Buried all the way down in this MSNBC article about yesterday's runway shows was a (to borrow Posh's favorite word) MAJUH spoiler about an upcoming twist on the proceedings.
UPDATE: NOW with even MORE spoily goodness! Bravo press release added, bitches.
[Screencap: Project RunGay]
Major Spoilage, Darlings!
Reviewed by TLo
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Rating: 5

Hmmm...this couldn't have anything to do with the final, because that already happened.
But I had heard, through a friend, about an already eliminated designer, who was running around doing something for the show - but couldn't say what.
This must be it.
Oh, I love getting spoiled! And that sounds like an interesting bit of multi-media-tasking. I just pray we don't have to endure any more of Andy "Cyclops" Cohen than necessary.
WTF? Curiouser and curiouser, indeed!
Hmmm is right.
My, my, my. Ain't we got fun!
I read somewhere else that 10 eliminated designers (Victoria and Sweet P aren't doing it) are creating a 3 piece collection with $1,000 and these will be online.
hmmmmmmmmmmm - I am not sure if I like this. It's taking me out of my comfort zone. Love spoilers, though!
i agree with gotham tomato.
i think it's going to have to do with jack though.
who knows?
this only makes it more interesting...
btw, i just <3 christian.
my future husband, indeed :)
Did anyone else catch that they described Chris March as the fan favorite?
Wha???? Interesting indeed.
I *really* don't like this new trend of putting off naming winners until "America" can vote for them.
This is obviously rip-off from American Idol and is supposed to make the audience feel more involved, or have ownership or some dumb damned thing.
But there is so much leeway for cheating and multiple votes and revotes, plus it puts off the final decision which is annoying, AND it gives the show's producers an opportunity to do one final show filled with absolutely nothing but fluff and commercials leading up to the final reveal.
I don't like it, I think it's tacky, and if this is what Project Runway is going to do, then not only is Tim Gunn a whore (but we love him any way), but everyone involved is a pimp and Michael Kors can no longer hide behind the Pope.
Does this make Chris the new Rupert? I'm not spoiled - just getting that vibe.
. . . or could it mean that the final TWO are Christian and Sweet P?
No Sweet P?
Perhaps she won!
Ok, I just read Sweet P was eliminated? OH NO! I love her! Waaaaaaaaa!
Oh, and where is Christian? I didn't see him mentioned! Oh my!
Oh....sigh of relief...maybe Sweet P and Christian are the finalists and fingers crossed that Sweet P wins! I love her!!!
My Guess?
the 3 are going to be..
Princes puffy.
pay no mind tot he miss spellings.. I just got up.
I havnt had my coffee yet.
Ok, just read the update.
But I think Bravo is trying to hit a mark that they *just* missed.
They should have done this little "ps" challenge but had the judging done by TLo. I don't care what the voting viewers have to say, but I'd pay PPV for a TLo judging marathon on Bravo.
And I don't think I'm alone.
It is official, TLo is more fabulously glamorous than even MISS Laura Bennett. Thank you boys for such wonderful vicarious fun!
Ohay, so assuming everybody here is okay with spoilage, let's discuss.
Why, on that list of designers, are Christian and Sweet P left off? Could it be a typo? Rami and Jillian and Chris are on that list and participating in the challenge. The press release is using the future tense, "Bravo cameras *will* be there to capture ..." so I think that the extra "Sew" challenge has yet to happen.
Therefore, I must conclude that Christian and Sweet P were first and second last Friday, and therefore are off on press junkets or somehow too busy to participate in this yet to be filmed challenge.
It's a stretch but that's what I'm sayin'.
Is Christian on the list as "Christina" (a typo)?
And where's poor Simone?
Okay, I just realized that what I said was pretty stupid. Even if Christian and Sweet P won first and second (not necessarily in that order) they are NOT off on press junkets (yet).
DOH! Pretty dumb of me. But I'm still sticking to my general concept.
I think this may all be BS...the season has been pretty dull and/or cringe-inducing in so many ways that Bravo is probably trying to mix things up before to keep us interested.
I really cannot imagine SweetP being in the top two. Or three. Not with that collection.
It's sort of like (as Nahncee pointed out) American Idol. Next, we'll be seeing Paula Abdul up there, and Ryan will fight Heidi for the microphone. And oh! Someone is letting Sanjaya start to sew clothes. And worse, Sanjaya will win because all the 10 year old girls will be speed dialing over and over again.
But the way it is, any coverage is good for these designers. Can't beat that.
This is getting ridiculous. Why bother to have a competition if everyone gets the prize?
Bravo consistently ruins whatever good things they come up with with too much product placement and just plain too much! Remember when Queer Eye was actually good? This season hasn't been a competition at all, just a marketing ploy for established designers (and one precocious brat).
Sanjaya! Sanjaya!
If one accepts that Christian (the polymorphic) has morphed into Christina,then the only person, apart from Simone-the-forgotten, who is not on the list is Sweet P. This suggests to me that Sweet P won yesterday, the reasoning being that if she won there would be little sense in having her compete again.
Am I going wrong in my thinking here?
Based on the MSNBC article, it seems pretty likely that the final three are Christian, Rami, Jillian (reading between the lines of the way they said Ricky was rooting for R & J but didn't mention Christian.
That makes sense all the way around, no?
While it's very nice for the two decoy designers to get this huge chance to show at Bryant Park, I really don't get why Bravo just didn't schedule the show in such a way that it wasn't necessary.
And also in the MSNBC article, Posh says there's one collection she'd wear all of - to me, that screams "Christian." Of course, ymmv!
Victorya isn't on the list either, thescot?
"Anonymous said...
Victorya isn't on the list either, thescot?"
Rumor has it that she didn't want to participate. Bitter loser?
Not loving any of this. What's the point of winning?
Wow, not sure what to think of all this. I hate when they let fans decide anything.
"Victorya isn't on the list either, thescot?"
Victorya--how could I have overlooked her. Thanks. That may well knock my theory into a cocked hat. May be the designers not on the list all just said, we're over this. No more.
yeah, okay. bravo has lost me right...about...now.
no more suspense - FIVE damn designers showing at Bryant Park? some extra challenge for us to vote on? what, is it sponsored by Tmobile and blackberry? the designers have to use L'oreal and Tresemme products to design their outfits?
gah. this season really bites. Toddny is right on: what IS the point of winning? everyone seems to get a prize - i mean, FIVE showing at Bryant Park? the previous season final fives must be livid! and if you're "bad" enough to be an eliminated decoy, then you aren't good enough for Bryant Park.
i don't even care anymore.
Is Christian really misspelled as "Christina"? What a hoot! Does that mean Blahvo is confused on the six of our favorite gal-pal, Princess Puffysleeves?
Another theory: Christina Scarbo is Kit Pistol's real name. But Kit is listed, so that can't be her twice. Hmmm...
Fans shouldn't decide anything. They're going to give it to Chris regardless of whether or not he's deserving because he's a sweet guy. PR shouldn't be a popularity contest.
I would think that Victorya was too busy putting her own show together to be inclined to participate in a last ditch challenge.
Gotta love the Defamer!
The headline is this:
Feroche Spice
'Project Runway' Finalist Christian Stuns Fashion World By Removing Glasses And Revealing Himself To Have Been Posh Spice All Along
Y'know, Bravo could have avoided this whole stupid brouhaha if they hadn't waited a year to film the new season, then scheduled it where they SKIP A WEEK right before FASHION WEEK, therefore requiring 5 contestants to show and be decoys.
My husband thinks they're actually going to let all 5 compete, and I'm scared he's right. God, why bother having the competition, then? Why not just turn it into a new designer showcase and have the entire season be watching 12 designers create their collection for Bryant Park? I mean, WE'RE PRACTICALLY THERE AT THIS POINT.
This season just pisses me off more and more. I'm really starting to think I might not watch next season, if there is one. Then again, I probably have 2 years to decide if I'll watch the next season!
" God, why bother having the competition, then? Why not just turn it into a new designer showcase and have the entire season be watching 12 designers create their collection for Bryant Park?"
You know the Bravo Powers That Be read this blog! Please don't give them any ideas!
Dearest Tom & Lorenzo - your loving attentiveness to your devoted fans is beyond amazing- thanks for keeping us all updated, even in the dead of night, about all the fabulosity. Thank you so much, from the heart.
That being said, I know I'm descending into old-fartitude (I feel in good company thanks to Tim's being there too with his bad 3 am decisions), but I'm feeling confused and uneasy. What's wrong with a good, clean, clear-cut finale? Why the dart and feint by Bravo into this obscure, spoilered, baroque ending? All I'm sayin', Bravo - I'm talking to you - is that this year, I'm watching what happens on Project Runway so I can understand better and gain more enjoyment from Tom & Lorenzo's masterly blog...try this again next year, and I'll turn off the TV and just read what happens on Project RunGay.
I must admit, I've spent this whole season on this blog correcting my whole typos by initially typing "Christina" for "Christian". And no, I do not report for MSNBC!
A dart board and vodka gimlets, I'm telling you. That's how they cobbled this season together.
But how ironic is it that in a season when more of the contestants are professionally experienced (and it does show in those five runway collections) that the production team apparently has been taken over by high-school and college-aged interns?
I don't want to spoil it for the others, but just so you know, New York Magazine's blurted out who makes it to Fashion Week. Kind of makes the next episode a bit pointless though...
Well, Simone isn't on the list either. Does that mean anything? Maybe she won!
Bravo is just milking this for all it's worth. That's entertainment!
I'm sure everyone is going to vote for Chris.
agnes gooch said...
A dart board and vodka gimlets, I'm telling you. That's how they cobbled this season together.
I think you have it there, Miss Gooch; it beats my theory which revolves around replacing the Bravo staff with squirrels...
I am voting for Christian, I don't care what he designs.
I really don't like this let-America-decide crap.
PR is losing its footing this season. If they no longer trust the formula and think they have to keep upping the ante, maybe it's time to call it quits. One of the things that drew me to the show in the first place is that the contestants actually have to know how to do something, and their work is judged by people who know something about fashion (well, usually). In addition to the competition and the personalities, it's fun to watch people use their imagination and skill to create something out of nothing.
If we really feel the need to vote, we can Rate the Runway, or come here and shoot off our mouths.
I actually don't mind having five designers show at Fashion Week--it's not like they can go much further (not without adding more contestants, anyway), and I've found things to enjoy in all five collections. This has somehow reignited some of my interest in the season.
And please let's not get into the game of using these very mild spoilers to theorize about who the final three are going to be. People try to do this every year with every bloody reality show and it's just never accurate--it's absolutely irrelevant which designers didn't participate in an optional challenge after the end of the season. Maybe the ones who aren't involved will all be camping with Wendy Pepper's family for that week.
I don't get why this would make anybody angry at Bravo. The way I read it is that this is just an additional "mini" contest that the designers apparently can choose to participate in. And it just gives all of them another chance to show their work. I do not think that this contest will have any bearing on the outcome of who shows or wins at Bryant Park. Just more fashion, thats good, right?
andrea said...
I really don't like this let-America-decide crap.
Me either. That's why the judges ostensibly have some expertise in the field. If America were competent to judge fashion we wouldn't see the looks many people sport at the mall and the grocery store.
Does this (feb 21-march 6) mean they are devoting 3 episodes to this? Hmmm...Very interesting. And a great deal for those eliminated designers...
But what that also means is they are delaying the showing of the finale by 3 extra weeks.
Also, allowing the general public to vote does not mean the best will be chosen.
Now if there was an online stote that manufactured all these looks and the public was allowed to vote with their credit cards (ie; a purchase is what constitutes a vote), THAT would be something else (and more accurate). Or if there was a cost to vote (with the money going to charity), that would give a more real picture.
"rosie's girl said: If America were competent to judge fashion we wouldn't see the looks many people sport at the mall and the grocery store."
Thank you. I've seen America, and I'm not impressed with it's fashion sense, common sense, (or recent voting record). Based on the tourists I see, I'd guess that any designer who dresses their model like an Easter Egg and gives them a fanny pack will win.
gothamtomato wrote: "Does this (feb 21-march 6) mean they are devoting 3 episodes to this? ... But what that also means is they are delaying the showing of the finale by 3 extra weeks."
I wondered about that too, but when I re-read the press release it says the footage will be shown on BravoTV.com, not Bravo itself. Putting it online probably won't interfere with the show at all.
"Also, allowing the general public to vote does not mean the best will be chosen."
This is why I hate the idea. The public will vote for the personalities, not the designs. Either Christian or Chris are practically guaranteed the win. We already voted for the "Fan Favorite," why do we need this?
I like it! But, it should come after the finale.
What I'd really like them to do is show all five final collections in full without a lot of cutaways for judge-reactions, etc. Maybe a full hour where they let us look more closely at the pieces.
And then -- in the downtime between season 4 and 5 -- they should have an All Stars challenge!
Thanks for the update Thomas and Lorenzo. Who is Christina? That name is listed but I don't remember any designer by that name...passing strange.
I think this is a win/win for everyone. Maybe "America" doesn't have the best taste (necessarily-- let's see who "America" picks first, though) but it is a chance for the designers to show more of their work, which is good.
I also wouldn't read too much into any one person not participating. Missing designers could have anything from a backlog of jobs from the the exposure they've gotten to a long planned vacation. Who knows? Victorya, for one, strikes me as someone who keeps herself very busy.
Is this press release legit? With the typos and missing designers it seems fishy. One example, "sponsored by L'Oral Paris."
Does that have anything to do with blowjobs?
I think VictorYa accidently gave away a pretty big spoiler--she was interviewed as saying that at the beginning she didn't think Jillian had it in her, but she was proud that Jillian was there, "representing the girls". She isn't the only one representing the girls in the final 5 so she must be the one in the final three.
Well.....whatever it is they're going to do....
at least they'll be giving us more to do (dish & rip)! Y'know, the old saying about lemons & lemonade.
whatevs. no reason Bravo shouldn't capitalize on the moment. no reason anyone who isn't interested should take the trouble to look at it.
Wait a minute--we're letting the American public choose the winner?
The same american public that thinks wearing plastic garden clogs and marshmallow coats is trendy?
7:13 PM
They should NEVER let America decide who wins anything. This is the country that voted for Bush TWICE for Christ sake! What are they thinking?
Creativity is not a democratic process. If it were, all creativity would be dead in a heartbeat.
"sponsored by L'Oral Paris."
Don't you love Freudian typos?
vanessa said: I think VictorYa accidently gave away a pretty big spoiler--she was interviewed as saying that at the beginning she didn't think Jillian had it in her, but she was proud that Jillian was there, "representing the girls". She isn't the only one representing the girls in the final 5 so she must be the one in the final three.
I'd give more weight to that if VictorYa could have ever remembered Sweet P's name.
Simone, Sweet P, and Victorya were not named as being featured in that article. Can't help but be curious about why 3 are not competing. Wonder if we will ever find out?
I'm glad that they allowed 5 of the 15 designers to show at Bryant Park. Every year I'm left wondering what some of the other designers would have shown. This year we not only get to see what the top 5 would do, but we get a mini-Bryant park from 12/15 designers where the audience gets to be the arm-chair judges! We also were treated to another runway sample at the beginning of season 4 with their "meet the designers" video. One of the main reasons I watch PR is for the fashion. We hit the jack-pot this year IMHO.
The major prize for the winner has never been showing during Fashion Week so I don't understand the "why name a winner at all" comments. FW has always been the last challenge. If Bryant Park was a part of the prize package, the winning designer's name would be on the scrim, and they would be showing after the season was over when the viewing audience has moved on. "The winner of Project Runway will receive 100k, a fashion spread in Elle Magazine, a Saturn roadster, and an internship somewhere. <---- I know it's paraphrased, but can't you hear Heidi saying that in your head when you read it? =D
Well... what's the prize worth?
Glory? $50,000? A fashion spread in 'The Shaboygan Tribune'?
Really. I don't care about this contest being or not being 'true to the spirit of Project Runway'.
It just gives the public another chance to catch some designers who may have left before their time and under stressful circumstances that didn't let them do their own style in the first place.
The big winner's still the big winner. I really don't see how this contest dilutes anything... .
Okay, I've read most of the comments here and must chime in.
#1 Me No likey Sweet P and I truly cannot see where her designs are any better than anyone else who is left and can't be one of the finalists
#2 Love me some Sissy Bear but I must admit that there have been designs that I've questioned (ex: women who lost weight clothing challenge)
#3 Rami's designs bore me; they all look the same
#4 Christian, so sassy and such a flamer... he's fierce fun in a little package
#5 Jillian, the girl has talent as shown in the Avant-Garde designs - here I give VictorYblah no credit
I don't like the idea of America voting. The only possible positive out of that is that Chris is such a lovey bear that America votes for him. Otherwise, leave the America voting to American Idol and Supermodel shows.
That's what I've got. Much love to TLo. I just wish I'd found you guys sooner. Love.
Stubenville said:
I think you have it there, Miss Gooch; it beats my theory which revolves around replacing the Bravo staff with squirrels...
I think they do use squirrels-- especially now that rucker isn't doing a blog!!!
America shouldn't vote-- Canada, maybe-- but not America-especially if it determines the winner.
TLo-- what is your opinion of all of this shmuck??
Yikes. When America votes for fashion, we get capri pants and velour tracksuits. Stop the madness!
From the article:
"Beckham is a guest judge for the two-part finale, which airs Feb. 27 and March 5.
The winner of “Project Runway” gets $100,000, a car, an editorial feature in ELLE magazine and the opportunity to sell a line on Bluefly.com. An extra challenge, “Sew Not Over,” will be judged by fans online and shown on Feb. 21 through March 6."
There are only 2 more Wednesdays before the 2 part finale begins. So if they auf two contestants on the 13th, and hold the reunion show on the 20th. When would they air the "Sew Not Over" Challenge? I'm thinking it may either broadcast as a special on March 13th on the evening of Top Chef's season premier if it's broadcast at all. Or it could just be an online special to drive traffic to Bravo's website. Either way it sounds like a fun little extra for the fans.
On a side note: Why has the comment (back) section of this blog become so negative about everything lately? It's making one of my favorite blogs like a dead man's suit. All front and no back. Some of ya'll are posting a bunch of serious ugly. I'm going to wish you all an abundance of laughter for your lives so that you can enjoy some simple and guilty pleasures once again.
Excited for everything but the audience voting crap. Always hate that. It's what's made Make Me A Supermodel unbearable to watch (well, that and the seriously boring personalities of all involved.)
Okay, I read down to the comment in which it was stated that New York Magazine had revealed the final three. I don't want to be that spoiled (to my own surprise -- I didn't realize I had a "spoiler threshold") so I skipped the rest of the comments. This preface is just to say: once again I may be repeating other posters. Not intentionally! Is where I'm going with this.
That over: While I agree that the extra-special-extra challenge, "Sew Not Over", is obviously an attempt to involve the audience, it's not exactly American Idol, in that the finalists have already been chosen and have already shown in Bryant Park. I think TLo had one or two posts about that event. It sounds like this challenge is more along the lines of: "Can't get enough Project Runway? Well, here's some more!" It's an extra for PR junkies.
So it's not as if America gets to vote on the winner of PR, or even on who gets to the big tent. It's just a chance to see some more designs by PR alums and pick our favs. Seems fairly harmless to me.
If they're just going to show the outfits online that's kind of cheesy, besides, how can we judge the outfits by simply looking at pictures?
Seriously, what's next? Throw them a challenge during the reunion?
klausk said...
Seriously, what's next? Throw them a challenge during the reunion?
Thank you! That was my laugh for the day.
I just can't let go of the image of Heidi at the reunion announcing: "Designers, we have a little surprise for you. On the table you will find some lovely crackers and cheese, BUT they are not for eating...."
Elissa could imbibe her hors d'oeuvre dress with the lovely champagne.
I love how so many of the comments are from people saying Bravo has gone too far...like there is a right way to do Project Runway.
It's a TV contest, people! They can do it any way they want to.
I have been disappointed this year but not with the designers or the contests, but with the endless product placement.
That said, I'm keeping it positive. It would be nice to see what the aufed designers could do with a decent budget and sufficient time to produce garments.
As Angela Kesslar would say, "It's all gravy!"
guess they are going to give "the most talented cast ever" another chance.. Whatever...
I don't get SNO Hate 2008.
The designers who are participating were asked to, not required to (since a few have opted out). So they're on board.
People (which, incidentally, includes everyone of us here 'cept when the TLo Gods descend among us in this here Comments 'Burb) were asked to participate, not required. So whoever votes is on board.
So... what's the big whoop?
It does z-e-r-o to alter the final standings, could line the pockets of a designer (although I have yet to read what the damned prize is) and gives all the participating designers another chance to show their stuff and their faces.
The publicity will help all the designers, fans will get to vote however they chose to see fit and someone will walk away with a check for $90.87 (or whatever Bravo ponies up).
And, for some, it may be another chance to see Jack without a shirt some how, some way.
OHMYGOD I just followed a link from BPR to Christian's sister's blog where she says:
"After every episode of Project Runway (PR) I get online to see what the bloggers have to say about the show. My brother, Christian, has warned me not to read the blogs because some bloggers say not-so-nice things about the contestants, but I can’t resist. I just can’t get enough Project Runway and all the gossip that goes along with it. Last week, two blogs posted similar cartoon interpretations of the Avant Garde Challenge, (that my brother won!) I wish that they would do them for every challenge. The blog that Christian warns against most, Project RunGay, had two cartoons about this challenge, one of Jillian and Victorya and the other of Christian and Chris. Even though these guys are snotty, I love this blog. Most of the time, they are right on the money and have very insightful statements about the designs, challenges and contestants. Other times, they are ruthless and make fun of everyone, but I like that, too. (Don’t tell Christian.) The other blog with cartoons of PR is Project 365: Drawing the Line. He has a similar interpretation of the Team Fierce Avant Garde Challenge. I just love it. It is getting closer to the PR finals everyday. I don’t know what I will do with myself when it’s over. :("
That's so funny! You guys ROCK!!!!!!
Why all the hand-wringing and wailing? This 'extra' challenge is not going to decide anything BUT whose three designs are the FAV among viewers. So what? Not any different than the other voting for your fav designer. Just another way for the crew to get extra air [or web] time and lots of fan luv.
I didn't think this was a spoiler as much as it was a confuser. It's as if PR doesn't want to have the finale structured the same way twice in a row. Season 1 had 3 actual finalists with Austin as a decoy but with less time and money; Season 2 had 3 actual finalists with Kara as a decoy but with the same time and money; Season 3 had 4 actual finalists and no decoy; Season 4 has 3 actual finalists with 2 decoys and something else thrown in I'm even trying to understand. Season 5 will be 3 actual finalists, 6 decoys, a circus elephant, call-in votes live from the runway, and an online contest to see if anyone understands what the heck is going on.
I've re-watched all the collections.
I think this is the most boring season of PR.
I think Jillian will win, but there wasn't a "wow" factor in any person's collection. In fact, just giving it to the almost affect-less Jillian lacks any drama.
My verdict? Jay was the most original to ever come out of PR.
The blog that Christian warns against most, Project RunGay,
What a shame. If Christian had read this blog, he'd of found plenty of people who liked his designs, but had reservations about his arrogant behavior. Maybe he could have learned a thing or two. But like his collection, her brother is determined to stay on his own island.
Hmm..I think it will be nice to see more than 2 collections! What's the harm in that? I am not sure if I trust America to choose the right designer, we shall see... I do see why PR is doing something new. They have initiated small changes all along. Remember S1 when a great deal of the show focused on the models' competition, but thankfully not now! There are plenty of other shows for that. Even though, I just loved the designers on S1! PR should do a best of the best show and pull contestants from past seasons to compete! Now wouldn't that be fun?!? Austin and Laura. lol
Well, after several days of going over still photos, videos of the the show, enormous photos that show a lot of detail, etc. I have to say that I believe Chris March is going to be the winner of PR4.
I don't think that the Judges are going to be totally in love with the hair trim, but I do believe that they are going to proclaim it to be cutting edge and fashion forward.
Chris has had a problem with styling his models in the past. I don't think he realized how Goth the dark kohl eyes and make-up were going to be to some. To me their make-up and silhouettes just scream silent movie/hollywood era. He has brought back the drama of silent films while making it fresh and new for 2008. I think that the Judges are going to love it.
Oops! Forgot to add. C&P this into a browser to see what I mean:
Since this is a spoiler thread...here it goes:
"Victoria Beckham (a.k.a. Posh Spice) had chosen a clear winner by the time all five of Project Runway’s finalists—Chris March, Christian Siriano, Rami Kashou, Sweet P and Jillian Lewis—finished showing their collections in the Tent at Bryant Park this morning. But while speaking to the Daily Transom, the singer and Marc Jacobs muse revealed a bit too much.
“Well, for me personally, there is one designer who is a very clear winner—in my eyes,” Ms. Beckham, 33, the special guest judge at today’s show, told us. “There is one designer which every single piece I saw come out on this runway is something I would wear myself. He made me smile”—upon realizing that she had divulged the sex of her fave fashionista, Ms. Beckham grabbed our arm with her tan, itty-bitty fingers and turned around to see if any Bravo brass had heard her slip—“This designer made me smile,” she added quickly.
If asked to guess which contestant had Ms. Beckham—who was judging today alongside designer Michael Kors, model Heidi Klum and Elle fashion director Nina Garcia—flashing those pearly whites, we would have to go with Mr. Siriano. Though he’s only 21 years old, Mr. Siriano seems a true phenom and, judging by the overwhelming applause he garnered at the show, a crowd favorite."
"Is Christian on the list as "Christina" (a typo)?"
I haven't seen the list (and I'm replying before reading the whole thread, yes, I know, I shouldn't) but Kevin's last name is Christina.
Hi..first time visitor...I am now totally addicted to the site. And yes, what an amazing spoiler! Of course, we all know that Rami will drape something...sigh...would someone just take away the flowy fabrics from that man??
Girls, girls, girls...just because they call you bitches doesn't mean you have to play the part. Just let the shows air and go with it an have fun. That's what I'm trying to do and I'm definitely enjoying it.
It's like extra innings!
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