God, this was gorgeous. The judging was unusually good this week and we have to reiterate what Duchess Kors said: somehow, she managed to make a postal uniform look sexy while still looking like a postal uniform.
While we think this outfit would look good on a variety of body types, we question how many male postal carriers would like to wear those pants, fabulous though they may be.
Aside from that very minor quibble, this outfit was perfection. The colors are gorgeous and that alone could have given her the win, since one doesn't normally associate rich beautiful tones with the US Postal Service uniform.
That vest? We covet. Not enough to apply to be a postal carrier, mind you, but we covet it nonetheless.
And the hat? Shut UP! Where can we get one? That sweater is gorgeous too. Perfectly fitted, like everything Kara Saun does.
Honestly, it's almost difficult to write about this because we gush and gush and then we realize we're going apeshit over a mail carrier's uniform. But seriously, how can we not? This was masterful. It still looks recognizably like what it's supposed to be but unlike, say...every work uniform ever designed in the history of the world, this is actually stylish, hot, and flattering to a bunch of different ages and body types.
Kara Saun, you make being a fashion bitch very difficult because you're so annoyingly even-keeled and consistent, but damn girl, you totally deserved this win.
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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This was my favorite outfit. I'm much more of a Jay fan than a Kara Saun fan, but she totally deserved this win. While the male postal carriers may not want to wear this particular pant in this particular fabric, you could butch up the design with a more masculine cargo and looser fit sweater and I think the design would translate into a mens uniform.
But I have to give props to the girl on this whole challenge, she did really well.
Yeah, you gotta hand it to her. KaraSaun (I still don't get it: is it one name? 2?)rocked this challenge.
Even though I am seriously PMSing I cannot thing of one bitchy comment to make about it....its THAT good.
You forgot to mention the bag. While it looks like a normal Postal bag, its got some interesting details that shows she really thought about what a USPS carrier needs.
This was the first episode of Project Runway that I ever saw. That moment when you see them in the service elevator was the very moment I was hooked.
This outfit was fab on so many levels. I have to wonder if they had certain constraints on how the logo needed to be presented, size, etc. because it seems a bit large and rather like a target on such a clever hat.
Later, when I got the DVD, I realized that Kara Saun (and yes, you always have to call her KARASAUN) was such a force in Season One. Amazing!
I loved this outfit, and as Michael Kors said, she looked sexy, and that's not the first thing that comes to my mind when I think about a postal service uniform.
One of my favorite challenges. Showed some real wit. The results were all over the place (as I'm sure you'll get to), but the whole episode was a lot of fun. And, yeah, this outfit was incredible. And I can totally see a male, kinda hip-hop version of those pants.
I loved the whole outfit. I was also very impressed with her choice of fabrics and shades of blue. Beautiful!
Kara Saun always understands what the challenge calls for. In this case, she made numerous improvements to the uniform while still making it more fashionable. Brava!
This is one of the best episodes I've seen so far. I loved Kara Saun's outfit. She emphasized both function and fashion, a rarity when it comes to uniforms.
this one sticks in my memory next to Jay's Crysler building dress.
I read somewhere that this was her favorite challenge and that she had a lot of fun with Jay, Austin and Robio.
I LOVED this outfit! Jenny is a great model to work with - wonderful attitude, perfect body, and a great smile.
Apparently, Kara Saun's design was never used by the US postal service. They said there was no commitment on their part to use the design and that the Postal service uniforms go through a very long selection process, and it always involves organized labor. That's a shame. It's a great design!
This was favorite design for the challenge. Kara Saun is amazingly gifted, imaginative, and talented.
I agree with all the other commenters, Kara Saun designed to perfection in this task. It's a gorgeous uniform. Just one question: How did they manage to get the logo in all these different sizes?
At this point I recall still being a Kara Saun fan. I didn't care whether Jay or Kara Saun won: Both were equally good in their own way.
Kara Saun's maturity and experience show in her deliberate and thoughtful work in every single episode. I love her. I think she is a fantastic designer.
When I saw this outfit, there was no question in my mind that Kara Saun was going to win. It's perfect!
I WANT THAT BAG!! It's awesome!
I think those hats are so hot. I know, I know...but I do, I swear.
Best single episode of all 3 years- I never get tired of watching it. They are such goofs in those uniforms. This episode had so much depth.
Yeah! The Boys are back! It's been dreary without you, honeys.
I loved this outfit, too. She did an excellent job.
This is my favorite episode of the entire season (so far). They were so funny, especially Jay and Austin. Jay's and Kara's were my favorite outfits.
I'm CRAZY for that hat!!!
Anyone who's ever seen the government procurement process in action will not be at all surprised that none of these designs will never see the light of a real postal facility. The fabric alone I'm sure has to be specially chosen after 10,000 tests and checklists.
But still, Kara (there! I went solo on her name!) did a fantastic job. Such a great outfit; you could take the logo off and sell them in a minute to the public.
But Kara, how can we respect you as a contestant when you are so pleasant, easy-going, and well-balanced? Where's the CRAZEE?
I loved this challenge. Bravo should do those types of challenges more often.
Where did I read it that Kara Saun was in the Air Force...maybe her website. It could explain her zen-like focus and endurance and her wonderful lack of bullshit. She's a designing machine honed by the military.
Guys, please don't spoil "future" episodes. Thanks.
It looks like lots of people besides me found this to be one of their favorite episodes. It is a great uniform and it's too bad the postal service hasn't found a way (or even tried to) to "make it work" for them.
When they did Project Catwalk in England, they did a version of the same challenge, designing chambermaid uniforms for a fancy hotel. And the designers had to spend the day cleaning hotel rooms to learn about the functional needs of the maids. (You can watch the episode on YouTube). Would love to see PR do another version of this challenge next season. Actually I would have liked to have seen the same thing last season--I wonder how Vincent would have handled the forced manual labor, and you know Laura would have finished a whole day's worth of work in the first hour.
"nso said...
When they did Project Catwalk in England, they did a version of the same challenge, designing chambermaid uniforms for a fancy hotel. And the designers had to spend the day cleaning hotel rooms to learn about the functional needs of the maids."
That is a GREAT idea! I have to watch the episode on YouTube.
"I wonder how Vincent would have handled the forced manual labor, and you know Laura would have finished a whole day's worth of work in the first hour."
You two would look so amazing in that hat!!
What amazes me about this is a lot of time baggy clothes make people look bigger, yet, somehow Kara Saun made wide leg trousers that were flattering! Really really impressive.
And I wish I could convice myself that I could pull off that hat. *sigh*
Kara did a great job! At first I liked Jay's better but I think Kara's is probably more practical and would look good on more people.
Quick question to many of you: why does this outfit have to be unisex? the challenge was NOT to make menswear or anything that looked remotely like menswear (although jay did, and more power to him).
" Anonymous said...
Quick question to many of you: why does this outfit have to be unisex? the challenge was NOT to make menswear or anything that looked remotely like menswear (although jay did, and more power to him). "
That's actually a good question. The same thing occurred to me. I don't think they said it had to be unisex.
My comment was deleted for being spoilerific (sorry guys!), so I'm trying again without the spoiler content.
I always thought it weird that Kara was always addressed and referred to as "Kara Saun," when "Saun" is her last name. It would be like if everyone always referred to me as "Miranda Prince." "Hey, Miranda Prince, pass me those scissors!" etc. Weird, no? :-)
"I always thought it weird that Kara was always addressed and referred to as "Kara Saun," when "Saun" is her last name. It would be like if everyone always referred to me as "Miranda Prince." "Hey, Miranda Prince, pass me those scissors!" etc. Weird, no? :-)"
I believe that someone (probably Kara) asked to be called Kara Saun, as she was reffered to as Kara during the first few episodes, then Kara Saun later.
i loved this outfit! perfect blend of form and function. when wendy was bitching about how important the ugly-ass orthopedic shoes and side vents were, i just wanted to yell, "look at kara saun's!!" there is definitely a way to make the most functional thing sexy. it's called good design! so glad the judges recognized it.
"I believe that someone (probably Kara) asked to be called Kara Saun, as she was reffered to as Kara during the first few episodes, then Kara Saun later."
I always thought it was a way to distinguish her from Kara Janx. It wasn't until I sat through Season One again this time with the boys that I realized she's been called KaraSaun (one word) form the beginning.
"apeshit over a mail carrier's uniform"?
Some of us remember you going apeshit over GARBAGE coming down the runway! (snort!)
Yes, some of us remember *everything*. :D
oh yea! i finally got time to watch it this evening. WASN'T THIS GORGEOUS?? Kara, damn, how many has she won so far?
I don't think they were really doing anything for the male carrier. Seemed to be pushing keeping the feminine look for the women. But I could see a burly guy in this thing, no problem. My carriers vote for an overhaul of their dowdy uniforms and take this one.
This was such a good challenge after the last two lame challenges. One of the best episodes!
Loved the hat. Loved the vest. Loved the pants. Yeah, this outfit was perfection. I loved everything about it.
Oh, and the bag was adorable!
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