S1/E1: Congratulations Austin!

Thursday, November 02, 2006 by

Darling, Mother Nature may not have cooperated, but this design was clearly a winner, shriveled up or not. Over 2 years later and PR fans still talk about the cornhusk dress. Bravo!

It's been so long so since we've watched this episode that we weren't even sure until the end if he was the winner. One thing that struck us is just how charming Austin was when he first appeared on the scene. Not that he isn't charming now, but he was a breath of fresh air and a flag-bearer for sissy boys everywhere. You go, you stylish girl!

[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]

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Anonymous said...

Last night I got home in time to catch the Season 1 finale, and I have just one question...

Is it just me or do the judges look like hell during the first season?

Micheal Kors looks so rugged, unshaven, unkempt, and sickly. Heidi has 20 lb potato bags under her eyes and her hair is all stringy. You'd think that 2 years ago, they would naturally look fresher and younger, but it seems as if they're getting better with age. Honestly, I think it's being in Tim Gunn's presence for so long over the course of 2-3 years that has given them this radiance. I swear, Gunn's like an elixir or something.

Anonymous said...

Yes - exactly! Season 1 has so much proof as to what is possible in the time limits and the challenge, and it set the standards. This design is just rich in details and idea, and as a viewer I feel rewarded watching the progress as Austin decides to do something challenging and maybe lose for that as he tries to finish executing it in time. Then - wow, what a dress. The aesthetic rises above the specific limitations of the challenge. It just looks and also appears to fit great. Season 1 is such a nice, warm memory.

Bean said...

Austin is the most specialest person in the whole wide world.

Anonymous said...

A is for Austin. It's for adorable too.

jinxy said...

I have loved Austin from the moment he breezed on my television screen, and that adoration has only grown as I have watched him over time.

He is just so ethereal and refreshing. I love it when he and Jay interact because it's like total opposites, but it just works...

Gigi said...

Two years later and I'm still not over the fact that Starr or Wendy weren't eliminated during this challenge. I adore Austin, he is so special! I love his sweet personality and his dramatic flair. Don't you know he is having the time of his life designing bridal gowns? It's only a matter of time before he is designing under his own label.

Anonymous said...

Yes it was fun to watch Jay and Austin's chemistry, and it did work as total opposites - and its NATURAL, not a concotion of the producers, thats why it feels so fun to watch (...producers!)

Anonymous said...

i'm so happy about you doing this! yay and yay austin! he's beautiful and wonderful!

BigAssBelle said...

"but he was a breathe of fresh air and a flag-bearer for sissy boys everywhere. You go, you stylish girl!"

and that tie!!!!! too darling.

love the dress, love miss austin ~

Neverwhere said...

Fans are definitely still talking about the cornhusk dress -- in all the other seasons, whenever there is an 'innovation' challenge with seemingly impossible materials (garbage, bedroom furniture, etc), I ALWAYS compare their results with Austin's, and so far I think he's still the winner and Grand Champion. *grins*

Plus his gobsmackingly gorgeous Grammy dress was a billion times better than Santino's supposedly beautiful work made with the same materials. Ahhhh, how I miss Austin. :)

Lisette said...

I still haven't seen season 1 except for the finale and I can't believe how much Austin looks like a young YSL. It is just scary.

Anonymous said...

I was watching in the studio last night when my husband walked in and saw Austin. His comment, "my God, it's ugly Betty. She'd be really pretty if she lost those glasses." Which left me rolling in the floor because the dear thing truly thought Austin was a girl.

He has no gaydar whatsoever. He just found out last week that our housekeeper of 5 years is a lesbian and he had to be told.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, how did Wendy Pepper make it out of this challenge? I've only seen the season finale, so this should be interesting. Considering how much I like Daniel Franco (sure, he's a little...odd, but sweet nonetheless) it may bias my opinion, but Wendy Pepper should have gone home after this challenge. Christ, I can stick some dots candies on my nipples too. Does that make it fashion? I think not. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks for posting the old picture. I had forgotten what Austin looked like before he started going for the Lana Turner/Brini Maxwell look.

How adorable are those glasses and extra-short tie??

Anonymous said...

Love me my AUSTIN. He is deliciously dishlecious.

Sewhat? said...

Austin is YSL... if YSL didn't speak French and grew up in the South.

Gorgeous Things said...

Oh I have to run out and buy this! It's bringing such fun memories back. And I would love to go back and see the "before" images of the designers and judges.....

Anonymous said...

Isn't Olga just divine?

I can't help but think that season 1 was the pinnacle when it comes to models. We got Olga, Martinique, Julia, Jenny, Melissa, and Morganza to name a few. I can only remember a handful from season 2 (Grace... Rebecca... Danyelle... that's really all I can think of).

Anonymous said...

I loved austen's stuff from the start.

I actually liked it more when it shrivled, it made it a little edgey-er.

Anonymous said...

Austin is one of the very best reasons to watch Seasone One.

I'm not sure I can handle the nightmares that the Wendy Pepper flashbacks are going to give me.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Season 1! And yay, Austin's cornhusk dress. I'd nearly forgotten how gorgeous it was.

Unknown said...

It's going to be a thrill reading as you guys watch the show...I was so impressed by the cornhusk dress I got into the show. A co-worker is also responsible for that, but he's on this board now thanks to me...so it's fair!

Anyway, T and L, love that you're doing season one. Thanks.

Chris in Orlando

Anonymous said...

I love Austin. He is adorable, and that dress was fabulous and very creative.

I'm so excited!!! You guys are really doing Season 1. YAY!!!!

Anonymous said...


I'm so joyous about the previous season recaps!!

Anonymous said...

J'adore Austin Scarlet. Such an exquisite creature. So lovely and exotic in his own quirky way. I found him positively charming!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love that you guys are doing this recap! Now that I have gotten used to reading posts from you guys everyday, I don't think I could live without it! :)

Anonymous said...

I love Austin. He is so fabulous and talented.

James Derek Dwyer said...

Whenever Austin leaves the East Coast there are gay power outages in Provincetown and Key West. Like Candy Darling, he is a wizard of sissy magic.

NahnCee said...

I am mesmerized by Austin's hair. HOW does he manage to keep that large swirl curl to the side in place without it unswirling and falling into his face?

I had forgotten his large black glasses, too. What a statement. Love love love Austin, and the fact that the judges didn't give him the whole ball of wax I still think was a precursor to them making the dreadful decision to reward Jeremy two years later.

Wendy Pepper is one of the screen's (and real life's) great evil villains. I'm pretty sure she didn't plot it that way, and start off her TV career as a knock-off Cruella deVille - she's just not that smart. Stupid People of the World - Achtung and pay attention! This is what happens when you plot to put yourself ahead with no demonstrable talent.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how much Austin looks like the little boy from the Christmas story, where the boy wanted to be a dentist and not an elf. SPITTING IMAGE.

Anonymous said...

nahncee said:>>dreadful decision to reward Jeremy two years later.<<

It's offical. Jeffrey's 15 minutes must be over because you've already forgotten his name.

AUSTIN puts his hair up in giant brush hair rollers at night. Really.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love Austin. He's so fabulous. Yes, he puts on brush rollers every night. He also wears very long socks and a lovely night gown. And who can forget his evening avocado face masks? That's how he keeps his milky complexion so flawless. I appreciate how he takes cares of his shoes too. Very old-fashioned, our dear little Austin.

I hope he finds an amazing sugar daddy, perhaps Bad Daddy Einstein has a gay brother? One can only hope. I want Austin to find someone amazing who will adore and fawn over him as much as we do.

Anonymous said...

Looks vaguely Andy Warhol to me. The black glasses definitely gave him a solid professional presence. It's disappointing that he's changed his look so radically. The whole thing now with the sheer gauzy wraps around the bare shoulders doesn't say "professional designer" to me the way those arresting black glasses and shirt/tie combo did. Sadly, the way Austin dresses for the camera now marginalizes him and makes him look like a fragile waif trolling for a bit part in a bad soap opera.

I had forgotten how hippie Jay McCarrol looked in the beginning. He's really cleaned up his act since he went all "New York City."

Vic said...

Such imagination. This definitely deserved the win. Only Michael's coffee filter dress can compare, but Austen's was the more difficult challenge.

Just love him. A young Yves St. Laurent. Mmmm. Yes, that's it.

pothead said...

what corn dress isn't that great... it IS good, but it shouldn't have been the winner.
anyway, austin is cute and audience love him.

Hayley said...

I made this little gif back when series 2 was showing, in a fit of Austin nostalgia.
I find it quite mesmerizing.


How I miss him so.