The best part -- is the fact that without any of the blogs and particularly -- nobody would would be paying an ounce of attention to the batshit insane ramblings of a guy whose prior claim to fame was stories you tell your friends:
"There was this total fucking screwball jerk in front of me at the bank today, he got all indignant and pissy and self-entitled with the teller, and then he tried to pick her up."
YAY for being a "morib sick bastard who has nothing better to do"!! As I sit here typing with my glass of Merlot.
Kiss my ass, Vincent. You have got to find a pill that makes you less manic and more depressive. For the sake of all humanity, ask your shrink for one!
Good Christ. This "not one ounce of camaraderie" shit from Mr. Fucking Fluff and Fold, who abused the living hell out of the production staff over a simple mistake??? (And, umm, I still have no idea what "don't fluff and fold" means.) Crazy jackhole motherfucker.
Kathryn said... "Good Christ. This "not one ounce of camaraderie" shit from Mr. Fucking Fluff and Fold, who abused the living hell out of the production staff over a simple mistake??? (And, umm, I still have no idea what "don't fluff and fold" means.) Crazy jackhole motherfucker."
lol. "fluff and fold" is simply laundered. the wash is "fluffed" and folded before being wrapped and returned to the owner. it can wreak havoc with items that are dry-clean-only, of course, but it's not usually cause for apoplexy. in most of us.
this guy is so out of it and mean-spirited, it's almost not worth talking about him anymore. he'll just keep saying insane, horrible things because he wants to get a rise out of people. because he wants to get off some more. because he's a total creep who left his so-called talent in the 80s and moved to crazytown.
Vincent is very clumsy and seriously lacks some interpersonal skills however, let's don't pretend that many many, way too many people don't post like mean spirited weenies on the internet okay. Vincent's on to something here.
Wait a second. Is "morbid, sick bastard" a pejorative now?
Damn. Next thing you know, people are going to say that it's inappropriate for me to say, "Oh, thanks, but I can't really take credit: it's a gift" when my friends call me a slut.
What about the other bonus video where he's laughing his ass off thinking about shooting an arrow at an apple in Angela's mouth. Or dropping a bowling ball on her head. He's such a hypocrite talking about comraderie when he's so mean-spirited. I really, really dislike him.
Would I be considered a loser if I openly wished the reunion special was two hours?
Yes, Vincent's nuts. This is equivalent to throwing a lit match on a raging forest fire.
And of course there should have been more Bradley!
Oh and did anyone else think that it's a little sad that a lot of those words Tim Gunn tossed around actually weren't that big? I knoew all of them. I'm not bragging, but at least Tim's dismissing the fashion=dumb stereotype.
And I KNOW the Gayboys are craving pics of Tim's visual art!
All I can say is that boy’s cheese has definitely slipped off its cracker! Talk about chips on the shoulder – honey! Small plastic soap dishes have more native appeal than M. Vincent!
I don't think Vincent is living on Planet Earth with the rest of us. I loved it when Laura said "Vincet is delusional!" Yes, he is, that's why I still like watching Vincent.
MOST former designers on Project Runway realize the value of the exposure of this show to their careers. Even if they get kicked off, they get SEEN in a way their work never would have in a million years.
Yet Vincent, the SICKO (yes Vincent that is what you are) chooses to totally self sabotage himself but lambasting this show at every turn.
Who will want to EVER work with this lunatic?
I'll tell you who: NO ONE.
Not even Wendy Pepper, although I do think those two need to be locked in a room together and maybe some miracle of nature will occur and they will vent themselves clean by competing for who can be the nastiest.
Vincent, you should be ashamed of yourself. And as far as the "blogspots", THIS blog has provided more entertainment and fun than you could have ever hoped for in your sorry "exposure" on that show.
Take your disappointment in yourself for your POOR DECISION in cashing in your 401K and go support your family with something you can actually succeed in.
May the fashion industry forget about you as soon as possible.
YUK. May you rot in the shadow of the Fashion Superstar Tim Gunn.
What fucking nutcase! I mean, we knew it -- but now we just have more proof. I mean, he rants about how he has been negatively portrayed, yet claims to have legions of fans (and to be totally honest, I have yet to meet one person in real life, or find more than one posting online that has been supportive of either his personality or aesthetic, so I find this suspect) -- he assails Tim Gunn for not kissing his ass, by calling him and the show's producers trashy -- he complains about being unfairly maligned as a rapist or murderer, and is then caught going on long-winded fantasy/joke sequences about murdering Angela...what. the. fuck.
I mean, Keith came off like an asshole (changing your story half-way through a defense is the best way to get caught lying on national TV), but after seeing Vicent's outburst over the laundering gaffe, he was just mild. Look, the majority of my clothing is Dry Clean Only -- if someone machine washed it instead, yes, I would be pissed -- but I wouldn't spout off like a psycho-path (okay, that's a lie -- when some asshole at the food court spilled a huge Coke all over my new $120 Banana Republic pants when I was 17, I freaked the fuck out -- but I was 17 and hormonal, not in my 40s).
I am having a break down! I cannot view the video here OR on directly on the Bravo site! My screen freezes up!! What does he say? Anyone care to tell me the Cliff notes version?
I can't even...where in the fresh hell did he...this muthaf*cka didn't...just damn.
I don't think there's any way Vincent could have made himself look more like a Loony douchebag than he did in this video. Seriously--this clip is the final nail in his crazy coffin. I have no idea how his career will go anywhere but down after this.
But, let's not forget the crazy that was Keith. He showed NO emotion: "You can look in my eyes and tell that I was upset." I saw NOTHING in those eyes. And the calmness with which he just bounced lies out of his mouth was...creepy. Seriously. Vincent "Mad Lib" Libretti and Keith Michael floated a huge stormcloud over an otherwise fun reunion show. Ick. ICK.
"There was this total fucking screwball jerk in front of me at the bank today, he got all indignant and pissy and self-entitled with the teller, and then he tried to pick her up."
Listen, I am POSITIVE Vincent is having a hypomanic episode. Yes his behavior is out of line, but I genuinely don't think he is to blame for it. He has all the criteria (I don't have the DSM IV with me but grandiosity, irritability, it all fits) I think Bravo TV is to blame for exploiting someone who is clearly mentally ill!
Vincent is delusional. Keith has socio-pathic ideologies (there's a Tim word for you -Look it up!) Jefferey is not that weird or angry. He just has tatoos and dresses funny.
OK....while I am HORRIFIED at what he had to say about Tim Gunn, I think some are misunderstanding what Vincent is saying about the camaraderie.
He is going on and on about what they chose to do on the reunion show in the name of ratings (bring out Keith, quesition the judges)....etc....he is saying that cheapened the episode.
He has a point, but this is TV and its what he signed up for so tough shit.
BUT....when he says "where is the camaraderie, where was the good will"? I think he means there was a lot more if it that we didn't see because is wasn't dramatic enough .
And he is pissed that we all call him crazy......yeah,well no surprise there.
It seemed really obvious to me that he was saying all this shit just to get a rise out of people. Saying things like, "I'm giving you good stuff to use." And then laughing maniacally. He knows exactly what he's doing, and he's playing the part of the "wacko" so he can squeeze a little more out of his 7.5 minutes of fame. He knows he's getting attention because of the blogs,, and all the other places where people talk about him. That's why he's giving us more shit to talk about. He may be crazy but he's not stupid.
Speaking of MySpace, at the beginning of the season, the desigers with pages all had Vincent in their "top friends". If you go check their pages now- you will see he is gone....he isn't on one single top friends list of any of the designers....
Vincent thinks that if he says something it is true and that he can convince everyone of his reality. He "talked" his way out of being aufed so many times, it isn't even funny.
It was sad to see him. It made me ratchet my opinion of him donw another tad or two.
On another note -- what is happening to the emails that are deleted? Are they being deleted because of the content? Or are they being deleted because Vinny wrote them?
ladies and gents, as a therapist who treats those with mental illness, I can assure you there is a difference between "craziness" and being a douche bag.
Vincent comes very close to meeting the criteria in the DSM for such things as Bipolar D/O and histrionic personality disorder, but I guarantee that if he was prescribed a mood stabilizer it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference.
He does not suffer from a chemical imbalance, he's an asshole plain and simple.
Until the FDA approves anti-douchebag medication, the world will be full of Vincents.
I so hope some drug company somewhere is working on that, but I fear that unless it also cures ED it'll never see the light of day.
I wish that the producers had put that rant, and some of the other stuff from the bonus video, like Jay's rant, into the renunion show. Because, gawd, after the buildup, it was A BORE.
They must have stopped offering an open bar before the taping, dammit. Bring back Vanessa Riley and Wendy Pepper!
I so hope some drug company somewhere is working on that, but I fear that unless it also cures ED it'll never see the light of day.
I wish that the producers had put that rant, and some of the other stuff from the bonus video, like Jay's rant, into the renunion show. Because, gawd, after the buildup, it was A BORE.
They must have stopped offering an open bar before the taping, dammit. Bring back Vanessa Riley and Wendy Pepper!
I'm amazed Crazy Vinnie didn't win the popularity prize. Just judging from the number of comments here whenever he's the subject, people can't get enough of this loon. He's like a road accident of crazy.
I found myself agreeing with Vicent when he said that they didn't show, "not one ounce of camaraderie".
But then I watched the other bonus videos on They didn't show your 'camaraderie' because it seems that the boys bonded over shredding the other designers.
And for who reads and writes these blogs...count me in as 'one sick puppy'.
Vincent took a lot of crap for his use of language...most of which was standard colloquilisms from the 70's. Lots of people used to talk like that; very few people have held onto it. As I recall it, "turn me on" had a more of a drug connotation than a sexual one. "Fluff and fold" is a laundry term. In NYC, many people in apts. do not have laundry facilities. There are laundries which will "fluff & fold" or "wash & fold" for you, so you don't have to hang around a laudromat. So, if you are not familiar with the term,it sounds odd to you. Obviously a dry clean only garment went through the wash. If I was living out of a suitcase and an expensive shirt of mine was ruined by a person who failed to read the label, I wouldn't be too pleased. I think Vincent went on a rant because of a lot of built up stress. Yes, it was entertaining and I bet he felt better afterwards. The guy is slightly nutty and quite entertaining if you ask me. Why all the ill will? He's harmless.
As it is with many things we build up before they occur, I have to agree that the show last night was a bit of a bore. Did we really have to see Angela's mother cry AGAIN!!! Don't we all have that little bit of footage permanently burned on our retinas. I did enjoy seeing a little of the "behind the scenes" footage. It showed that those runway shows are not quite as stressful as one might have thought. It's without doubt that the editing process adds a lot to this show.
I'm glad Michael won the 10K. Of all of them, he can probably use it the most. Hell, I'm sure Laura has purses that cost at least that.
Someone who thinks that they are always right, and is utterly incapable of seeing that they might have made a mistake or might not be talented, or can so completely believe that events happened in a completely different way than everyone else? Is clinically psychotic.
I feel sorry that he is so utterly deluded that he thinks the way he does. In his broken mind, he probably thinks that every person who approaches him on the sidewalk and says that he sucks is complimenting him on his talent.
That line about the blogspots just cracks me up - I suspected poor Vincent's grasp on all things internets was amusingly shaky. Like his gracious thank-you's on his MySpace to the "designers" of his website. Like putting some photos on a MySpace makes you a designer! (edit - he used to have this message - I just checked and he took it down)
That said, I wish he'd get his own blogspot, I think it would be comedy gold.
Wow. On a better, cleaner note, this blog is populated with some of the brightest, slap ya mama funniest quips (anti douchebag medication--LMAO!) I've ever heard ever! Kudos! 1 aspect of this that I'm very curious about-- If this competition, as Uli logically pointed out, "is business", didn't any of these people like Vincent (& Alison and her interesting reasoning in EW as to why she was Auf'd, Keith and his irresponsible, incessant lies, et al)take into consideration that investors are watching and these behaviors may have some bearing on said investors interest in funding the designers ventures? I wouldn't put a nickel in Vincent's begging cup let alone invest in his company after witnessing those unfortunate rants. I've seen a lot of self destruction in my day, but some of these folks should be awarded doctorates in the field!
Anonymous (3:29) said... ...take into consideration that investors are watching and these behaviors may have some bearing on said investors interest in funding the designers ventures ...
I thought the same thing and suspect that this might have been the rationale behind Vincent's blame-it-on-the-editting and Keith's re-write of PR history. Unfortunately for both, they only succeeded in digging themselves a deeper hole. I can't wait to hear from them again -- and y'all know we will -- once they realize their last efforts failed so miserably.
PRGayboysclinicalconsultant said... ladies and gents, as a therapist who treats those with mental illness, I can assure you there is a difference between "craziness" and being a douche bag.
I appreciate your professional opinion and I do hope that research is being done to develop a treatment for CDBS (chronic douche bag syndrome). It is time we took this affliction seriously. If we treat CDBS we may be able to take a lot of other people (i.e., the ones who have to deal with CDBs) off of their meds!!!
If you'll indulge me playing armchair shrink for a second: it seems like Vincent is a perfect fit for a diagnosis for narcissistic personality disorder. It would be a duel diagnosis with CDBS, of course.
I don't care. I like him more everytime he's on. He's fucking hilarious and not at all mean spirited unlike Jeffrey or even do I dare say, Laura. I like Laura too but I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of her barbs.
Vincent may be a nutcase--but Tim didn't exactly hide the fact that he thought Vincent was ridiculous--and not just as a designer--espeially in his podcasts. B*tch is still crazy though.
TRIXIE B said... "I appreciate your professional opinion and I do hope that research is being done to develop a treatment for CDBS (chronic douche bag syndrome). It is time we took this affliction seriously. If we treat CDBS we may be able to take a lot of other people (i.e., the ones who have to deal with CDBs) off of their meds!!!"
Hate to say it, but I understand his point. Some very mean (but also very hilarious) stuff was on this blog and we're a relatively erudite bunch, i.e., grammatically correct sentences, typos-not-misspellings and some definite wit. But I think we've all seen blogs that are otherwise and they, I'm sure, were brutal to Vincent. People write on blogs like they write about public figures who've had years to get used to ignoring it. It would be hard to read really harsh insults about yourself. THAT SAID -- I'm happy to have seen the last (I hope!) of Captain Haldol/Mr. Fluff-n-Fold KooKoo Pants!
Vincent is CRAZY. I liked him on the "Road to the Runway" special, but since then . . . not so much. As Jay McCarroll said, it was the basket hat that ruined him for me.
I've hated Vincent from the start. I thought he was no good, and this just proved it even more. Vincent is worth nothing more than the gum on somebody's shoe, and needs to be put through a table. Preferably by Batista.
Vincent seems like some of the guys who went to Studio 54 in the late 70's and hung out, maybe doing a line or two, thinking they were really "in" with Halston, Liza Minelli,Calvin Klein,Grace Jones.....he probably misses those Studio 54 days that's all. He's living a bit in tha past, and he is delusional like many of the guys who went to the DISCO and thought they were John Travlota, but Vincent is still at the disco, thats the problem.
...ladies and gents, as a therapist who treats those with mental illness, I can assure you there is a difference between "craziness" and being a douche bag..."
I'm just waiting for someone to start a site called just that:
The site could include information about CDBS and those afflicted with it. Vincent could appear as the spokesperson.
But seriously, I wasn't ready to call him crazy before this. Matter of fact, I considered him to be just odd. But I think he's crazy. Yeah. Certifiable. Looney. Insane.
What I saw was someone who doesn't know how to take criticism well. When Tim would attempt to critique him and make suggestions, Vincent would say he liked the project, saying it got him "off." That a vailed attempt at saying, "I'm not changing a thing about this garment no matter what you say." So for him to say that Tim Gunn didn't offer him valuable advice etc, is just bullcrap. He wasn't willing to receive it!
On another note, after viewing out-takes on Bravo TV and watching the past 3 seasons of PR: Does that shock anyone how candid the contestants can be when talking about their fellow designers? It astonishes me that they can be so nasty/evil/mean/cruel when discussing ON THE RECORD about the other contestants. Would anyone say such brutal stuff about their neighbors/co-workers/acquaintaces fully knowing that they would see & hear all the mean things you said about them? What evil effect that confessional camera has that makes people need to spill so much venon? Is it a truth-serum or just an infectuous poison? Some people can be funny and it's entertaining to see them dish about each other, but within limits. Guys like Robert, Kayne or Nick on season 2 were catty-funny, even Laura does not bother me with her comments. But Vincent and Jeffrey were simply cruel and vicious. How do they face each other at the reunion show after eveyone has heard, senn and read all the evil stuff they said about the other guys? Was I the only one that thought that Jay's Season 3 recap was downright mean-spirited? He is witty and funny, but so insecure that he had to rip the other contestants apart. How do they just seat there and hear being compared to the personality of a tumble weed?
The fashion world is not a nice place, Yes they would and do say nasty,b!tchy,cruel,mean and nice things to their co-workers and about their co-workers. I worked in the garment center in NYC with designers,models,stylist,buyers, yes they are just like the people on PR.
Is Vincent King Freak of the Universe? Absolutely.
Even so...I can understand how he would be miffed at Tim. Tim has said some very harsh things about Vincent in Tim's Take and in his podcast pretty much right from the beginning.
Everytime I see Vincent on PR, I just want to change the channel. Actually. I started doing that. Everytime he starts talking, I just change the channel. I really cannot stand his BS. Between him and Jeffry. I'd rather be stuck with Jeffry in a decompression chamber.
We have a word for this in Texas: Crazytown.
Holly Shit! Simply amazing.
I must say that I am disappointed in Vincent's behavior. I used to think he was a nice guy.
He is most certainly the "morbid sick bastard."
Wow, sore loser.
The best part -- is the fact that without any of the blogs and particularly -- nobody would would be paying an ounce of attention to the batshit insane ramblings of a guy whose prior claim to fame was stories you tell your friends:
"There was this total fucking screwball jerk in front of me at the bank today, he got all indignant and pissy and self-entitled with the teller, and then he tried to pick her up."
Yeah. He's that guy.
Trust us, guys, we can't make this shit up.
And the great part? With Vincent, you don't even have to TRY. He really does speak for himself.
Say what?
If it's so cheap, why apply?
Oh Mr. Fluff 'N' Fold.
He switches personalities like 5 times. Oh dear, someone didn't take their pills.
Well, I gotta say, if I read about people calling me crazy or a child rapist or a serial killer or whatever, I would be pissed too.
But the comment for Tim Gunn? Whatever. That was stupid.
Vincent....those little blue pills you take every day.....take two from now on...
YAY for being a "morib sick bastard who has nothing better to do"!! As I sit here typing with my glass of Merlot.
Kiss my ass, Vincent.
You have got to find a pill that makes you less manic and more depressive. For the sake of all humanity, ask your shrink for one!
Good Christ. This "not one ounce of camaraderie" shit from Mr. Fucking Fluff and Fold, who abused the living hell out of the production staff over a simple mistake??? (And, umm, I still have no idea what "don't fluff and fold" means.) Crazy jackhole motherfucker.
How can you blame the producers when shit is coming out of YOUR mouth?
As laura says, what an asshole.
this man . . . THIS man is calling tim gun a trash talker? mr @#$@#T$%^&$%^!#$@!#$$^$%& vincent? crimifuckinitly, the guy's got a screw loose.
dr miss lynette prescribes serious psychotropic meds to commence at once.
Kathryn said...
"Good Christ. This "not one ounce of camaraderie" shit from Mr. Fucking Fluff and Fold, who abused the living hell out of the production staff over a simple mistake??? (And, umm, I still have no idea what "don't fluff and fold" means.) Crazy jackhole motherfucker."
lol. "fluff and fold" is simply laundered. the wash is "fluffed" and folded before being wrapped and returned to the owner. it can wreak havoc with items that are dry-clean-only, of course, but it's not usually cause for apoplexy. in most of us.
I've never felt so justified in being a "morbid, sick bastid."
Wacka wacka wacka doo. Enjoy your 15 minutes while you can, Captain Haldol.
hee hee. I'm from Texas too. Yeah we'd call him Crazy town. or we might call him "one enchilada short of a combo plate."
Like Kayne and Michael said: "HE CRAZY"
Whickety wacko!!
this guy is so out of it and mean-spirited, it's almost not worth talking about him anymore. he'll just keep saying insane, horrible things because he wants to get a rise out of people. because he wants to get off some more. because he's a total creep who left his so-called talent in the 80s and moved to crazytown.
Keith is still crazier than this.
Vincent is very clumsy and seriously lacks some interpersonal skills however, let's don't pretend that many many, way too many people don't post like mean spirited weenies on the internet okay. Vincent's on to something here.
Wait a second. Is "morbid, sick bastard" a pejorative now?
Damn. Next thing you know, people are going to say that it's inappropriate for me to say, "Oh, thanks, but I can't really take credit: it's a gift" when my friends call me a slut.
What a world.
What about the other bonus video where he's laughing his ass off thinking about shooting an arrow at an apple in Angela's mouth. Or dropping a bowling ball on her head. He's such a hypocrite talking about comraderie when he's so mean-spirited. I really, really dislike him.
talk about bitter
im watching the bonus footage on, is it just me or is kayne suffering from tannorexia?
I know, right? He looks like an Oompa Loompa.
lifethroughcredit said:
is it just me or is kayne suffering from tannorexia?
I think his facial scrub must be carrot juice based.
Would I be considered a loser if I openly wished the reunion special was two hours?
Yes, Vincent's nuts. This is equivalent to throwing a lit match on a raging forest fire.
And of course there should have been more Bradley!
Oh and did anyone else think that it's a little sad that a lot of those words Tim Gunn tossed around actually weren't that big? I knoew all of them. I'm not bragging, but at least Tim's dismissing the fashion=dumb stereotype.
And I KNOW the Gayboys are craving pics of Tim's visual art!
It was a fun show.
All I can say is that boy’s cheese has definitely slipped off its cracker! Talk about chips on the shoulder – honey! Small plastic soap dishes have more native appeal than M. Vincent!
Pinor Noir, yes. Maybe a nice zin or cab. A shiraz even. But I am NOT drinking any fucking Merlot!
I don't think Vincent is living on Planet Earth with the rest of us. I loved it when Laura said "Vincet is delusional!" Yes, he is, that's why I still like watching Vincent.
Is he trying to look butch with the beard stubble.
Ok now I need to vent after watching that.
MOST former designers on Project Runway realize the value of the exposure of this show to their careers. Even if they get kicked off, they get SEEN in a way their work never would have in a million years.
Yet Vincent, the SICKO (yes Vincent that is what you are) chooses to totally self sabotage himself but lambasting this show at every turn.
Who will want to EVER work with this lunatic?
I'll tell you who: NO ONE.
Not even Wendy Pepper, although I do think those two need to be locked in a room together and maybe some miracle of nature will occur and they will vent themselves clean by competing for who can be the nastiest.
Vincent, you should be ashamed of yourself. And as far as the "blogspots", THIS blog has provided more entertainment and fun than you could have ever hoped for in your sorry "exposure" on that show.
Take your disappointment in yourself for your POOR DECISION in cashing in your 401K and go support your family with something you can actually succeed in.
May the fashion industry forget about you as soon as possible.
YUK. May you rot in the shadow of the Fashion Superstar Tim Gunn.
Ok, I'm done.
bad-mouthing tim 'turns him on.'
Two Words: Douche. Bag.
I still can't believe that people aren't really talking all that much about the laundry incident.
Also, does Vincent have an underage stepdaughter that he can start boinking to complete his imitation of Woody Allen off his meds?
Vincent went on a reality show and he was weird. He's suprised that people are having fun at his expense on blogs.
Welcome to reality, Vincent!
What fucking nutcase! I mean, we knew it -- but now we just have more proof. I mean, he rants about how he has been negatively portrayed, yet claims to have legions of fans (and to be totally honest, I have yet to meet one person in real life, or find more than one posting online that has been supportive of either his personality or aesthetic, so I find this suspect) -- he assails Tim Gunn for not kissing his ass, by calling him and the show's producers trashy -- he complains about being unfairly maligned as a rapist or murderer, and is then caught going on long-winded fantasy/joke sequences about murdering Angela...what. the. fuck.
I mean, Keith came off like an asshole (changing your story half-way through a defense is the best way to get caught lying on national TV), but after seeing Vicent's outburst over the laundering gaffe, he was just mild. Look, the majority of my clothing is Dry Clean Only -- if someone machine washed it instead, yes, I would be pissed -- but I wouldn't spout off like a psycho-path (okay, that's a lie -- when some asshole at the food court spilled a huge Coke all over my new $120 Banana Republic pants when I was 17, I freaked the fuck out -- but I was 17 and hormonal, not in my 40s).
Crack pot.
I am having a break down! I cannot view the video here OR on directly on the Bravo site! My screen freezes up!! What does he say? Anyone care to tell me the Cliff notes version?
Actually I went back and read the comments and think I got the gist of it (thanks Christina)
"Tim Gunn is a trashmouth."
I can't even...where in the fresh hell did he...this muthaf*cka didn't...just damn.
I don't think there's any way Vincent could have made himself look more like a Loony douchebag than he did in this video. Seriously--this clip is the final nail in his crazy coffin. I have no idea how his career will go anywhere but down after this.
But, let's not forget the crazy that was Keith. He showed NO emotion: "You can look in my eyes and tell that I was upset." I saw NOTHING in those eyes. And the calmness with which he just bounced lies out of his mouth was...creepy. Seriously. Vincent "Mad Lib" Libretti and Keith Michael floated a huge stormcloud over an otherwise fun reunion show. Ick. ICK.
Forget "Serious Ugly". This dude is serious nuts. He's out of his fucking mind.
"this clip is the final nail in his crazy coffin" - Divine Ms M, that's a classic.
I don't even know what to say. Vincent is a very scary man.
Keith: Look into his eyes and see a vacuum. The man has no soul.
With the exception of Keith, Vincent and Jeffrey, I enjoyed the reunion show immensely. It was the best one of the three!
Pinor Noir, yes. Maybe a nice zin or cab. A shiraz even. But I am NOT drinking any fucking Merlot! -Trixie B
LOVE Sideways! haha
omg, Vincent has problems... not that that's new.
"There was this total fucking screwball jerk in front of me at the bank today, he got all indignant and pissy and self-entitled with the teller, and then he tried to pick her up."
Oh my GOD this was freakin' hysterical!!
Listen, I am POSITIVE Vincent is having a hypomanic episode. Yes his behavior is out of line, but I genuinely don't think he is to blame for it. He has all the criteria (I don't have the DSM IV with me but grandiosity, irritability, it all fits) I think Bravo TV is to blame for exploiting someone who is clearly mentally ill!
I feel so terribly sorry for his family..
One wonders if the wife has a restraining order just sort of filled out and ready to date for the day she knows she'll need it?
What a complete crazy ass...
Vincent is delusional.
Keith has socio-pathic ideologies (there's a Tim word for you -Look it up!)
Jefferey is not that weird or angry. He just has tatoos and dresses funny.
Laura said it best..."Vincent is Delusional"...What a sad, sad, sad man....
I don't have my copy of the DSM IV with me either, but I don't think being an asshole is officially recognized as a mental disorder.
I finally got it to work.
OK....while I am HORRIFIED at what he had to say about Tim Gunn, I think some are misunderstanding what Vincent is saying about the camaraderie.
He is going on and on about what they chose to do on the reunion show in the name of ratings (bring out Keith, quesition the judges)....etc....he is saying that cheapened the episode.
He has a point, but this is TV and its what he signed up for so tough shit.
BUT....when he says "where is the camaraderie, where was the good will"? I think he means there was a lot more if it that we didn't see because is wasn't dramatic enough .
And he is pissed that we all call him crazy......yeah,well no surprise there.
I'm simply wondering how he can get through a door with that big of a head and chip on his shoulders?
Also am wondering if its all a joke.
It seemed really obvious to me that he was saying all this shit just to get a rise out of people. Saying things like, "I'm giving you good stuff to use." And then laughing maniacally. He knows exactly what he's doing, and he's playing the part of the "wacko" so he can squeeze a little more out of his 7.5 minutes of fame. He knows he's getting attention because of the blogs,, and all the other places where people talk about him. That's why he's giving us more shit to talk about. He may be crazy but he's not stupid.
Blogs ARE entertaining for morbid sick bastards!
Oh. Wait. What?
After seeing his "fluff and fold" tantrum, and now this, I think I'm going to delete him as my myspace friend.
I really used to think he was a nice guy.
Speaking of MySpace, at the beginning of the season, the desigers with pages all had Vincent in their "top friends". If you go check their pages now- you will see he is gone....he isn't on one single top friends list of any of the designers....
"I abhor when people try to change history...Idiot! It's on the freakin' tape!!!"
Hmm...perhaps there's a spot for him in the current Bush administration.
Vincent thinks that if he says something it is true and that he can convince everyone of his reality. He "talked" his way out of being aufed so many times, it isn't even funny.
It was sad to see him. It made me ratchet my opinion of him donw another tad or two.
On another note -- what is happening to the emails that are deleted? Are they being deleted because of the content? Or are they being deleted because Vinny wrote them?
- LauraandMichael
ladies and gents, as a therapist who treats those with mental illness, I can assure you there is a difference between "craziness" and being a douche bag.
Vincent comes very close to meeting the criteria in the DSM for such things as Bipolar D/O and histrionic personality disorder, but I guarantee that if he was prescribed a mood stabilizer it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference.
He does not suffer from a chemical imbalance, he's an asshole plain and simple.
Until the FDA approves anti-douchebag medication, the world will be full of Vincents.
Um, "serious ugly" from crazy-man. I am just amazed at his inability to live in the real world.
"anti-douchebag medication"
I so hope some drug company somewhere is working on that, but I fear that unless it also cures ED it'll never see the light of day.
I wish that the producers had put that rant, and some of the other stuff from the bonus video, like Jay's rant, into the renunion show. Because, gawd, after the buildup, it was A BORE.
They must have stopped offering an open bar before the taping, dammit. Bring back Vanessa Riley and Wendy Pepper!
"anti-douchebag medication"
I so hope some drug company somewhere is working on that, but I fear that unless it also cures ED it'll never see the light of day.
I wish that the producers had put that rant, and some of the other stuff from the bonus video, like Jay's rant, into the renunion show. Because, gawd, after the buildup, it was A BORE.
They must have stopped offering an open bar before the taping, dammit. Bring back Vanessa Riley and Wendy Pepper!
I say we hire a bum or a hooker to kneel under him while we push him over. A classic gag that never fails!
Yeah, "blogspots" goes hand in hand with "the internets."
I hate this man.
I'm amazed Crazy Vinnie didn't win the popularity prize. Just judging from the number of comments here whenever he's the subject, people can't get enough of this loon. He's like a road accident of crazy.
hahaha, unbelievable...It makes me wonder what other "crazy" that they didn't show us.
man I wish someone would transcribe what he says in this video. I can't get it to play, been trying since last night. Wah!
I found myself agreeing with Vicent when he said that they didn't show, "not one ounce of camaraderie".
But then I watched the other bonus videos on They didn't show your 'camaraderie' because it seems that the boys bonded over shredding the other designers.
And for who reads and writes these blogs...count me in as 'one sick puppy'.
Vincent took a lot of crap for his use of language...most of which was standard colloquilisms from the 70's. Lots of people used to talk like that; very few people have held onto it. As I recall it, "turn me on" had a more of a drug connotation than a sexual one. "Fluff and fold" is a laundry term. In NYC, many people in apts. do not have laundry facilities. There are laundries which will "fluff & fold" or "wash & fold" for you, so you don't have to hang around a laudromat. So, if you are not familiar with the term,it sounds odd to you. Obviously a dry clean only garment went through the wash. If I was living out of a suitcase and an expensive shirt of mine was ruined by a person who failed to read the label, I wouldn't be too pleased. I think Vincent went on a rant because of a lot of built up stress. Yes, it was entertaining and I bet he felt better afterwards. The guy is slightly nutty and quite entertaining if you ask me. Why all the ill will? He's harmless.
So....he doesn't like blogs? Didn't really get that the first five times he said it.
As it is with many things we build up before they occur, I have to agree that the show last night was a bit of a bore. Did we really have to see Angela's mother cry AGAIN!!! Don't we all have that little bit of footage permanently burned on our retinas. I did enjoy seeing a little of the "behind the scenes" footage. It showed that those runway shows are not quite as stressful as one might have thought. It's without doubt that the editing process adds a lot to this show.
I'm glad Michael won the 10K. Of all of them, he can probably use it the most. Hell, I'm sure Laura has purses that cost at least that.
Someone who thinks that they are always right, and is utterly incapable of seeing that they might have made a mistake or might not be talented, or can so completely believe that events happened in a completely different way than everyone else? Is clinically psychotic.
I feel sorry that he is so utterly deluded that he thinks the way he does. In his broken mind, he probably thinks that every person who approaches him on the sidewalk and says that he sucks is complimenting him on his talent.
Well, just goes to show: crazy is as crazy does!
Thank you for transcribing the video for us.
That line about the blogspots just cracks me up - I suspected poor Vincent's grasp on all things internets was amusingly shaky. Like his gracious thank-you's on his MySpace to the "designers" of his website. Like putting some photos on a MySpace makes you a designer! (edit - he used to have this message - I just checked and he took it down)
That said, I wish he'd get his own blogspot, I think it would be comedy gold.
On a better, cleaner note, this blog is populated with some of the brightest, slap ya mama funniest quips (anti douchebag medication--LMAO!) I've ever heard ever! Kudos!
1 aspect of this that I'm very curious about-- If this competition, as Uli logically pointed out, "is business", didn't any of these people like Vincent (& Alison and her interesting reasoning in EW as to why she was Auf'd, Keith and his irresponsible, incessant lies, et al)take into consideration that investors are watching and these behaviors may have some bearing on said investors interest in funding the designers ventures? I wouldn't put a nickel in Vincent's begging cup let alone invest in his company after witnessing those unfortunate rants. I've seen a lot of self destruction in my day, but some of these folks should be awarded doctorates in the field!
Anonymous (3:29) said...
...take into consideration that investors are watching and these behaviors may have some bearing on said investors interest in funding the designers ventures ...
I thought the same thing and suspect that this might have been the rationale behind Vincent's blame-it-on-the-editting and Keith's re-write of PR history. Unfortunately for both, they only succeeded in digging themselves a deeper hole. I can't wait to hear from them again -- and y'all know we will -- once they realize their last efforts failed so miserably.
PRGayboysclinicalconsultant said... ladies and gents, as a therapist who treats those with mental illness, I can assure you there is a difference between "craziness" and being a douche bag.
I appreciate your professional opinion and I do hope that research is being done to develop a treatment for CDBS (chronic douche bag syndrome). It is time we took this affliction seriously. If we treat CDBS we may be able to take a lot of other people (i.e., the ones who have to deal with CDBs) off of their meds!!!
If you'll indulge me playing armchair shrink for a second: it seems like Vincent is a perfect fit for a diagnosis for narcissistic personality disorder. It would be a duel diagnosis with CDBS, of course.
(missy - I'm glad you liked reference!)
I don't care. I like him more everytime he's on. He's fucking hilarious and not at all mean spirited unlike Jeffrey or even do I dare say, Laura. I like Laura too but I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of her barbs.
Vincent may be a nutcase--but Tim didn't exactly hide the fact that he thought Vincent was ridiculous--and not just as a designer--espeially in his podcasts. B*tch is still crazy though.
TRIXIE B said...
"I appreciate your professional opinion and I do hope that research is being done to develop a treatment for CDBS (chronic douche bag syndrome). It is time we took this affliction seriously. If we treat CDBS we may be able to take a lot of other people (i.e., the ones who have to deal with CDBs) off of their meds!!!"
Oh. My. God. He belived Keith? He believed Keith. Oh my god!
Yeah, Allison crying over Keith leaving and Robert's stading ovation were just examples of backstabbing and bitching.
I still can't believe it.
Hate to say it, but I understand his point. Some very mean (but also very hilarious) stuff was on this blog and we're a relatively erudite bunch, i.e., grammatically correct sentences, typos-not-misspellings and some definite wit. But I think we've all seen blogs that are otherwise and they, I'm sure, were brutal to Vincent. People write on blogs like they write about public figures who've had years to get used to ignoring it. It would be hard to read really harsh insults about yourself. THAT SAID -- I'm happy to have seen the last (I hope!) of Captain Haldol/Mr. Fluff-n-Fold KooKoo Pants!
Vincent is crazy and that mess last night was the last straw. UGH!
Vincent is CRAZY. I liked him on the "Road to the Runway" special, but since then . . . not so much. As Jay McCarroll said, it was the basket hat that ruined him for me.
He dissed Tim Gunn.
No one disses Tim Gunn.
I've hated Vincent from the start. I thought he was no good, and this just proved it even more. Vincent is worth nothing more than the gum on somebody's shoe, and needs to be put through a table. Preferably by Batista.
Vincent seems like some of the guys who went to Studio 54 in the late 70's and hung out, maybe doing a line or two, thinking they were really "in" with Halston, Liza Minelli,Calvin Klein,Grace Jones.....he probably misses those Studio 54 days that's all. He's living a bit in tha past, and he is delusional like many of the guys who went to the DISCO and thought they were John Travlota, but Vincent is still at the disco, thats the problem.
"PRGayboysclinicalconsultant said...
...ladies and gents, as a therapist who treats those with mental illness, I can assure you there is a difference between "craziness" and being a douche bag..."
Amen, sister.
I'm just waiting for someone to start a site called just that:
The site could include information about CDBS and those afflicted with it. Vincent could appear as the spokesperson.
But seriously, I wasn't ready to call him crazy before this. Matter of fact, I considered him to be just odd. But I think he's crazy. Yeah. Certifiable. Looney. Insane.
What I saw was someone who doesn't know how to take criticism well. When Tim would attempt to critique him and make suggestions, Vincent would say he liked the project, saying it got him "off." That a vailed attempt at saying, "I'm not changing a thing about this garment no matter what you say." So for him to say that Tim Gunn didn't offer him valuable advice etc, is just bullcrap. He wasn't willing to receive it!
On another note, after viewing out-takes on Bravo TV and watching the past 3 seasons of PR: Does that shock anyone how candid the contestants can be when talking about their fellow designers?
It astonishes me that they can be so nasty/evil/mean/cruel when discussing ON THE RECORD about the other contestants. Would anyone say such brutal stuff about their neighbors/co-workers/acquaintaces fully knowing that they would see & hear all the mean things you said about them? What evil effect that confessional camera has that makes people need to spill so much venon? Is it a truth-serum or just an infectuous poison?
Some people can be funny and it's entertaining to see them dish about each other, but within limits. Guys like Robert, Kayne or Nick on season 2 were catty-funny, even Laura does not bother me with her comments.
But Vincent and Jeffrey were simply cruel and vicious. How do they face each other at the reunion show after eveyone has heard, senn and read all the evil stuff they said about the other guys?
Was I the only one that thought that Jay's Season 3 recap was downright mean-spirited? He is witty and funny, but so insecure that he had to rip the other contestants apart. How do they just seat there and hear being compared to the personality of a tumble weed?
The fashion world is not a nice place, Yes they would and do say nasty,b!tchy,cruel,mean and nice things to their co-workers and about their co-workers. I worked in the garment center in NYC with designers,models,stylist,buyers, yes they are just like the people on PR.
It doesn't work.
Is Vincent King Freak of the Universe? Absolutely.
Even so...I can understand how he would be miffed at Tim. Tim has said some very harsh things about Vincent in Tim's Take and in his podcast pretty much right from the beginning.
Wow, okay....I just watched the "Trash Talkin'" section on the bonus videos. With what Vincent says about Angela? Umm...yikes. SCARY.
Everytime I see Vincent on PR, I just want to change the channel. Actually. I started doing that. Everytime he starts talking, I just change the channel. I really cannot stand his BS. Between him and Jeffry. I'd rather be stuck with Jeffry in a decompression chamber.
Vincent is one fucked-up psycopath.
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