The very first thing the PRGayBoys said to each other when it became obvious that Laura was in the Final Four was "We're going to get to see her place!" From that point on, this episode has been known not as "The Season Finale Part 1" or even "The one where Tim visits the designers," but as "The one where they go to Laura's place!!!"
We have designgasms every time we look at it. And we've looked at it a lot.
We love how this was what they showed as Laura was saying "It's a great space for the kids." We know you love them, but those are shoes, honey. The kids are the blurry things holding the poop.
From Punching Bags to Dress Forms: The Laura Bennett Story.
An Original Television Event, this Fall on LifeTime Television for Women.
The picture's sweet and she looks cute, but she looks almost exactly like the last girl one of the PRGayBoys ever dated. Could there be aspects of lingering, vestigial heterosexuality to our LauraLove?
Naah. Still wanna go shopping with her.
Only Laura would consider 20 caged birds a suitable addition to her work space.
We've avoided talking about any of the clothes because we're waiting to see the collections walk down the runway, but since this didn't wind up in the final collection, it's fair game. We have to say, we "responded" better to this than Tim did. He was right that it didn't fit in the collection, but we actually liked this piece. It wasn't perfect and there was definitely too much going on (which is unusual for Laura) but it was in its own way, gorgeous - and a major departure for Laura.
It took an hour of frame-by-frame to get this image.
It was worth it.
The look of pure gay horror dawning on Tim's face is priceless, yes?
They're adorable. Like a living Hirschfeld drawing. Actually, Laura's husband looks like a character actor in a 1930s movie. "Go to casting and get me an architect type! Tell them to pull from their "intellectual" file! If that's no good, get me someone from "mad scientists!"
Am I the only one who expected Mr. Laura to be more...well...Tim Gunn-esque?
And she owns a Rothko? Ok, that's just too much, honey. You're way too fabulous.
I loved their home!!! It was totally kid friendly and creative. Laura is NOT a Park Ave bitch at all.
I'm a mom of 3 kids and I've met enough moms to know that any woman who lets her kids have a turtle running around the house and lets the kids touch turtle poop-that woman has a heart of gold!
I LOVE Laura! Her place is gorgeous, without being pretentious. The shoe picture? Fabulous!!!
Whoever said she doesn't care about her kids eat your words now.
Her place couldn't be more kid-friendly.
I noticed those birds the other night too. Does anyone know what they are?
Amen Susan. I knew Laura had to be both Fabulous Mommy and an amazing designer! Her boys were ADORABLE.
I loved everything about it.I love the white walls, the furniture, the kitchen, etc, etc. It is a gorgeous space.
And the picture of Laura with the gold hoops is 18 years old... she still looked freaking amazing!!
(That baby has a bow on its head, so I'm going to assume its Cleo.)
New York, New York, a wonderful town! When you've got the bucks to live in a place like that. (Sigh) For those who haven't checked out Laura's audition video on the Bravo Project Runway site, you get to see even more of it -- including the skeleton chandelier that started out as a Halloween decoration and became a permanent fixture.
I'm with anonymous 11:33 - any woman who lets five kids and a turtle named Frank have the run of the house is okay in my book. They probably get to do all sorts of cool things like jumping on the beds, finger painting in the living room and eating cookies before dinner (all the things I wouldn't let my kid do, lol). And, I LOVE that her son shook Tim's hand showing that they have been taught good manners as well! Well done, Laura!
I liked the green outfit too. Yes, there's too much going on, but I liked it.
Laura is definitely one of my favorite contestants of all seasons.
"From Punching Bags to Dress Forms: The Laura Bennett Story."
ROFL. She surely is versatile. I. LOVE. HER.
To have that much space in NY is a dream come true. I love it.
(In his tiny but fabulous studio in Chelsea)
"We love how this was what they showed as Laura was saying "It's a great space for the kids." We know you love them, but those are shoes, honey. The kids are the blurry things holding the poop."
Hilarious, boys! Whenever I'm in a bad mood I know where to go. You fabulous bitches.
Hirschfield - haha LOVE it.
But softening what you know we know, Laura love or not, the husband-architect unit was a shocker when he came in the door, and thats all there is to it. Double take material when they are together.
He looks like the professor on the show my kids watch, Jimmy Neutron. And do architects really have to wear those glasses? Is it a union?
So glad we FINALLY got to this. Yeah man, the apartment is ENORMOUS for ANY city. It's such a welcome surprise as well. Did you notice that as horrified as Tim was (at the poop) how RELAXED Herself was??? Again, it's a watershed of love and adoration. Her husband was a surprise for me. I expected an older man, but a hottie, not Albert Einstein. He's cute, but OH SO NOT SEXY. 6 kids? Wow, that's a miracle. But nothing can deter my undying love for this most FABULOUS of women. She's a pandora's box of amazing. Okay, enough, I'm breaking into a sweat here....
So tired of Ms. Perfect Laura. I'm getting sick of Laura, never thought I would, but I'm tired of her already. I love her shoes shelves and shoes. My favorite part of the Apartment/Loft.
I hope Jeffrey or Michael wins. Laura obviously doesn't need the win, so give it to Uli, Michael or Jeff. These three are struggling artist, Laura is looking for a career change, she can do that without Pr.Runw. her husband can assist her in setting up a wonderful space for a Boutique in NYCity somewhere, she's got the exposure, so give the win to one of the other Talented designers. Laura's clothes are probably suited more for a boutique of her own, catering to people who are looking for a glamourous outfit or dress.
I want to know what Laura thinks of this post.
After this episode I got to thinking how different Laura turned out to be then I thought she was.
Laura's house is fabulous. Where was the nanny? Seriously, if the kids weren't with the hubster, they were with ????
Oh, maybe that's her in the blue shirt!
Hey, I think I will take that personally - I'm the architect-type and I married the mad-scientist-type.
I loved the chartreuse dress and coat!
Tim's podcast said that Laura's loft was a mixture of antiques and contemporary furniture. Looks like Ikea to me.
Someone with indestructible furniture is someone who is willing to let her kids be kids.
Laura was a single mother when she left New Orleans with Chloe. So, she has had 5 boys with her husband.
Does anyone know about her life before Peter?
I think everyone assumes she is rich and has always been comfortable but I would be interested to know if that was actually true.
Somehow, I can't imagine having a sewing teacher Mom and sewing your own clothes is something the wealthy do.
Oy vey. The thing that almost knocked me off my chair was when Laura said she couldn't afford to start her own collection and then THAT apartment.
C'mon - we New Yorker's know SOMEBODY got some money to live in a place like that man.
I don't know how you could tell from that that she lets kids be kids. First of all the nanny must take them out 8 hours a day so Laura can work. The maid cleans up all the messes, so it looks pristine all the time. They live in NYC so if she didnt have the swings and the punching bags, they would have no where to burn off energy - 4 boys in a loft, no matter how big, they need to run and jump. They can use those swings as a playroom- who knows it may be the only place in the house they are allowed.
People, get a grip!
Money can buy child care so your place can look perfect at all times and your kids can be out of your hair all day!
I went to bravo.com to see her bio video after embeedubya mentioned it. I had no idea that she made jewelry as well. You should see it just for her Halloween costumes.
And for her tip for simplifing your life to have room for design. "I don't cook, I don't clean, and I don't open the mail."
And about the glasses, they are Corbusier glasses. The architect Le Corbusier always wore them. They are perfect circles with the nose piece and arms exactly at the middle of the circle. Very popular with architecture professors way back when I was in architecture school in the '80's. I was stunned to see them again.
Yes those are finches.
Allow me to play ignorant for a moment ... where is the Rothko?
I wanted them to linger more on the shoes. I wanted more closet shots. I wanted to see more of her Bergdorf accessory wall.
That said ... love her place. And she and her hubby look way in love and I'm thinking he is her biggest fan of all (no offense, Rungay boys).
Meh, as far as the apartment and her saying she didn't have the money to start her own line....well, I'm sorry, but I find that very hard to believe. VERY. HARD. And that's all I'll say about my opinions on Laura at this point.
As for the dress, I agree with Tim, it looked like a giant chartreuse popsicle. It had way too much going on as well. I will say this though, if it had been in a different color, I think I'd have a very different opinion on it. Chartreuse isn't an easy color to work with and this was just overboard.
Laura's a smart Southern Belle who got her degrees, married well and is talented. I like that about her, but I don't think she should Win the PR competition. Let Uli, Michael or Jeff have a chance with that $100,000 dollar contract and car.
"I'm conflicted."
I love the loft space and the basic layout but I feel like I'm in a Restoration Hardware Gymnasium. All the shelves and baskets make me want to find the check out counter. I just know there's a selection of dodge balls and jump ropes in one of those wicker baskets.
I love the green outfit but I feel like it's perfect for Prince and that's not an insult! I know, it makes NO sense! I do really like the green vest on the dress form against Laura's coloring!
I'm not conflicted by the Wonderful Wall of Shoes! KInd of like a wall of hunting trophies! Except, how often do they get dusted?
I guess when you get right down to it, they're just a typical American family.
I loved that Tim was "exhausted" only a short while into being there with the boys, but Laura didn't seem to notice the noise or chaos at all. Finding the turtle was not something out of the ordinary; in short, I think she is a Fabulous Mommy. She doesn't ignore the kids (ie helping them find the turtle) but she tunes out everything that isn't vital - what you have to do to survive. Sure, she might have a nanny, but she still loves those kids - without OBSESSING over the kids.
ROFL, spit out my coffee too...
I loved the dress, kaos with class...refined vulgarity...refreshing from her...it was like an updated look for Stevie Nicks...or what a modern-day Liberaci Boy-Toy would wear...
XXXOOO to the boys
All kidding aside, that baby is gorgeous!
I'm bummed they didn't get a shot of the skeleton chandelier Tim spoke about in the podcast.
Yeah its official. I am selling my business, leaving my husband and applying for the job as the nanny at Laura's.
ooooh.....just read embeedubya's post! Thanks!
It’s a competition. Laura has just as much right to that money & car as the other contestants. Whether or not she is rich should have nothing to do with whether or not she should win. And if it does, then it should have been a criteria that you had to be worth less than “X” amount to be a contestant on the show. I hope Laura wins because I love her designs the best.
one more thing....
I am L-I-V-I-N-G for the wal 'o shoes & shoe trees inside!
And just think, what we saw is probably only a third of the actual living space....just the kitchen, playroom and workroom area. When they were hunting for the turtle Laura said "I hope he didn't go upstairs" So there must be a whole other level besides.
Loved her place and thought her husband resembled Bruce Dern. You can tell they adore each other and enjoy all of their kids. I only wish we could have seen more.
unfortunately, the times-picayune in new orleans only keeps stories available to the public for a couple of weeks on their web site, otherwise, you'd be able to read an interview they did with laura, i think in august.
according to the interview, she is from Metairie, a suburb west of N.O., and went to high school in town -- Ecole Classique, which suggests that her family was probably not too uncomfortable.
her family left for houston when she was 18, and after a couple of semesters at Tulane, went on to get her architecture degree from the university of Houston.
If I remember right, she got her graduate degree in architecture in New York, not sure which school. I don't know if she ended moving back to New Orleans or not.
did anyone notice the andy warhol-like print in the last photo? it's albert einstein, er, laura's husband.
and sorry but i must have missed it, where is the rothko?
Love La Laura! As for her domicile, what else is there to say except DAYUM! Slightly sad at the reverse entitlement going on in this blog about her not needing to win. Isn't Project Runway a meritocracy? Shouldn't the win be based on what you bring to the contest in the form of ability and not what luggage (LV or otherwise) you bring it in?
Re: Laura's hubby-- I've been a fan of Peter Shelton's design & art since I saw his rebuild of an incredible loft space he and his partner Lee Mindel created 10 years ago. Mr & Mrs Shelton obviously both have exquisite taste. Lucky kids.
As for Shelton's looks(being married to a scientist, trust me, you may not see it immediately, but the sexy's in there! & don't forget --6 kids!), I'm immediately reminded of an actor of yesteryear, Richard Haydn. He always played professor/intellectual types in movies of the 40's & 50's like "Ball of Fire", starring Barbara Stanwyck (1 of Laura's psychic ancestors!)and Gary Cooper. But he's best known for playing Captain Von Trapp's pal Max in "The Sound of Music". Check out-- www.fantafilm.net/Attori/Haydn.htm
to see the incredible resemblance between the actor and the architect!
Suzanne, you can see the skeleton chandelier on her bio video embeedubya mentioned.
The thing about Laura is that not only is she absolutely fabulous, she is also completely real. That is a rare combo, very refreshing to see.
I'm glad there are others out there who appreciate this divine creature as much as I do. LOVE HER!
(and Tim Gunn!)
*Lately, I've realized that I find real estate a lot more alluring than sex. I could go into detail about my feelings for Laura Bennett and Peter Shelton's domicile, but I'd only end up sounding like Vincent.
*Am I the only one who looked at Peter Shelton and thought, "Damn, I'd go for that?" He hits all my quirky/geeky/interesting buttons.
*I don't know if that blue Rothko is really a Rothko. Maybe it is. But for some reason, I think it would be even cooler if she decided she wanted a Rothko and painted one herself.
*You know you spend too much time at Ikea when: 1) you can identify the provenance of the blue hanging chairs; 2)you find yourself squinting at the furniture in the background, trying to figure out if it's the same stuff you saw on your last trip there; and 3) you know the names of the pieces in question.
*Tim's reaction to the turtle poop? Priceless.
While I adore Laura, I was soo bombed on seeing the .err.r.r.r large(?)maybe in NY?? (giggle) playpen she and hubby get to 'share' w/ tykes and turtle.A teensy cargo of Ikea rejects for furnishings and her shoes in the dining room! Class Laura..as in third. Guess she has come a long way from La and the University of Houston, but not long enough. Jeez!
"Actually, Laura's husband looks like a character actor in a 1930s movie. "Go to casting and get me an architect type! Tell them to pull from their "intellectual" file! If that's no good, get me someone from "mad scientists!""
You don't think that's an accident, do you?
I, too, don't get the flurry of anti-Laura comments based upon her home. None of the Final Four are doing badly. As others have mentioned, Jeffrey's LA home is worth, at the very least, $1M -- and there's nothing second-rate about his work space. Michael is but 25 and has a nice home in a good neighborhood. I certainly wouldn't call Uli's home shabby.
Anyone familiar with lofts knows that oftentimes what looks great today was once an old factory or warehouse -- very often vacant for years. A creative mind and talented hands can transform the space into something worthy of Arch. Digest. I've seen it done. With their business contacts, they may very well have gotten the property, and ensuing work performed, relatively cheaply. Although it's true that it would still be far out of my price range, I don't begrudge Laura any more than the 3 others who are seemingly doing far better than I did at their respective ages. (I was a late bloomer.)
Finally, she has 5, soon to be 6, college educations to fund. It's been well-reported that college costs are rising while gov't funding has dropped to record lows -- and there's no indication that this trend will end anytime soon. (The recent increase in interest rates for college loans is but one example.) Laura would be a fool not to consider the effect that a career change may have on her kids' futures. And Laura ain't no fool, by any standard.
I don't think there was anything wrong with the green evening coat except for the matronly print fabric underneath. It was the slippery slope of that outfit for me.
"People, get a grip!
Money can buy child care so your place can look perfect at all times and your kids can be out of your hair all day! "
You say that like it's a bad thing...
Somebody called Uli, Michael, and Jeffrey "struggling artists." Didn't you see that awesome beach-front place that Uli has? I'd hardly call that "struggling" ;)
People, get a grip!
Money can buy child care so your place can look perfect at all times and your kids can be out of your hair all day! "
You say that like it's a bad thing...
I dont say it like it is a bad thing, just as much as I love Laura, she should not get the praise for having the place be totally together like she is Mom of the Century, how does she do it? More than one nanny, a rotation of nannies, more than one housekeeper, more money than God-- this is how she manages it all. I do love her, but I am not awed by how she "does it" - she does it with money- any of us could handle 5 kids and have a home like that if we were loaded.
"I hope Jeffrey or Michael wins. Laura obviously doesn't need the win, so give it to Uli, Michael or Jeff. These three are struggling artist,"
uh...did you see the amount of space in Jeff's sweatshop out in LA?? Bet that cost him more than the Bennets paid for their loft (which they no doubt bought YEARS ago when you could get one for a song. Oh, and if she's do rich, why does she shop at IKEA??
--Gotham Tomato
"C'mon - we New Yorker's know SOMEBODY got some money to live in a place like that man."
Not true. If you bought it now, yes. But she is in her 40's and her hubby looks older than that. If they bought it even only 10 years ago, they got it for less than 1/5 of what you'd pay today (maybe less). And I have friends who live in lofts, who have monthly maintenence that is next to nothing (and they bought those lofts years ago for less than 200K).
a) Laura's home is so Laura it hurts. As is her husband. I was a little surprised, he's the oblivious intelectual type, but after a minute it just feels right.
b) I'm SO making "TURTLE POOP? I DON'T WANT TURTLE POOP!" my ringtone!
"...she should not get the praise for having the place be totally together like she is Mom of the Century, how does she do it? More than one nanny, a rotation of nannies, more than one housekeeper, more money than God-- this is how she manages it all. I do love her, but I am not awed by how she "does it" - she does it with money- any of us could handle 5 kids and have a home like that if we were loaded."
Firstly, you DON'T know that she has more money than God. You're making that assumption because she has been able to create a nice home for herself.
Second, no one should get praise for being 'mom of the year'. I think that the media (as well as politicians) spend entirely too much time pandering to the Mommy Mafia; those self-entitled housewives who expect everyone to continually validate their choice to not work - while criticizing the women who actually have the talent, initiative and balls to do something more with their lives (all while sitting in Oprah's audience giving themselves a big hand when she tells them they have the hardest job. (wretch!)
If money was all it took to 'manage' a family, Paris Hilton wouldn't be such a worthless fuck-up (like every other rich kid).
And even if she DOES have money, she EARNED it!
--Gotham Tomato
"And even if she DOES have money, she EARNED it!"
The she I was refering to above is Laura.
(Not Paris Hilton. Just wanted to make that clear).
--Gotham Tomato
You know whats scary? If Im counting right, Laura is 1 year older than me in the picture with the baby. Of course shes all sophistocated and galmorous in the pic. I want to grow up and be Laura!
after I looked at Mr. Laura again, I've just realized that he just needs to do something with that hair and those glasses...
calling the FAB FIVE....FAB FIVE...
as for her husband... nice guy or whatever I'm sure, enough with the not-so-subtle equation being made: "intellectual = therefore he isn't really completely set up with the looks department"
He is older by ALOT more than ten years to Laura as it looks, I would say that's the point that sets it off. She's so full of young energy, in spite of kids, and somehow one wonders about HER when the old man comes home... Not that crap that all intellectuals look like Einstein. There are lots of architects who are intellectuals too, and they don't look like a Hirschfield caricature.
Firstly, you DON'T know that she has more money than God. You're making that assumption because she has been able to create a nice home for herself.
I am sorry but Robert Best said "Laura has more money than God and isn't afraid to say so" and secondly, I never said she didnt earn it. Nor did I say it was a bad thing! Jeez, take a chill pill. I think she is a great mother, loves her kids, talented, etc etc. My point was that having money like she does makes it a helluva lot easier to have a pristine home like that! And to have time to pursue your own ambitions with 5 kids- if she didn't have money for a nanny her collection would not have been almost completed when Tim Gunn showed up. Not that her money is a bad thing or she didn't earn it.
if its a rothko, laura could pull a vincent and sell it off and start her own line or boutique. What she seems to have needed with Project Runway is validation to herself, for herself, and from outside as well. And thats probably normal after her life, after 5-6 kids, wonderful house, the whole income thing, and an older husband who is the main if not only breadwinner employing her, and so on.
What she wants in validation is on a different realm than Jeffrey or Uli or Michael. I think whatever happens to her now with PR, she has enough to go for her boutique and line, rather than the idea of being the next big designer, and that's really a good thing. Keep the Ikea stuff, but sell the painting Laura, as a sign of starting off!
For the record since I'm a "Laura-hater", I haven't liked Laura from the beginning, not just because suddenly there's this whole conflict between her and Jeffrey. The only reason why I'm suddenly voicing my opinion about the subject is because I only recently found this blog and it's the only PR blog I view (aside from Tim's cuz ya know, it's Tim) and i refuse to go to any Jeffrey blogs to support him or Laura blogs to blast her, because that's just immature. I don't like her attitude, and it's not because she's a strong, powerful woman. She just rubs me the wrong way. I've never "blasted" her, never called her dirty names, and I've even defended her in her accusation towards Jeffrey. Her assumption that his work was outsourced is sound. I disagree with her, I think he did it himself, but I still see her point and I think she handled the situation like an adult should. I gained respect for her from that.
"While I adore Laura, I was soo bombed on seeing the .err.r.r.r large(?)maybe in NY?? (giggle) playpen she and hubby get to 'share' w/ tykes and turtle.A teensy cargo of Ikea rejects for furnishings and her shoes in the dining room! Class Laura..as in third. Guess she has come a long way from La and the University of Houston, but not long enough. Jeez!"
I am feeling a weird jealous, provincial vibe emananting from this message
The amount it would cost to insure Uli's place would terrify even Laura.
Is it relevant if she is rich or not? No, not realy.
I am feeling a weird jealous, provincial vibe emananting from this message
Just the one, dear?
Hey, I think Laura should be mother of the year for simply being pregnant six times!
Who gives a rip if she has a dozen nannies and three maids?
There is something way out of balance when a woman is consumed with mothering to the exclusion of her husband and any outside interests. She seems to have everything in balance and as a result the kids get as much quality time as they need. It's a lot easier to be present for children when they haven't been up your butt all day.
laura lovers and laura haters whatever, she's just a character--here today gone tomorrow to live her fabulous life without anyone here in this blog!!!
Laura's hubby lookalikes?
Albert Einstien? Not so much
Mark Twain? Na
Bruce Dern? YES!
PS: I have always had a crush on Bruce Dern and I find Laura's hubby very sexy and totally understand the attraction. I think Laura has very good taste and he must be a pretty good guy for Laura to have picked him.
I am very impressed with what he did with their loft space. Love it!
Would someone please give me a link for Laura's audition video? I scoured the Bravo site and could not find it. The videos for the previous seasons are included with the bios but not for season three. Thanks for your help.
" Anita said...
Would someone please give me a link for Laura's audition video? I scoured the Bravo site and could not find it. The videos for the previous seasons are included with the bios but not for season three. Thanks for your help. "
You click on "videos" then "season 3" then "designer bios" and finally Laura's bio.
I think two things should be cleared up.
First Laura and hubby could be multi millionaires but that does not mean that Laura, giving up her career (and half of the house hold income ) on a very risky new career in fashion is an easy (or financially sound) option.
Second any business person will tell you that if you want to succeed you find outside financing for your business venture. Never use your own money because you will loose everything if it fails (and most businesses fail in the first 5 years).
So even if Laura and hubby are millionaires she is smart enough to know that it would be reckless to use her own savings to start a risky business venture as she is also giving up a large income.
I think that is why she says that 'she does not have the money to go out on her own'.
Only someone like Bill Gates has the millions of dollars in yearly spendable income to take big risks.
As for the value of the 4 designers homes, this in no way reflects a level of financial security.
My home could be worth 1 million dollars but if my income is meager and moving is not an option then
that money is not accessible. Since a large home equity loan would mean a huge monthly mortgage payment I might not be able to afford.
Just a few random thoughts...
I continue to adore Laura and felt the warm and friendly vibe in her home. I thought the chartreuse pieces were fabulous. Laura got her Masters at Columbia.
Waterfront condos in Miami are quite pricey - even on the Intracoastal. Whether someone 'needs' the winnings from PR or not have nothing to do with this contest. Jay had one of the most modest homes of all the finalists to date and he didn't even take the $100K.
Of all of the finalists, it seems to me that Laura would benefit most from the mentorship, having no academic training in fashion.
"Keep the Ikea stuff, but sell the painting Laura, as a sign of starting off!"
I don't know where this Rothko is, that people keep talking about. All I see is a faux-Warhol; the kind you can buy for like $49 on the internet.
--Gotham Tomato
anonymous 6:33 -- the Rothko is the blue painting behind Tim in the "turtle poop" picture.
Laura's got all her shoes in like color groups too.
also unable to find laura's audition tape--got as far a her bio--but only a print interview and some studio stills of her.
help, please
My gues is that Laura could come up with the $100,000 needed for production money to start a collection. But the exposure and advertising to make it uber successful would run in the millions. Fifteen-plus hours of TV advertising would be beyond ANY designer's advertising budget.
Go to the website, click on videos. You'll get a pop up (so in case you have a pop up blocker, you might want to enable them for the bravo website) that will have all sorts of videos. click on the banner that says "Project Runway: Everyone's on Pins and Needles" and has Heidi's picture. Choose Season 3 from the list. In the next list, click on "designer bios". Laura's is the first one on the second row.
If you still can't find it, I'm sorry, I can't do more to help you.
Without knowing how old Peter Bennett is why assume he is much older than Laura? Many men in their forties have gray hair. Any man married to Laura and with that many kids SHOULD have gray hair! LOL If they had any hair left! And puhleeze do not EVEN try to tell me that Laura's hair is not dyed!
Laura's chartreuse dress looks like it's made out of kelp. It would be the perfect outfit for The Little Mermaid.
I can't get on the Laura love train, but I'm not on the Laura hate train either. Just . . . meh.
(I had a point when I started typing this post, really I did.)
julia: thanks sooo much for taking the time to do that. I found it and it's fabulous.
again, many thanks
What a great post. It's so nice to see these images and have a better idea of Laura's apartment. Didn't she say something about a second floor?
That's a LOT of space.
actually I read at several other places that Laura's husband is 61.
also, he is an extremely well-respected architect.
Look, Laura looks happy, her husband looks happy, kids look happy, turtle looks happy.
No problem, Casey! It was my pleasure.
Laura Bennett is the most fabulous designer by far on Project Runway.
I admire her talent and determination. It's not easy to be a mother, an architect, and still find time to be on a reality show.
I read somewhere that her husband was very supportive of her decision and took care of everything while she was participating on the show.
Warning - off topic.
I've read several times that Jay didn't take the 100K. What reason does he give for not taking it?
Of course Laura's hair is dyed. Haven't you noticed her dark roots? Her choice of hair color is - true to form - fabulous.
I am feeling a weird jealous, provincial vibe emananting from this message
I'm just wondering which one of the anonymous sock puppets posting that Laura doesn't deserve to win because she is rich enough to buy success is Jeffrey in disguise.
Gotta love the turtle poop. That was very funny.
" Anonymous said...
Gotta love the turtle poop. That was very funny. "
That was so funny. And then Tim brilliantly utters “I have to draw the line at turtle poop.”
I was LOL. Hilarious!
Oh, Laura. I'd go lesbian for her.
I think her husband is reminiscent of Einstein, no?
I love watching the episode where Tim visits the designers at home to see how things are coming along and to get a better sense of who they are.
Laura's husband is older than me and he has a flatter stomach! I hate him!!! Or do I lust him?
I think anyone who goes thru this much scrutiny by a bunch of strangers deserves $100,000! Give all 4 the money, that's less than half a million. Bravo can certainly afford that!
This is also my favorite, but I getting tired of the same old editing. The immigrant coming to America, the penniless/sober/back from rehab guy, the sweet/everyboy loves guy, and the fabulous/mean bitch.
Having said that, I LOVED, LOVED Laura's place.
"Anonymous said...
I think anyone who goes thru this much scrutiny by a bunch of strangers deserves $100,000!
Brian "
I agree. Oh God, I could never do that, but the exposure they get due to the popularity of the show is priceless! If it wasn't for the show, we'd be here saying Laura who?
Okay this is a little off topic but there's no better place to post it. If anyone is watching the marthon you have seen the promo for the new episode.....several times.
I just gotta say Laura doing the "model walk"...thats hot. She could rival some of the models!
Laura's husband is a well respected architect. Here's a spread in Elle Decor about her hsuband's firm:
Just get rid of the extra space.
'They're adorable. Like a living Hirschfeld drawing. Actually, Laura's husband looks like a character actor in a 1930s movie. "Go to casting and get me an architect type! Tell them to pull from their "intellectual" file! If that's no good, get me someone from "mad scientists!"'
OMG, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying! A living Hirshfeld drawing! I had to pick myself up off the floor!
Well, I'll just say that you have to watch out. The nerdy intellectual looking guys are the stealth bombers, if you get my 21-year-married drift!
Gotham Tomato and Lauraandmichael: Been meaning to thank you for all your really good posts. This whole anti Laura sentiment (mostly in other blogs) bums me out a lot b/c i do see it as an anti strong woman who can't be controlled thing, so thanks. PR Gayboys; just thanks for a good place and for all your very funny and smart comments and analysis. I love all of it!! Also been meaning to say I loved the Latinas and their hair comments on the Nina post, I am Latina and am going to start (trying) using my hair as the sexy weapon you described. Gabriella
Okay ULI probably rents the beachfront, she never said she owned it I don't think, so it's probably about $2500 or so, Miami. It didn't look big, she only walked arouund in one room leading to a balcony. People put down Jeffrey's house, but that LA Real Estate if he owns it is in the $1million range and it looked like a nice area. Then the work space was probably costly too. Laura's a smart Southern Belle who worked hard earned her degrees , is quite talented (as are all the designers) but smart ladies in NYCity and big cities or small towns, who have a lot on the ball, "bag a rich hubby" there's not a thing wrong with it. What is a young stud gonna do for Laura, THINK ABOUT IT...Laura had high class tastes, kids, and maturity even if she met her hubby at 32 or something, a 32 year old guy (unless he was really on the ball and had a huge income) just would NOT have been right for Laura. I prefer older men myself. Go Laura.
""The one where they go to Laura's place!!!"
LOL. That's exactly what I said to my friends. I remember watching the bio video several times and just admiring everything.
I'm going as Laura for Halloween. Is there any greater compliment?
"I'm just wondering which one of the anonymous sock puppets posting that Laura doesn't deserve to win because she is rich enough to buy success is Jeffrey in disguise."
Not sure, but I do know that the blogs have all been over-run with unblanced Jeffrey freaks in the last week or so. It is soooo obvious that somewhere, they are being directed to do that to give a false impression of support for him. After all these months of critical posts regarding his obnoxiousness, suddenly he's a Valentine?? Sorry. Doesn't wash. He's still an ass who is directing loonies to flood the blogs to 'defend' him. And BPR is the worst now. They are even deleting posts that are critical of him, while keeping all the posts from the rah-rah Jeff nuts who all sound like 7th graders. Can't even have an intelligent conversation there anymore.
--Gotham Tomato
"Gotham Tomato and Lauraandmichael: Been meaning to thank you for all your really good posts. This whole anti Laura sentiment (mostly in other blogs) bums me out a lot b/c i do see it as an anti strong woman who can't be controlled thing, so thanks."
Thanks for the compliments & my feelings exactly. But it's not really surprising that mysogynist, Mr. 'feminazi' Jeffrey would attract like-minded fans.
Women with brains & balls are dangerous aren't they?
--Gotham Tomato
"Not sure, but I do know that the blogs have all been over-run with unblanced Jeffrey freaks in the last week or so. It is soooo obvious that somewhere, they are being directed to do that to give a false impression of support for him.
--Gotham Tomato"
I have to agree with you. I've never seen anything like it. If this man loses and Laura wins, I am going to hide in my closet for a week.
Laura's apt filled with Ikea? Is she really going to venture to NJ to get them? Many of them are obviously classic modern pieces mixed with several antique pieces. Perhaps some are only used to seeing cheap knock offs at Ikea. What a great loft! Do vist Knoll futniture's website to see some classic modern furniture. FYI, some of the pieces were designed by Laura's husband:
"Anonymous said...
FYI, some of the pieces were designed by Laura's husband:
Thanks for the link. They're beautiful pieces.
I noticed the mix of antique pieces and modern furniture in her apartment. I love that.
I didn't know that and I love that site. I read somewhere that her husband's firm has also designed for Ralph Lauren and Waterworks.
Gotham Tomato, I really hope you aren't grouping all Jeffrey fans in the same stereotype. I certainly am not "unbalanced" nor am I being "directed" to do any sort of support for him. I know the comment wasn't directed at me specifically, but I am pro-Jeffrey and I can't help but be a little offended by comments like that.
Choose your words a little more carefully, otherwise you're going to continue to come off the same way as the people you so love to hate.
For the rest of us: "Mark Rothko (September 25, 1903 – February 25, 1970) was a Latvian-born American Jewish painter who is often classified as an abstract expressionist, although he vociferously denied being an abstract painter. He was born Marcus Rothkowitz in Daugavpils, Latvia"
Safe choice= ULI(but it's so last year but like Chloe she might disappear (into Miami cruise-wear boutiques, never to be heard from again).
Sentimental Choice=MICHAEL(already a Fan favorite)With guidance of Tim Gunn, Michael Korrs,Nina Garcia, he can be steered away from "hoochie house fashions" to funky, classic,trendy,edgy. Problem is Phat Farm and P. Diddy already has a big part of that market.
Intellectual Choice=LAURA,Makes clothes for people who like glamour, style,sophisication,class and money.(Do people want to start dressing up again, I mean really dressing up, no slouch pants,no ripped t-shirts, no side base ball caps, no low cut jeans, no jeans period.)Riding boots and riding pants with a big white fitted tailored shirt, maybe a vest with a little glamour. Gowns,sparkly coctail dresses, bejeweled footwear.(Does she make shoes too? They'd love her on the VIEW she'll do good TV for them. But ...People might say Laura's fashion-mindset is too mature,too glamorous for mass appeal.(Even though I'd buy anything she made but without the green belts..)
Risky Choice="JEFFREY" ..He's talented,edgey,outspoken,bratty,he reminds me of the bad kids in "Our Gang" old tv show. You want to kick him in the shins, but there is something about Jeffrey that is worth giving the Win to. He is a very talented bratty boy. The LA Entertainment Shows will fall all over themselves to keep him in the news, he would be their LA Hometown Winner, but in that case...Michael would probably get the CNN Vote. CNN based in Altanta.
Am I the only one who had a moment of TV show deja vu when they showed the picture of Laura and the baby. I thought she looked like Addison Shepard from Grey's Anatomy. I gotta turn the TV off.
Do you think Laura ever takes the kids outside? I mean.....they were playing with "turtle-poop" in the house,like it was perfectly natural to have it there. Tim's look on his face is "priceless", you can tell he wants to break a sweat just having that little turtle turd in his vicinity.
>>I've read several times that Jay didn't take the 100K. What reason does he give for not taking it?<<
The Weinstein's company claimed 20-25 percent of everything Jay earned in a contract that comes with the big bucks so rather than indenture himself Jay declined the cash and refused to sign the contract.
"Gotham Tomato, I really hope you aren't grouping all Jeffrey fans in the same stereotype. I certainly am not "unbalanced" nor am I being "directed" to do any sort of support for him. I know the comment wasn't directed at me specifically, but I am pro-Jeffrey and I can't help but be a little offended by comments like that. "
Well, if you haven't noticed the phenomenon (the sudden flood of loonie rah-rah Jeffrey posts everywhere) then you haven't been paying attention. It is CLEARLY directed from somewhere (my guess is either Jeffrey's camp or Jeffrey himself).
It is sudden, it is everywhere and it is the same people everywhere. They are on a bizarre little PR campaign to try to change the opinions of the public, but it is very obvious as to what it is to anyone paying attention. My guess is that it could signal that Jeffrey won, but he realizes now how hated he is for his behavior, so he's trying to sanitize his image because, really, what self-respecting woman would buy clothes from someone who refers to women as 'feminazis'??
--Gotham Tomato
Rumblelizard wrote: What's really gotten to me since the last episode has been the avalanche of Laura hate going on in so many PR blog comments.
People hate her because she has money. So since she has money, she doesn't "deserve" to win. Only struggling "artists" who "need" money deserve to win.
I, too, have been surprised at the incredibly nasty comments regarding Laura's home and Jeffrey's home, their spouses, and their lifestyles.
The people posting these comments are obviously incredibly insecure about their own lives.
Loved the turtle poop!
Granite Janet
I don't think that's a real Rothko. I think it's either a faux-Rothko or simply a reproduction, just like the big portrait of her hubby is a faux-Warhol.
You wouldn't frame and display a real Rothko like that, in a house full of kids, (no matter how much money you might have).
--Gotham Tomato
"Rumblelizard wrote: What's really gotten to me since the last episode has been the avalanche of Laura hate going on in so many PR blog comments."
That 'avalanch' is clearly an orchestrated PR, damage control campaign from Jeffrey's camp.
--Gotham Tomato
Yes, I would wonder what woman would buy from a designer who needs anger-managment, etiquette and thinks "feminazis".
But then again... what about the thick middle majority of male "designers" who insist woman aren't beautiful basically unless they are some synthetic size "0", who establish cultural norms that emulate the diseased, anoxeric types rather than the real woman?
Let's not kid ourselves on serious issues when thinking woman actually talk to their designers when they go to buy or commission something - what exactly kind of mindset is there to have a discussion with?
And when you connect L.A. with rock and celebrity, it just gets more ridiculous, such that Jeffrey fits right in anyway.
if you watch the bonus footage, laura shows off her fake-Sargent self-portrait. and reaches over to wipe the chocolate milk splash off of it.
so, i'm guessing she did the fake Warhol and the Rothko, too. and, as someone brought already, who would leave a Rothko where chocolate milk would be splashed on it?
Gotham Tomato said,
"Second, no one should get praise for being 'mom of the year'. I think that the media (as well as politicians) spend entirely too much time pandering to the Mommy Mafia; those self-entitled housewives who expect everyone to continually validate their choice to not work - while criticizing the women who actually have the talent, initiative and balls to do something more with their lives (all while sitting in Oprah's audience giving themselves a big hand when she tells them they have the hardest job. (wretch!)"
LMFAO!! That is one of the funniest things I've ever read! AND so TRUE! I'm so sick of these women that identify themselves as someone's "mommy" rather than have an identity of their own.
Laura has an identity of her own. So what that she has a nanny and maid, she is the one that makes the money to pay for them..so why not? If I could afford a maid, I'd hire one.
RE: Other blog hatred for Laura. As an anonymous poster who is too lazy to remember another identity and login, I would also like to say "here, here" to Gotham Tomato's observations regarding strong, independent, successful women. I would also like to say "Thank Dog" for this blog and the sensible posters. Well, maybe not so much lately. I left the Bravo boards because I was sick of the mini-drama and wild assertions about contestants based on the poster's own insecurities and Vincent-like machinations (as a result of their "realities"). I don't even want to read those other boards! Mostly likely they were like the Bravo boards during Top Chef Season 1 where everyone unloaded on Tiffany. It got so ridiculous--people arguing about who's food tasted better IS IF!
Anyway, thank you PRG Boys because this blog has been a respite from those looney-tunes. I just hope the quality of commentary remains high as more posters drift over from other boards.
Anonymous said...
Gotham Tomato and Lauraandmichael: Been meaning to thank you for all your really good posts.
Thank you!
It is troubling that the bar for women always seems to be higher and changing.
Seems like you are supposed to have children but if you work outside the home, you aren't paying attention to your kids. Have a nanny? Then, you are really a bad mommy.
Women are told to dream for themselves and have a career. But if you show you take that career seriously, then you are too ambitious.
If a man defends his work or him self, he is aggressive. If a woman does it, she's a bitch.
If a man tries to improve himself, he's ambitious. If a woman does it, she's a social climber.
How can you know your "place" when the place is a moving chair constantly being reset by a judgemental society?
The other twist to all of this is that Bravo needs to be much clearer about what the mission of this show is -- is it to expose and mentor brand new designers or to give unknown designers with experience the exposure they need to launch into a new phase?
Is the aim to give people the $100k based on their financial need, their age or on their talent?
All we have been told is that the show is to find the American's new designer (or something like that). Based on that, it shouldn't matter what the financial need, age, or experience is of the chosen designer. I'm not saying I agree but it looks like the entrance requirements are vague so we can't foist new limits on the winners at this point.
I have more to say but I'm afraid this blog entry is already too long.
I've admired Laura from the start and continue to do so. The turtle poop episode was icing on the cake. Thanks, PR Guys, for providing that lovely frame of Tim recoiling in horror.
Laura's outfits are beautiful and will stand the test of time. Jeffrey is equally as talented, but his so-called edgy designs are already dated. Come back in ten years, and his outfits will be as laughable as yesterday's Neru jackets, shoulder pads, and stacked heels.
After all these months of critical posts regarding his obnoxiousness, suddenly he's a Valentine?? Sorry. Doesn't wash. He's still an ass who is directing loonies to flood the blogs to 'defend' him. And BPR is the worst now. They are even deleting posts that are critical of him, while keeping all the posts from the rah-rah Jeff nuts who all sound like 7th graders. Can't even have an intelligent conversation there anymore.
--Gotham Tomato
Interesting observation, Gotham Tomato. I thought I was the only one having my entries that were critical of Jeffrey (sans cursing) being deleted on BPR.
Make me wonder what is going on. Looks like a major whitewashing is taking place.
My husband has only caught the tail end of each show with me and said last night that he really thought Jeffrey was going to win. He said he showed the most range and he thinks PR probably wants to appeal to a younger demographic.
Although I was first tempted to argue with him, he made me think about what seems to be happening in the blogs with the flood of pro-Jeffrey/anti-Laura supporters. Something is going on. I'm not sure what it is but I guess we'll soon find out.
I can't understand all of the hate that I have read directed toward Laura either. I stopped visiting BPR because of the hate. It sounds like angry teenagers. It's obviously okay to disagree with the designers but that level of hate is just silly. People have written that they "hate" Laura or Jeffrey. I think those people that feel hate towards people they don't even know need to back away from the TV and become actively engaged in other activities.
BPR is now BJR. He is leading by double digits in their who will win poll. I think it's a safe haven for Jeffophiles.
ELLE Magazine: page 316. If only Laura had put the white organaza on the SLEEVES as well as neckline, Nina would have hearted the look.
(Sorry to go off-topic, but what goes around comes around.)
I'll second all the comments about how posters can "HATE" people on TV. I guess they've been so conditioned by fictional TV, with the simple plot lines, that they must either LOVE or HATE characters. That's why they are so easily manipulated by the PR produces. Complexity is scary! Ambiguity -- Pah! Who can handle that!
Sorry -- that was PR PRODUCERS. Also, I'm talking about the November edition that features Uli's dress in its First Look.
PS--I hardly see DRECK like Jeffrey's designs in Elle. I just don't get him unless Bravo is making a pure and simple demographic appeal.
I think those people that feel hate towards people they don't even know need to back away from the TV and become actively engaged in other activities.
Yes! I've watched other reality tv shows where I've formed opinions about the people based on how they are portrayed and never really thought about them in "real life." It's hard to think of them as real people.
In this case, I've only watched PR because I know Laura and her family in real life. The downright, nasty malicious things said about her and her family have shocked me. Assumptions about her husband, her finances, her home and children. And I've been even more shocked that they haven't been deleted from BPR and the PR blogs--like hoping she has a miscarriage!!??!! That is so hurtful. What a thing to say!
All I can say is that it takes a lot of work to be as "fabulous" as Laura is in all aspects of her life, both on the show and in her "real life." She's amazing.
Have any of you ever wondered, THAT MAYBE it has SOMETHING to do with THE WAY LAURA CAME OFF IN THE LAST EPISODE? She went after this guy, JEFFREY who I personally DID NOT LIKE until this last show. He came off as more human and vunerable and LAURA who I was a total fan of for most of the shows, suddenly seemed to turn into a Jealous-accusing-w!tch. I don't hate Laura, I love her accomplishments and I'd buy her outfits anyday. She Lost something in the last episode for many people, that's all. I now would like the win to go to Michael or Jeffrey. Laura started the controversy and it played bad for her, it backfired a bit with some of the viewers. She is still the cats-pajamas as far as designing and motherhood,and wife, but as a contestant, I just didin't like that SHE seemed to be doing ANYTHING to knock-away the one designer she thought was the biggest threat. Jeffrey came off more human,Laura came off as a bit cold, but maybe it was the editing. Maybe it was was meant to be that way, for controversy, but it worked against Laura for a lot of posters.
Guys, we have a post (two of them, actually) about the Jeffrey/Laura thing. Talk about it here and here.
It *is* possible to be a good, loving mother and actually have an identity beyond that role. Sometimes, it seems that you can't win no matter what you choose. If you work, you're a bad, selfish mother. If you stay home, you're unambitious and dumb. And God help you if you don't scrub your own toilets and cook a gourmet meal every night! Let's support each other instead of tearing each other apart.
"Gigi said…
It *is* possible to be a good, loving mother and actually have an identity beyond that role. Sometimes, it seems that you can't win no matter what you choose. If you work, you're a bad, selfish mother. If you stay home, you're unambitious and dumb. And God help you if you don't scrub your own toilets and cook a gourmet meal every night! Let's support each other instead of tearing each other apart."
I don't get that either. Why should people make choices for other people?
Laura's Time Management Philosophy from her Designer Bio on PR:
"I don't cook, I don't clean and I don't open mail. That's a BIG timesaver."
Gotta luv her...Rock on Laura!
Do all you, "anonymous" bloggers, think gay men and the women that love them are so stupid not to see the Pro-Peanut (and Pro-Keith on BPR) flooding the blogs?
We see through these posts, as they are nothing more than an organized effort to sway public opinion. And in the end, it really doesn't matter, because I for one will not let you suck the joy out of a TV program I love. You're like the North Koreans of the blogs...tiny, angry, isolated, and in need of attention.
The angry-little peanut never bothered me, I find him entertaining...but this whole discussion about a woman's role in business v. family is a bit...well it just bothers me...because it sucks the fun and joy out of these blogs. Don't piss on my lamiae, go protest the war or something.
As for the Fab-Glam boys…I just adore you two. Your light-hearted approach makes me smile and get all moist.
Interesting quote and info in this article: http://www.upenn.edu/gazette/0504/perelli1.html
“We’re still trying to make ends meet all the time,” says Mindel, “but we never wanted to get so corporate that we lost touch with our kookiness and our passion—so consumed by our business that we felt disconnected from it."
(Mindel is Laura's husband's partner)
I just adore Laura. She has it all. the whole package. Queen of Glam. talented, a husband who is crazy about her. she is successful, rich and gutsy for pursueing her dream in realitytv world. she is who she is. she speaks her mind. The camera is on her 24/7. the 4 finalists are all winners. They do not see being on TV as anything negative. The only negative is the manupulative editing to get the ratings. I like it how jeffrey and laura are now BFF. Maybe they are even one up on the producers of PR.
The grand prize of fabulousness still belong to the PRGguys. thanks.
I very much enjoyed seeing Laura's home life. I think it's wonderful that she lives life to the fullest, not afraid to make a career change and have a baby!
Choose your words a little more carefully, otherwise you're going to continue to come off the same way as the people you so love to hate.
Thank you for saying this, Julia.
I'm getting more than a little tired of being lumped into some sort of conspiracy. I've liked Jeffrey for most of the season. I'm not a Johnny-come-lately, and I'm not being "directed" by anyone. The thought makes me laugh. Except that it's not a happy laugh.
I will be thrilled if Jeffrey wins, but if he doesn't, I hope it's Uli. And it Uli doesn't make it, I'll be pulling for Michael, in spite of the hootchie collection. ANYONE but Laura at this point.
"ANYONE but Laura at this point."
But it's just comments like this that make you seem like you just might be a crazy Laura-basher, even if you aren't. If you still love Jeffrey after he said some mean things and was the victim of unfair editing, can't you have some sympathy for Laura after exactly the same thing happened to her?
If you don't want us to be Jeffrey-haters, don't be a Laura-hater.
The boys wrote..."lingering, vestigial heterosexuality...." ROFL
Her shoes get my blood flowing too...
Dixie Carter must be furious finding out Hal Halbrooke has been a bigamist with four kids by another woman all these years.
If you don't want us to be Jeffrey-haters, don't be a Laura-hater.
Anonymous, I don't care whether you hate Jeffrey. I would never presume to tell anyone else what to think.
I was trying to make the point that it is absurd to assume that people who like Jeffrey are part of some conspiracy.
I do regret that I got sucked into this Jeffrey-vs-Laura debate when the PRGayBoys were talking about Tim's visit to her loft. So, I'll talk about that.
The loft? 2 or 3 million, I'd guess.
The boys? Adorable, cute kids.
The turtle poop? Funny. Tim's reaction was priceless.
Hubby? About what I'd expected. I knew he was older. I wasn't expecting Cary Grant.
The shoes? Can you say Imelda Marcos?
The green outfit? Hideous.
Laura? A talented seamstress who makes simple, sometimes elegant designs. Also (from what I saw in the previous show), someone who will do anything to win. I don't think she deserves to win, based on what I've seen of her collection. This last episode reinforced that belief. Do I hate her? Of course, not. Do I think she's less-than-fabulous? You betcha.
This blog? I still love it. I think it's the best PR-related site out there. I hope it gets fun again.
"The turtle poop? Funny. Tim's reaction was priceless."
Yeah, it was about the best part of this episode. Ugh, I am SO sick of the whole Laura/Jeffrey bullshit.
So has Lorenzo *always* gone for redheads? ;)
katiecoo said...
So has Lorenzo *always* gone for redheads? ;)
Yes, always. Lorenzo thinks that redheads are hot as hell. : - )
What gets my funny bone tickled is that I think Tim turned to an unseen producer to utter "I draw the line at poop." as if he were begging for intervention.
I think Laura's husband has it going on. Maybe it's a redhead thing.
quote "I think Laura's husband has it going on. Maybe it's a redhead thing."
I agree and I am a brunett. There's a HOT guy behind those glasses.
"were" begging, "was" begging
omg all this PR tension has me so tense I can't get my tense straight.
Just once I would like to see my husband dress himself as well as Laura's husband does. I might be more inclined to peal it off him piece by piece.
I love Laura!
If Tim Gunn were coming over to my house with a camera crew I'd also make damned sure it looked good...Wouldn't you?
(read somewhere they'd bought the building, fixed it up and sold most of it as co-ops, while they live on the top floor)
-- desertwind
Returning to the original reason why you posted this blog, I now understand Laura's esthetic better. Her whole life--husband, half dozen kids, shoes arranged by color and style on wall, dozens of zebra finches in cages arranged along her workspace, hanging chairs, free-roaming turtles, etc--inform us about her personal style.
I loved peeking into her world, and only wish her the best even though I am suffering from major realty envy.
Did anyone else notice the enormous oil portrait of Laura in the filigree gold frame that was in the background? Cray-zay!
Laura painted that self-portrait of herself that you saw in the background. She is a polymath of the hand arts.
I didn't realize Laura went to Tulane, I love her even more!!!
I thought she looked familiar.
" ThePRGayboys said...
katiecoo said...
So has Lorenzo *always* gone for redheads? ;)
Yes, always. Lorenzo thinks that redheads are hot as hell. : - )
10:52 PM "
Brb...gotta make a Nice and Easy run. :D
(by this afternoon you can call me katiecarrottopcoo)
My daughter's boyfriend is buying an apartment in SoHo. At 1900 sq feet he is paying 2.3 million. My daughter says (after looking at many apts with him) that Laura's apt., with it's huge sq footage, if purchased today would be in the 6-8 Million range. Of course they purchased it some time ago so I am sure they got a much better deal.
The sudden flood of Jeffrey luv is in my opinion because some of his friends, employees and hangers-on are flooding the blogs on his behalf. Whether it is orchestrated or not, it is clear that it's more than just a bunch of random viewers who happen to be Jeffrey fans.
I sent a text message to Bravo saying " Laura is Fabu-Laura-mous...."
To "the other redhead"...
You were right the first time. "If" is always followed by "were."
It is conditional subjunctive or some such grammatical rule.
"A living Hirschfeld drawing." Beautuful.
Peter Shelton is famous. Fabulous loft is not surprising.
Laura said in her blog on BRAVO that her 10-year-old painted the "Rothko"
I cant believe you didn't include a picture of Laura's OIL PAINTING of herself that was n her home! Shame on you.
Don't know if you boys are still checking this thread, but what I want to see... is THEIR BEDROOM! Seriously--- did you get a tour of their home other than the company areas? Any hint of what it looks like behind those closed doors?? Was there pink and gold and mirrored ceilings involved???
We took plenty of pictures of the place and we'll be posting about it next week. We did see her bedroom but didn't take any pics of it. We'll say this: she both is and isn't what you think. Stay tuned!
Oh yummy, thanks! You guys rock, can't wait to read the scoop.
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