What does this brazen German hussy thinks she's doing? She was practically ready to give Tim a lap dance. Look at the deathgrip she has on him. Classic stalker behavior. Don't let your pet rabbit out of your sight, Tim!
Look at the lust on that face. YOU'RE MARRIED, BITCH!
HAHA! You look STUPID in this pic!* Tim doesn't want you!
*Which admittedly took about 7 hours of frame-by-frame to find.
She is totally undressing him with her eyes. Disgusting.
Lick those lips all you want, ho. He's not even looking at you. Y'know why? Because YOU'RE A GIRL!
STOP TOUCHING HIM! Isn't this sexual harrassment?
See? Look! He doesn't even want to kiss you! OUR TEAM! OUR TEAM!
You may be "The Body," bitch, but you still don't have "The Penis" so BACK OFF!
Tim, we're so sorry you had to go through this. Call us if you need to talk about it.
I just can't decide which is more fun - watching PRW and saying to myself, "That's totally going to be on PRG" and waiting for it with delighted anticipation, or going to the blog and seeing something that NEVER, and I mean NEVER in a million years did I see coming!
You guys are insane. I wonder if I could get Tim to our team. I love Tim. I would totally be his beard if he wasn't outer than out.
I bet you guys will get to have dinner with him when the season wraps.
EVERYONE loves Tim! So handsome! So suave! So sophisticated! Regardless of whose team he is on, I never tire of looking at, or listening to, Him.
Stop being greedy, you're already a couple. Let us single boys have a chance first!
See, now boys, that is just gloating! We straight women know which team he is on But we respect him for his mind! Unlike you guys, that just want him for his body!
Coffee is so coming out my nose.
Superb, funny stuff.
Hey, you cannot blame a girl for trying when it comes to the fabulous Tim Gunn! And the "admittedly...7 hours to find" line is hilarious :)
Ah, but the tragedy is that he won't sleep with any of us--man or woman! He's celibate! Maybe that's part of the appeal, and the reason so many people will blurt out in the same sentence that they wish he was their dad and that they think he's sexy as hell. It's the lure of the unattainable. Like when Samantha Jones hit on that priest.
The non-kiss was television at it's finest.
Celibate? You mean *really* celibate, or "sick of the bar scene, can't meet anybody good" celibate?
Although now that you say that, I do wish he was my Dad. Now I can't decide. I wish he was my boyfriend/Dad/bestfriend if that wasn't kind of illegal.
"You may be "The Body," bitch, but you still don't have "The Penis" so BACK OFF!"
Can't.......breathe.....going......to pee......in my pants.....
Def. one for the RunGay Greatest Hits album.
so very awesome!
Gay or straight, the man is still beautiful to look at and listen to, so I takes my pleasure where I can gets it. He is absolutely charming.
Tim is so hot he could melt ice.
He's intelligent, good-looking, and funny.
Perfect boyfriend/husband material.
Tim Gunn is the breakout star of this show. His demeanor and a big reason for PR's appeal. If you search YouTube for Project Catwalk, Britain's version of PR, it's just terrible by comparison. I think their designers are probably more adventurous, but the personalities on the panel are horrendous. In particular, "mentor" Ben Delisi is a horror! More like a Terror Teacher you would hate to get in college than someone you would want guiding you.
And as much as I snicker at Heidi's sometimes gratingly shrill voice, she's got so much more personality than Elizabeth Hurley. Overall, I may be biased, but Project Runway is loads better.
You guys are hilarious.
I've met Tim Gunn a couple of times at Parsons. Not only is he handsome, talented, and intelligent, but he is without the doubt the nicest man in the world.
Tim Gunn makes Project Runway such a pleasure to watch! He is WONDERFUL and the show wouldn't be the same without him.
I have nothing but the utmost respect for this man'
*sigh* I love you guys. :)
Gigi, I love how you called Tim "Him" with a capital 'H', like he's a god or something. Was that on purpose?? SO true if it was. He's stellar!
You PRG Boys are genius! Ya'lls ability to go through reels of video and come up with appropriate (and sometimes NOT so appropriate(yet hilarious!) situations) is absolutely fascinating. YOU ROCK!
Sorry boys, Heidi could make a gay man break a sweat. She can grab my arm and throw me a "come hither" look any time.
In an interview, Tim said something about a relationship ending poorly in the 1980's. He's been alone since then.
That is a loooong time, Tom and Lorenzo. Perhaps he's recovered?
"Anonymous said...
Gigi, I love how you called Tim "Him" with a capital 'H', like he's a god or something. Was that on purpose?? SO true if it was. He's stellar! "
But, of course!
Awww cmon now...be nice to Heidi! We LOVE her! She and Tim are so cute!!!! Gotta give her major props for standing up to the Evil One (KM) on more than one occasion. Heidi rules! And I LOVE the "You're such a bad boy" line directed towards Stanley the Dog. :)
Our team!
ROFLMAO-better than "this is the church"
Once the season is officially over, you guys need to print these blog entries in book form and offer them for sale. Priceless, hilarious, you'd make a fortune. And please, Please, PLEASE, find another show to rip. I'm not sure how we're all going to get along if we don't have you to entertain us day to day. You've got me giggling like I just got 2 million emails from adoring fans. I love love love you guys!!
A relationship ended badly in the eighties?!
Tim, it's time to get back on the horse. (so to speak)
I have no idea why the fact that he's forsworn love because of a broken heart makes him so goddamn irresistible. As if he wasn't before. But he's just such a "knight of the round table" now, you know?
I'm SO not getting any work done today.
Anne said: "I bet you guys will get to have dinner with him when the season wraps."
At Red Lobster?
Hey, thanks george G, I didn't even know that there is a Brit version.
More importantly, can we muster up over 100 comments worth of Prof. Gunn adulation? I think we can, and I'm willing to try.
read this really fast like kayne is talking: i listen to tim's podcasts and pretend it's an answering machine message for me personally, cause i consider him and all the prw and prg people as my friends, and i have never been as totally hooked on a tv show, and NEVER been hooked by a blog til now, because this one is the very best, and i'm really really really really hoping you will PLEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZ BLOG TOP CHEF CUZ IT IS ALSO UBER DRAMA SPANING GENERATIONS AND GENDER PREFERENCE AND THEY HAVE THE SAME ARCHETYPAL CHARACTERS, and a new hostess, too, instead of that block of wood katie lee joel... (whew!) you guys are the best! love from the emerald city...
You guys should have roasted her for wondering Tim wears jeans. He's worn them on the show! Does she even watch the show?
Okay, I have to find a private place to read your posts. My 94 year old mother keeps wanting to know why I am rotfl and then why I keep chuckling for an hour and she wouldn't quite UNDERSTAND! LOVE IT - you guys are killing me!!
Y'all are some stingy bitches. Couldn't we just have Tim for a minute? I mean, it's been a while for him, right? He might like the other team. ;-)
Once again, brilliant!!!
He's class personified. The only person I can see with Tim is Cary Grant but he's dead so.....celibacy it is.
Who was the relationship in the 80's with? I wonder if it ended with a big Queen fight, while Tim stood stoic watching as partner packed. I wish there was video.
Speaking of Heidi, at least she doesn't say "Models, this is also a competition for you as well" anymore.
Well, as a straight woman, I can still dream, can't I?
OMG I just noticed the PRG store thingie on the blog. How long has this been up? Fabulous!
there's lust on her face because she's spreading her hands wide, saying "i'll bet it's thiiiiss big!!"
Heidi's a size queen ;-)
TV alert "Why Men Wear Frocks" on Biography channel Thursday...best of good drag from England I think.
site link..hope this is okay to give link....If not ...sorry. Biography channel Thursday
ToddNY - thanks for the tip off. I hadn't noticed the PRG Store either. When did it go up?
I want to adopt a baby just so I can buy the Angry Little Peanut bib and wear a Bad Mommy T-shirt!
Where's the T-shirt covered in fluerchons and the sparkly Kaynebo Rainbow shirt? How about an ascot with Jeffrey's gawdawful 'Harrison Detroit' tattoo on it so we can all have a LookAtMe neck?
anonymous said...
of Gunn, “Who was the relationship in the 80's with? I wonder if it ended with a big Queen fight, while Tim stood stoic watching as partner packed…”
As most people will never know the saga unless an unauthorized biography comes out, I have my theories. During the 80s, Tim’s LTR cheat on him after an all-nighter with too many bottles of 1924 Lafitte Rothschild…although, Tim now admits the vantage was young then, and a bit naive.
While attending the opening night cast party of “The Rink” with Chita Rivera and Liza Minnelli, Tim and his LTR met the two. Rivera, received a long-overdue Tony for Best Actress in a Musical, while Minnelli left the show for her first stint in drug rehab. It seems the two actresses where well smitten with the LTR and competed for his attentions all night. So the story goes, one of the ladies had her way with the LTR and nine months later, a love child was born of too much Lafite.
Well our dear Tim, whom we all love, was broken and vowed never to be hurt again. He just could not “Make it work” and the relationship was over.
Decades passed and as in a “Made for lifetime movie,” the love child resurfaces years later as a contestant on PR. The angst our man felt as he mentored his former LTR’s love child.
Only the bio will reveal if Andrae Gonzalo truly looks like Chita, or that rehab stint for Liza was truly Daniel V’s humble beginning before being put up for adoption in Michigan.
But then, I just speculate while my head is still spinning over the Keith letter on BPR. I am at bit discombobulated at the moment.
Funniest. PRGay. Post. Ever.
The real dish is Heidi's undercover courtship of Mr. Vincent Libretti. She had a soft spot for him. Please PRGay boys, use your powers to discern subtext and hilarity in reality TV, and expose it to the world. Mwah!
fit grad ...That is a Hot story. I want to here more. I won't go to deeply into Tim's romance on this board,because I love Tim he's a class act. I do intend to do some research on the Internet though...or wait until 80's partner writes a book.
Have you seen the preview of tomorrow's episode on AOL? Mr. Tim Gunn barefoot in the sand!
Can't wait for the PRGayBoys to tackle that one!!!!
That German was all over him like he was the Sudetenland...but seriously, next to every fabulous gay man should be an equally fabulous straight chick (Well, maybe on the other side of the hot boyfriend).
And you don't get much hotter than Ms. Klum. She is one of *VERY FEW* women with whom I would get acquainted in the biblical sense.
I think Heidi was thinking of a strange scene that involved Tim Gunn, Vincent and Michael all visiting her dressing room. Vincent role is just standing back and watching saying "It gets me Auff!".....ewwwwwww
I'm gonna be sick, kick Vincent completely out of the scenerio.....okay!
Tim is awesome. I hope he knows how cool he is. And if he did, he wouldn't be the kind of person that would let it go to his head. That just makes him so I-wanna-pinch-yer-cheeks cute.
Dear God,
Look, I know I am a straight female but I have a request. When I grow up, can I be as fabulously bitchy as the two hotties from Rungay? Ok, I know I am already in my 30`s, but far from grown up.
If not and the whole reincarnation thing is for real, can I come back as a gay guy?
Your buddy,
Dude, if i were sitting next to Tim Gunn like that I'd have a hard time keeping my hands off him too...
If you watch the other reunion episodes, her hands get real comfortable stroking his arms and shoulders....lucky lucky lucky woman
I dunno... they act all huggy-kissy-best friend-y on the show, but when Tim was asked (via email during the reunion show) if there were any Tim Gunn originals out there, his answer was that the only originals are his paintings and sculptures, and Frau Heidi didn't know that.
Seriously, after 3 years of working together, you think she'd know this about him.
Your blog is better than the show!!!!
I love you guys!
Tim did an interview earlier this year, (http://www.out.com/detail.asp?id=16700) addressing his single status...
How can you be single?
This is going to sound ridiculous to you. I’m so resigned to it. I went to a psychic about 25-26 years ago. Ostensibly the real thing; she was a consultant to the NASA space flights, and she was a consultant to the FBI. And it was a horrible session. She punched holes in every myth I’d created about myself. I’d spent a lot of my life blaming things on prior lives. And she said to me, “I don’t believe in talking to people about prior lives.” I thought, That’s disappointing, it’s one of the reasons I wanted to see you. Then she said, “In your case, I have to make an exception. I have never met a new soul. Until now.” I say that because it helped explain a lot. I have never, ever been more hurt than from a relationship that goes back to Washington, D.C.—before New York. I’m welling up thinking about how horrible it all was. After many years, it was the advent of AIDS and knowing that this guy who I loved more than myself had been sleeping around… it was awful. More awful was his out and out rejection of me, saying, “I don’t have the patience for you. I’m tired of you. Get lost.” And I haven’t been in a relationship since. And I’ve run from a couple of opportunities. I keep revisiting this “new soul” thing and I think, It’s not gonna happen in this lifetime. It’s not meant to be.
Hi Eleni,
Thanks for the link. Great interview.
"People are really nice. With the exception of one person who punched me when I was at the end of last season."
I'd do the same if I was in Hiedi's position.
Oh, that Tim...<3
First, I love you guys. I read your blog a million times a day and have to stifle my laughter at work. You really should try to make a book out of this. Hopefully PR will agree!
Second, this is off topic, but has anyone heard that Michael is dating Brandy?!?!?!?! Or so Star magazine claims. Go to fadedyouth.blogspot.com for more info.
Poor Tim, you know his ex-love is kicking himself now. He sounds like a real bastardo, the lover that is...No wonder Tim seemed freaked-out by Vincent, he probably never knew which way Vincent was going to blow. He did seem to get along well with Jeffrey and I think Tim genuinely "liked" Santino, two contestants who could be tough, I think Tim somehow likes that. I wonder if Tim likes bastardo's. I think Tim needs a good woman-beard, that he can laugh with, dress-up for offical parites, create great meals with,a modern-day HollyGO-Lightly, I'll volunteer(I'm currently dieting I'll be ready when Tim calls). I love that he goes to psychics and he is such a drama-queen, I could tell that about him,I like him even more now(he does keep it hidden.)
Oh ....it's so HOT Michael dating Brandy. He can put her in all those youthful hoochie dresses(I love him for them because the dresses still seem a bit innocent)and Brandy always seems like she's trying to be sexy, but she comes off as rather innocent still. She is the perfect-beard for Michael. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA!!!! Love ya Michael.
fitgrad, that was amazing. You're giving these guys a run for their money.
Hee heeee-e-e-e-e-e-e-e, it's a good thing I read this at home and not in the office. Falling off mu chair laughing would have upset my employees. This is price. Wish Tim was my neighbor. Wish I knew the PRG boys in person.
Michael dating Brandy? Randy maybe, but Brandy??? I don't think so.
Sorry, girls, he's pitching for our team, and a middle-reliever, at that.
Tim Gunn? No serious relationships in 20 years???
I'm verklempt.
Someone needs to get a committee together and get the man someone he deserves. Seriously.
But WHY does he have to be on your team? It's not FAIR! Why do I have to keep falling for men who are completely unavailable to me.
He's so handsome and smart and sweet and caring and exceptional.
I hate to tell ya, but Michael's straight. He's said so in interviews.
Okay Michael might be straight, but my roomates gaydar say's he's open... to FUN! Okay now for Tim Gunn, I think he needs a woman, (I'll pick a few) someone like Nina who can be just pretty on his arm, do facials with him, wear perfectly tailored clothes, always have perfect hair. She'd discuss the hilarious or appalling nights events at the nights glamourous event then retire to her beautiful condo, Tim to his. Or... Perhaps he needs a woman LIKE Laura(WITHOUT THE KIDS) No kids. A woman like Laura would have wonderful coctail parties with Tim, the good old glamour-NY-Hollywood kind of parties, where glamourous people,artists,singers,designers, drag Queens, pefromance artists, rock stars ..dress up,drink martini's,while elton john tinkles the piano gets drunk and strips. Or he needs a woman like Diana Ross, she's single, she'd be a Diva(so he's have plenty of excitement) he'd help her create a one woman show on Broadway,design all the outfits and furs, write the scripts, he loves words. She'd be a judge on Project Runway only if she could sing "Aint No Mountain High Enough "to Tim and the group of "awed" designers as the PR credits closed.
Tim celibate? I knew it, he's the Joe Friday of fashion.
Anonymous (12:45 AM)said...
... Like a fish needs a bicycle.
aflhsa asdfgsdjk lafiafeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
"Err .. this is not Bie writing. This is his roommate. He died laughing while typing before being able to hit the 'Publish Your Comment' button. And the line above is his last words ..."
Tim needs a woman like Ashley Judd was to Kevin Kline's Cole Porter.
'Cause shopping/mani/pedi's are boring when you go by yourself!
Let's find the lothario that broke Tim's heart and give him the what for!
All those ready to destroy Tim's Ex should probably read "And the Band Played On" If this guy was screwing around all over the place in the early 80's odds are he got AIDS and died from it, most likely alone. Lots of the good ones did and so did alot of pricks -no pun intended. AIDS killed then and now though the government would have you believe otherwise.
I heard about Michael dating Brandy too; it's flying at Allhiphop.com
And Brillke, you just made me laugh, cuz I believe I was a gay man in a previous life.
I agree with whoever said that it's weird that after three years Heidi didn't know about Tim's painting and sculpture. (Now somebody go dig up some links to *those* - that would be a public service!)
I mean, if you're lucky enough to be able to spend time with Tim, why *wouldn't* you be constantly talking to him about his life? The whole rest of the world is so curious, and Heidi's like, "Well now let's talk about you - what do you think of me?"
Thanks for that interview, eleni. Really, I'm so sad that someone would hurt Tim that way. :-( Tim, please give it another chance. Surely, there must be a dashing gentleman out there somewhere who will make your heart sing!
"You may be "The Body," bitch, but you still don't have "The Penis" so BACK OFF!"
Heeeeeeee! Definitely one for the PRGayBoys hall of fame.
BTW, I was just browsing the store and the "Angry Little Peanut" bib just SLAYED me. I am dead.
george G
if you thought the uk version was bad before, prepare to be VERY scared. Apparently the host for the next season, (because yes La Hurley was beyond bad) is to be non another than Kelly Osbourne. why oh why oh why.....(i'm still praying i dreamt this and it might not be true). thank god i can watch Tim and Heidi thanks to the wonders of the 'net :)
But but look how PUCKERED UP Tim is? See even Heidi has one of the sexiest men on the planet in her bed every night, his bun in her oven, The Body, etc. etc. and even SHE lusts after Tim Gunn. He's some sort of paranormal phenomenon! Everyone loves him, lusts after him, wants to be with him, fantasizes about that pucker directed in their direction, wants to listen to his vocabulary..on and on. Kind of like the GayBoys! Except a little, ahem, spicy vocabulary. :)
"You may be "The Body," bitch, but you still don't have "The Penis" so BACK OFF!"
Without a doubt the funniest freaking thing I've ever read.
"The Body" still doesn't have "The Penis"?? Uh, guys, could you try being a little less hilarious? People trying to breathe here.
Heidi probably didn't know about Tim's sculpture because he probably doesn't talk to the Heidi about anything personal, after the cameras stopped rolling, he probably keeps a bit of distance concerning his personal life. Remember he said , he lives alone and likes it that way. I think Tim is just really private, not the type you ask a lot of questions.
omg hahahahahaaaa!!!!!!!
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