Mychael with a Y

Saturday, October 28, 2006 by
Which, we're told, has always been the correct way to spell his name. Bravo got it wrong.

"I love having fans, and I love them back. They are the people who will be future customers of mine."

See what Mychael has to say about the rumors that he's dating Brandy and the internet buzz about his sexuality here.


Anonymous said...

What's with now having disfavor with him?

Anonymous said...

"I want to dress Brandy, that's what I want to happen. So Brandy, if you are ever reading this, I want to dress you. She needs to be wearing some Michael Knight"

"I want her to wear one of my outfits, that's what I am saying. I want her to wear one of my garments,"


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


DolceLorenzo said...

I love Mychael. His collection? Not so much. Not my taste.

He has a lot to learn because he's so young and doesn't have nearly as much game experience as the rest of the designers, but for his first career start he did a great job.

Go M...Y...chael!

Anonymous said...

"...My family knows, my friends know and whoever I am dating knows,"

reminds me of what Ricky Martin once said...and we all know where he ended up. (i mean, down)

Anonymous said...

I think Michael/Mychael is adorable and talented.

As for his sexuality, WHO CARES???

Anonymous said...

" I guess I don't think so hard about-I'm really slightly a blonde-so I don't think about stuff like that"

Well, I'm a blonde too and I think it's stereotypical to say blondes don't think so hard. So much for dispelling silly stereotypes, MYchael.

And I seriously doubt Pam Knight named her son, "MYchael" with a pretentious "Y".

Anonymous said...



he will always be michael to me.

Anonymous said...

I've read that Mychael lives with a man. I found it strange that his male "roommate" was not shown at all during Tim's home visit.

Oh, and spelling his name "Mychael"? That's so gay!

Anonymous said...

It's just a fucking name. Who cares if its gay or not? It's fine.

Vic said...

Whoo! The Michael (Mychael) bashing has begun. Let's not forget fellow PR watchers how this young man stood up to pressure during the show and how we all showered him with affection.

So, who cares about his sexual preferences? If Michael remembers to design for his clients (women, I presume) and retains his wits about him as he plans his career, he will do just fine.

As for Brandy? Did anyone else hear her say after the runway show that she loved Uli's collection? Perhaps her fires aren't exactly burning for Michael!

Anonymous said...

Everyone obsessed over his sexuality, please, I have to know why it's that big of a deal? I don't get it. I've never watched this show and thought "Hmm, I wonder if he/she is gay". It doesn't matter.

Anyway, I had no idea he was raised in Alabama. I was raised there myself, on the gulf coast, and lately there seems to be a lot of talent coming out of that state. Maybe if this continues, it won't be such a bad thing to say you're from alabama....>.> *cough*

NahnCee said...

I don't care if he's gay. I do sort of wonder if he's a gang-banger, however, since he kept flashing gang signs to his homies.

As far as the "y" in Michael, why would it assumed to be either pretentious or gay, when it's a well-known sociological phenomenon that black parents frequently name their children in ways that will spotlight them as being separate from the mainstream culture? See a discussion here, if you don't believe me, "A Roshanda by Any Other Name - How do babies with super-black names fare?"

Anonymous said...

Oh Michael....

You would go throughout the whole show without correcting Bravo as to the spelling of your name? At the very least, you would want it spelled correctly for your collection at Bryant Park, no?

Love ya kid, but not falling for this one.

Anonymous said...

Mychael,"slightly blonde"...

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...

Anonymous said...

Andy Cohen is an idiot. Why does he waste good one-on-one interview time asking designer who they have sex with? Is that the best question he can put forth? What a washed-up, gossip-loving, wanna-be.

As for the name snafu, I like it with the "Y." Damn Bravo. You screwed up royally.

BigAssBelle said...

nahncee ~ those weren't gang signs, that's the international gay hand signal for "i'll top your bottom" ;-)


i don't think anyone cares whether he is or is not gay, it's just that inquiring minds want to know. either way's okay, it's the lack of knowledge that's keeping the buzz going . . .

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else feel him becoming more unsympathetic as he establishes an image for himself? Of course his sexuality is irrelevant (to us at least), but from what I had understood earlier from other interviews, he was gay. I don't want to generalize, but homophobia isn't exactly rare in hip-hop culture, which seems to be the market that Mychael wants to a part of. He did sportswear so well and was really at his best when he infused his hip-hop background into it. From the new collections he's producing, it looks to me as if he isn't bringing that culture into or fusing it with runway fashion (which by the very name of the program could be said to be the optimum goal), but rather dumbing down the runway and fusing it with hip-hop apparel to make relatively good looking clothes, but no where near his potential. I guess it’s more a feeling of disappointed than anything else. But he has time to try a hundred different things a hundred different ways.

-Michael with an “i"

Anonymous said...

I agree anoynmous 6:53. This also means that it was not only spelled wrong at Bryant Park but also on the window at Macy's. Im thinking this is something to get his career going or something.

Anonymous said...

REALLY. Nobody, at least nobody here, really cares if Mychael is gay or not (unless they have designs on him).

What they're concerned about is proving that their gaydar is in good working order.

Anonymous said...

I know a lot of 20-somethings who share apartments/houses with roomates. It doesn't mean they are in a relationship with that person, it means they can't afford to live alone. And if MK's (I'm skipping the whole 'y' thing) roomie is just that, a roomie, then of course he wouldn't have been a part of the taping with Tim Gunn at his home.

I do think, however, that MK is something of a chameleon. Mama's boy with his family, potty mouthed rapper/dude with his buddies, cooler than cool young black guy on PR. He wants to fit in everywhere he goes (it's to his advantage) and keeping the gay/straigh issue at bay accomplishes that, while keeping him in the spotlight at the same time. Add smart guy to his long list of personalities.

Anonymous said...

"Oh Michael....

You would go throughout the whole show without correcting Bravo as to the spelling of your name? At the very least, you would want it spelled correctly for your collection at Bryant Park, no?

Love ya kid, but not falling for this one. "

I agree. Why has "Mychael" waited THIS LONG to correct the spelling of his name? Why not do it before Bryant Park? Or his Macy's win? Or when he saw his BRAVO web profile? Or in any of his other many previous interviews?

Yeah, I just don't buy it. And it strikes ne as dishonest to blame BRAVO for mis-spelling your name.

I think he just decided - for whatever silly reason - to start using M-Y-C-H-A-E-L - and now he's frontin'.

So lame.

Oh, and the gay roommate thing? Yeah, I see that too. Just like he claims he's always spelled his name, "MYchael", now he's claiming he's not gay anymore. Whatever.

Chgo_John said...

I agree with Amie: "Andy Cohen is an idiot." Sure, we'll speculate in a blog - hell we dish about everything else. Some things, however, have no place in an interview. I wish Michael/Mychael - and others in that situation - had just said "It's none of your business." And, of course, we the public should be satisfied with that and make no inferences one way or the other.

This is a blog, however, and I admit that I was wrong when I previously stated that Michael/Mychael was on Our Team. I'll take him at his word. Besides, I can think of no gay man that would have his name,no matter the spelling, associated with a clothing line called "Kitty & Dick". That's just too high school locker room.

Vic said...

In my skewed world, talent and a good heart is all that matters.

As far as I'm concerned, Michael (Mychael) can choose whatever label or partner he wants, as long as he doesn't kick puppies or sell himself short.

Vic said...

I stand corrected: "are all that matter."

Where the hell did my grammar go?

Anonymous said...

I don't really care whether he's gay or not, but you have to admit, he seems touchy about the subject.
He'll always be mIchael to me, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Just like Tom Cruise, and other closet cases, Mychael seems to be over-compensating. He's going way overboard to try to prove his heterosexuality, perhaps due to some inner insecurity?

Mychael's collection was overtly hoochie and vulgar. He has publicly expressed admiration for Hugh Hefner and a desire to live the "playboy" lifestyle. His "Kitty and Dick" lingerie line is over-the-top hoochie and trashy and degrading to women. He repeatly states in interviews that he's not gay. Yeah, Lance Bass used to do that too before he got outed. Even the Brandy thing reeks of a "beard".

Dude, Mychale is trying to hard. And that kind of desperation will only arouse more suspicion. Just ask Clay Aiken.

I'm sorry that Mychael is ashamed of his "roommate" or whatever he calls him. I understand that homophobia is rampant in certain souther African-American communities. And especially in the "rap" and "hip hop" market that Mychael wants to be a part of, which is probably why he's trying to act all "macho" now.

But the "MYchael" thing is gaygaygay.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Mychael is gay and living with his boyfriend in Atlanta. He's out to his family and some close friends. Kayne knew too. That's why those two were so close.

It's sad that he won't come out. Or in denial. I guess he'll do it when it feels right to him. Maybe once he gets his business established, he'll feel more secure.

Until then, I guess he's just another downlow brutha. I just hope he stays away from Oprah. You know how she's always going on about bruthas on the downlow. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Ok you guys... STOP picking

think about it....if he was gay... he would have made a more tasteful collection...

Anonymous said...

The new spelling ("Mychael") would prove gayness only if he weren't Black. As it stands, it only proves he's pretentious.

Oy! Had that website existed during the show, there's no WAY he would have been voted America's Sweetheart. After viewing it, I suddenly feel the need to bathe...

Lisa said...

"think about it....if he was gay... he would have made a more tasteful collection..."

By that logic, you've convinced me that Kane is really a straight man.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't he correct the spelling of his name on his own site? If you read the BIO he spells it with an "I" all the way through the narrative.

The protestation regarding his sexuality sounds almmost like we are reading about Clay Aiken.

Unknown said...

I'll admit that I was intially disturbed by his name and his website. But you know what? It's his own business to name himself whatever he likes.

Gay or not gay -- it's his business.

Let's leave this young man alone. It really sounds like everyone is hopping in on a gang bang of Michael/Mychael!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Why the hell do you guys care if he's gay or not? Or if his name makes him gay or not? Get a life.

Mel said...

Since when did we on this blog/board give a shit if someone was gay or not? Lord girls what has happened to us?

As far as the spelling thing goes, he needs to fire his copy editor cause if you read his bio it's spelled with an I.

Anonymous said...

I could have sworn I read (BPR maybe?) that "Mychael" came about because the domain was already taken.

Reminds me of the glut of Ja(y)son Williamses playing basketball a few years ago. There were two black ones and one white one. The young black one decided to go by "Jay" when the one spelled Jayson shot his limo driver to death.

We know he doesn't care about Hasselhoff, is there another Michael Knight he wishes to disassociate himself with, or is it just a website thing?

Y ask Y.

One more thing...Michael said that he doesn't wear jewelry...what's that bling we saw in his ears for weeks on end if not jewelry? Super shiny pearl beads he never wiped clean after exfoliating? :-)

Anonymous said...

Mychael should really fire his publicist. His website is ridiculous. He spells his name both "Mychael" and "Michael" on there. He should pick one and stick to it.

I don't believe for a minute that the name on his birth certificate is "MYchael".

Oh, and from his website:

" Michael Knight is now the most sought after designer to emerge onto the fashion scene since Zac Posen."

Um, really? Up there with Zac Posen, huh? It looks like Vincent is not the only delusional one. And Mychael's "Kitty and Dick" stuff is vuglar and gross. I never would have voted him "fan favorite" if I had seen that.

Vic said...

"Mychael should really fire his publicist. His website is ridiculous. He spells his name both "Mychael" and "Michael" on there."

So true. I just took a peek at Mychael's site. I agree. He needs a good proofreader and a new publicist. And, oh, my, what's with that hooded S&M outfit? Michael (Mychael), before it's too late go get some career counseling from Tim Gunn!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

" And, oh, my, what's with that hooded S&M outfit? Michael (Mychael), before it's too late go get some career counseling from Tim Gunn! "

Oh, absolutely! That hooded S&M outfit was hideous. I really don't understand what Mychael is thinking. The clothes are his website are atrocious! And don't get me started on this ridiculous "Mychael" spelling issue. Egads!

I agree that Mychael needs Tim Gunn's wise counselling. Or a kick in the pants from Laura Bennett. Reality check, please!

If Mychael found the right designer to mentor him. I think he has the potential to be awesome. I agree with Tim that Mychael's hip-hop rapper-wannabe thug buddies are a terrible influence. They bring him down.

Unfortunately, it looks like Mychael has become as much of a "diva" as Daniel V. Boasting that he's the next Zac Posen and producing garbage? It's so disappointing!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I couldn't care less if he is gay or not.

If you read his mother's My Space, (Pam) she writes that she has three children: MICHAEL spelled this way.

Now it seems he is calling himself Myke Stereo.

Michael, if you're reading this, calling yourself by another name will only harm your career.

Also, if you enjoy women to dress, one must not put down a woman and see them as future customers.

Don't refer to yourself as having a little "blonde." Blonde's are actually brunettes with hair dye.

Don't refer to women as a "Ho in Church"

Don't say, "I can even make a white woman look as if she has an arse."

No, you weren't my favorite, but if you want to further your career please always take the advice of other's. This is what makes a very smart person.

Anonymous said...

"Now it seems he is calling himself Myke Stereo. "

Oh, dear. It's even worse than I thought. "Myke Stereo"? Is that supposed to be his rapper name, like "Flava Flav"?

I agree that this nonsense won't help his career.

Anonymous said...

These comments are making me sick. Maybe it's dorky to change the spelling of his name, maybe it's a bit idealistic of him to think that the media isn't going to be poking into his personal relationships, but it looks like T&L have had to delete comments left and right and even the ones that remain contain some real low blows.

Aside from a few missteps on that website (the awful lingerie and that one strappy gown), there are a lot of gorgeous, tasteful clothes on there. Plus, Mi/yke is looking fierce.

Does anyone know when the collections on that website were done? He couldn't have been working on those while he was making his final collection (or, actually, that would explain a few things!) Do they pre-date Project Runway?

Anonymous said...

"Don't refer to women as a "Ho in Church""

Or "Captain Save a Ho"...

Mychael's habit of referring to women as "Ho's" has been annoying me all season.

I loathe the word, "Ho", and I cannot understand why some men insist on calling all women "Ho's". I realize it's trendy among rappers like 50 cent or Ludacris, but I expected better from Mychael because obviously his mother, Pam, is a wonderful woman.

Now that I see his website, and it's full of "kitty and dick" talk, um, well... I see my worst suspicions about him have been confirmed.

Anonymous said...

"nahncee ~ those weren't gang signs, that's the international gay hand signal for "i'll top your bottom" ;-) "

LOL. I knew my gaydar was on target!

Anonymous said...

Responding to Anonymous, who said...

"nahncee ~ those weren't gang signs, that's the international gay hand signal for "i'll top your bottom" ;-) "

LOL. I knew my gaydar was on target!

1:03 AM

Just looked like fox ears to me. In these parts, they flash them as a basketball cheer. Wouldn't be so fast to call it a gay thing.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Michael's sexuality, I prefer to follow Tim's lead (from his blog on the Fashion Forward site):

"I would like to know if Kayne and Micheal are gay. -Anon."

"With all due respect, do you really care? I don’t. One of the things that I love about the show is that it really runs a parallel course to the fashion industry in so many, many ways, including the general acceptance of everyone’s sexuality. We care about who the individual is as a designer. Gay? Straight? Who cares?"

Anonymous said...

I happened to like Andy C. That is precisely his point. Just come out.

Tim visiting Mychael in Hawtlanta.
House spotless? Check.
Roommate out of camera range? Check.
But who cares really?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure about Mychael/Michael but just as an aside, my brother's name is Mykel (prounced Michael). My mom thought spelling it the way it sounds would be LESS pretentious.

ID#94076205 said...

Maybe he likes men AND women. That way EVERYONE can be right. Ugh.

I don't think it's fair to assume he's gay, then to condemn him for not coming out. Maybe, he's actually straight. Maybe he's gay and he has good reasons for not wanting to come out. If you're not from the south or familiar with his environment, it's none of your business to tell him that he's doing the wrong thing.

Trying to out someone who isn't comfortable being outed or starting rumors is just tacky. All this speculation is starting to rub me the wrong way because we will never know, so why even bother?

--end rant--

ID#94076205 said...

And of course because it doesn't matter to begin with.

Vic said...

I'm gonna take a last stab at this, because it seems our sweet Mychael is starting to lose favor with his adoring public.

My reaction to all the negative Mychael comments is this: So what if he's guilty of a lapse of good taste and judgement? So what if he chooses to remain silent on personal matters? He's young. He's still learning. And he's got more talent in the tip of the smallest of his two pinkies than most of us combined.

I like Mychael because through all the turmoil and slinging of insults between his fellow designers, he always behaved with dignity and like a gentleman. And that's showed character.

Anonymous said...

chgo_john said:
"Besides, I can think of no gay man that would have his name,no matter the spelling, associated with a clothing line called "Kitty & Dick". That's just too high school locker room."

Perhaps you need to look at more gay men. ;-) There are many (and straight men AND women too) who prostitute themselves figuratively, and literally, to get ahead or make money. Just like everyone else, we make bad choices.

anonymous said:
"think about it....if he was gay... he would have made a more tasteful collection..."
Not all gay men are simply fabulous or have mad skillz. Some are mere hacks just like other men. Gay men have varying degrees of talent. Otherwise how do you explain the aufing of Kayne?


Anonymous said...

Michael has the right to spell his name however he wants; to be gay or not.

What matters is the issue of personal honesty and integrity. Why not just say he decided to change the spelling of his name? Silly, maybe, but honest. Why not just refuse to address the sexual orientation question? Rise above it and let others speculate. At least that would be honest and could say he never said one way or the other.

More and more, it seems Michael is not being true to himself. He seems confused and going in too many directions. That will show up in his designing.

THAT is why it matters.

He is making the mistake many people of all ages and all degrees of fame make--not surrounding himself with good advisers and heeding their advice.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Michael/Mychael is bisexual!
Why has no one mentioned that before?
Or maybe he is transexual or omnisexual.

The "either/or" debate speaks to typical Western linear polarization of thought.

Chgo_John said...

"Perhaps you need to look at more gay men..."

Those were almost the exact same words I used, oscar, but the judge took away my binoculars anyway.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter to me one way or the other if he's gay or not, but in an interview awhile back, Robert and Kayne said there were 5 gays, all men, this season. That would be: Robert, Kayne, Malan, Keith, and presumably, Michael.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I just looked at Michael's website....yikes, it looks like he went to the Baby Phat School of Design... I will say there were one or two things I liked, but mostly, it looks like clothing for high end hookers. Michael! You're breakin' my little heart here...and the undies? Ouch!!!

Lisette said...

I don't give a rat's ass whether he's gay, straight, or likes to do animals, as long as everybody involved is a consenting adult and is usiing appropriate protection.

His gangsta-like talk of Ho's is more of a cultural-and I don't mean Black, do you people watch MTV?, phenomenon. Not one I like but one I'm familiar with.

I didn't like his collection, you say body concious, I say sluts R us, either way its still just clothes. Spend your money if that is the way you want to look.

PR is a television show. They edited and showed material that presented us with "characters", Bad Mommy Laura, Trouble maker Jefferey, Sweetheart Michael, Whiner Angela... you get my point. He probably wasn't as sweet as he was made out to be.

As far as the MYchael is concerned, if you type in you are directed to a yahoo webpage that says the site doesn't exist. I think somebody had it and he didn't want to pay for it. I am willing to guess that Pam named her son Michael, maybe after Michael Jordan maybe not.

Anonymous said...

my head is reeling.

"maybe after michael jordan, maybe not?" ?!?!?!

michael for decades has been one of the top names given to baby boys in america. i guess since he's black that would mean he'd be named after a basketball icon.

geez. maybe robert was named after bob hope. maybe not.

MouseTolliver said...

In an interview with Michael on Andy Cohens blog dated August 10, 2006 Michael firmly states for the record that he is straight

In this interview all he states:"It's been said. You know what it is. Everybody knows what it is, so there's no need to even go there. I'm trying to establish myself as a designer. I'm not trying to establish my personal life and who I am and all that kind of stuff to people. My family knows, my friends know and whoever I am dating knows,"

Question answered. He's straight. If gay people want to be respected for who they are and not who they sleep with...maybe we should just stop the is he/isn't he debate and accept him at his word and respect his decision not to make his sexuality the focus of his life. Isn't that what gay people want for their own lives?

I am gay and had a roommate when I was 28. I'm sure lots of straight 28 year olds have roommates too. Why wasn't Michaels roommate featured on the Finale show?

Maybe he was at work?

Or visiting his family?

Or maybe the fact that he is Michaels ROOMMATE and NOT his boyfriend might be a big clue. Maybe he has absolutely nothing to do with the show and wasn't there when Tim visited.

As for the Y in the name, while I will admit it's a bit gay, I think it probably has more to do with Brand identification. Michael Knight isn't exactly an unusual name. Michael with a Y is easier to Google.

If this hasn't swayed you then let me go straight for jugular and hit all the stereotypes: Would a gay man have sent that hoochie collection down the runway? NO!!

That final collection was designed by a 28 year old straight man who instead of designing for how a woman wants to dress, designed for how a 28 year old straight man wants to see woman dress. He has tons of potential but most woman aren't Pam Grier and don't wanna dress like her.

Anonymous said...
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stmkent said...

Okay, this makes me sad. People are slamming the poor boy because he's making clothes they don't like. Because he says he isn't gay. Because he wants to dress Brandy. Because he lives with some dude.

So. The f*ck. What.

I mean, seriously. Does his sexuality matter? As much as I'd like to think he's my sweet little homothug, he says he's not. We'll have to take his word for it. He lives with a guy because Atlanta isn't cheap, and maybe they're close friends. I know plenty of men who live with other men without having to profess their love of boysex. Move on.

Yes, some of his clothes are skanktacular. But, you know what? There's a reason he's successful: some people LIKE that stuff. He was dressing hip-hop and R&B artists before PR, and chances are he'll continue to dress them. It's what he wants to do. Let the boy do what he wants. If you don't like it, don't buy it. I'm not saying we can't discuss his (admittedly, sometimes) questionable taste--but damn, it's not like he committed the cardinal sin of mixing plaid and polka dots or some mess.

And this whole "he's letting his friends influence what he does" is some sraight bullsh*t. Do you think someone would put his career on the line because of PEER PRESSURE? You know, I love my family and friends, but when it comes to decisions about my livelihood, they can kiss my natural black ass. Mychael is doing what he thinks is best for himself.

So--how about we stop tearing this poor kid apart, and congratulate him for making it to the final four? How about we have faith that he'll take his career in the right direction (which may mean, hopefully, that he steps away from the hoochwear)? No one's belaboring the fact that Jeffrey's successful with his ripped and tattered clothing, and I know that many of us wouldn't event consider buying his stuff. He has a different asthetic. So does Mychael. The End.

Chgo_John said...

Miss M, you truly are "Divine" in my book.

Vic said...

So--how about we stop tearing this poor kid apart, and congratulate him for making it to the final four? How about we have faith that he'll take his career in the right direction (which may mean, hopefully, that he steps away from the hoochwear)?"

Better said than me! I am in total agreement.

Anonymous said...

It makes me sad that in 2006 society is still trying to draw lines around people and categorize them. Who cares if Michael is gay or not? Maybe I like sex while I swing from the chandelier. Who cares? Outing your sexual preference is NOT a prerequisite for a career choice nor is it necessary for success in business.

Anonymous said...

"PR is a television show. They edited and showed material that presented us with "characters", Bad Mommy Laura, Trouble maker Jefferey, Sweetheart Michael, Whiner Angela... you get my point. He probably wasn't as sweet as he was made out to be."

Yes, there was editing, but Bravo did not put words in anyones mouth. They did not edit Jeffrey into an ass- that is who and what he is. (But of course, you can't speak the truth about Angry Peanut on other blog sites or you get Dixie-Chicked. LOL.)

All contestants were all under the same pressures in that environment, and yet Michael never stooped to the nastiness of Jeffrey & now that Jeffrey is trying to damage control his way out of the hole he dug for himself, he and his appologists are trying to claim that Michael is phony and isn't as nice as he seemed. It seems to drive them crazy that, even though 4 'judges' chose Peanut to be the winner, he is still a loser in the opinions of most PR fans - so they are attacking Michael. Surprise? Not really.

And actually I've met some of the PR contestants and I was told that the editing was fair, and even KIND to Peanut; that he was actually much worse than he seemed.

The editors can only use what the designers gave them, but they were most likely too kind to Peanut, in their editing, because he was in the final 4 and they had to make him rehabilitatable.

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

I believe that what is going on for many of us is that we see a train on a path to be wrecked and we're desparately trying to stop it. We know the potential Michael has, as a designer and as a person. We see that he has been given very bad advice by a publicist or whoever it is who's advising or exploiting him, and we think it's not too late to steer him back on the right track. The Mychael/Michael, gay/straight sexy/whorey issues are just symptomatic of him following bad advice. I don't think that fans care about his sexulaity or how he spells his name. It just breaks our hearts to see his potential and PR momentum wasted because he's submitting to some spinner's ideas of what sells.

Gigi said...

Gay or straight, I adore Michael (sorry, I find the Y odd), I think he is a doll. It sounds like he's going through a little diva phase - I can give him that. I know he'll soon be back to his sweet, kind self (or Pam will probably smack him upside his head).

Wow, I didn't know having a same-sex roommate made you gay. I guess I was gay for years and my son must be very gay, since he has two male roommates. Aren't stereotypes silly?

Anonymous said...

Re: the use of "ho"--

"Sweating like a whore in church" is an old, old, funny, evocative phrase. He didn't coin it, and if using it makes ones trashy, my salty Irish grandmother was trashy.

"Captain Save-a-Ho" is a quote from a song by rapper E-40, and a phrase in common usage in many communities in the US. Again, he didn't coin it, and I don't fault him for using it; it's evocative and specific, and nothing else I can think of would communicate the same notion so succinctly.

His father's name is also Michael. It was stated during MK's home visit. No mystery where the name came from.

The gaydar game is fun, I know. But how, in good conscience, can you reinforce outdated, stupid ideas of what it means to be gay (clean home, when he knows a television crew is coming? roommate, as a young person struggling to start a business?) while at the same time wishing and working for homophobes to understand that we're all alike? If you push the stereotypes on other people, you're as enslaved by them as any gaybasher. It genuinely saddens me.

Like his clothes, don't like them, whatever. But criminitly, let him BE. Live and let live.

Anonymous said...

Divine Miss M spoke for those of us who still love Mychael (And hey, if that's how he wants to spell his name, that's how I'm going to spell his name. I work with the African-American community, and I didn't bat an eye. Nor did I think it was pretentious or gay.) better than I could have, but I'll add my own two cents regardless.

I am seriously disappointed in a lot of the comments I've seen here. This pack mentality that turns on a dime really makes me uncomfortable. These are the same people who have RAVED about him all along. Guys, he hasn't changed. Everything that you allegedly loved about him, hasn't changed. Admittedly I'm not too fond of the collection on his website, either. But not for one second did I all of a sudden think that the image he projected on the show was false or manipulated. What nonsense.

Anonymous said...

"What matters is the issue of personal honesty and integrity. Why not just say he decided to change the spelling of his name? Silly, maybe, but honest. "

Exactly. I have no problem with Mychael/Michael explaining that he changed his name. But he's blatently LYING by claiming that it's been spelled that way all along.

No, that's simply not true. His own mother, the lovely Pam Knight, has been spelling his anme "Michael" on her Myspace and in all her correspeondence with BPR. All the BRAVO promotion has used the "Michael" spelling. Even in his silly website, he refers to himself as "Michael", although inconsistently at times.

I think that's why people are annoyed by the name thing. He's just making stuff up now. Just be honest, MYchael or whatever it is you're calling yourself these days.

"Now it seems he is calling himself Myke Stereo. "

I'm sorry, but that is just ridiculous! "Myke Stereo"???? WTF???

Anonymous said...

"I believe that what is going on for many of us is that we see a train on a path to be wrecked and we're desparately trying to stop it. We know the potential Michael has, as a designer and as a person. We see that he has been given very bad advice by a publicist or whoever it is who's advising or exploiting him, and we think it's not too late to steer him back on the right track. The Mychael/Michael, gay/straight sexy/whorey issues are just symptomatic of him following bad advice. "

In one of Tim Gunn's interviews, he expressed concern that Mi(y)chael's rapper friends were a bad influence and that Mi(y)chale was buckling to their peer pressure. I wonder if somehow they are responsible for his recent behavior?

It is so disappointing, and I agree that it's like watching a trainwreck about to happen/ Fo so long, Mi(y)chael was out sweetheart angel, and now we see this other side to him, and it's very unpleasant.

He needs a mentor and a godd advisor. Please, Mi(y)chael, if you're redaing this, call Tim Gunn. He can help you.

Anonymous said...

" It sounds like he's going through a little diva phase - I can give him that. "

Daniel Vosovic went through the same thing. He was the PR "golden boy", but all the hype went to his head. The fame and adoration made him boastful and prideful.

Daniel V was unemployed for a year and just went to parties. And then there was the terrible rumor that he was servicing Matthew McConaughey. It really broke my heart to see him crash like that.

Thankfully, Daniel V is finally over his diva phase and getting his life together.

Sadly, I think it happens with these younger designers. They are learning to handle fame.

Anonymous said...

I am astounded at the number of people who are now less than supportive of Mr. Knight because of a change in spelling and curiosity about his sexual orientation. Americans love to hate.

Anonymous said...

The first thing that occurred to me when I saw that Michael's website was was that must have been bought by someone or already taken, so he was changing his professional name for his label and website. No one else had mentioned this, so I thought I'd throw that out there.

There's just no way Bravo spelled his name wrong the whole time. Even his mom referred to him as Michael with an "i". Why he would try to blame Bravo is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

"There's just no way Bravo spelled his name wrong the whole time. Even his mom referred to him as Michael with an "i". Why he would try to blame Bravo is beyond me. "

I don't get it either. It's actually dishonest on his part, which disappoints me.

I honestly thought he changed it to "Mychael" because "Michael Knight" is a gay porn star and he already owns that domain name.

But now Mi(Y?)chael is saying that Bravo got it wrong? Nope, I don't believe it. I trust his Mama. Pam Knight has been calling him "Michael" all this time. He's lying.

I don't know why he's playing the fool, but he is.

Anonymous said...

And actually I've met some of the PR contestants and I was told that the editing was fair, and even KIND to Peanut; that he was actually much worse than he seemed.


Really? Which ones have you met?
And what did they say?

You don't want anyone to say bad things about Michael, but you have no trouble trashing Jeffrey (in nearly every post you make), even when the topic has nothing to do with Jeffrey.

So, please. Enlighten us. Which contestants have you talked to? What did they say?

Anonymous said...

i have to say that as a gay man i always thought micheal
(mycheal-ewww im sorry it just sounds tacky) to be interesting but as a straight guy he just seems boring

does that makes sense to anyone else?

Mel said...

What has happened here I ask again? Holy cow I've never seen T&L having to delete posts. This is so sad and such a testament to the fact that we have come nowhere in tolerance where it counts.

Anonymous said...

Surprise people. Gay men can be boring too. Just being gay does not automatically make you interesting, fabulous, talented, all-knowing about fashion, or anything else other than gay.

An average gay man.

Elsie said...

And speaking of men who are rummored to be gay, is Star Jones getting into politics?? Hey, where's Al?? ;)

Anonymous said...

True. It could be worse. At least he isn't dating Star Jones or Terry McMillan. That would be the equivalent of announcing "I'm GAAAAAY!!!" to the world.

Miss Brandy seems like such a nice beard.

Anonymous said...

I am just getting around to catching up reading Andy's blog and in the blog of August 10 he interviewed Michael after winning his first challenge. They spend a great deal of time discussing Michael's sexuality (straight) and none discussing any error in spelling his name.

Anonymous said...

Why is changing your name to an alternative spelling considered pretentious? If your name is also your brand and you need to make your brand memorable there is absolutely nothing wrong with a name that stands out a bit more. And plenty of us have nicknames our friends have been calling us for years, slightly different from our "Christian" names. What is the big deal here? Why is Mychael being bashed for trying to brand himself? That's what a designer and good business person is SUPPOSED to do.

Anonymous said...

He changed his name and then tried to claim it was Mychael all along. That seems dishonest.
All he had to say was he was choosing another name for business reasons. That would be the smart and honorable thing to do.
Anne O'Niemas

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

He changed his name and then tried to claim it was Mychael all along. That seems dishonest.

Has anyone considered that Michael/Mychael was just being faceticous? What's with all the Michael/Mychael hate? It's just a name, folks! GET OVER IT.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with Michael's website? I'm not getting what is so vulgar about his panty line. Does everyone expect bloomers or what?

As far as "Mychael" - don't you think when he pinned his name on the winning designs (spelled with an "i") throughout the show, he would have asked them to change the spelling of his name?

Anonymous said...

Part of me feels really bad for Michael. He was dubbed "America's Sweetheart" in the design world. Now any little mistake or lack in judgment will be heavily scruntized. It bet it's hard for him to live up to some of y'all's expectations.

And for the poster who implied Mike is gay because he has a male roommate. That's pure ignorance. I live in the gayest of the gay neighborhoods in Atlanta (Midtown) with a same sex roommate and both of us are STRAIGHT. Imagine that!

Anonymous said...

"It's just a fucking name. Who cares if its gay or not? It's fine."
Thank you, anonymous. My sentiments exactly

Anonymous said...

And actually I've met some of the PR contestants and I was told that the editing was fair, and even KIND to Peanut; that he was actually much worse than he seemed.


Really? Which ones have you met?
And what did they say?

You don't want anyone to say bad things about Michael, but you have no trouble trashing Jeffrey (in nearly every post you make), even when the topic has nothing to do with Jeffrey.

So, please. Enlighten us. Which contestants have you talked to? What did they say?

I met and had nice, private conversations with several designers during fashion week. I'm not about to break confidences by spilling the contents of private conversations (just like I'm sure our hosts wouldn't report everything they talked about in private conversations with them). They have made it clear that there is only so much they can discuss publicly.

But as I said, I was told that the editing was very fair, if not kind to Angry Little Peaanut.

And no, I'm not trashing him in every post, but when the topic does come up, the truth is the truth, despite what the revisionists want to claim.

I always find it amusing when reality show people (or politicians for that matter) try to claim they never did things that they clearly did on tape. It makes them sound like demented 4 year olds.

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

I am seriously disappointed in a lot of the comments I've seen here. This pack mentality that turns on a dime really makes me uncomfortable. These are the same people who have RAVED about him all along.

JM, my sentiments exactly. I loved Michael from the beginning. Didn't like everything in his collection, but that (and his name spelling) doesn't change my idea of him being a talented and down-to-earth person that I'd have over for dinner any day of the week.

What has happened to our cozy and intimate PRGay blog?

--Granite Janet

Anonymous said...

I think Mi/ychael is getting backlash because we had higher standards and expectations for him. He was the PR "golden boy", the "fan favorite" and America's sweetheart. That's why we're all so shocked now.

If Vincent suddenly announced he was changing his name to "Vyncynt", and starting his "kitty and dick" lingerie line, and talking about "ho's" and how he admires the "playboy" lifestyle and calling himself "the most anticipated designer since Zac Posen"... well, I would just roll my eyes and think he's vulgar and delusional.

But, unfortunately, it's Mi/ychael who is doing all this so the audience is stunned, actually, gob-smacked. This is not the Michael Knight we all know and love anymore. Who is this "Myke Stereo" person? Not someone I like.

Anonymous said...

I don't care if he's gay or straight, but his collection did suck.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think this is Mychael's "roommate":

He's cute. And they look adorable together.

Iona Nikolaidis said...

Um, isn't Santino's mom black? Doesn't that make Santino African-American? That article describes Mychael as "the first African-American male to compete on Heidi Klum's hit reality show."

Anonymous said...

What the hell does it matter how he spells his name, and if he is gay or not....if you ask me all you lame ass people need to get a life!!