With Marla from Season 2.

Cool as ice.

Pretty as a picture.

Pretty as a picture, part zwei.

Emmett and Laura.

Emmett and Austin. Emmett's quite the camera whore, isn't he?

With Nora from Season 1.

With Nathaniel from TRESemmé (who's very sweet).

The Jay and Austin Show.

Dishing the collections with Emmett and Scarlett from BPR.

Scarlett, Peter and Emmett. Incidentally, Laura and Peter told us that Peter's tie was painted by one of their kids. We can't remember which one, but then again, they probably can't either.

Tim Gunn is touching my bobblehead!

Okay, I got what I wanted. Blog over.
Massive jealousy ensues.
I think Tim needs to be set up, much like the World Series statue, in the center of some city, so that people can go, line up, and get their photos taken.
Brilliant? Yes, I think so.
Oh... and Marla's season 2.
-Lydia F.
I wonder if Tim knows how he has achieved this idol status among all of us here....
Tim Gunn For President
Let Tim at those North Koreans.
(GASP) I am sooo jealous. How do you live such a fabulous life? Take me with you!!
Wish I could have been there! You guys are SO lucky! I love the pictures. I wanted Uli to win and I felt Jeffrey's work was not as stunning as Uli's, but he has the talent to do rock/punk wear. You lucky bitches!
Marla was from Season 2.
Okay, If I get any more jealous I will graduate to stalker status! Don't make find you! XXOO
Tim's face is as red as your hair honey.
Don't Emmet and Laura make a pretty picture?
I am in love with Bad Daddy!
Guys, even though I am thoroughly consumed with raging, pea-green envy, I am so thrilled for you! You two look like you're on cloud nine in these pictures.
I keep thinking about how you mentioned earlier that Tim Gunn said "You're in the inner circle now," and I hope it has something to do with the big announcement. I'm on pins and needles waiting to hear! I love it when talent and hard work are rewarded. You two deserve a major reward.
- Amy
Cute pictures...my jealousy grows more and more each day you post new pictures!
And now, I'm dying to hear the special announcement...I wonder what it is. Let's start speculating, people!
No place to post this but that "other site" has an announcement that Neeeena is pregnant. We are some astute observers aren't we!
just sayin'
Emmett is yummy. But those last two photos--whooeeee. Can't top them!
Enquiring minds want to know - is Austin's skin really that perfect, or is it makeup?
I'm so so so jealous!
I agree with every comment above. But I have questions: Was this party an official Bravo sponsored party? Where was it held? (Not that I know NYC or anything!) Were all the season's designers invited to attend? It looks like the PR designers who live closer to NYC are there, but so far I haven't seen the CA crew (Santino, Nick, or even Texas Chloe). Just curious!
Fantastic pictures! I am dying to hear the "special announcement". I bet it has to do with this inner circle thing. I hope that you guys will continue to retain maximum bitchery despite what what inner circleness is in store for you. I have to admit, I was relieved to see that you two can spend the night with the Bravo folks, then come back and still really dish on the episode straight from your heart. Phew!
P.S. Loved Tim's red face. He really is the whitest man in America.
I love how the moms and the spouses (like Melanie and Peter) have become part of the PR family!
Just have to add:
Tim Gunn. Truly, madly deeply.
Does EMC-squared get all handsy and touchy-feely when he's drunk? And if that's the case, which one of you played bartender?
(My guess is Tom)
As for Austin's "flawless" skin, no doubt it comes from a bottle (much like Tom's "natural" haircolor).
"Okay, I got what I wanted. Blog over."
Slut. All this time you were toying with us, just to achieve your aims with Tim. :)
OMG, Nina is preggers?
Are we PRG bloggers alert or what?
(What? You say not "alert"? You say "obsessive"? OK, works for me).
Congrats Nina and hubbie!
Emmet and Austin look like they'd make a cute couple. :)
Can't wait for the announcement!
My bet for the news: the two of you will be guest judges on an episode.
And, will you ever tell us who the woman was seated next to/draped over Jeffrey at the Tresemme party?
Haha ~ just looking at your good press . . .
I am so PROUD and THRILLED as a straight married woman to be a part of this:
A bright spot of witty homosexual culture" ~
I feel warm and fuzzy and happy all over. Haven't been part of the "bright spot of witty homosexual culture" since my pre-AIDS Houston days when I was adopted by the gay boys in my neighborhood. It was such fun, such an eye opener, so much dancing and partying and merrymaking and we had an absolute blast. Pre-AIDS, sadly, and now they're all gone and my heart is broken.
But this is Project Rungay! Not Joe.My.God, so I'll not reminisce any further, but thank you, darlings, as always. . .
"Okay, I got what I wanted. Blog over."
So we can assume the three-way ensued right after that pic?
Dish, Dish now, bitches.
T&L in major publications.
Fabulousness in inner circledom. Check
Comeon whasnext?
Fly.. be invisible...or Both.
Land on Mars. Walk on Water.
No, we are not surprised. Do something that we cannot imagined. NOW we want the dish NOW.
Congrats. fabulous guys finish first.
What's in it for us on your meteoric superstardom.
Alumi, tenure, grandfather clause middle circledom.
At this juncture, we will take any anything just to keep your fabulousness dishing.
Oh good lord. We should have figured on all your overactive imaginations. Sorry to disappoint, but superstardom is still a ways off. We just have a little announcement answering the one question we hear most often (after the one about Michael's sexuality): "What are you guys doing NEXT?"
Watch what happens!
(And no, that doesn't mean we're getting a show on Bravo)
Bigassbelle, I'm right there with you. You expressed my sentiments exactly.
Darlings, I can hardly wait to hear your announcement. Mmmwwahh! More fabulous kisses to you.
--Granite Janet
My guess is that you boys will be working with Laura somehow...if so, see if you can get the rest of us jobs!
Ah, BigAssBelle, thanks for the memories. Too bad you're living "down there" and my friends & I are "up here". We'd adopt you in a heartbeat.
Crow said...: "Emmet and Austin look like they'd make a cute couple. :)
Can't wait for the announcement! "
LOL! I was just about to post the same thing, they certainly are both beautiful :)
More more more! I'm still waiting for that post about Laura that you promised -- I want to hear about her "sitcom-ready family," etc.
PRGay guys,
I was just curious. You guys (and BPR as well) are certainly busy during the regular PR season. It seems like it will be much harder for you to keep blogging on PR after the season is over, but I noticed that BloggingPR was able to pretty much keep updating frequently between seasons 2 and 3. Obviously, your blog helps keep up the enthusiasm for the show while it's not airing. Does the production of PR help facilitate your keeping in touch with designers/events between seasons, or is it all organic with you and the designers emailing back and forth? It seems like they should recognize your talent, and the service you provide for them.
How is it that Tim can look so damn good both with and without his glasses? Most people can only carry off one or the other.
Be still my heart....
Loveit loveit loveit.
I just died and went to middle circledom. The fabulousness from superstardom spoke and I was busy being busy. I just lost my #1fan status . Bummer... got to work harder.
Be more glam be more fab. Just like T&L.
Are you also in the inner circledom with Mr. Laura Bennett?
Dish, dish now, bitches
Hey, Did anyone see Heidi on Leno or Ellen? Did she really say she thought Laura was jealous?
Yes, she did say that. Considering her exec producer status, it was a pretty tacky thing to say, whether or not it's true. It may have been part of the "put Jeffrey in a better light" strategy.
"Tim Gunn is touching my bobblehead!"
I love Tim Gunn, I love bobblehead, I love T&L but
Eeewww, I don't think I want to go there. That is so GAAAA
Dump away bitches.
The pics are fab.
Ive said it before but I'll say it again since the season is over *sniff*. I still want to be Laura when I grow up!
" Anonymous said...
"Tim Gunn is touching my bobblehead!"
I love Tim Gunn, I love bobblehead, I love T&L but
Eeewww, I don't think I want to go there. That is so GAAAA"
I don't think that's what the boys meant. You guys have a vivid and completely perverted imagination.
"Okay, I got what I wanted. Blog over."
LOL. Great pictures, guys! I am soooo jealous.
hahahah, ok, yeah, very funny. I am anxiously waiting for your special announcement!
You two lovely boys even make Marla look glam.
Alright already!!! Huh??? I'm on the verge of getting fucking nasty!!! OMG!!! You and all these stahs!!!! It's too much!!
But I LOVE the last photo and caption. I'm glad you got what you wanted!
I think the special announcement will be either:
* You boys are going to be guest judges next season.
* The producers are going to hold a competition for fans to come up with design challenges for next seaso.
* A design challenge for next season will be you boys being made over by the designers.
* some other contest that we can participate in (maybe a lucky fan will be made over). Or maybe a lucky fan will be invited to Chez Laura for din-din.
--Gotham Tomato
"Hey, Did anyone see Heidi on Leno or Ellen? Did she really say she thought Laura was jealous?"
I saw her on Ellen & she did say it there. I thought it was stupid & revealed a bias against Laura that was probably present in the judging room.
But in her defense, she is, after all, a model (ie; catty, but not bright.)
--Gotham Tomato
Gotham Tomato, you are brilliant. Brilliant I say!
Those are excellent guesses as to T&L's big announcement. I was thinking that maybe they'd say a show like Reality Remix was inviting them to be guest commentators. Our boys would be fab at something like that.
Sniffle. I feel so proud.
BigAssBelle, I'm with ya seesta.
As a single straight lady in sad-ass Utah, there's no way in hell I will ever find a gay-guy posse to hang with around here. Just to watch this one through the wires has been a voyueristic honor and a total thrill.
Thank you, boys. :-)
Please tell me your announcement is that Laura is taking over Heidi's job!
I'm guessing the special announcement will be that this blog will become Project Laura, with day-by-day commentary on All Things Laura.
And that will make many of your fans happy. But not me.
Special Announcement?
Bravo is giving you your own show?
Laura is naming the baby Torenzo?
Tim has adopted you guys?
I have not read all the comments but just the Gotham Tomato is brilliant one! I already think that!
I didn't realize Tim's face was so red...or is just a reflection from your hair...?!
OK we hate you now...with the fabulous white hot burning hate of a thousand suns of Gay envy...
Now, Cinderellas, get out of the f'ing chariot and get back to work...
OMG! I was just channel surfing and spotted Calista Flockhart having a conversation with Sally Field on some show on ABC. Calista was wearing Nina Garcia's green/black dress from a few episodes ago. Can't remember a word that they said. Couldn't take eyes off the dress.
you saw the Nina dress too!
"I'm guessing the special announcement will be that this blog will become Project Laura, with day-by-day commentary on All Things Laura.
And that will make many of your fans happy. But not me."
Well, it'll make me happy. Still love that woman. Still want to be her someday.
Chicago John, thank you darlin' ~ i miss my friends still, and it's been more than 20 years since they began vanishing one by one. Still breaks my heart, still enrages me, and I am still grateful that we had those wild times. What a life.... Smooches . . .
Ok so here is my question.
Please, please, please can I be your hag? I have had that position before and am dieing to fill the roll again. LOL
Oh the good ol' days of being surrounded by my gay boys. In college we used to go checking out the hot guys together and that way it didn't matter which way they batted one of us always walked away a winner.
Wonderful pictures, but I've waited a whole day for the announcement and I don't know if I can wait anymore. PLEASE TELL US!!
you bitches are fabulous. i love every word...
I hope the announcement is that Laura was smart enough to hire you two to do a website for her.
PS: I have a huge crush on Big Daddy.
Ooops! Make that Bad Daddy!
I have a question about the auctions. Who ends up getting the money that people bid for the clothes? Does it go to the designers, or to a charity, or what?
Crazy pictures. Too much fabulousness.
OK - did anyone see "Brothers & Sisters" Sunay night? Calista Flockhart was wearing Nina Garcia's frumpy, green "1964 picnic dress" from a few weeks ago. Of course, her character is a conservative Republican so that should be about right.
"Lima Bean said...
Gotham Tomato, you are brilliant. Brilliant I say!"
Yes, I must admit it: Brilliant.
It's a burden.
.....But not so brilliant to stop myself from posting without signing my name.
I've heard that Einstein had th same problem.
--Gotham Tomato
Ah, my days in Chicago, hanging with my boy the florist on Clybourne! Sure miss them, that boy could dish!
Frances, don't forget the pirogi too!
And as a conservative Republican bill honey, I am anything but 'dumpy'.
That's the Green party girls!
Is there anyone cuter than Daniel V? YES!! You two!!
The big announcement will actually be Bravo's announcement. Tom and Lorenzo have been picked to star in the upcoming Bravo original comedy/action/thriller:
My guess on the announcement is that you two lovely bitches will be blogging the Season 4 Project Runway Casting. It will be such fun if you do. Only you two can make it as funny as Am Idol tryouts. That will keep you on the "blog spots" and give us a chance to keep up with all things PR future, present and past seasons.
You are my new best friends. Love you. Mean it.
I thought everyone hated Nathaniel because he was the reason why Allison got eliminated (the bow)
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