Darlings, just a reminder that tonight we will be on the couch watching Episode 1 of Season 1 and we start blogging about it tomorrow.
A lot of our readers have told us that they've never seen this season so we will be attempting to keep our recaps relatively spoil-free so we can all watch things play out together. We ask that you guys try to do the same in your comments.
See you on the couch tonight! Wear your PJs and bring some wine, that's what we'll be doing!
I can't wait to read your commentary on Season 1. That is so exciting!!
I'm going to watch it with a couple of friends and some fabulous wine, darlings!
SO excited!
PR1 DVD in the machine...check
Periwinkle cashmere jammies...check
3 bottles Vueve Cliquot...check
2 bottles Ketel One (hey, a girl needs a little variety)...check
New Vicodin script filled (gonna need it in the a.m.)...check
Ok, I'm ready. Let the snarkfest begin!
Yeah, I've not seen the full season, only like 2 episodes, so PLEASE don't spoil it for us if you know what happens. Yeah we know who makes it to the Final 3 and who wins, but don't ruin the challenges for us, por favor.
T&L - We want pictures of you guys in your PJs watching it.
patsystone said...
PR1 DVD in the machine...check
Periwinkle cashmere jammies...check
3 bottles Vueve Cliquot...check
2 bottles Ketel One (hey, a girl needs a little variety)...check
New Vicodin script filled (gonna need it in the a.m.)...check
For yourself?
What a woman!!!! :-)
Oh,dahlings, I watched Season 1, Part 1 last weekend and have been waiting on tenterhooks.
My cat claws are sharpened and waiting.
It turns out Forest Whitaker's girlfriend is really a dude and Bruce Willis is actually dead, which is why only the kid can see him.
Oh, wait, those are the wrong spoilers. Nevermind.
I can't wait to see what happens to all of the Daniel Franco fans after they view Wendy's creation for Episode One.
Oh, that is so freaking exciting!! My boyfriend just burned Season 1 for me the other day -- and I get to watch it for the first time along with you guys!! I've got an interview for my dream job tomorrow, and now this?? Life is good.
I hope, HOPE they re-run it like crazy because for tonight I'm stuck in a hotel with NO Bravo! Boo! Any idea if they'll be replaying like they usually do?
I enjoy your blog guys, and love Laura too! I wanted her to W-I-N!
Holy crap! Busy? You aren't kidding. Have fun tonight.
I cannot wait for Wendy Pepper vs. Tom and Lorenzo :-)
Season 1 is still THE. BEST. EVER. I love Austin Scarlett, Jay, Morganza, Melissa, and La Pepper.
And I look forward to more commentary from the whole family, those of us who have seen it before and those who haven't.
I haven't. The ultimate spoiler, the winner of the whole competition, I know already since Jay M. has shown up quite a few times in later contexts. I've even seen something called "Project Jay" once (is that some kind of mini doc or part of a larger series...?).
Big ol' happy vibes to you all! A 'new' season starts TONITE!
I will be in my Wonder Woman PJs, pink fuzzy bunny slippers and bringing gluwein for everyone.
Stripped.....no dahlings, just the plastic wrapper off my PR1 dvd.
Ready and willing...I mean waiting.
For the time zone challenged anonymice, do we watch it at 7 EST?
Or are we in our own Octobersnarkfest zone?
Let's parhty T&L fans.
not so little sister,
They are not watching it on Bravo tonight. They are watching it on DVD. Coincidentally, there is a marathon on today but it started at noon with episode 5, for some reason.
Strangely coincidental: I rented Season 1 just a couple weeks ago, and watched it all in 2 nights! I wish I had waited now... Anyway, you have much angst, drama, and fun coming up. Enjoy! And I know I'll enjoy your commentary.
How can you really recap the shows and give your tradional fantastic bite without giving away spoilers (for a show that's so very old now, no less?)
I love love love you guys, but I'm not sure how you can pull that off. I'll be reading!
This is so exciting. Maybe I'm just nostalgic, but I don't think any season will ever live up to the fabulousness that was season 1. No villian will ever be as amusing and complex as Wendy Pepper. No queen will ever be as effete as Austin. Uncle Nick and Kayne and Robert will always be watered-down Jays to me. Stacey Estrella? Kirstin Ehrig? Inferior versions of Starr. Alison is just a shadow of Alexandra Vidal, with better diction. Daniel and Michael are weak facsimiles of Kara Saun! And... well you get the idea.
im so siked! watched the first dvd last night - all 4 episodes. i was laughing my ass off all night in anticipation of what you boys will come up with.
just let me know when we can start talking about wendy pepper... cause i am busting!
I can't believe you guys never watched Season 1. This is sort of like being a virgin all over again, isn't it?
--Gotham Tomato
I love Wendy Pepper. She would squash Laura and eat her for breakfast. Actually, I'd love to see those two Bad Mommies in a death match. My money is on La Pepper. She was the first, and original, Bad Mommy!
My duckettes are on La Laura. She'd fix the Pep with a steely gaze and calmly state, "You don't have any approriate accessories & you're seriously ugly". Pep would crumble like a soup matzah.
There's "bad" mommy, then there's Laura!
What do your jammies look like?
Both Wendy and Laura were shrewd competitors. And Wendy was dead right about the show being a competition. Those that critisize these two women for playing the game so well - simply don't understand how success in a competition is made easier by analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents. See Sun Tzu's "The Art of War."
The two huge differences between Wendy and Laura are -
- Laura has a terrific sense of humor; Wendy appears to have no sense of humor
- Wendy gloated on camera. Very bad form.
Classic spoiler: Rosebud is the name of his sled.
I totally love Austin Scarlett. He is GORGE! And I can confirm that he is real (I've touched him *squeals*) and that he is always ready for his closeup.
Can't wait. Can't wait. Can't wait.
Oh dear. I am attending an all day conference and just checked in to see if you've started dissin' Austen, Jay, and company yet.
I am pee green with envy toward all the folks who get to chat with you today. Will check in tomorrow.
Advantages to where I live:
Great house in the middle of 17 acres of beautiful woods;
Wonderful University town only 5 miles away;
I know my UPS driver by name;
The main one? I have to drive to a separate post office annex (10 miles away) to get my packages WHICH INCLUDES MY SEASON ONE DVD and the stupid place is only open from like 10:00 - 10:08 every day.
(Oh - and the only store is a WalMart - thus the relationship with my UPS man)
EVen though I've never missed an episode of PR, I can't wait to watch again with all of you - damn rural delivery!
There are at least two other diffs between Laura and Wendy.
1-Wendy will look at your serious ugly outfit and rave about it to your face then as soon as she has the camera to herself she will rip it and you to shreds. Laura would tell you right to your face what she thought.
2-Wendy didn't have a clue how to be nearly as fab as Laura. Wendy did have her own personal style but it was "today is laundry day" everyday.
I'm creeped out by where Daniel Franco's hands are in this picture. Oh wait, that's a Season 2 spoiler.
Oh, and Laura would sprinkle La Pepper on her crabcakes for a tasty snack!
Oh... I feel for you ProfP. My heard bleeds. Wal-mart clothes are just fugly.
What do you call someone who hasn't watched PR in seven weeks?
Answer: A PR Virgin, of course. Kind of like a bankrupt person after 7 yrs. he gets a clean slate.
Never mind, I'll try harder next time.
To be fair, Wendy does look fabulously glamorous these days. She looks even younger than Laura. I read that she had extensive plastic surgery done and a complete makeover. I think she looks quite stunning now!
La Pepper will always be the original Badass Mama. She was shrewd, manipulative and the consumate game player. She liked to play mind games and psych out her opponents. Even her crocodile tears were a ploy to knock others off balance.
I definitely think she'd make mincemeat out of Laura.
Wait, doesn't that red dress look suspiciously like the red dress she subsequently commissioned from Jay McCarrol and then declined to wear?
Perhaps she was about to commit a fashion faux pas by wearing a nearly identical look and chickened out when she realized it? Following that debacle, she went on Jay Leno and claimed that Jay's dress was all wrong for her post-pregnancy body. But seeing this Red Dress 1 now, I'm kind of skeptical of the reason she gave for rejecting Red Dress 2 from Jay.
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