Alexandra, Kevin, and Olga The Terrible

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 by

Feh. Alexandra really likes that loose, flowy stuff but she looks like a stack of lampshades. If there was a critique, we would offer it, but this is just bland and nondescript. A little too grecian for our tastes and like a lot of the offerings this week, it looks less like a bridal gown than just a white dress.

Before we get into Kevin's dress, it's time for the Models We Don't Like portion of our program.

Olga. While her boyfriend was downright doable, we just can't stand her. She's nasty and she seems to think the show is about her. We're getting a little tired of watching her push the camera out of her face. This isn't paparazzi, you pain in the ass. These are the people filming the show you agreed to be on.

And all the whining about having to wear garments! Get over yourself, Anastasia! Do you hear brain surgeons whine all day about having to, you know, perform surgery on brains? It's your job, girl! Get on with it and shut up.

Despite her pain-in-the-ass-edness and her tackiness and language difficulties ("I want diamonds on the carseat!"), this dress turned out okay.

It's a little too wrinkly for presentation and that bodice doesn't look as well-fitted as it should be and yeah, it's a pretty standard wedding dress, but he made the "diamonds" work without being tacky and overall, the effect is pretty.


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jinxy said...

Yeah I really have a problem with people asking to be in the spotlight (i.e. signing up for a TV show to promote your career) and then being all "prissy" about lack of privacy. Get over yourself.

I thought Kevin's dress was plain, but I could understand why. He was trying his hardest to not piss his model off as much as he could and not be tacky at the same time. I understand, and for what it was for, he did the best he could.

Alexandra's dress seriously looked like something Bea Arthur would have worn to get married on an episode of the Golden Girls.

Anonymous said...

Lampshades, word!

I thought Kevin did a pretty good job with a difficult client. Olga was almost worse than Morgan, and Kevin managed to pull something presentable out of his ass. He & Jay should get extra props for dealing with the divas.

Vic said...

Olga and Morgan are two reasons why PR1 remains memorable. The others are Jay, Austin, and La Pepper.

Oh, what a merry time we're having. I've got my bottle of vino ready for tonight's viewing (after Top Chef, of course.)

Anonymous said...

I wanted to punch Olga. She was terrible. I felt bad for Kevin.

Anonymous said...

I'm never impressed with Alexandra's dresses. I like dresses that accentuate the woman's curves. Hers look like potato sacks.

eric3000 said...

You would have thought Kevin made her a dress out of sand paper and barbed wire the way she was acting! And, yeah, considering Olga wanted her dress Bedazzled, he did a pretty good job.

Anonymous said...

PRGayBoys, a question: what's the best example of the happy medium between "just a white dress" and the Princess Bride look you describe in the post re: Kara Saun's dress? I guess I've answered my own question in that you both loved Kara Saun's winning design, but you're right, most real women can't carry off her look, nor would most want to. It seems that in order to differentiate a wedding dress from just a white dress, there has to be some signal or other to say, "I'm a wedding dress!" In the absence of the massive beading or big sleeves you see on all-too-many gowns, that one design element usually has to a long or poofy or long&poofy skirt. I'm not a big fan of most of the looks presented for this challenge, but I suppose I'm saying that I can respect the designers who tried to create a wedding gown that didn't rely on the usual cues (sweetheart neckline, princess waist, cathedral train, etc.).

Anonymous said...

Olga acted like a freaking princess on her freaking wedding day. Please, you're a model, not a brain surgeon.

Anonymous said...

"This isn't paparazzi, you pain in the ass."

I love you guys. LOVE.

And OMG Jinxy, I was completely trying to remember where I'd seen that dress before and you nailed it! The last episode of the Golden Girls!

Didn't like it then either.


Anonymous said...

You know Jay, for gay man, you sure do dress weird.What type of look are you trying to emulate ?

Everytime I see you on the show or pictured on this blog, you look like a freakin clown. I know you aim to draw attention to yourself, but some of your "getups" are just plain idiotic.

Has there ever been a point in your adult life where you dressed "normally" ?

What Hall of Fame are you trying to enter ?

Anonymous said...

"This isn't paparazzi, you pain in the ass."


DolceLorenzo said...

Alexandra's was just so boring and unflattering. Kevin's was tacky as hell, thanks to Olga and her dreams of a Czar's wedding.

Anonymous said...

"Alexandra's dress seriously looked like something Bea Arthur would have worn to get married on an episode of the Golden Girls."

OMG that is so true. LOL. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

The "carseat" moment is definitely my favourite of the episode. Pure comic gold.

As for the "diamonds", was anyone else a little confused by them? I (and I think Olga as well) was expecting... yknow... gemstones. Like the sort of rocks you might see in a diamond ring or what-have-you.

What Kevin bought looked like they came from a box of lucky charms. I know, I know, budget constraints, but I'm sure he could have done better than shiny cut-outs of stars and moons.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
What Kevin bought looked like they came from a box of lucky charms."

Oh my god, you people are SO FUNNY!!
Yes, the car seat was hilarious. Maybe she needed to drive somewhere after the wedding.

madelineanne said...

I concur that I think Kevin did a nice job of comprimising between his idea and Olga and her boyfriends desire that she resemble the Times Square New Years Eve ball.
And, dude, Olga, shut up about the dress itching! I've worn some truly neinously painful costumes for 14 hours days, even with dealys I can't imagine that runway experience taking that long.
GOd help her if she ever tried to appear on America's Next Top Model where Tyra Banks spends all her mental energy conconcting humiliating/painful ways to dress/pose the "models"

Erica said...

Congrats to Alexandra for making flowy layers of crepe chiffon look heavy.

Anonymous said...

I keep forgetting about Alexandra, she seems to just be in the background. I really like what she did - the window treatment looked great!

Anonymous said...

Kudos for Kevin!! He managed to reel Olga in a bit and remain calm and not loose his cool. She acted like such a biatch-nutz!

Anonymous said...

When I saw them bringing the boyfriends I was like WTF?? Although I have to admit, some of them were very cute : - )
Anyway, not a real wedding, girls.

The Scarlett said...

I bet the producers of the show told the models to bring their boyfriends to heighten the tension. At the very least they didn't discourage them from entering the workroom!

Morgan always created so much sturm und drang that I had nearly forgotten what a diva Olga was in Season 1.

Anonymous said...

ewww... YOU'D "do" him?

Anonymous said...

Anon said: What Kevin bought looked like they came from a box of lucky charms. I know, I know, budget constraints, but I'm sure he could have done better than shiny cut-outs of stars and moons

I happened to have my catalog open ordering crystals and beads and note the current price for crystals approx the size used on that dress are running $6.01 EACH or $100. for a tray of 20. The cheapo slightly smaller crystals run $1.45 each. Those crystals can eat up a budget in a heartbeat.

As for Olga, for crying out loud it's not like they asked you to model chicken pox! Put the damned dress on and shut the hell up. You could be debeaking baby chickens for a living so get over your prissy self.

Anonymous said...

"As for Olga, for crying out loud it's not like they asked you to model chicken pox! Put the damned dress on and shut the hell up. You could be debeaking baby chickens for a living so get over your prissy self."

Ok, I think I just peed in my pants.

Anonymous said...

BTW, what happened to "Mariana The Original"? I'm taking that bitch's name.

Anonymous said...

Kevin seemed genuinely frightened by Olga. She was very demanding.

Vic said...

Kevin seemed genuinely frightened by Olga.

He's frightened by everyone, including his shadow. What a perfect dramady combination! Olga and Kevin. Morganza and Jay. Love, love, loved it.

Anonymous said...

I thought Kevin's dress was gorgeous. Am I "tackee"?

Sugar said...

okay and still you did not produce a pic of olga's boyfriend!!!

i thought ogre i mean olga was a little too much into the idea that she was actually going to wear this at her wedding.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Olga could become a nude runway model. Then she wouldn't have to wear those uncomfortable clothing items.

Anonymous said...

Alexandra's dress was more for a sunny afternoon party out in the flower garden. I never noticed that one of the rows of ruffles just ended crookedly on the front of the dress for no apparent reason. Looks sloppy.

Anonymous said...

Alexandra made a very similar dress before she went on PR.

There is a picture of it here:

Anonymous said...

i cant look at alessandra she almost blinds me w/ how shinny she is - put the makeup down

Anonymous said...

"Jackie said...

Oh, I actually rather liked Alexandra's wedding dress. It has some vintage charm to it, but I don't think just anyone could pull it off."

I can see that, but the dress is so unflattering, don't you think? Kinda lampshade like.