The Fab Four

Jay. Being Jay.

Andy Cohen with Jay's publicist, Nancy Kane

Tim and Emmett. Judging by the picture and knowing Emmett, he probably just said something very droll and slightly inappropriate.

See? We told you there was a lot of drinking going on.

Gorgeous Things and Tim. Check her blog for even more pics and her take on the evening.

Carmen. She told us that she did not design the pants she's wearing but she's had them since she was 18 and only wears them on special occasions.

Miss Emmett. Poor girl's a trooper. He literally stepped right off the plane from France to come to the party with us. He was exhausted.

Kara Janx and her husband Sharone. Y'know, it's not always easy to tell from season 2, but Kara is an absolute RIOT. She came up and gave us a big hello and we asked how the baby was doing. Her face lit up and she started gushing about what is obviously the great joy of her life. Gorgeous Things asked her if she had a boy or a girl and before Kara could answer, Lorenzo piped in with "A boy." Unfortunately for Lorenzo, she had a girl. Kara reacted in mock anger and play-smacked him, saying in her inimitable South African accent, "You know what? I'm not going to read your BLAWG anymore!"

Kaynebow is about to open a menswear store, believe it or not. And Emmett will soon have a line of accessories on QVC.

M. Malan. Fabulous as ever.

Fabulosity cubed. Lorenzo and Malan look they're about to make out, don't they?

Jillian and Lauren. Jillian showed up wearing one of her signature coats, but unfortunately we didn't get a picture of it. Hey, the Cosmos were calling us.

Tim and Sweet P

Zulema. Gotta say, the girl looks gorgeous.

Lovely Marla. She's really sweet.

Nora and her sister. Hotties, am I right?

Here's a better shot of her dress, which is part of her upcoming line.

And the gorgeous Miu Miu boots she was wearing. Yes, we're fags. We take pictures of fabulous shoes.

With Victoria Brody, Senior Press Manager for Bravo. We had been in weekly contact with her since before the season started, but this was the first time we met her. A total doll. Please disregard Tom's wonky collar.

With Valerie Brown, Director, Digital Marketing & Events for Bravo. Valerie is fabulosity personified and if there's such a thing as reincarnation and we come back as women, we want to be just like her when we grow up. Valerie and Victoria are so smart and so professional and they were such a huge help to us throughout the season that we simply have to give our girls a shoutout. As we told Faran from Fashionista, Bravo treats bloggers very, very well and Victoria and Valerie are a huge part of that.
Tom is not an alcoholic, he's merely holding Gorgeous Things' drink while she takes the picture.
And to wrap things up, just for the fun of it, let's play "Where's T Lo?"

We heard rumors that Posh tried to have us thrown out for taking the attention away from her.
Now darlings, we can't thank you enough for all the kind words you said in our previous post, but stop talking like it's our funeral! We're not going ANYWHERE. We have to rip the collections of the finalists, PLUS the collections of the decoys, PLUS we've barely even scratched the surface of the Fall 2008 collections from all the judges, PLUS we have swag bag giveaways coming up, PLUS we're going to finally return to our T Lo blog. Casting for Season 5 of PR starts NEXT MONTH and we'll have the scoop on that, not to mention Top Design Season 2, Shear Genius Season 2, Musical Mondays, Dames & Divas, and any other bitchery and fabulosity that pops in our heads. As always darlings, Watch What Happens!
[Photos: WireImage/Ann Steeves - Project RunGay - Screencap: Project RunGay]
Swag Bag Giveaways? You two are too much. I fainted right now.
I'm first!! And I can hardly wait Dahlings!!!
Well, I'm second at any rate...
You two are so beyond fabulous! You're TLicious!
The photog
Where was Laura Bennett?
Holy CRAP Zulema was there????
I thought she was one of those who diassociated herself form the show.
Gorgeous things you look gorgeous!
At the runway show I couldn't help myself- I went up to Nora and told her how amazing she looked. She really does- looking forward to her line.
Wonder what Jay thinks about Christian calling him a douchebag?
Such class.
Can't wait... I'm too very excited about the Swag Bag giveaways. lol
Thanks for the reports, Boys. FAB FAB FAB!!
And Gorgeous Things -- you look absolutely, well, gorgeous! Love the pictures, too!
awesome pictures!!!! and swag bags giveaways???? spectacular!!!!
but again: where was La Bennett????
yay for swag bag giveaways!
and are you going to be covering the new dance show "step it up and dance"? i cannot lie--i am excited about that one.
so looking forward to all your witticisms about the collections!
Yea!! Thanks guys!
I've been reading this blog since you've started & only watched Shear Genius because of you guys!!!
You guys are so FIERCE!!
GREAT pics, and I am guessing/hoping/fingers crossed that La Bennett gets her own wrapup party post! And of course there is TONS to discuss before S5 gets underway!
Swag! I look forward to hearing what's in the bags. So glad you copped a few extras and I hope I manage to win one.
Love it that you took pix of Ms. Vidal's boots. Thank you for asserting your gay fabulosity once more, just in case someone missed it.
I basically hate mornings but this post made today's not only bearable but actually enjoyable. You two are The Best.
Oh, thank goodness, you have it all planned out to get me through the rest of winter and beyond the spring thaw!
So...who do we have to sleep with to get one of those swag bags?
I have to wonder what it says about me that I'd rather change places with the celebrity whores then the celbrities themselves... Perhaps it says more about your fabulous-ness, you dear "insiders" you. Thanks for the inside scoop, and keep letting us live vicarioulsy through you!
SWAG BAGS!?!?!? Shut the front door! I'm TOTALLY going to try to snag one. :D
Well, let me be the first to note that Gorgeous Things had the most gorgeous face at the party (besides you two, of course). I can see why you took her along! Oh yeah, her pictures are good, too.
Zulema ... er, no.
Sweet P, delightful.
Emmett, immaculate as always.
I have no memory of Nora.
Tim, incredible. Love how he's kissing Sweet P. What a good Dad.
Swag bags. For the love of God, what's in them?
Thrilling to see you FINALLY in the crowd behind neenahgarseeyafasheoneditoryovellmagahzene. I watched 4 times and couldn't see you two.
Phew I can breathe again, you two fabulous beauties aren't going anywhere! I don't think I could handle PR ending AND your blog ending.
PS Any coverage on Top Chef?
Carmen can fit into pants she's had since the age of eighteen????
I used to defend her, but now she's dead to me.
You boys are the BEST!
"TLicious" is perfect, Gorgeous Things!
The first PRG post I ever read was Laura sitting on her LV luggage with the Post-It under her heel, and I haven't missed a word since. THANK YOU for all the laughs since then and all the fabulousness you seem to have planned for the future. More Top Design? You are the ONLY THING that made last season worth watching! Oh, and the thought of you having time for a post on the TLo blog on just any general topic, as you used to do, is really something to look forward to. But on to the collections first!
thank you for entertaining me daily! and looking forward to these giveaways.
i ditto agnes gooch :)
thank god you will be around for the spring thaw & beyond.
So nice to see some of the previous contestants, too. Sweet P looks wonderful in that dress. Zulema looks so pretty. Love Carmen's outfit. Malan looking so. . . Malan!
Tons of fun. Thank you, Boys & Gorgeous, for getting us inside the party!
You know there's gonna be a brawl over those swag bags, right?
I agree, brooklyn bomber - Malan is so very Malan. In fact, he is so Malan, it almost looks like he is photoshopped into every picture he is in, like he doesn't belong with non-Malans.
Or something.
Boys, thank you for the fabulous coverage of all things fabulous. It's like fabulosity x2. :-D
Thanks TLo and Gorgeous Things for the wonderful pics. I hope my donation to your site goes towards supporting your future personal photographers. You all looked fabulous!
Was Tim a little tipsy? It looks as if he'd had a few manhattans before he even hit the party....
And I have to say it looks like SweetP cleans up really nice! Much better looking than on the show.
Love the pics and I hope I have enough vacation time to be sitting at the computer for the next contest for the swag bags!
"Tom is not an alcoholic, he's merely holding Gorgeous Things' drink while she takes the picture."
Thank you so much for all those fabulous pictures. I kid you not when I say that it's almost like being there reading these posts.
Now, how many do I have to kill to get that swag bag?
Christian may be FIERCE, but you two are FABULOUS defined! LOOOOVE my Gayboys!
So jealous. The jealousy is overwhelming.
Glad you had a good time. You definitely deserved it, after a great season of blogging for all of us peons.
Someone said Christian called Jay a douche bag??? Where did you see that?
Yes, we're fags. We take pictures of fabulous shoes.
Oh, honey, I have a whole set in my Flickr account called "Shoes"!
(By the way, I second what someone else said in a comment to a previous post: Please do Top Chef!)
So where was our Laura?
At home watching it on TV like the rest of us? I haven't seen her in any pics so I am assuming she couldn't get a babysitter?
Oh, boys - my head is spinning just thinking of all of the fabulosity you are going to send our way -- all of the collections, top design 2, shear genius 2, musical mondays, etc....thank you -we love you!!!
OK, I just had to breathe into a paper bag after reading that you are letting some of the swag bags out of your clutches. Have I told you lately that I love you?
Gorgeous Things- you have been aptly named.
Who the *hell* can fit into pants they had when they were 18?? Unless they are 19.
I doubt very much I could fit into the car I had when I was 18.
FYI- I take pictures of all my shoes. And keep them in an album. Can I be an honorary gayboy?
I hope I have shoes that match the sweag bag I'm going to win!
Gorgeous Things, you are absolutely gorgeous. The kind of beauty they makes a big 'mo like me stop and reconsider for a second (but just a second - kisses to my Ed).
I swear you fab bitches are getting your own show. And I'm getting on it one way or another.
Blusurfer, this was hilarious:
"I agree, brooklyn bomber - Malan is so very Malan. In fact, he is so Malan, it almost looks like he is photoshopped into every picture he is in, like he doesn't belong with non-Malans."
Thanks for the belly laugh. You are so very right. He's kind of mesmerizing to look at.
TLo, I'm curious to know how many of the millions of viewers of the finale have checked in here. Is that information you're willing to reveal?
Anonymous said...
So where was our Laura?
At home watching it on TV like the rest of us? I haven't seen her in any pics so I am assuming she couldn't get a babysitter?
Laura had to be somewhere else.
Bittybis said...
TLo, I'm curious to know how many of the millions of viewers of the finale have checked in here. Is that information you're willing to reveal?
Let's just say that we broke our record yesterday. It was MAJUH! : )
What amazes me is that Bravo does so much to help bloggers. They know the power of the blog, which is very rare and actually quite cool.
Thanks for all the photos and dish.
veruca salt said...
Who the *hell* can fit into pants they had when they were 18?? Unless they are 19.
I doubt very much I could fit into the car I had when I was 18.
Ha! Almost wet myself on that one. I will be stealing that line.
Have to ask you, Veruca Salt, do you want the whole world? Do you want to lock it all up in your pocket? Is it your bar of chocolate? Should we give it to you
(sorry, love me some Willy Wonka)
OMG, Carmen and those dreadful pants. I see why she saves them for special occasions. They are too hideous to wear on a regular basis. Why does she think those look good? Bless her heart.
You boyz must be the luckiest two fags I know and I know a lot of them (including myself) Thanks for the pics.
Is that great big polka-dot bag that Jay is carrying, the "swag bag"? If so, I feel a burning greedy, yet fiercely competitive, earge coming on.
And futhermore, I'm not kissing ass (although I do on occasion) when I say, your blogg is BETTER than the actual show.
Thanks, Bill. It's not really a party unless someone almost wets themselves.
And, really, all I ever wanted was that damn goose!
And a pony.
Anyone else notice that NeenaGahseeya's bangs have settled in, and she looks beautiful at the runway show and judging?
Blusurfer -- funny re Malan!
Zander, I think you're just jealous: you wish you could wear those pants!
Nora is adorable, yes, but what's with this fashion trend of wearing dark, heavy tights with light colors and fabrics? Ugh.
So happy happy happy to be able to see pix of the party. Also, while not exactly on point, lerved to death Tim's killer take on VictorYA. Get that girl some meds!
Swag Bag Giveaways? Forreals? Can. not. wait.
I check you every work day, at least twice a day, to get a slice of fab. Love ya, MWAH!
tom in KC said
"Carmen can fit into pants she's had since the age of eighteen????
I used to defend her, but now she's dead to me."
Snorted coffee on the keyboard with that one. Right on!
I was wondering if the bag Jay was carrying is one of his designs.... i looks like it, anyway, is there any website where I could buy any of his tote bags???? they used to sell one of his at the Bravo site, but it's not there any more. if anybody knows, please share the info. thanks!
Ew is Marla wearing that horrid green shirt that she wore to the reunion.... YES! It looks like it was made out of lawn turf. Ew. Vom.
Everybody else is fabulous of course!
Thank you for all the work that you do on this blog. A group of friends and I read them TOGETHER, huddled around the screen like a lifesaving fire.
Mommyca said, I was wondering if the bag Jay was carrying is one of his designs.... i looks like it, anyway, is there any website where I could buy any of his tote bags????
Try this, and if the link doesn't work, go to FredFlare.com and search on Jay McCarroll. I have this bag; it's a pretty lightweight fabric, so I don't think it can carry a lot of weight (as totebags go), but it's quite roomy inside.
Love you boys!!
Miss Beckham should be worried...
you two are fabulous!!!
thanks Gorgeous Things for being the photog--
now we get to see our gays!
that dress Jillian's wearing is to DIE for!
brooklyn bomber,
thanks a lot for the info on Jay's bag! I like that bag a lot, but it's good to know how much it can handle.
TLo, the additional pics were delish. Especially the one of you guys at the finale. You should have a contest for us to submit captions of what you're saying to each other.
As for the kind words part, trust me boys, we'd all just be teary-eyed drunk at your funeral. At least until someone quoted one of their favorite lines from your blog and then the snark would really start flying.
But it's good to hear you're not going anywhere because neither are we. You're stuck with us, kittens.
Awesome job - almost felt like I was, albeit without a fruity cocktail in my hand, but still.
Top Design 2? Surely you jest! They aren't bringing that hot mess back are they???
To sewing siren:
That is one stunning outfit in your photo! I love it to death.
Oh, to be in my twenties with a figure again. :-)
Sure, Mommyca. And don't get me wrong--it can handle some weight, and it's lined, but don't expect to fill it up with groceries. But come to think of it, I did put my laptop in it.
I love swag...I think I should change that to my screen name ;)
Where to start....!
gorgeous things: You really are gorgeous! Good to see you had a wonderful time with our boys.
tom in kc: Always loved your comments. Your post re: Carmen is a classic! Some weird noise came out of my head when I read that.
Swag bags! Okay, there's offers of "Who do I have to sleep with?" and "How many do I have to kill". How about I trade my husband to be your houseboy for one of the bags?! I'm annoyed with him at the moment. He really is a great (cutie-patootie) guy and is wonderful about helping with the housework. Yet, I'm really, really annoyed with him right now.
TLo: Simply said.....thank you and much love to you.
Looking forward to many fun days ahead with ALL of you!
Swag Bags!!! WOOT.
I'd 'deck' a WWE Diva for one, whilst wearing Rami's pepto-bismal spandex drapery-do and a pair of Christian's runway finale stilettos.
Better yet, make the swag-bag challenge:
Craft a response for Tim Gunn to the letter Victorya sent to BPR... in retaliation to his *Mo Ryan- Chicago Tribune interview* hahaha!
That would spawn some crazy.
LOVE YOU!! Sally
I absolutely LOVE you guys. You always put a smile on my face. Thank you so much!
And Gorgeous Things, you are really gorgeous!
Great pictures! So much fun to look at.
Just because Carmen can still wear the pants she wore at 18 doesn't mean she SHOULD wear them.
sally: Thanks for the heads-up on VictorYa's response to Tim at the BPR site. Wooooooo....all I can say is mayhaps she's digging a bigger hole for herself.
Of course, I'm always so happy to read your PR entries, but I'm EXTRA happy to read that you'll be blogging about Shear Genius 2 (!), Top Design 2 (!!) and getting back to the Divas and Dames Deathmatch and Musical Mondays again. Y'all are just FIERCE! Love 'ya!
"Craft a response for Tim Gunn to the letter Victorya sent to BPR... in retaliation to his *Mo Ryan- Chicago Tribune interview* hahaha!"
I would SO win that. I can do bitch in my sleep. Competition for the swag is going to be (dare I say it) FIERCE!!!!
The pic with Tom double-fisting drinks: HYSTERICAL!!!!
I wouldn't have recognized Nora; she was cute on the show, but she's STUNNING now. The dress and boots were adorable, the tights, not so much.
Sweet P looks so much better when she's not wilting under stress. Jillian [I'm gonna steal your boyfriend :-) ], Rami and PPS looked much the same, only moreso.
Swag? Oh bitches, it is ON!
*Wow*, Sweet P is pretty.
Not crazy about Nora's blond hair, but she's as cute as ever.
And gorgeous things is a gorgeous thing. :-)
OMG! How did you get such amazing seats?!
Wait, maybe I don't want to know.
swag bags?!? count me in..please! =)
it looks like everyone was having a blast at the party especially Christian!
I love* you guys!!!!
*in a purely non-sexual, non-stalking kind of way.
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