Alright, let's get on with it, bitches.
It would have made sense to take each collection in the order they showed, but the first collection was Jeffrey's and we've all talked about him enough in the last 10 days. We'll get to him later but we thought Uli would be the perfect way to start the week.
We'll say right off the bat that Uli put on the best show out of the four. Laura was a close second, but Uli managed to do everything right, from the styling to the model selection to the music. The models were all uniformly gorgeous and Uli seemed to be the only one out of the four who understood how to pick music to walk to, which isn't as easy as it sounds. She chose a perfect four-on-the-floor beat which allowed the models to walk the way models are supposed to walk. Plus, it was pure Uli; a light, whimsical composition that enhanced the clothes and gave insight into the designer's personality. Ironically, Uli is the only one out of the four who used a music selection provided to her by PR.
As Heidi would say, "Let's start the show."
Not exactly a "wow" dress to kick things off. Don't get us wrong, it's beautiful but it's also exactly what you'd expect from Uli. It demonstrates Uli's typical facility with prints, but what makes it stand out is the bone collar and layered hem. Not so sure about the shoes, though.
Great-looking outfit. We really loved the whole silver and camel combination she was working with. Sophisticated, modern and fun. Love: the belt, the hem and the length of the sleeves.
And this model was WORKIN IT. Looking side to side into the crowd with a big smile on her face like she was picking out her bedmate for the night.
This was probably our favorite Uli look (or a very close second) and one of our favorites out of all four collections. Perfect proportions, with a cool sexiness and clean, modern feel and exactly enough detailing to make it interesting without overwhelming it. Loved the layered hem, the high collar, and the trim in the top and the way it goes off at an angle unexpectedly to draw the eye to the bone detail in the belt. Funny how the model was styled almost exactly like Uli.
"Mom, Jan keeps using my creme rinse!"
This dress was a little "bleh." Pretty enough, but the only thing that makes it interesting is the fabric and coming as it did right after a similar dress, it lacked impact. The MarciaMarciaMarcia styling didn't help.
Hot. At first glance, this seemed simple to the point of boring, but there's more going on here than a first glance reveals. The layering of fabrics, the sheer extended hem, the pleat on the front and the impeccable beadwork and bone clasp make this dress a stunner. It must be gorgeous in person. Perfect model too.
Hard to judge this one because PR didn't do such a great job of shooting the runway and we have yet to see a picture of Amanda wearing the jacket, which we suspect makes the outfit. The dark brown against the silver doesn't work as well as the camel does. There's some sort of pleating going on around the waist and in the jacket but from what little we could see. it looked a little overdone. The back of the top was interesting, if a little unwieldy.
That tiny cropped jacket fits over that? We're confused by this outfit.
Amanda's still hot, though.
Part Zwei coming soon!
[Photos: FirstView]
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I have to agree with you about Uli. Everything was perfection, as far as I'm concerned.
I was not expecting her creations -- all items I would love to own.
I also think she had the most perfect fashion runway music evuh!
I really loved the camel and silver number you commented on first. And yes, the model did WORK it!
Looking forward to part zwei...
I agree whole-heartedly with you Boys -- Uli's collection won my vote. Important to me, although not so with the judges apparently, was that there were no blatant missteps. Like her fabrics, the collection flowed.
I always look forward to your commentaries. Not only do they brighten my mornings, they've taught this fashion fool a few things in the process. Thanks, Boys.
That outfit from the second pic was my favorite of all. Loveitloveitloveit!
I really liked her stuff too and thought she stepped out of her box a little. I thought Amanda had the jacket on in the final walkthrough and it did work making the back detail of that outfit more of the prize in the crackerjack box. She does prints so well -you have no idea how hard that is till you try it! I was sorta hoping she would have more in her final so that I could crib some notes. Can't wait for part zwei!
I love this collection. It's very pretty, and I thought the first dress was pretty neat, if, as you say, a little simple.
Side note: doesn't the model in the silver dress (the first one with the longer hem) look a little like kirstie alley?
can you believe the clevage on that chick in the silver? Dayam!
We hate having to lay down the law, but let's make one thing clear: this is not a post about Jeffrey. Any comments about Jeffrey will be deleted. The whole damn Jeffrey issue has been hashed and rehashed to death. If you're a Jeffrey fan and you can't even handle another designer getting any sort of compliment or attention, please just go. This is not the blog for you.
It was truly impossible not to smile during Uli's presentation. It was not only modern and wearable, there was something for women of every age.
I know she was trying to get out of her comfort zone, and I really respect that, especially since most of these looks killed.
But I thought that the sudden appearance of the prints in the last three looks all of a sudden was jarring. I would have liked to have seen her pick a print (please God not that nightmare from the first dress) that coordinated well with the solids, and then incorporate little bits of it into the line before the prints started coming down the runway. The lining of that jacket would have been a perfect opportunity, a hint of it peeking through the sheer hems would have been another...
But it was like "Tan. Silver. Tan. Silver. Tan. Silver & Brown. PRINT!! PRINT!! PRINT!!"
I thought the print dresses were beautiful, dont' get me wrong, I just wasn't seeing the "collection" feel that the judges seemed to be seeing.
Did any of you get it more than I did, that could explain it to me?
Can it be a post about Amanda too? Because I thought she was just working the SHIT out of that top with the circle in the back. I loved that so much I'm considering joining a gym just so I could wear it.
(Well, I'd also need leg extensions and a SERIOUS breast reduction and probably a little bit of a neck lengthening, but you get my drift.)
Thanks for bringing up the importance of styling AND music! I know you'll get to Jeffrey later, but one of the things I noticed about his collection was the boring music. Uli's worked to perfection and added the right amount of excitement that allowed the models to "flow with the clothes."
Thanks for making me laugh out loud this morning, Anne!
"(Well, I'd also need leg extensions and a SERIOUS breast reduction and probably a little bit of a neck lengthening, but you get my drift.)"
Gotta differ on the music observations.
Laura actually had some 'ography going on.
Don't know if it was planned but music actually changed as models exited and entered....
Loved that.
When I saw photos of Uli's collection in the OFW site the day after the show I thought it was the most anonymous looking group of the final four. Watching the final PR show and seeing them move and come alive made it all come together for me. It was like it was the least photogenic group but the one with the most fluidity and movement, especially the camel and silver pieces.
When Uli showed Tim the silver strapless with the band across the bust line I thought that band looked deadly, but on the runway it was one of my favorite outfits. LOVE the sheer layering at the hem on this and when she used it elsewhere! From the OFW photos Jeffrey was my favorite but when I watched the show I thought Uli was going to take it.
It was great to see Amanda on the runway and I thought she really popped. I hope she goes far in her career.
I'm looking forward to Uli Part 2 and your take on the rest of the collections.
Aside to chgo john, Thanks for your comments about my post a few days ago, though I can't find it now with the hundreds of posts that have come up since then! LOL! ! It was my gut feeling about things from being in retail for many years, and thinking about the mindset of people involved. I really appreciated your thoughts.
Well, Brian, after kneeling and giving thanks at the PRGBoys' altar, one can't help but notice the congregation. You, BigAssBelle, Laura, PatsyStone, Katiecoo, LauraAndMichael, ToddNY, Bungle, elizabethe2nd, Ann, Oscar and far too many others to mention, make for one helluva group that the PRGBoys have amassed. Talk about a winning collection!
joy said...
Side note: doesn't the model in the silver dress (the first one with the longer hem) look a little like kirstie alley?
Thank you Joy! I thought the exact same thing when I looked at that model. Kirstie Alley circa 1982. That dress is SMOKIN'!
Oh! and Gotham Tomato!!!
If I'm not mistaken, I do believe Amanda is wearing the jacket when all the models return for the final walk. It's a quick glimpse, but it can be seen.
I think Uli had the most marketable collection. She really pulled it off without being too predictable. I honestly don't think I'd buy anything I saw from any of the final 4's collections though.
Uli's collection was my favorite ever since the Getty pics hit the internet. It's modern, sleek and sexy. Three adjectives that you can't use when describing the subsequent 'winner' of this year's show. The use of silver and camel is yummy and the collection makes even more sense if you think of it as the outer space safari (Uli mentioned that her collection was influenced by safari clothes) The punches of color are wildlife, the camel and silver are the explorers. I got that immediately, but I havent heard anyone mention this. Uli was robbed. Being nice doesnt pay (sigh)
Uli's collection was truly surprising.
Loved all her dresses.
Looooooooovvvvvved Nazri's outfit in the end. She walks like an elegant peacock. Pure bliss.
I liked Uli's music.
It had the perfect beat to walk on and was uptempo and fresh.
Laura's jazzy number was good too.
I was very impressed with Frau U's collection-she DID step out of the box. I'm with Anne the Anon on Uli's prints. Uli is GREAT with prints. I think she would have done well to mix them in as "J" did with that green and white striped fabric. The co-mingling made it look like a wardrobe, and not a collection of dresses parading past.
You know, the more I think about it, the more I tend to agree with you boys. Uli was robbed. My boy Michael's collection was a hot ghetto mess, and Laura's was a very close second. But Uli stepped it up and was full of surprises.
Why was Amanda one of Uli's models? I mean, I know its open for all models to audition to be in the final runway show, but has any other models ever returned for the finals?
James Derek Dwyer said...
"The punches of color are wildlife, the camel and silver are the explorers. I got that immediately, but I havent heard anyone mention this."
No, I didn't get that but it makes perfect sense now that you say it.
Laura said she knew that Jeffrey won when he was talking about his collection with the judges because he did the best job of articulating his offering.
I wonder if the failure to clearly articulate what she had in mind is what hurt Uli?
Thanks for the explanation!
lauraandmichael, thanks- I think it was a combination of subtly and uli's not explaining it fully. sometimes effortlessness can be read as 'simple.' I think Catherine Malandrino really got Uli.
how Nina could say that this collection was "what every woman wants to wear" and then give the award to someone else is mindboggling. I love Nina, but Elle magazine isn't Artforum. Project Runway has always stressed that fashion doesn't exist in a void- it can't be an end unto itself. Someone has to be able to wear it. Next season is going to be really interesting. The show should really work to find a new voice. Transparency in the judging process and the show's rules would help a lot... I will be watching, but the honeymoon is ovah ;-)
I still can't figure out why Uli did not win.
There seems to be no logical reason, that has anything to do with the clothes, why she didn't.
--Gotham Tomato
I think it would be fantastic if you boys were asked to be guest judges on an episode for next season. =)
I really thought that Uli was robbed. Her collection looked like it belonged at Bryant Park, not as a contestant in PR but as a collection by a designer ready to be taken seriously.
Do you think you might find out what her music was? I would also love to know what Laura's music was. I thought they were both terrific for each of their POVs.
I also loved Uli's collection and music.
The designs are very stylish and wearable, while the music made me smile.
Good Job Uli!
Uli wowed me. No two ways about it. Her music selection was perfect. Her clothes were stunning. I truly thought she was one note and this collection proved me wrong! I loved it. Especially the second and third outfits. Smokin!
I loved Uli's collection! The only thing I didn't like was that purple dress. Everything else was amazing! Having all the colored prints come after the neutral solids was a little shocking but I think having two separate themes in a collection is fine. She is definitely innovative and has that all important "point of view." It's too bad wearability is often confused with boring.
Add to me the "Uli surprised me" bandwagon. I really liked her collection and found myself saying outloud, "I'd wear that." She picked the most perfect smokin' hot model for that silver dress. Damn!
--Granite Janet
Here is what BravoTv says about the music:
"Jeffrey composed his own music, a song called "Swing.” Mike Coulter is the vocalist.
Sam Shaffer composed the music for Laura’s show.
Michael Knight’s song is called "Runaway,” the artist is still unknown. (If any readers of Bravotv.com know who wrote the track, let us know.)
And Uli is the only contestant who used musical assistance from “Project Runway.” She picked a title called “Doggy Fun” by Barefoot Music."
p.s. Did Uli's models have amazing racks or what? What was holding those things up? Wow!
Random, weird thought: Did anyone else notice that all of Uli's models wearing her print dresses held out the back of their dresses (at butt-level) as they turned? I wondered if it was because they weren't wearing underwear and wanted to make sure the fabric didn't go in their crack.
Oh dear, that's my final thought. Time to go to work!
Now, about Oooooli, your selection from the runway exactly matches my own choices. I expect to see her ideas show up in many spring wardrobes including the layered sheer hems, the sparkly, crisp and polished-to-a-shine cotton fabrics, the boned collars and fasteners.
I have about 8-9 of those lovely boned/horn/shell collars that my gloriously talented husband made that I will be working into my own spring outfits. (Thank you granny for teaching me to sew because like Uli, what I can't have I can make for myself.)
Love Oooooli about 8.75 using the LAURA SCALE where Laura, of course, is a 10 and giving points off for sneakiness and dishing Laura. If she continues to rag on Laura she will definitely lose points.
You two bitches are off the top of the LAURA SCALE.
I really dig this kind of post. Kora in Hell has one of a similar kickass nature on her blog (note: I wouldn't ever mention another blog here except the PRGays have Kora listed in the BFFs). I'm at a loss when the designers show one look during the course of regular episodes; the 12 all at once was something of a blur.
Maybe NBC will catch on to what the PRG's do here and commission from them a series of fashion public service announcements. Instead of "The More You Know" it'll be "The More You 'Mo".
lauraandmichael - That was quite an "as*tute" observation you made.(Forgive me. I couldn't resist.) Thanks for the smile.
I still can't understand why - in a world without drama - Uli didn't win.
Uli's collection was beautiful. Although I wished she had varied the color palette a little more. The camel and silver was very sophisticated but I felt there was a little too much of it.
As Kayne would say (and probably did say about Uli's collection), "Loved it! Loved it! Loved it" It was a consistently beautiful collection. During the challenges, I liked Uli but she was never one of my favorites. Then I fell in love with her final collection as soon as I saw it--even in the still photos. The silver & tan combination was exquisite, and everything was really flattering to her models (isn't what fashion should really be about--making the people who wear the clothes look good?)
When Nina was talking about Uli's collection, she was saying great things, but her tone of voice made it sound like she thought they were complaints rather than compliments, like there was a "but . . ." on the end that we didn't hear--I really wish they'd spend more time on the judge's comments--the way it was edited was kind of confusing.
Y'all know why Uli lost, don't you? She wasn't wearing "THE NECKLACE" during the finale! Seriously... all season she wore the envelope/letter necklace except for the finale. My husband-- who oddly enough can't notice when the trash can is overflowing-- picked up on that!
Absolutely loved her collection-- of all of them, most of her clothes could actually be worn by women who eat something once in awhile.
I just saw Vanessa Williams on The View, and she refered to the dress she was wearing as "an Uli dress". She explained it wasn't by Uli, but just that is was like something she would do.
--Gotham Tomato
And there was me thinking the models held the dresses away from their Esels in order to stop the light flowy fabric from swirling around on the turn and clinging to their lower legs. Many thanks lauraandmichael for giving me the real skinny.
Not since J Lo's Versace Grammy number have gay men been so enamored of (clears throat) breasts.
Even though the models had perfect peaks, Uli's designs were the stars of the show, so the breasts (while amazing) had to settle for second (& third), respectively.
I've always liked Uli a lot,tho her clothes were not something I would wear... until her collection!! It was great to see the more modern looks in there. I loved the same number you guys did too.
Also that dress coming up the walk in the last picture could totally be tweaked a bit and be worn by a more typically sized woman, I love that. Can't wait to see your feelings on the rest.
Yes I actually loved all of ULI's creations(except the first dress) but she needed perhaps one more with a "WOW"FACTOR...to topple Jeffrey's innovativeness. Nina had a crush on Jeffrey's designs, the only way for ULI to topple him would have been one-more WOW design on that runway, because from what Nina said , I think the crowd was all-over ULI's creations.
Ever enjoy something only to have it continuously grow on you the more you think about/see it. That's Uli's collection for me. While I had deep respect for each collection (esp. Laura's-- there wasn't anything in that collection that wasn't stunning; Jeffrey's baby doll's were nice, but the rest was Guns & Roses circa 1989-- when I worked for them--trust me, the green jacket and skinny leather jeans--Slash. Micheal's orange dress-- stunning!), but Uli's oeuvre is like an onion. The more I consider her choices, the more the collection reveals itself; re: her thematic vision of life, her business savvy, her color pallette, her quest to extend herself as an artist.
It's a shame that wasn't the criteria for victory. Still don't understand what the "judges" meant by "fashion forward".
Awesome commentary, PRGays!
kj, I feel you.
My husband, who can't tell that a child sitting ON HIS LAP has a dirty diaper and is covered in grape jelly, walked into the room while the model with the silver dress and amazing honkers was walking down the runway and said, "Holy crap, now those are some tits!"
Then he sat down because of course all the blood was rushing away from his brain.
(And it wasn't until I just withered him with a look that he remembered to say, "Of course they're nothing compared to yours."
Whatever bud. Don't say it out of pity! :D
What was my point again?
And another thing about the MarciaMarciaMarcia model, what is UP with those eyebrows?! It looks like she has a second brow growing under each one! I hate that look. I mean, I have it myself, but when I have to look at it on other people, well, I'm just offended. Clean up your brows!
I, too, was rooting for Uli as soon as I saw the stills. She remained herself, yet did take the judges' comments into consideration. She stepped it up, but just enough. And her collection was simply lovely. I'm sure it's true that Jeffrey bs'd his way into a win.
The judges seem to respond to the "defend your garment" portion sometimes even more than the clothes. They seem to give a lot of weight to those who defiantly defend their "vision." (see Santino, Vincent or Jeffrey.) I think the judges live in fear that they will be viewed as unhip or out of touch, so they will err on the side of weirdness every time.
It would be interesting for at least one challenge next season for the judges not to be able to ask them why they did stuff. We say it to other viewers all the time, but I'm saying it now to the judges - just judge the clothes.
btw, you PRGay boys are the bomb. I come here before BPR now.
btw, I really thought that the ethereal way Uli's clothes seemed to float down the runway worked against Laura. Her collection looked really heavy to me, esp right after Uli's.
Uli's second look was my favorite of all four collections. And she hit the 60s trend which is so big this season. Love that Uli!
ULI came in first runner-up..NOT Laura....so evidently the Judges "DID NOTICE ULI's Creations as worthy of a win".....I think she needed one more garment with maybe some "oomphed up edgyness" and she would have perhaps taken the Win from Jeffrey.
ULI came in second.......not Laura, so Laura would have had to climb over Jeffrey and Uli to win.
I agree Laura's clothes were lovely but too heavy and seen before in a retro-vintage way.
That's how the judges saw it!
I loved Uli's collection (mostly) and I really loved the music...I would like to know what it was...
However...when I saw the bone accessories and the flowing fabric the first thing that popped into my head (and you would be surprised to know what pops in there...) was an old song from the 60's by Ray Stevens...."Ahab the Arab"...stay with me now...I'm not a hater...
Ahab, who rides a camel named Clyde, meets up with Fatima of the Seven Veils, who is described as having "rings on her fingers, bells on her toes and an bone in her nose...ho ho"...
look it up...you'll see ;-)
"Side note: doesn't the model in the silver dress (the first one with the longer hem) look a little like kirstie alley?"
She was my favorite model, and I thought she totally had the best walk.
loveit loveit loveit
Guten Morgen
Ja! Frühstück mit T&L.
Uli should be the winner of PR3. She showed the best final collection at OFW. She performed the best throughout the whole season. As the challenges got harder, she got stronger. She kept her POV and was cohesive. She took us on a journey with the inspiration African Safari.
The reasons why I think she did not win was her quiet personality, lack of business experience, not from fashion world NYC or LA, same Cinderella American dream story, repeated use of necklines and prints. Also the fashion no nos of using brown color.
The fabulousness did it again. I think you should have a Q&A show with Tim Gunn. I am still sharpening my claws…he… he…
Gotta disagree about the music. It just screamed 'library music' and 'afterthought', and it didn't fit at all with the collection. I found it competely distracting and hit mute about a few seconds while watching the finale.
That's not to knock Uli. I can't imagine having to put together a collection for a once in a lifetime opportunity in only 8 weeks, and then, BTW, you need to find the perfect music as well, and don't even try to grab something from your CD collection because chances are you won't be able to afford it. It seemed to me that it was result of the constraints she had to work under and not carelessness.
In fact, I realized that Uli's music selection was the only thing I took any real interest in during the finale. I wish the final episodes showed more of the final four working on their collections; that is what is interesting about the show to me, the process. They ought to show more beyond Tim's visit.
Uli's collection was my personal fave among the four. adored all the silver and tan clothing. could have done without the blue print, which reminded me too much of her last contest winning outfit.
While Jeff's might be "edgier," I think in the long run, people will remember Uli's more. Certainly it will sell better and what's wrong with that?
James Derek Dwyer, I love your explanation about how the best always make it look effortless even when it's not. Isn't that always true in the arts, from dance to music to acting -- and fashion?
Sometimes the comments are as funny as the T&L posts:
...Uli's oeuvre is like an onion...
Her "egg" is like an "onion"????
I absolutely loved Ul's collection. And Laura's, too. Of the final four, they were the only two who truly understood the meaning of the concept of "collection." I think they will both go far.
Now, I'm off to lose 100+ pounds so I can wear their lines when they come out!
Hey, block that similie -
Both Wikipedia and Merriam Webster define oeuvre as:
1. a substantial body of work constituting the lifework of a writer, an artist, or a composer.
Word, Doreen.
Just word.
I mean, it's not even like those things are REAL, mine didn't stand up like that and stay separated when I was 13!
Or, could they be taped up and apart or something? I have to start doing that.
(That is gonna take a whole buncha tape!)
Loved Uli's collection. I would have been happy if she'd won.
I don't think Uli made a single outfit (in the challenges) that I didn't like. And I grew to like her more and more with each episode.
P.S. Thank you, chgo_john. I feel honored to be mentioned in your list of PRGayFans. This is a funny, quirky group, which is appropriate, given our funny, quirky hosts!
See, I...just...Well, this collection reminded me of way-out-there fluttery crap I refused to wear in the 80s. When I was younger and thinner. Now that I'm older and fatter - and have more money - I wouldn't wear it on a dare. Sorry, boys. Love ya!
reen, anne--
I'll let you in on a little secret
(come closer)
There's this bra called FASHION FORMS that will have the girls reaching for the sky like they haven't since high school and you had gym everyday. It's available @ Macy's.
Hope that didn't scare anybody!
Liz pt. II wrote:
"P.S. Thank you, chgo_john. I feel honored to be mentioned in your list of PRGayFans."
Me three! (elizabeth is the 2nd so that makes me... makes me...get it? huh? ... errr... guess you had to be there)
I think everyone knows by now that my comments are meant to be purely instructive. If one would like to be witty, intelligent and all around loveable, read "bungle said..." and do the opposite.
Thank you!
Reen, Ann, Anonymous
If the baby with the dirty diaper and grape jelly had a rack, he'd notice!!!
I am laughing and cannot get my breath. A perfect description of my husband and my dog for that matter. The dog has the hots for the lactating wienie upstairs. Still laughing......
This was my absolute favorite collection too and I want every piece but would settle for the high neck silver top and camel skirt. thanks James Derek Dwyer (also you changed your headshot?)for the safari explanation, i had not noticed it at all and yet when I read that WOW, the collection went up another level of awesomeness. She should have won. Gabriella
Who cares if those "things" are real in ULI's strap-down dress, the MODEL Looks sooooo Hot, ULI knew what she was doing, EVERY Woman will want to get that dress, when REALLY WHAT THEY'LL NEED TO COMPLETE THE LOOK is THOSE BOOOBS.
THE Model most likey got a VICTORIA'S SECRET CONTRACT!!!!
hEY.....DID ANYONE NOTICE that ULI and Jeffrey had a dress very similar.....I think ULI did "that striped dress better than Jeff, who had a brown striped dress similar.
The "I-skinned-a-tiger-and-now-I'm-wearing-it's-bones-around-my-neck" looks just plain tacky!
I was one of those gals who gasped at Uli's collection...LOVED that short wrap dress with the silver belts.
Hey chgo_John..thanks for mentioning me in the congregation! Amen brother! :D
When you guys laid down the law my pants moved.
I'm so glad you guys are doing the play by plays of the collection! My husband and I rated the collections thusly:
With the top 3 in close competition and Michael...oh, poor Michael.
Did anyone else notice that Uli's music sounded like the theme music from The Sims 2? I'm not sure if I adored it, but I noticed her models were moving much easier than Jeffrey's! Nonetheless, my observation was that the models generally looked rather uncoordinated--from the stilletos? (But thats that's their job to walk in stilettos!) Or maybe because their limbs were about to break off from rickets and various forms of malnutrition!
loooooooooooove uli's collecion. that yellow print one is awwwwwesome!
To be fair to Uli, she didn't grow up with the Brady Bunch. To her, that styling looks way different than it does to us.
LOVED Uli's collection. I thought her out-there prints were missteps but I totally responded to her silver-mocha-camel color story.
AND WHO IS THAT GORGEOUS MODEL IN THE STRAPLESS SILVER DRESS? It's been two years and no one has seemed to identify her yet. She does resemble Ashley, Bidell's model in Project Runway Canada. Would love to see this girl cast as a PR model in Fashion Week in the future.
looking again at the model in the strapless keyhole dress - and her "perfect breasts".
I get bugged having obviously bought fakes described as "perfect"
She is very thin can see the bones in her chest with D-DD perfectly round melons - with no bra. To me that's like calling a man's chest/six pack perfect when it had been airbrushed on. FAKE
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