Damn, there's a lot of cheap dresses to talk about.

Monday, February 12, 2007 by
So let's get on with it, shall we?

We were going to put Raymundo's entry in the "bad" pile but y'know, it's actually not bad once you take a look at it. We hate the vest. It doesn't add anything to the dress and that poofy shit on the shoulders is distracting and ugly.

But the dress itself is well-made and pretty in its own way. Plus, he was one of the few among them who really tried to make the fabric look like more than what it was.

It really looked like a finished outfit instead of a work-in-progress on a dress form. So kudos for that. But we hate that trim on the bottom of the skirt.

On the other hand...

That is one pissed off model.

Can't say we blame her. That is some Omega-class fug.

She looks like she barely survived an industrial accident in that thing.

As much as we think Marla could've or should've gone home for this hideous thing, this is what happens when the judges place a premium on "point of view." We're not even arguing that they shouldn't; it's just that it allows for crazy-but-ugly entries like this to slip through the cracks and stay in the game.

It takes real ...uh...talent?...to make cheap fabric look like cheap paper. Why do we have a sudden urge to make sure the windows in the back seat are rolled up all the way?

[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]

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Anonymous said...

This is why I keep coming back for more:

"We're not even arguing that they shouldn't; it's just that it allows for crazy-but-ugly entries like this to slip through the cracks and stay in the game."

"It takes real ...uh...talent?...to make cheap fabric look like cheap paper. Why do we have a sudden urge to make sure the windows in the back seat are rolled up all the way?"

ROFL. You guys are both insightful and hilarious. It's a rare combination. I love you both, MWAH!

DolceLorenzo said...

Oh, Jesus! Those are some fugly dresses.

Anonymous said...

I agree - Raimundo's was Ok - once you took away the vest and trim but Marla's????????????????? what was with the weird vagina flap in the 2nd photo?

Anonymous said...

Nope, Marla should have been sent packing for perpetrating this senseless fashion crime. Which, recidivist that she is, only get worse in future episodes.

I could just scream if I see another shredded mess of a dress come swishing down the runway. "Deconstruction" very rarely seems to be done well, and often strikes me as a cover-up for poor fit, sewing skills or design. Blech!

Anonymous said...

That last reminds me of a
Roman 'gladiator' skirt some
kids I was in charge of made
for a skit. They made it out
of duct tape.
Hey, a duct tape challenge,
how come they haven't come up
with that? Just think of the
product placement potential!

chicksinger said...

1) I don't remember any of these dresses from way back when this episode was first aired. Perhaps now I know why.

2) What fashionfanatic said.

GothamTomato said...

Are we sure that Marla's model isn't really Emmett Kelly in drag??

I suppose we should give her the benefit of the doubt.

It a very good thing that Laura came along in Season 3 to represent. Up til then, all the middle-aged women were devoid of talent and haplessly insane.

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

Raimundo's dress is OK. Not my style, but it's pretty. Having said that, there's NO reason to have that "poofy shit" - LOL, another one for the PRGBoys glossary - on her shoulder.

Anonymous said...

Marla, darling...

At the car wash
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Talkin' about the car wash, girl
Come on, ya'all and sing it for me

Anonymous said...

Raymondo was thinner then.
i found him chubbier at the reunion and at the janice dicken's modeling agency show.
that dress...is OK, but the styling for Lesley is kinda old. Lesley is pretty cute but, why is he making her look like that?

and Marla....Marla...that's the worst worst worst for this episode, maybe they should exchange her for Heidi.S or John.

but i think making marla stay is for DRAMA issue. they want an underdog there. just like vincent and angela and wendy. that's why they threw away Lupe and Raymondo.

BAD BAD BAD MODEL also, cara, is also put to make some drama issue. and she did it! (for diana)

Anonymous said...

Dear PRG Boys, a few questions I need answers for.
What was the challenge again?
What is the meaning of style?
WTF did I just see on the runway?
Is that a fashion show or dress up for the barn dance?

Anonymous said...

Wow, most of those dresses are ulgy. No wonder it was so easy for Santino to win this challenge.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I wasn't done yet :)
I can't believe that's what they were able to produce in 8 days. That's a LOT of time. You'd think they'd come up with better designs. Most of them are way too simple or looking like something a student right out of fashion school would do.

Anonymous said...

One more thing: I know that muslin is not a interesting fabric and there isn't much you can do with it, but I'm talking about their designs, their attention to details and the actual making of the garments. I'm underwhelmed.

Anne said...

april said:

"Poofy shit."

It's amazing that two little words can make me laugh so hard everytime I think about them.

Every once in a while I still say, "Take it easy Mary, your slip is showing" to one of my kids and then fall on the couch giggling. They think I'm crazy, which I blame directly on T&L.


Anonymous said...

I don't even think Raymundo's vest would be that bad if the poofy shit were gone. The top trim and the bottom trim don't go together well--either one of them on their own would work better.

And I just don't get Marla's. Wasn't this supposed to show their aesthetic? Yikes! Wasn't she showing us some nice, subdued, if unoriginal, silk blouses in her video? Nothing like this mess. She does indeed make the fabric look like paper--this looks like it could have come out of the season 3 recycling challenge.

Anonymous said...

Anne said:

Every once in a while I still say, "Take it easy Mary, your slip is showing" to one of my kids and then fall on the couch giggling. They think I'm crazy, which I blame directly on T&L.

Anne, you are my hero! That's still one of the funniest things I've ever read :)

And I gotta say, "Omega-class fug" is now one of my new favorites.

Anonymous said...

"Why do we have a sudden urge to make sure the windows in the back seat are rolled up all the way?"

Too funny. That thing really does remind me of a carwash. That's some "serious ugly" as Laura would say.

Anonymous said...

What the fuck was Marla thinking? God, that is horrible! The outfit is actually OK, but that dirty mop around her shoulders is gross.

Fnarf said...

That thing looks like it's been under the compost pile for six months.

Bill said...

"Why do we have a sudden urge to make sure the windows in the back seat are rolled up all the way?"

hahahahah - yogurt almost came out my nose. Gotta be careful eating my lunch and reading this blog!

Anonymous said...

I think you meant to say "crazy, butt-ugly." No?

Anonymous said...

If Marla had just kept with the top and worked from there, she mighta had somethin'. I think.

eric3000 said...

Completely agree; Marla's was by far the ugliest but I think the judges were probably right to get rid of the two that were prettier but completely boring. Marla's outfit makes me want to vomit but I guess it's a little more intersting than the other two (though not by much).

Anonymous said...

It's Raymundo, not Raimundo.

TLo said...

Dani said...

It's Raymundo, not Raimundo.

You're right, Dani. Thank you.


Vic said...

Is it only me, or are these models scary as hell? Na ah. Don't want them to model MY dresses.

Anonymous said...

What was Marla thinking? Seriously. Her outfit is hideous. It's not like she didn't know what the show was about.

Anonymous said...

"Ms. Place said...

Is it only me, or are these models scary as hell? Na ah. Don't want them to model MY dresses. "

I agree, the models are not pretty.

Anonymous said...

A fucking monstrosity.....