not to like? Face it, the episode would have been a bore and a snore without her.
macasism said...
It's so refreshing to spend time at a blog where you are allowed to mention that parenthood does not instantly confer wisdom & sainthood.
Yup. I 'm a parent and I'm one crazy bitch so there ya go.....
the older i get, the less i'm willing to take all comers and allow kooks into my life.
it's lovely, though, to watch one in action while keeping a little distance. fruit. cake. jiminy, what a nut.
"these types of people were probably weeded out by natural selection. Sure, they're fun to watch, but you wouldn't want one of them sleeping in your tribe."
Wendy added Spice! Ugliness! Meanness! Witchery! Falseness! Superiority! Conniving! Manipulation! What's not to like?
" deborah said...
Ah yes, Vanessa did catch on faster than the others...
--Gotham Tomato "
It's funny. I never noticed that until you guys mentioned it here.
The Pepper goes down in history as one of the greatest television villains of all time. What a legacy!
I agree that Wendy Pepper (ugh!) used her daughter as a prop, but I think it's unfair to paint Jeffrey with the same brush. He genuinely adored his son, and that showed. She was fake fake fake from the minute she discovered she wasn't talented enough to win and took the low road. And the producers helped her to do it because that creates a good show.
this was brilliant. I laughed muchly.
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