"OUTzone: Any favorite "Runway" blogs? "
"Project Rungay. When they’re on, they’re really on. They’re so cute, those boys. It’s funny, because I get recognized on the street nowadays. People stop me and I answer their questions and I take my picture with them and then one day, I said to myself, "You know, these guys are so funny, and they spend all these hours a day, promoting the show, and in turn, promoting me, I should contact them."
MWAH! Love you, girl! Now pop out that baby so we can go out for drinks!
Read Laura's fabulous OUTzone interview here.
omg who doesnt?
OMG that is FANTASTIC, guys.
God, don't you just LOVE her?
What an amazing woman. Those kids are so lucky to have a mother like her.
"I just hope that at least one of them is gay. I think the odds are with me. If I have five boys, isn’t it one in ten? I think I’m doing OK."
LOL. She is wonderful, and of course she'd love you darlings.
What a nice surprise, boys. Another fabulous interview with my favorite designer.
And she likes you guys? GET OUT!
Seriously, she is really amazing. I never get tired of watching her on the show.
I love her!!!
I just googled her and found her wikipedia entry:
Laura Bennett Shelton (born August 2, 1963) is one of the designers on Season 3 of the Bravo series Project Runway where she is known as Laura Bennett.
Bennett was born in Metairie, LA, the granddaughter of artist Gene Bennett. After graduating from École Classique High School, she attended Tulane University for a few semesters but left to travel Europe and to move with her parents to Houston. She later received her undergraduate degree in architecture from the University of Houston, and received a graduate degree in architecture from Columbia University.
Bennett is the mother of five children and at the time of the airing of Project Runway revealed she was pregnant with another child. She has one daughter from a previous marriage and four sons with her current husband, architect Peter Shelton. Bennet says her time spent as a struggling single mother has benefitted her when faced with the show's challenges. "I'm used to multitasking," she said in an article for the The Times-Picayune[[1]]. "I'm not used to having my time as my own to sort of design quietly and slowly."
Bennett describes her husband as her "design mentor" and she works part-time at his New York design firm, Shelton, Mindel & Associates. The firm is best known for its design of the Polo Ralph Lauren headquarters in New York City.
She is one of the final four designers of Project Runway who showed at New York Fashion Week.
I absolutely adore her, and in my book, she's already a winner.
Hi Laura!
I think I heard a big FLOP then CRASH when the PRGboys read this as they fainted and fell on the floor simultaneously flinging their champagne glasses toward the fireplace. WOW!
Pretty soon YOU boys are going to start getting recognized on the street...mark my words.
Laura, how fabulous you saluted our Boys!!!! Cheers! :clink:!
Laura - I want you to be my mommy. You'll definately have a gay son and none of the drama to get there! Also, I'm great with children, pets and husbands....and I can do a mean etouffee and mix the perfect Tanquery martini (as if there is any other kind)...
Girl! Fierce! Call Me!!
Love that girl! Does NOT take herself too seriously either. And as the mother of a gay son, I love her attitude even more. May have something to do with growing up in New Oreans, dahlin'!
"Best movie ever: Auntie Mame with Rosalind Russell"
In the ancient tradition of naming things after grand old queens, my leopard gecko has just been rechristened "Mrs. Laura Bennett".
OMG, that interview cracked me up. I love that her husband runs like a girl.
laura is my idol... shes gonna do great no matter what happened with the show!
She's Katherine Hepburn w/ kids. Win or Lose PR, Laura should open a boutique on 5th Ave. called "Toss it on the Pile" and design/style for all of the doyennes/socialites of the upper East Side & those willing to make the pilgrimage. She'll make a mint she doesn't need!
PRGay Boys: You sound surprised La Laura digs and knows. But Of Course!
God, she's so fantastic. I swear, I hope that's me in 20 years.
The REAL question is: does she love the twentysomething bisexual chicks?
Seriously though, she's awesome. She's elegant, successful and speaks her mind. Love. Her.
Bless her brutally honest and fabulous heart.
As I said before, Laura is just all that and a (mother of pearl) spoon of caviar!!! That woman ROCKS!!! She is like an idol and I think I have a girl-crush on her...
I was laughing my ass out reading that interview! Totally my sense of humor! I could imagine all of us (me, Laura, PRGB, Tim, Robert Best, etc..) drinking and dissing... ( I'm such a loser, I'm actually daydreaming this! HAHAHA!!! )
Also, like her, I'm glad I'm able to laugh at myself.. I can't stand people that can diss but can't take.
Laura ROCKS!
She tells it like it is in her interviews and doesn't shy away from talking about anything.
I love her. I wish we had more mommies like her out there.
The Robert thing. I don't think it matters whether she didn't become a finalist or if she lost in the final or if she won the whole thing:
The question of what to do next is still there, and Robert has experience doing what she is about to do: start a high-end clothing line. Even with a mentorship and 100 000, you would still want to talk to people about how to proceed with your business. So I don't find that strange at all. It's been obvious she wanted to start designing "for real" all along, I don't think winning or losing makes a difference for her. The exposure is there with OFW and she can run with it. Look at what it did for Kara!
But now I want to know what Tim wanted to see her about! If the PRGayBoys ever gets some dirt on THAT, please dish immediately.
The PRGayBoys are feeling the love from Bad Mommy - I LOVE it! Add to that the fact that her favorite movie is my favorite movie, she dislikes foofoo dogs, and I want to be just like her when I - wait a tick, I'm older than she is. Oh what the hell, I want to be just like her when I grow up!
My entire family is from the south, and I'm telling you, it's a southern thing, y'all. Seriously. Ask anyone who has a mother or grandmother from the south--they'll tell you that those women don't take no mess. Add some NYC into the mix, and you have The Baddest Bitch Evah. Laura does not pull punches for anyone.
Lisasabatier: if you think Laura's being too nice, go over to BloggingProjectRunway and read what she said about them. Bad Mommy is NOT about "teh nice".
I need Laura to take me shopping so that I can start looking like the fabulous woman I really am.
Congrats, Boyz! Your blog is wonderful!
She can throw me on her pile!
*gasp* I love Tanqueray, too! We drink the same booze!
LOL...I'll take mine with tonic, however...
I'd really like to know what Tim Gunn wanted to see her in his office about! I bet it was something to do with the Jeffrey thing, maybe he wanted to explain the producers' decision to her (whatever it was.) Maybe he just wanted to hang out, who wouldn't?!
Robert Best? I'm not seeing that. I think she should start a line with Tim Gunn. They could call it Gunns and Roses. But then I'm not a huge fan of Robert either.
"Hey Robert, what do you think we should show with this dress?"
"Well Laura, I think a big red poncho would be just fab with that!"
I can't believe you guys trade email with her - that is JUST SO COOL! But come on, she must have told you who the final three are, so give it up already!
Just when I thought it was impossible to adore her more... bingo.
I dunno about the Southern thing, though. my partner's from Kentucky, and she's been trying for years to kick the habit of letting people walk all over her. she always blames it on being Southern.
but (brining it back to our favorite dame) as a result of watching PR with me, she's decided to take cues from Laura - get dressed like you're awesome, and leave the house like you mean it - and it really has helped her confidence level. so, hooray for Laura, again! I honestly think the world would be a better place if we were all a little more like her, willing to dish and able to take it.
Thing that struck me the most about this interview (aside from her divine fabulousness) was her wish that by the time her sons are teenagers that homosexuality will just be accepted. Oh how I do hope it's so!
As someone who has spent some scary time in the bowels of the Midwest I can assure you that people still have a long way to go to but I really do hope that we make that journey towards openness and acceptance. (and I suddenly have "George Bush is only for now" singing through my head)
Laura is exactly what you should expect from a beautiful, intelligent woman who was raised in New Orleans and spent her adult life in NYC. We New Orleanians know how to have a good time and tease each other mercilessly. We're a true melting pot of cultures and are a very accepting community (especially of our gays. But most of all, we're definately strong and we're not going anywhere! Y'all come down and see us!
I cannot find the words to express how much I love this woman.
Looks like they lifted bad Mommy's design!
She is my idol.
Just when you thought she couldn't be any fiercer or more fabulous, she gives the best interview yet with OZ.
She's the greatest.
(though I still think Michael is gonna take the win)
"And so it was like, God’s worst punishment. 'How can we upset Laura the most? Oh, I know, I’ll give her cankles.'"
Oh, I worship. She's lovely! I've loved her more and more every day since the very first show, and she only continues to get better. My hero, girl-crush, you name it.
Okay, I have been converted to the Laura side. It's not the Dark Side. It's definitely the Charcoal Gray side. With a plunging v-neck empire shift in 12 ply cashmere. And Christian Louboutin pumps (although if I were her, it'd be Alaias all the way this season). New Yorkers like the Charcoal Gray side.
Hers were never my favorite designs on the show (I support all my designer friends and appreciate what they do, but my own tastes are more outré), and she wasn't my favorite contestant to watch (this is a compliment because she's nice and normal, in a New York sense- usually you wanna watch the freaks) but damn if I want to drag her out to Hermes and just yap while shopping! I just wanna get her merch, except I'm pretty sure she's bought all she wants already. Or made it.
And charcoal gray? Makes total sense. Laura, I'd be surprised if you didn't receive emails from successful designers all wanting to offer you advice on getting started. From all I've learned in the rag trade, it ain't easy getting to the Bergdorf racks and it's even harder staying there, but you always want to be where you shop...
And lawd, Laura, I can NOT believe you went to Lipps or Lucky Chengs for your Valentine's dinner! You and your husband are seriously demented. We love that!
Hey! She called Kayne a "sewer".
Oh, wait. I guess that's "sew-er", one who sews.
Best interview ever!
I agree, best interview ever.
I absoultely love this woman.
What a breathe of fresh air!
I want Laura to have her own TV show on BRAVO. Andy make it so!
What a fantastic, fabulous woman. I want to be her best friend.
Fantastic interview.
The best of my two favorite things: Laura and the PRGay boys.
" ... even though it’s gotten a little bit boring. It’s a little too sweet lately. You know, they don’t allow nasty comments and you know, that’s no fun. Come on, if you can’t dish ..."
Right-on, Bad Mommy! See, even she hates smarmy.
Hope you read this, Laura, before it gets deleted.
That is a great interview! You boys didn't tell us you were having an email relationship with Ms. Fabulous' blackberry!!
I just want to take this opportunity to say that those comments the greasy Vincent said in that one EW interview about Laura were just reprehensible. I doubt it impacted her at all but those words, to me, were all I ever needed to know about his (lack of) character.
To the rest of us Laura will always be Fabulous Mommy! :D
I have to say my grandmother grew up/had my Dad in NYC and shared some very similar traits. I still have her very expensive hat collection. She was a lady who lunched. ;)
"and, although it may come off mean, she is right about blogging project runway in a way."
BPR is nice[y nice], but I'd rather lurk on Rungay! Yet another great interview from Fabulous Mommy.
You mean like Joanne in COMPANY's "The Ladies Who Lunch"?
"Best movie ever: Auntie Mame with Rosalind Russell."
Oh crap, I could just see this woman telling Agness Gootch "LIVE LIVE LIVE!"
"I didn’t like it in the 70s and I don’t like it now."
Just when I thought I couldn't love her anymore, she says what I've been saying since tie-dye and long hair on men made their dreadful return.
Snaps up on the gay reference, but Sondheim's/Joanne's opinion of The Ladies Who Lunch is pretty harsh.
"Off to the gym, then to a fitting,
Claiming they're fat,
And looking grim, 'cuz they've been sitting
Choosing a hat.
Does anyone still wear a hat?
I'll drink to that!"
Our girl Laura is definitely a Joanne! Bottoms up, baby.
Oy, and I love her a lot.
It's edifying to go back to the archives and see some of the comments made of Laura from back then. I ALWAYS loved her. At what point did the rest of you catch up? ... ah, the fickle finger of fan worship. I believe somewhere she's laughing up a storm.
"I just wish Laura would dig through her suitcases and find the blouse that goes under those dresses. I am sick of looking at her bony chest. (Aug. 2)"
"Why do we have the feeling we're going to spend the rest of the season not discussing Laura so much as her accessories? And her tits ... or lack thereof. (Jul 29)"
"It seems like the sort of thing a cold, arty bitch like this would stencil on her walls. She's a MONSTER!!! (Jul 22)"
"Am I the only person that is sick of looking at Laura's little saggy boobs? She is a one trick pony and boring as Hell. She looked half dead last night and I was hoping she (and her nuts) would get auffed. (8/17: Titled "I'm FABULOUSLY Repetitive.")
I love Laura too and heard about this blog thanks to her and I love it!
I wish I had discovered this blog sooner.
Can't wait for tonight's episode and then come here to see what you guys think :)!
That interview blew my mind. She is awesome. I would buy her drinks even though she probably has 50 times more money than I do. That's what a hero looks like. Totally rooting for her now.
I love that her first crush was on one of her sailing instructors. Can't we all relate to that? My first crush was on the trainer of my polo pony. I think back to those days whenever I'm out on my yacht.
So glad that Laura likes your blog. That must feel great.
Guess I'm one of the few major fans of the PRGayBoys who isn't a major fan of Laura. I think she makes beautiful clothes (or maybe it's that she makes clothes beautifully), but, with each passing episode, I have come to like her less and less.
Great interview. Much more in-depth than any of the other (PR people) Outzone ones. Hit the nail on the head with the drinking thing. Save me a seat on the next barstool. And, "Mother of Maude Adams!" her favorite movie is Auntie Mame. That's more than enough for me.
I didn't necessarily love Laura before I read this interview, but I sure love her now (although I still am rooting for Michael Knight to win). If only she were a true prophet, and by the time her kids are in high school the world will truly be a place where sexual orientation is no longer an issue. Laura is awesome!!
LOVE that she loves you... makes me love her even more and as soo as I saw the words "Auntie Mame with Rossalind Russell" so many things clicked. So many things about her made so much more sense.
To Laura's husband (the reader of the blogs):
You are one lucky guy to have a woman like Laura in your life. We are all envious and from reading her interview, it is apparant that she loves you very much.......even if you did knock her up and possibly hinder her chances of being able to make it through the Project Runway competition. That must have been some valentines day resulting in a November baby.
Best wishes to you both and wishing you a happy healthy baby and a new, exciting and successful career for Laura.
if none of her kids turn out gay,she can adopt me~~~
what was up with Jeffrey and Marilinda holding hands? Hope she doesn't catch any peanuts.
Laura is the most fabulous contestant on the show...EVER!
Oh you boys have some SERIOUS material to work with this week! Snort!
Bad Mommy's my choice all the way. The preview photos of the Fashion Week shows have me worried, as I believe Jeffrey is the spawn of some awful cult devil, yet his show seems to shine above the others'.
Did Laura really accuse him of cheating? God, I hope so, as I like her collection second best.
Holy crap, Laura is EXACTLY what i've always wanted to be: She's glamorous and yet sexy in an utterly mature, un-vulgar way, and above all else, she's genuinely *real*! AND she does it all while having a truck load of kids! It's just so admirable to see a woman like that, that can have and care for ALL those little ones while still maintaning such a strong hold on her sense of self and femininity. She should be a fucking role model and icon for women of the 21st century.
althou, as a 21 year old alcoholic college student, i gotta say i'd rather wear michael's stuff cuz its fresh and hot, so i kinda want him to win...plus i'd do him
ps: anyone else notice that jeffrey is totally *really* avril lavigne trying to make a come-back?
rise and shine, gayboys! your fans await.
just to start things off, I LOVED JEFFREY'S DRESS!! the angry little peanut, the one who casts a bad light on all recovering folks everywhere (including the Belle), made a dress I LOVE.
and Laura's favorite word is Fuck ~ maybe we're sisters!
so much to work with y'all. Uli stole Nazri, damn that thieving kraut. c'mon c'mon c'mon yoo hoo yoo hoo wake up wake up rise and shine!!!!!!! smooches
Laura, you had me at "It's a slippery slowp to Sweatpants" comment from earlier in the season.
Love you, girl!
I'll have to say it again. Bad Mommy rocks my world.
oh (sigh), I just LOVE her. And I think I love her husband too - mine would never be comfortable with a Lucky Cheng Valentine's Day dinner.
They should make her a permanent guest judge on the show for future seasons.
look up the word impeccable in webster's and you will see a picture of laura.
the interview was priceless. this is a woman who says it like it is. real and honest and straight forward. can you imagine what it must have been like to be sequestered from her family and pregnant while trying to prove her design sensibility? living and working with jeffrey? i shudder to think.
laura rocks.
no matter tha outcome of the runway show....
laura rocks.
What I really want to know is why Shelton Mindel and Associates doesn't have a website. They're a buncha designers, for pete's sake!
jerry said,
"What I really want to know is why Shelton Mindel and Associates doesn't have a website. They're a buncha designers, for pete's sake!"
Darling, they don't NEED a website. That's how in demand and well regarded they are! Check any number of issues of Metropolitan Home, House Beautiful or Architectural Digest et al and you will see their work.
"Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death" -Auntie Mame
Laura is still the winner, regardless of that ridiculous TV show. She's smart and stylish. Jeffrey makes clothing for pseudo hipster philistines that inhabit that hideous place known as Los Angeles. Michael should be designing for the likes of Christina Aguilera and Mariah Carey, whilst Uli just needs a boutique on some Polynesian island.
Speaking of Laura Bennett. Does anyone know how to get in touch with her? I know a lot of people are fans but I have a really unique design I need done and I SO want her to do it. It would be seen in a nationally broadcast TV show. Everytime I saw her style and designs on PR I KNEW she was the one to do this. Black lace and feathers!!!!
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