Tim Gunn's Guide to Style - Episode 3: Short, Sweet & Opinionated

Friday, September 21, 2007 by

They made a frumpy (but cute) 29-year old...

... look like a stylish 39-year-old. Somehow, that seems a little counterproductive.

How the hell do you iron a bra, anyway?

"We don't know what the hell we're doing!"

Laura: Fabulous as always.

We couldn't get a shot of the dress she made for her but wasn't it fabulous? Look for it on QVC soon!

"I know honey. They made me do this stupid vest thing. I want to cry too. Wait till you see what I have to wear to the Emmys."

Hot, prissy, man-on-man action.

Veronica, you have no right being a makeover show hostess and looking like that. The hair, makeup and outfit all look like a "before" picture.

Watch an outtake of Episode 3 here >>

(Photos: Courtesy of BravoTV.com)


Katyola said...

I went to bed after the reveal of the new PR4 cast member, and even she didn't leave much of an impression, other than copying Gwen Stefani's high ponytail.

Gorgeous Things said...

Oh oh oh! I saw that dress Laura made. It's fabulous! Empire waist, a little gathering, matte jersey. Definitely a great everywhere dress! Of course from the über-fabulous Laura, what else do we expect? Loved it.

The show? Not so much.

Anonymous said...

What's up with all those pearls Laura's wearing? Ick! She looks like my Granny all dressed for church!

"Wait 'til you see what they're making me wear to the Emmy's" - Priceless!


Anonymous said...

I didn't think it was very sensitive parading a tiny tiny supermodel (who isn't very sympathetic or gentle in her line delivery) around a person who has such severe body image issues... they need to get rid of Veronica Webb

Anonymous said...

And Veronica looks like she just graduated from some limp-hair clown college! Who does her makeup? Ugh!

It really hurts me to be hatin' on a Tim Gunn show like this, but they're seriously BURYING him alive!

Anonymous said...

THANK you...I was sitting there thinking the very same thing about Veronica Webb. That outfit was bad, but the yellow and black with the knee high What-the-hell-were-those things? Boots? Knee socks? was over the top.

Anonymous said...

"Veronica, you have no right being a makeover show hostess and looking like that. The hair, makeup and outfit all look like a "before" picture."


Brandenburg3rd said...

Hmm. Which is worse--the let's-turn-her-into-a-frumpy-39-year-old dress... or that bizarre outfit on Veronica.

Oh, hell, it's a tie.

DolceLorenzo said...

"I know honey. They made me do this stupid vest thing. I want to cry too. Wait till you see what I have to wear to the Emmys."

R.O.F.L. OHMYGOD I can't stop laughing!

Laura looked FABULOUS!

Anonymous said...

Laura looked amazing last night. I love the dress she was wearing at the end of the episode. Gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

Veronica Webb is not the problem with this show. Lay off her before I go to youtube and make a "Leave Veronica Alone" video and get my own tv deal out of it.

Btw guys..I cant believe you guys have'nt done a post about Chris Crocker yet.

Another btw...glad you guys have gone back to the original format for show reviews instead of the "we are taking this blog thing way too serious" tone that has permeated lately.

Anonymous said...

That dress she's wearing in the "stylish 39-year old" picture... not hot.

And good to see Laura, although I'm not a fan of the masses of pearls.

Tim Gunn and Ms Webb both just seem mean in these episodes. Stiff and mean. I hope something is done soon to fix this!

Anonymous said...

I have several capri pants. What's wrong in wearing them? I guess the problem was that apparently that's all Nicole had in her closet.

Anonymous said...

We couldn't get a shot of the dress she made for her but wasn't it fabulous? Look for it on QVC soon!

Yes, much better than what the designer (I forget his name) gave her.

Anonymous said...

"Veronica, you have no right being a makeover show hostess and looking like that. The hair, makeup and outfit all look like a "before" picture."

Wait until you see what she's wearing in the next episode. I don't get it. She used to be so fabulous and glamorous.

Cake said...

I've been digging on old Veronica for the last 100 years and all but she and Tim just dim each other's light some how. They both come across as 1/2 the personality and twice the stiff. Tim+Laura=Happy Makeover Show.

Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

The problem with capri pants? You mean besides everything? Unless you're actually on Capri, of course.

Anonymous said...

It was so nice to see Laura again. I love her! The show sucked as usual.

Anonymous said...

You know it's getting bad when the before is better than the after. I know Orlando is a star but her haircut and color was fugly mom hair. The designer dress and Laura's dress were nice, though.

Anonymous said...

" Cake said...
Tim+Laura=Happy Makeover Show.

Just sayin."

FUCK YEAH!!!! Why didn't the producers pick Laura?

Anonymous said...

Hot, prissy, man-on-man action.

I must say, I never thought I'd see the words "hot" and "prissy" in the same sentence.

I think they need to fire Veronica and hire Laura!

And what is up with those monstrous huge frumpy handbags they keep giving these women as a "special gift"? I keep expecting to hear Lady Bracknell: "A handbag?!"

Anonymous said...

I agree, the hair and makeup made her look older and she's a very young looking 29 year old woman. I thought she was adorable.

Anonymous said...

I want the Laura Bennett dress, too!! I can't wait until comes to QVC.

Anyone else think it was ironic that they made a fuss about pitching all of her capris, while Veronica herself was wearing, what were basically, capris?

Anonymous said...

Sadly, this turkey of a show is DOA. Neither Tim nor Veronica are very good but they are getting somewhat better. The real problem is the format of the show and the truly baffling "creative" decisions of the producers. While the 10 essential items thing works for a book it's much too restrictive a format for a makeover show. Every woman looks good in a trench coat? Really? Might there not be some other style of coats that work better on some people?

But their idiocy was exemplified by the way they used Laura. On the one hand, great idea to call on the most fabulously glamorous mom of 6 on the planet to have a little chat with someone who has lost herself in frumpy suburban mommyhood. I would have loved to hear some sort of irreverent comments and advice from Laura on maintaining standards and glamming oneself up but instead we got some cheesy therapeutic exercise about carrying around guilt. So not Laura! And a real waste of a great resource. (I did love it when Laura came back at the end with that terrific little dress. And it's machine washable to boot! I'm all over that sucker as soon as it's available).

I'm afraid that this show has damaged Tim's integrity and marketability. And that's sad.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

I want the Laura Bennett dress, too!! I can't wait until comes to QVC.

Anyone else think it was ironic that they made a fuss about pitching all of her capris, while Veronica herself was wearing, what were basically, capris?"

YES, YES, YES. I was like bitch did you check yourself in the mirror today?

stmkent said...

I don't think makeup is the problem with Veronica Webb.

It's her face.

Seriously. She's got great skin, but her face has always looked...I don't know...unfinished to me. It's like someone started to mold the bust of a stunningly beautiful woman, and when they got to the facial features, they just kind of went...."eh. A fair approximation will do." She has a flat face, and the makeup she wears only highlights that flatness in an almost ghastly way. Like she was getting protoBotox back in the early 90's, and now she cant show any emotional expression at all.

Anonymous said...

".. look like a stylish 39-year-old. Somehow, that seems a little counterproductive."

Hell yes. That dress is so TPIR (The Price is Right), that it's not funny. I expected her to sweep an arm back and show off the Chevy Tahoe the contestant is playing for.

And what the hell was that stunt with the vest and the weights? Is this a style guide or "The Biggest Loser?"

Anonymous said...

Actually, I enjoyed this episode-please don't throw things at me!

Having said, that,I do think the format does need serious rethinking. A start would be to work Tim's 10 essentials into the episode in a more relaxed manner.

I would love to know who is doing Veronica Webb's hair, make-up and wardrobe-are they smoking crack?
None of the hairstyles or clothes have been flattering, and the make-up looks as if it was applied with a trowel. Definitely not doing justice to a supermodel!

Loved seeing Laura-she's a natural on TV. It's too bad the producers stuck her with that guilt vest routine-please,you have a classy dame, why have her do an Oprahesque moment?

I didn't see Laura' dress at the end of the episode, damn!

Anonymous said...

"Tim Gunn's Guide to Style" should have been a 1 hour special on Bravo covering the 10 essentials, not a weekly series. That's the bottom line of why the show doesn't work. Tim, while wonderfully formal on Project Runway, just doesn't work as a host on this show. He's too formal, too stiff. That works on PR but not on TGGS. Veronica looks like a damn clown with all that makeup on her face. And why is Veronica telling Nicole not to run around in sweats and capris while wearing sweats and capris?

And who goes grocery shopping with a dress on? I'm gonna try that next time I go to the store. I will get dressed up in a dress, heels and pearls to go shopping at Food Lion.

Neverwhere said...

I HATED this woman. I spent the entire episode yelling at the screen, telling her to STOP COMPLAINING, because my god, did that woman love to bitch.

I was shocked at how rude she was to Tim, and utterly ungrateful that she had been given this incredible opportunity to improve herself. And I know she had issues with bad self-image, but every time she called herself fat, or said she didn't think attractive clothes were available in 'her size' I wanted to strangle her.

I suppose I was feeling particularly harsh towards her because we're the same age, and I need Tim's help a LOT more than she does, but come on -- she even had the NERVE to say she had to alter Laura's dress -- when a designer gives you something for FREE, you don't complain about the fit! God, so ungrateful.

The only good thing about this episode was seeing Laura, and knowing I *have* to buy that dress on QVC. :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Veronica Webb is not the problem with this show. Lay off her before I go to youtube and make a "Leave Veronica Alone" video and get my own tv deal out of it.

Thank you, Anonymous!That was my big, coffee-spitting, laugh of the morning.

I really wanted to like this show. I love Tim Gunn. I can tolerate Veronica Webb. Unfortunately, that's not enough to make me want to continue watching this series. So Thursday nights will be "CSI" for me and nothing else. Sigh.

e jerry said...

Capri pants make just about anyone look short and squat. If that's the look you're going for, hey, that's fine by me.

Truly, my entire problem with this episode is Nicole. I wanted to smack her so hard it would have rattled her pelvis.

GothamTomato said...

I didn't see the show. (When was it on anyway??)

But call me kooky, am I the only one who thinks Veronica looks like Buster Brown in that outfit??

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

" GothamTomato said...

But call me kooky, am I the only one who thinks Veronica looks like Buster Brown in that outfit??"

...or little orphan Annie. Or something. Severe-looking sailing instructor at girls' prep school, circa 1920, maybe?

You're not kooky at all, Gotham.

Anonymous said...

I didn't watch the show. Nicole didn't really deserve a makeover. She's young, fit, pretty, and happily married with children who cares if she wears nothing but capris and tees? How about making over someone poor who really wants to be stylish but can't afford new clothes...like ME. lol. The best part of TGGTS are the sneak peaks of the new PR4 designers. But I don't know about Sweet P she said her favorites were Jeffery and Santino and she's a club kid from L.A. They already have that one emo designer Christian. This is going to bug me if they don't get another classy designer like Laura.

Cedar said...

Capri pants are unflattering; they cut the leg at a weird spot, and make you look shorter and unless you're very thin, they make you look stumpy.

I think they're okay if your in Capri (or any other place with a beach).

Suzanne said...

You know- I KNEW they were going to have Laura give that woman a good life coaching session....good thing she wasn't at the house- she would have had an aneurysm if she saw all those jeans...but how the hell did they talk her into that ridiculous vest thing? She deserves a freakin' Emmy for keeping a straight face.

Anonymous said...

As said earlier:

"Capri pants make just about anyone look short and squat. If that's the look you're going for, hey, that's fine by me."


"Capri pants are unflattering; they cut the leg at a weird spot, and make you look shorter and unless you're very thin, they make you look stumpy."

So, serious question to people out here who know a lot more than me.... what are you supposed to wear all summer if perhaps shorts aren't too flattering (legs are nice and fit but vein-y from the kids) and pants would make me sweat to death? Bring on the fashion advice!

NahnCee said...

Didn't watch it. Hadn't made a mental note to look for it, since the last two episodes were so disappointing, and forgot all about it until I saw this blog entry. Will tape it on one of it's 2:00 in the morning repeats, and then see if the tape sits there for ever or if I take the time to watch it.

Seriously - if the format of the program doesn't change drastically and, like, tomorrow, I'm giving up on it.

Anonymous said...

"So, serious question to people out here who know a lot more than me.... what are you supposed to wear all summer if perhaps shorts aren't too flattering (legs are nice and fit but vein-y from the kids) and pants would make me sweat to death?"


personette said...

TLO - please. Arent you going to do anything to save our/your gal Laura?

First, MSN forces her to include the slogan on her dress.

And now - the vest incident.

Did anyone else find it humorous that once she's got the vest fully loaded with pens (?) Laura has the girl walk back and forth (with no trouble whatsoever) and Laura says: "See! You can't function this way!"

Um, or you can...

Laura is a fantastic personality on camera. Even just the way she is talking to the girl, relating to her. It's great. I second the notion of dumping VWebb for LBennett.

But TLO - please! You two are her fairy godmothers! Her #1 gays! What are you doing? Is there no advice? No career guidance?

Of course, you can't control what she's doing.

And it seems like she can't really control it either. Corporate entertainment seems to be dictating her every move.

I just dont want her to go down in flames based on the ridiculous ideas coming from the idiots over at MSN studio or the fools behind Tim Gunn's show.

Love her a little less.
Help her a little more.

Anonymous said...

Gawd, I hope Tim is getting very well paid for this crap.

Anonymous said...

what are you supposed to wear all summer if perhaps shorts aren't too flattering . . . and pants would make me sweat to death?

There is nothing cooler in summer than a loose, floaty skirt.* Why anyone would want to have material wrapped around their thighs when it's 90 degrees in the shade is more than I can understand.

*(Don't tell anyone, but if it's long enough and opaque enough, you can get away without any you-know-what!)

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else catch that she said she was 29 and a half? Who the hell over the age of 8 uses a half to tell their age? She didn't want the make over more for herself than Tim wanted it for her. She seemed to want to stick in martyr-mommy role.

Veronica looked like she was wearing a cheerleading outfit. Laura was a good touch but they didn't use her well, I wanted to hear her own words of being a fabulous mommy not see some crazy guilt vest!

Anonymous said...

Did they really tell her to keep a treat jar? My god! I have a treat jar for my dog, that is NOT something a woman needs to have.
The idea that you buy (a luxury item) because you "deserve" it, has gotten a lot of people into financial trouble. If you can AFFORD it buy it. Deserving has nothing to do with spending money, its just an idea credit card companys came up with to make billions for themselves.

Laura looks great, I love the pearls. Maybe she can provide you with a picture of the dress she made, so you can post it for us.

Anonymous said...

That vest is a weighted vest usually used for exercise. The 'pens' are 1/2 lb rods.


(Link to Amazon.com)

Thombeau said...

I keep forgetting to watch this show! And now I missed Tim AND Laura! Bleah!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! The boys have unsanctified Tim so they can now give his show a good drubbing!

Bwahaha, the boys are back!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing cooler in summer than a loose, floaty skirt.* Why anyone would want to have material wrapped around their thighs when it's 90 degrees in the shade is more than I can understand.

I agree. I went to Vegas this summer and was much cooler in 115 degree weather in a dress than in jean shorts. And the dress was black!

Anonymous said...

The vest thing ruined it for me. Humiliating for Laura, humiliating for the victim, and utterly worthless. Making Laura freakin' Bennett Dr. Phil was just appalling. Tim is wasted in this show, Laura's wasted in this show, and Veronica just looks wasted. Meh.

Anonymous said...

I love Tim and I want to love his show, but his 10 must-haves are getting a little threadbare. His list doesn't meet the needs of everyone's life style, and that's becoming more painfully obvious with each new episode. How does a dog walking outfit or grocery shopping outfit always turn out to be a sundress?

And I love Laura, but she's got 2 nannies, a pretty hefty income, and lives in Manhattan. Her solutions aren't going to translate as well outside those parameters. The vest idea seemed hokey to me, but it also seemed to hold meaning for the woman it was designed to help so maybe it wasn't so bad.

Bravo, please put Tim and Laura together in their own show - one that keeps them in Manhattan and bears no resemblance to this one.

Brooklyn Bomber said...

I watched this one and, I hate to say it, but there's so much wrong with this show. In no particular order:

Veronica needs to go on What Not to Wear!! I feel terrible saying that, too, but I couldn't believe this gorgeous woman is wearing those nightmares. What was that yellow track suit-ey top thing? What was that first outfit; it looked like something you'd pick up on 14th Street!

They MUST drop that horrific computer imaging shit.

In what I think might be an effort to be the anti-Stacy-and-Clinton, Tim & Veronica just come across as ultra-sober. Oh, mom, do we have to Aunty V & Uncle T's again?

Tim's 10 Essential Items: somebody PLEASE explain to me how this uniform approach to building a wardrobe has anything to do with STYLE! The whole world does not work in an office. Nicole is a teacher. I'm musician. Not everyone needs a freakin' Classic White Shirt, for crying out loud! A Casual Work Outfit. A Skirt. A Trench.

Honestly, Nicole does not need to a kicky little dress with a cute bag when she's hauling her kids around Pathmark buying Juicy Juice.

That guest designer: sorry, but those dresses are for Park Ave. society matron-ettes. So wrong for Nicole (who is gorgeous and really just needs to get her body back in shape if it's bothering her).

Brooklyn Bomber said...

P.S. Dear Laura, if you're reading this:

Very nice the way you dealt with Nicole -- very real and down to earth. One thing, though: please work on your posture. I say this to help, not to criticize. If you want to ride this tv-celebrity wave, you will be that much more telegenic if you don't slouch. You have the good fortune to be tall--embrace it, you lucky devil!

Anonymous said...

And I love Laura, but she's got 2 nannies, a pretty hefty income, and lives in Manhattan. Her solutions aren't going to translate as well outside those parameters."

But her solution boiled down to "Take time out for yourself every now and then and don't feel guilty about it." Isn't that pretty universal advice?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else catch that she said she was 29 and a half? Who the hell over the age of 8 uses a half to tell their age? She didn't want the make over more for herself than Tim wanted it for her. She seemed to want to stick in martyr-mommy role.

She wanted Tim and Veronica to validate her being a MOM and giving her permission to dress in sweats and capris. Nothing Tim and Veronica could have dressed her in would have pleased her because it didn't validate her as a MOM. The MO has no identity of her own. She's been a kid and then she was a MOM; where was the time for "Nicole" to develop? I didn't understand the MO's motivations. Why did she want a makeover? Or did she just want some free jeans and capris? See, Rebecca wanted to spiff herself up and look nice for her trip, and JeAnne wanted to dress better after her weight loss. Why did this girl want a makeover? She didn't, she just wanted some free clothes and that's why last night's episode was a disaster.

Anonymous said...

My Dear Boys and Bloggers, You must come out of your drug induced Laura coma.

She looked awful last night! Try these on: Vampire, Edna Mode, Gloria Vanderbilt.

Anonymous said...

Veronica needs to go. She's awful!

Isabel said...

I made these comments on the Bravo TV message board. I am copying them here, in case it gets deleted.


I will give this show one more chance. If changes are not made, I won't watch it.

I don't like:
1. the amount of crying that the women are doing. All the self-esteem issues should be handled off camera. Showing the life style coach and the exercises are fine, but I don't want to see the rest of the crying. (I have enough issues to deal with down here in New Orleans to watch more people get upset.)

2. Tim and Veronica should include more casual clothes on the list. Most American women have tons of errands to run! It's not practical to do everything in high heels and dresses!

Tim and Veronica live a different lifestyle from most of the ladies; they need to recognize this fact. Most of the ladies don't have servants or valets or personal shoppers.

3.The underwear viewing - this should also be done off camera. Spend more time filming at the underwear store, give the brand names of the bras selected, so women in other parts of the country (and not just in the tri-state area) can buy these items.

The tips that are given are useful, but unless the names are revealed, the tips are not applicable.

4. The 10 item list should be revised for all parts of the country. Where I live it is so hot, that I could wear the trench coat 10 days/year. Suggest substitute items.

5.Coach purses are not really practical. Try Hobo International - Urban Oxide purses - made for women by women. I swear by them!

6. Show shoes that are more practical but still pretty.
Try Munro shoes - made in the USA. I used to travel to Houston to get them, but now I found a store in the New Orleans suburbs. Very practical for the crummy streets and sidewalks of New Orleans. If you are running after kids, you can't be hobbling on high heels all the time (unless the nanny is after the kids and who has the money for a nanny?)

Anonymous said...

I love the dress Laura gave Nicole.
I'd be on the show just to get a dress designed by her.

Here's what Nicole said about Laura:

"One of my surprises, and probably the best part of the makeover (besides the shopping), was meeting Laura Bennett. She was my favorite designer from Project Runway Season 3, and I was so happy that she showed up to spend time with me. She, I have to say, is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. Having six kids, a career, and being a mom with a full time job, Laura showed me that anything is possible. She told me that if I do not spend time on myself, it will definitely impact my children. She asked me how, if I don’t feel good about myself, will I teach my kids to feel good about themselves?"


Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

Veronica Webb is not the problem with this show. Lay off her before I go to youtube and make a "Leave Veronica Alone" video and get my own tv deal out of it."

LOL. Please do it.

Anonymous said...

I find the capris issue sort of confusing. Yeah she shouldn't wear capris, I really don't like them personally either. But if you look in the TG book, you can see a few places where capris are recommended without any qualifications about body type (I think that is in the Sweatsuit Alternative section). Kind of mixed messages.

Also, that bag they gave her was ugly and tacky and cheap looking. And laura was wearing way too many pearls and what seemed like an awful lot of makeup.

Anonymous said...

"Tim's 10 Essential Items: somebody PLEASE explain to me how this uniform approach to building a wardrobe has anything to do with STYLE! The whole world does not work in an office. Nicole is a teacher. I'm musician. Not everyone needs a freakin' Classic White Shirt, for crying out loud! A Casual Work Outfit. A Skirt. A Trench."

Thank you!
I don't know what the big deal about these, but trench coats and white shirts do not work for me, neither does a straight skirt. For the most part these "classics" seem like anti-style to me as they are so tried and true as to be "safe uniforms" unto themselves.

That designer dress that the girl ended up in last night was really bad. The major style lines were horizontal (a big no-no for a small woman) and not only that cut across her in two very bad spots; her waist via the belt and her hips via that big ruffled flounce. Ugh.

This show is a waste of time. The fashion advice actually sucks now that I think of it.

Anonymous said...

""So, serious question to people out here who know a lot more than me.... what are you supposed to wear all summer if perhaps shorts aren't too flattering (legs are nice and fit but vein-y from the kids) and pants would make me sweat to death?"


And sundresses. That's what I wear all summer. Because you will not catch me *dead* in a pair of capri pants. No, really. It's in my will. :-)

I feel so bad for Tim. I wanted this show to be fabulously successful, and I can't even bear to watch it. :-(

Anonymous said...

"5.Coach purses are not really practical."

And they're too damn expensive for something made in China.

Brooklyn Bomber said...

Britt said, "I find the capris issue sort of confusing."

If you're tall and/or very slender, you can get away with capris. If you already have long legs, they're not a problem (in fact, Veronica is wearing something suspiciouly capri-length with that red top). If you're short and/or little wider than you want to be, regular-length pants lengthen the look of the leg. Capris do the opposite.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I want more explanations, more education about what works and why! Why DO capris work on some figures? Why did the V-neckline look good on Nicole?

I have to admit the mommy-empowerment stuff spoke to me, but I can definitely see where it would seriously alienate many others. (and having the young son serve as a New Age mouthpiece in his video there -- that's just child abuse)

Love Laura, even if the pearls harkened images of those African tribes where women wrap gold wires up their neck in order to unnaturally elongate them.

Have given up on Veronica. Her outfits last night were just atrocious. I kept thinking to myself, "Tim, take her. Take her for the next makeover. The one standing next to you."

Anonymous said...

What's the difference between capris and clam-diggers?

-- desertwind

Anonymous said...

I agree with Agnes Gooch on the child abuse comment. Bringing the son in on the 'take time for yourself, mommy' segment made me cringe.

And my guess is that what Nicole will internalize from this is that if she doesn't take time for herself (along with being a teacher, mother of two, wife, and trying to start her own business in the summer) she'll somehow be damaging her kids and have something else to feel guilty about. Some makeover.

Anonymous said...

"Anyone else think it was ironic that they made a fuss about pitching all of her capris, while Veronica herself was wearing, what were basically, capris?"
I think those were knickers which are even worse than capris. I also felt no empathy or sympathy toward Nicole, I'm not sure what her motivations were (other than free stuff) for being on this show. LOVED the 1st dress Laura wore! I better see that on QVC and in my size!!

Anonymous said...

I'm holding out hope that Veronica's wardrobe, hair & make-up is all an elaborate set-up for a season finale makeover of Veronica herself.

But I realize hope is wasted on the producers of this show. They make Tim and Veronica participate in the underwear thing. Now they make Laura do the guilt vest thing. They obviously have no taste or standards themselves.

As much as I love Tim, I'm getting real tired of his cookie-cutter essential ten items list. Completely unworkable for the 95% of women who aren't professionals in Manhattan, Chicago, etc. What most of us need to learn is how to pick casual clothes suited to our own body type.

Linda Merrill said...

Love Tim - hate him on this show. Can't stand Veronica - she's too severe and stand-offish. Her makeup, hair and clothing is bad and there is nothing to relate too.

Laura was great - and while she can tend towards being severe looking, her personality is warm and earthy. Loved the pearls, wish I had her length to be able to wear them!

I grocery shop and do errands in dresses and heels and have never understood why women think shorts or capris are more comfortable than a skirt and sandals. And they are clearly unattractive on all but a few lucky women. I was amazed when Nicole said she thought she was "too short for dresses and skirts"... what???

I thought Tim hit the nail on the head, tho, when he said she had to get over her pre-baby figure and accept her current figure - which was fine. She has an 8 year old and is 29.5 - so she was 20 when she got pregnant the first time. I felt badly for her because it felt like she never developed an adult self (as someone else mentioned).

Loved the Laura dress - and to the person who was shocked that Nicole would have it altered - don't be. Part of Tim's mantra is to have clothing altered to fit perfectly. She was making a point of having learned her lesson. It wasn't a slap at Laura.

I'm not sure I agree that they made her look 39 - she looked like a mature woman and not like a nanny wanna-be. 29 is mature. I thought, for instance, that Uli on PR looked ridiculous - she was too old to dress the way she does. And - she has a fabulous figure and a pretty face - but she looked like a hag because she was trying to dress like a teenager. Meanwhile, Laura who's nearly 10 years older looked younger - in my mind.

Not enjoying the show - too formulaic. I agree with who ever said it - not all women look good in a traditional belted trench - especially shorter women with bigger busts - we tend to looked trussed in the middle. That said - all adults should have a decent top coat/rain coat of some kind. I hate seeing grown ups wearing slickers over their nice clothing.

Oh - hate, hate, hate the underwear drawer pillaging. Offensive and creepy. At least Time should be made to leave the room. I don't care that he's not personally interested in women's unmentionables - it's still creepy and voyeuristic. They should have the women bring their best undergarments to the bra store and have professional do the assessment. Having been to a professional bra fitter (T&L - have to disagree with your comments in another post) I know what a great job they do fitting a women. We never wear the right size and always are miserable because of it.

Anonymous said...

They need to spend more time shopping. That's what I want to see. I was watching the episode last night and kept asking my friend 'when are they going to go shopping?'

Anonymous said...

I wanted to know what they would have done if Nicole's secret desires were "anonymous sex" and "go live in Australia"

tee hee

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I wanted to know what they would have done if Nicole's secret desires were "anonymous sex" and "go live in Australia"

tee hee


Anonymous said...

I did not find the show entertaining and only slightly informative regarding fashion. I was unclear if the show was supposed to be about how to build the correct wardrobe for your body type or how to build your self-esteem by learning to walk tall, with proper fitting under garments.

Anonymous said...

A round-up of reviews:

The Washington Post’s Robin Givhan: “Some people are simply too tasteful to star in reality television. … Reality TV requires that its stars be big personalities who talk loudly, nonstop and without regard to whether they’re making any sense. Voices of reason are best as supporting characters. And Gunn comes across as an adamantly reasonable man.”

The Boston Globe’s Joanna Weiss: “Gunn seems especially harsh. … Gunn spends a lot of time looking hopeless, his head in his hands. … Gunn’s demeanor remains the same. He tries hard to be tough, then makes a point of being caring, so that everything comes across as insincere.”

Slate’s Troy Patterson: “Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style introduces audiences to several new dimensions of the television personality’s television personality—none of them especially attractive. Fans of Project Runway adore Gunn for the elegant balance of frankness, tact, and pep he brings to den-mothering that show’s aspiring fashion designers. … Thus, it was disappointing, when watching this new makeover fantasy, to discover a new superciliousness in his tone and a noxious haughtiness in his demeanor.”

The New York Times’ Alessandra Stanley: “Bravo’s latest offering, ‘Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style,’ is not haute couture or even high concept. Basically it’s a knock-off of TLC’s ‘What Not to Wear.’ … Mr. Gunn and Ms. Webb are nicer and more refined than Clinton and Stacy, their catty counterparts on ‘What Not to Wear,’ but not much more inventive.”

The Chicago Tribune’s Maureen Ryan: “Gunn, the former chair of the fashion department at Parsons The New School for Design, is one of the most naturally winning television personalities to come down the pike in some time. There may be people who don’t respond immediately — or ever — to Gunn’s friendly charm, his unpretentious sophistication and his perceptive, strongly worded honesty, but I haven’t met them. And I don’t care to. … If the slightly less relaxed ‘Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style’ doesn’t quite have ‘What Not to Wear’s’ tone of cheeky camaraderie, well, never mind. It has Gunn’s ‘make it work’ philosophy at its heart, and it has his spirit of compassionate, caring honesty.”

Anonymous said...

I apologize for my English. In my opinion, the mistake was to think that just because Tim is good for Project Runway he would be good for any show. Tim is funny, likable and quirky when he's among creative people, fashion people. On his show, he's humorless and somewhat cold. The show is also overproduced: It's the closet, the rules, the list, going shopping, the hair, the makeup, the designer, the first gift, the second gift, the third gift, the mother showing up announced, the husband, the little runway show...it's too much.

Suzanne said...

"His list doesn't meet the needs of everyone's life style, and that's becoming more painfully obvious with each new episode."

I am a dance teacher, live in a hot climate and wouldn't use ANYTHING on the list more than once or twice a year.

And as far as the makeover of this particlar women I thought she looked farty and matronly for 29. Even the designer dress that she was all gaga over was fugly.

Anonymous said...

I had high hopes for this show but I am over it now. I have removed it from my DVR, no longer to be recorded. I notice that even Tom and Lorenzo barely have anything to say about it. Let us know if it gets better and if we should start watching again. Until then I will rely on Stacey and Clinton to learn what not to wear. At least they are funny.

Anonymous said...

For the person who asked about capris vs. clam diggers. I believe clam diggers are typically looser and shorter, while capris technically are slimmer in fit and closer to ankle length. However, these days it seems the term capri pants has become a catch-all term for anything between bermuda shorts and actual full-length trousers.

Anonymous said...

Guys, IS that dress of Laura's going to be a QVC offering? IhopeIhopeIhope!!!!


Anonymous said...

Laura looked fab and that vest thing they had her do was sooo hokey -- c'mon!

Anyway -- I really wish the show would STOP looking in underwear drawers. We get it -- they need new "undergarment foundations." ugh!

I still love Tim -- but I really don't understand Veronica Webb. She adds nothing. Laura should have that job. They need a female (to go underwear shopping with the woman getting the makeover) for Tim to talk to. Her clothes in this episode were horrible! There should have been an intervention for her!

anyway -- i hope they make some changes to this show. I'm still hopeful.

Tundrababe said...

You guys are right on, as usual. Ugh, I can't wait until PR starts and this show ends. I'm not sure why I keep watching this slow-motion car wreck.

nilvento said...

What he should do is what he did on Rachael Ray this morning...they took a person's existing clothes and made completely new outfits...that would be useful...and it is very demoralizing for Tim and Veronica to be going thru people's underwear drawer....

Anonymous said...

"Veronica, you have no right being a makeover show hostess and looking like that. The hair, makeup and outfit all look like a "before" picture."

Right on, bitches! How can I look at this woman and say ok she's gonna make me look better, I want to be her, she looks fabulous?

Anonymous said...

The show is slightly boring but still worth watching.

Anonymous said...

I love Tim's show and I HATE What Not to Wear!! The hosts are rude and completely snobish.

Anonymous said...

Tim Gunn’s 10 Essential Items Every Woman Needs
• Basic black dress
• Trench coat
• Classic dress pants
• Classic white shirt
• Skirt
• Blazer
• Day dress
• Cashmere sweater
• Jeans
• A comfortable alternative to a sweatsuit

Is a trench coat really that essential? A cashmere sweater?
I don't get this list.

Anonymous said...

I tried to watch Tim Gunn's Guide to Style but I couldn't make it past the 15 minute mark. Admittedly, it might just be that I'm tired, and I'll try it again tomorrow and love it, but for now I just found him nice but fairly dull, and the woman kind of bitchy/condescending but not in the kind of amusing and fun way Stacy and Clinton are on What Not to Wear or the Queer Eye guys were.

TheQuietOne said...

Ack. As soon as Veronica came onscreen in this episode, my first thought was that they need Carmondy from WNTW to come explain to V's makeup person that you have to match the foundation to the neck so you don't have the horrible foundation line that V. had!! Her neck was a good 3 shades lighter than her face.

And the designer dress at the end? Horrible, pleather-looking thing that didn't fit right on top, and it looked like a rip-off of the mylar prom dress Kathleen Turner wears to her reunion in "Peggy Sue Got Married".

NahnCee said...

"5.Coach purses are not really practical."

And they're too damn expensive for something made in China.

They're too common now. EVERYone has one. Walking down the street, every other woman (and some men) are carrying some form of Coach or other.

Most of them are that horrible brown canvas with the big "C", but even pleasure in the real leather ones is now dragged down because every single sweet young thing on the street corner is carrying something with a "C" on it.

And I do NOT aspire to dress like a multitude of people who buy a brown canvas bag just because it has a "C" on it and is affordable.

I've been carrying leather Coach bags since I was in college because they're a perfect size, felt good to carry, and people noticed them with approval. No more. Too common.

Anonymous said...

I have no problems w/ Tim or Veronica. I actually like Veronica's haircut. I don't have a problem w/ the interaction between Veronica and Tim. I don't think they are too stiff or mean.

What I don't care for is that the show is basically another make over show for middle class women w/out any style or taste. There is nothing new and/or innovative about the show.

Love Tim but this show just doesn't work for him. He's talented, professional, and I just naturally want to see and hear from him. But, this show has simply been done time and time again and therefore doesn't do Tim justice. Reality show "people" makeovers are a has been.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'll throw a heavy sigh into the ring with everybody else's heavy sigh.

First off, Tim can do no wrong in my world. Having said that, everything around him is wrong here, as everybody above have already pointed out. I loved seeing Laura and wished that Nicole (was that her name? Forgot already) had been more excited to see both Laura and Tim. There are simply no words to describe what *my* reaction would be!

Hated the pearls and wished Laura had a platform that made her more comfortable. I just can't stomoch Veronica from any direction either. Yech.

You can't know what's right for you until you try some things in life that aren't right for you. That's how we all define our own directions. I truly wish Bravo would pull the rest of these shows because I think its clear that this isn't right for Tim and his talents.

Gawd, when does PR 4 start? I'm starving here.

Anonymous said...

And ...

Tim on his own brings a sensible and subdued energy to the mix. For me, it's hilarious when he has to deal with something outside his comfort zone like Santino, a bunch of dogs, or standing on the beach with Uli. That's when I totally delight in the nomrally unflappable Tim.

Bravo has made the mistake of coupling Tim with a milktoast co-host (and I'm being nice here), and subjects to make over who barely have a pulse. There's just no energy in this show!

If Bravo had played off of Tim's talents CORRECTLY by surrounding him with the right people to offset his serious nature, this show could have been amazing and so so funny.

One more heavy sigh for the road. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, a few minutes into last night's episode and I was ready to dismiss the show. I had enough of the lingerie obsession.

Anonymous said...

Keeper: Tim Gunn
Give away: The underwear drawer segment; life coach
Throw away: Veronica Webb
Mender: The show (maybe!), Tim Gunn's reputation

Anonymous said...

The show literally puts me to sleep!

Anonymous said...

Veronica is wearing the latest ensemble from the Kelly Wearstler Freakazoid Collection.
T-LO, could you interview VW's stylist so we can rip him/her one like we did Kelly's? Somebody needs to be held accountable.

Emma P.

At least the show got rid of lifestylist Gallagher guy!

Anonymous said...

Veronica Webb says in this article that the underwear drawer segment was her idea:

"It was my idea," Webb said triumphantly. "Look, after I had a baby I saw how my body dramatically changed. It was all about wearing shifts and shapers. People's bodies change, but the underwear doesn't. You have to remember that clothes — all kinds of garments — come from all over the world, every nook and cranny. I might be a size eight in Boston but not in Bombay. You really can't trust those little tags. It's about the fit, not the number."

Anonymous said...

" Bettie said...

Veronica Webb says in this article that the underwear drawer segment was her idea:

"It was my idea," Webb said triumphantly. "Look, after I had a baby I saw how my body dramatically changed. It was all about wearing shifts and shapers. People's bodies change, but the underwear doesn't. You have to remember that clothes — all kinds of garments — come from all over the world, every nook and cranny. I might be a size eight in Boston but not in Bombay. You really can't trust those little tags. It's about the fit, not the number.""

Good thing she didn't suggest a tampon segment.

BigAssBelle said...

ack! ack! those white knee pants! AAAAACK!!! i feel like i have a hairball wedged in my throat.

Anonymous said...

I am sure Tim Gunn felt how rigid everything was while filming these episodes. It is too bad Tim and Veronica couldn't talk to the producers about reworking something after filming the first makeover.

This show might be better if they had two or three women done all in 30 minutes, instead of one done in an hour. I think I'm done with this show. It's even more boring than Top Design, and that's saying something. I'm not even sure I'm as entertained by TLo's cool, snarky comments on this show. Shooting fish in a barrel, as far as I'm concerned.

One day TLo will get to share a drink with Tim Gunn and I am sure all of his real feelings about this turkey will come out. I am looking forward to that blog.

Anonymous said...

Tim definitely needs a different cohost. He has NO chemistry with Veronica.


Jenn said...

Holy sh**, Veronica looks more and more like Michael Jackson every day.

Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
One day TLo will get to share a drink with Tim Gunn and I am sure all of his real feelings about this turkey will come out. I am looking forward to that blog.


Ellen said...

I just watched the vidoes on Bravo.TV. Veronica needs to look at herself here, and I'm not talking about the makeup/hair/clothes. Too many "you know"s, weird hand gestures, and sentences that go on and on without end... If she's thinking that "TV personality" is her next career move, she needs to work work WORK on her presentation.

Anonymous said...

I love Tim Gunn, he can do no wrong but...give me Trinny and Susannah any day. They much more informative and aren't bogged down by free gifts, coaches, treat jars or computers.

Clinton and Stacy are alright, a bit to snarky and self centered for my taste (and I love snark). Tim, Trinny and Susannah seem to really want people to succeed and feel good about themselves rather than be entertaining.

There is something to be said for the 360 mirror to get the light bulb to go off.

Lighten up, it's just FASHION!

mumblesalot (Laura A) said...

Well it looks like everyone who watched the show responded. So I may as well chime in. Orange models telling someone what to wear ....alrighty then... I would definitely take that advice with a grain of salt.

I didn't find the makeover of the mom to supermodel very plausible.

Rules, especially fashion rules are meant to be broken...that is where a personal style begins.

Laura's pearls reminded me of a Bela Legosi movie. Maybe it was the lighting but I thought she looked, well, not her usual put together self.

Anonymous said...

So happy to see Laura make an appearance... fabulous as always.

However, I add my heavy sigh to lima bean's... the show is failing to achieve (what should be) its #1 goal - to entertain. I love Tim, but the chemistry with VWebb is just not there. I desperately want to like this show as much as I love Tim, but it's not happening so far. I hope that if Bravo decides to pick this up for season 2, they do some serious retooling.

VWebb's hair hurts me.

Anonymous said...

" Beyond Blond said...

VWebb's hair hurts me."

LOL. They need to get rid of her. She is so not fabulous.

Anonymous said...

ugh ugh ugh.

VW= trainwreck

Laura- what were you thinking, dear? That was just painfully awkward to watch.

10 Essentials- totally not appropriate for everyone. And does Tim have a problem with flats or what? A sundress and some cute ballet flats would be much more appropriate for running after kids in the grocery store.

I think this wwas the worst makeover I've ever seen. She started out looking young and cute, if a little boring. By the end, she looked old and frumpy. Feh.

Anonymous said...

Agreed on the general comments- no chemistry between the principals, awkward over-produced segments and NO JOY. I don't get the idea that anyone on this show is having fun- I think they expect it to be Extreme Fashion Makeover or something.

And ballet flats are HUGELY non-flattering on a lot of women. If you are short or have even slightly thick calves it is just not a good luck. Comfort is not an excuse for dowdy!

Anonymous said...

Laura managed that cheesy vest gimmick quite well, I thought... it clearly ended up having some meaning for the gal, which is far more than I would have expected. If she were co-host instead of VW, there might be some hope of saving this horrid show. A mom of 6 is obviously going to be better than a supermodel at establishing rapport with a makeover subject... and she has a much better rapport with Tim too, for that matter. Her classy playfulness would lighten him up. But for her sake I hope she doesn't do too much of this TV stuff before she gets her fashion line going, simply because it would be poor brand management for her to be known as a "personality" first and a designer second. Get that line out ASAP, girl!

Anonymous said...

I have watched all the episodes so far, and all I can do is wonder how the hell did they screw up the Tim Gunn experience, which is in fact, an amazing BRANDING - all he had to do was show up and he was working it! He was untouchable! loveable! smart! stylish! and more! and now its...oh god... it's just an "alright" show... HOW!?

He had all the options in the WORLD, and he gets adivsored left and right, ending up with that corporate-speak "lifestyle" guy, and then this dumb emotional stuff, giving the engagement ring and watching the poor schmuck hand it to his wife and blah...

People I sat to watch it with, major major fans of Tim, were just stunned at the mediocrity. He didn't lead with something that played to his strengths...but it seems he followed TV-advisors. That would normally not have been advice Tim would have given anyone else, so why did he go that route?

Anonymous said...

The Laura use of text is just badly done, period. The amount of space it takes up, the material qualities, it just is heavy and stupid, whereas if one sees the Macy Gray-inspiration that EVERYONE quoted immediately upon seeing Lauras, that had qualities to the scale of the text, the phrase used, the kind of printing or methods used, it was organic and HIP, and knew its audience. Laura is still one note and definately not conceptually "hip" either. 15 min is long gone...

Anonymous said...

I just realized that I went to high school with the girl they made over. It took me a while (not having watched the episode just reading the recap) to recognize her because she's gained weight since then. Which believe me is a good thing. She was rail thin then and it was just not flattering.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I need to put my $.02 in.

V.Webb used to be stunning and very stylish. I loved the way she wore her own clothes. Now she looks so fake and weird...oompa-loompa-ish and the hair is just wonky. It's distracting. Don't even get me started on her outfits. She'd no Kelly Werstler, thank god. I can only stomach one of those, and only b/c KW is balanced by the ever-and-always-awesome Jonathan Adler. See ya later, decorator! Love that!

Tim is no Susannah and Trinny, but he's not awful. Tim needs his version of 360degree mirror.

I like the underwear segment only b/c it FINALLY acknowledges how CRUCIAL the right foundation is. Crikey, just putting a slip on under a dress makes a HUGE diff. Huge.

I like how he takes them to try on designer duds. JeAnne didn't get a dress to take home, but still the importance of trying on well made clothing in your size, in the right atmosphere(a beautiful atelier) with the right FOUNDATION garments and accessories can alter your beliefs and your view of yourself. That is probably the newest and bestest idea to come out of this show.

Lastly, the show needs to lose all the gifting. Tim and V need to show up in the stores as the victim is shopping, a la Susannah and Trinny, to help guide them.

Susannah & Trinny had/have(?) the best make-over show. Period. Even when Susannah wears her god-awful coats. I learned more from them then any other show ever. It was those 2 that taught me to get rid of the crew-necks and embrace the v-neck. Such a difference!

Anonymous said...

Saw this girl in the food store yesterday. Thank god, she is back to the way she looked b4 the makeover....except with highlights in her hair....Tim would die if he saw her, she was wearing capris....And I have to say, she looked 25 pounds thinner in person. TV really makes u look BIG!

Anonymous said...

This image is very immpressive, you are good photographer