Ripping the Collections: Laura, Part Eins

Wednesday, October 25, 2006 by

Like Uli, Laura seemed to understand that the "show" part of "fashion show" was of almost equal importance to the "fashion" part. She made near-perfect model and styling choices (although we have quibbles with the latter) and provided fantastic music that perfectly illustrated both her own personality as a designer as well as the cocktail party aesthetic she's selling. It may have been just a bit too up-tempo for walking music but strangely enough - and we wouldn't put this past Laura as deliberate - the clothes were moving in perfect time to the music. The shimmying beads and ribbon-bedecked shoes gave the illusion the models were dancing down the runway instead of walking down it.

Let's start the show.

Out of her entire collection, she couldn't have picked a better look to kick it off. Every single person in that tent and watching at home had a certain expectation when they heard the name Laura Bennett and this was not it. It had an immediate perk-up-in-your-seat effect.

This was one of our favorites, not only of Laura's but of all 4 collections. Laura probably never will fully embrace a "clean" aesthetic, but this is as close as she's gonna get. Simple, flattering and feminine, it boasts that patented Laura effect, the "scroll-down," meaning the dress gets more interesting as you look down. We also have to say that the model and styling were perfect for this dress. Simple, but dramatic.

This dress starts off low-impact, but we liked it more every time we looked at it. Blow up the picture to get a better look. The fabric is gorgeous. Our one critique is that we don't like where the hem hits. If it had been just a couple inches higher, it would have looked younger and sassier and still been flattering on a variety of women.

All season long, we've been hearing "Laura has no range! Plunging necklines! Tight skirts! Beading! Old!" Fair enough. We don't necessarily agree, but it's a fair point. What bugs us is people are still saying that about her and we look at this dress and we're puzzled as to why. Almost everything about this dress is outside Laura's expected milieu. Young, flowy, simple, pretty.

It should be noted that Laura has an excellent understanding of who should be wearing her clothes. If she had dressed one of her paler, blonder, more conventionally pretty models in this dress, it wouldn't have registered at all.

This was the only true clunker in the collection. We're forced to ask Michael Kors' favorite question: "Who is this woman and where is she going in this outfit?" Unfortunately, the answer is "A Rockette on the way to work."

Seriously, it's too costumey and we honestly can't picture any woman dressing up in this and going out. Strangely - and it pains us to say this - that jacket doesn't look particularly well-fitted to the model. And we hate the poof on the collar. One thing's for sure: this is an outfit for a woman who doesn't smoke. Otherwise, the poor thing would wind up as the sparkliest patient in the burn ward.

This is another one that forces the Michael Kors question. Who is the woman that would wear this? Laura, of course. That's not entirely fair because the crowd seemed to love it. Lorenzo loved this dress more than Tom did. It's definitely dramatic and interesting. The one real quibble is the waist on the... pants? Tights? It comes up a skosh too high, giving it a slightly "granny panty" vibe. Otherwise, it's a sophisticated, sexy look. A shame about the titty tape, but a careful viewing of the backstage scenes leads us to conclude that this was a last-minute addition that only became visible under the bright lights of the runway.

Funny side note: Laura was convinced we were going to make fun of her for the titty tape.

When we were discussing this dress, Tom said it looked too severe, but Lorenzo made the point "Yes, but it's very runway." He's right. It's definitely a high-impact dress that stands out in a collection almost entirely made up of high-impact dresses. Slinky and dramatic, the lace is absolutely gorgeous and the shrug is outstanding. It's made out of feathers, people.

The outfit is gorgeous; it's the styling we don't get. Granted, an up-do is about the only hairstyle possible with this look, but it's too severe, too don't-cry-for-me-Argentina. Laura said she wanted youthful styling during her hair and makeup consultations, so we're puzzled about this choice.

Part Zwei coming soon!

[Photos: FirstView]

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patsystone said...

Finally, some real glamour for the world to devour. God love her, she does evening wear like nobody's business.

jinxy said...

Laura was definitely the evening wear queen this season, and I have to agree that she does have range. More so than Uli, and at times even Jeffrey. I thought her collection was beautiful, but while watching it, I was running through my head what the judges would say. Some of her looks were very matronly where they didn't have to be due to the styling, but the clothes themselves were strong in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

If the judges had put away their crack pipes, they would have voted Laura the winner.

The only mistep was the pouffy collar thingy. Otherwise, fab fab fab!

Anonymous said...

Funny, I liked the fit on that satin jacket. But it was strange - the hot pants trend definitely works better for day, IMHO, or at least not in llamé and strappy heels. As a runway piece, it makes a statement(I didn't mind the tulle thingie), but as a "see it on the racks" sorta thing, it'll tug an eyebrow up to cloud level and make you say, "Enh?"

A week ago I would have voted Laura the winner, but I really prefer Uli now. I think her collection was a great, straight-to-the-racks kind of success (and I mean that in a good way). But I understand why they chose Jeffrey - they need a winner who'll make some sort of news/statement, and Uli might have been too commercial a choice.

Embeedubya said...

I'm wearing titty tape right now. What's the problem?

Anonymous said...

My favorite dress was the sequined cocktail dress with black belt. I agree about the length though. Too marmy. If and when I'm able to buy it, I'll take it up at least 4 inches.

I love the gold jacket. Just hated the tulle. I would have put it with the pants from her black pantsuit.

Anonymous said...

Can someone give more detail about "titty tape gate"? I think I missed something.

--Granite Janet

Anonymous said...

"Who is this woman and where is she going" ??? Sorry guys you lost cool points, b/c I realize underneath it all: You are ultimately guys. The outfit with the shorts & the blazer & the whole "you don't get it" bit! From a woman who loves fashion as a hobby, it was a great look. Granted, I wouldn't go to work in the outfit in its entirety, but I love the pieces, especially the jacket & the color of the jacket with the pants. A runway show is like an art show - most women can't wear the clothes right off the runway, unless you are Madonna. Personally, I don't want to see an everyday Target collection coming down the runway - what's the point?

Now on a side note, when Laura said she wanted to style the models "young" to youthen up the collection, I closed my eyes & pictured her classy dresses ... with faux hawks - teased punk hair giving the illusion of a faux hawk. How fantastic would that have been? It would have opened her up to a whole new audience.

Anonymous said...

My only complaint about the first look, is that I really wish models had more shapely legs- long yes, but can you imagine how spectacular an actual pair of gams would be in this dress? For example, Laura's gorgeous legs?

The feather shrug is super lush and elegant, but I also can't help but imagine it being worn with something sportier and just being killer. In the hands of the right stylist that thing could dance across the barriers of eveningwear.

Anonymous said...

i think laura hit the mark all the way across the board. she hit the youth notes as well as the sophistication level she had demonstrated all season. given only twelve "looks" to show, i think laura expressed her design aestethic very well.

if you look at all four designers, they approached the runway from the different parts of the country in which they all live, work and play.

most designers will flood the runway with 3 times as many garments as the designers from PR had the opportunity to do so. plus the comment from the mr. kors and heidi about laura's collection looking far more expensive than 8 grand speaks volumns about her artistry. plus i noticed at least two of laura's designs that were shown in tim's visit to her delux apartment in the sky, that did not make it to the runway. the chartreuse job and the long red number.

loved her upbeat 20's speakeasy disco drag it on the runway music.

i'm with patsy stone here...."real glamour for the world to devour"

Anonymous said...

Thanks for part eins. I was looking forward to this.

Re: the 5th look...I really liked it. My reaction was a funny mix of "oh, it's kind of lacey and matron....whoa damn!" Its also pretty sheer in a really interesting way. There is even a slightly ethnic flavor about the sheer over pants/tights.

However, the point you made was valid...I didn't notice the waist on the pants. In my head, however, if I lower the waist much, it start to look more and more Fredericks of Hollywood rather than evening wear.

I'd like to see the top over a well tailored pair of wider leg dress trousers, something very clean and linear. I think it might look taking the "perfect black pant" (to quote our Laura) and topping it with something that ups the sex factor in a big way.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and the first look...if I were the model, I would have wanted to steal that dress! It looks like it was beaded specifically to match and compliment her hair color.

Anonymous said...

I think it's great that T&L allow dissenting opinions on this site unlike some other places i could name but i won't go there. But would it kill people to just say I disagree instead of you lost cool points or you don't get it?

Anonymous said...

I really do hope this is one thing she learns from this collection - think young!

I totally agree, both about the length on the silver dress and the waist on the leggings.

WTF is the waistband doing up there over the belly button? Why not just pull it right up under her tits and be done with it? That should have been three inches below the belly button at least. A skosh? No. And I'd have left off the titty tape and just let the nips fall where they may.

And I would have liked that jacket better over a body stocking or severely tailored pant in the same fabric as the shorts. HATE the shorts. Laura, I love you honey. Don't do shorts.

The first model was PERFECT for that first dress. LOVED it. And you're right, it was like Uli's first piece, an immediate bitch-slap. It put the judges & audience right on notice, "This is NOT going to be my same old thing."

I thought that the hair with the lace & feather dress was perfect, and made the dress stand out much more among all the young, pretty, flowy things. I'd have put it in later, but WTF do I know? Kind of a little reminder, "Don't forget what I *really* do." Loved it. How two gay guys could not get that is beyond me.




Anonymous said...

Disclaimer: I seriously love everything Laura did and does EXCEPT....

I DON'T understand how you all can dig that last one with that big fur..."thing". It looks like two massive wolverines took her arms hostage.

Gigi said...

I loved everything but the shorts - although I would have worn them in a heartbeat when I was a teenager. Now, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing shorts in public *even at the gym*. Your analysis was dead-on, once again!

Anonymous said...

regarding the hot pants, satin jacket & "poof!" up top.... Carrie Bradshaw would wear it on a date with Big!!

Anonymous said...

Oh come on leeann, lighten up! These 2 gentlemen can take it. Besides there's nothing worse than a blog "Mom".

Anonymous said...

ian, will you marry me?

You are SO absolutely right about that jacket/shorts thing!


Lisette said...

I loved almost everything about her collection but then in her case I probably am her target audience minus the fact that I never have anywhere to wear evening clothes to! I didn't love the shorts, in the right crowd on a woman with killer legs maybe, but the "Katherine Hepburn" pants would have been much more salable. The lace coat over the pants was a WTF moment. I thought the pants were like an inch too high in the waist. The Titty Tape was just distracting. Either place the lace so you get the effect of sheer but cover the stategic spots or show nipples -Hell, everybody has them! I do agree with patsystone that this was the only real glamour in the lot. Great as Laura's stuff was I kinda knew she wouldn't win.

Laura, if you're reading this and want a real challenge I have a black tie party in LA in May, wanna dress a short, round, 42yr old body so I don't look like an ass in front of Paris and Lindsay? I sew and am happy to take pattern suggestions!

Anonymous said...

Well I do have to disagree about the lace column with the feather shrug. I think it was one of the worst looks in all the collections. It took away her neck completely and looks like her head is sitting on her shoulders. And the arms look like they're just hanging limp at her sides. No grace in that. Sorry, but it was a no necked monster.

The worst part of this look was that she conjured Alice the Goon, one of the characters in the Popeye cartoons in the 50's. I don't know if anyone is old enough to remember this character, a tall Amazonian woman who was the henchman for the Sea Hag character. She walked around chanting "I love Popeye, I love Popeye!" Massive shoulders, long arms that want to graze the ground, walk like a zombie and hair pulled back in a bun. It was too weird seeing this look on Laura's runway! It's worth Googling Alice the Goon or Popeye to see what this character looks like.

How I wish she'd replaced this ensemble with the belted red gown with the rhinestone detail that she showed in Tim's visit! It would have referenced the first dress which was so wonderful and been a fabulous hit of color in the neutral show. Or the red lace jacket with the charcoal/black skirt that she showed him. I would love to know why these didn't make it in the show!

I did really like the gold blazer and hot pants, it made me think of Chita Rivera, who could probably still pull it off. In this day it's totally Christina Aguilera. But the tulle didn't make sense, maybe fashioned differently it would.

Sheer dresses never worked for me, I would have preferred another, slinkier dress under it. But that's just a personal thing I guess.


Anonymous said...

You guys, as always, are spot on with your analysis. (Although I didn't entirely hate the poufy thing.)

My love for Laura's work knows no bounds. I wish I had the body and the places to go to wear her styles.


patsystone said...

I agree with Brian (Anonymous 11:29am)
Sheer dresses show entirely too much candy.

eric3000 said...

Again, I'm in agreement. Loved that first dress so much! I think I hated her see-through dresses more than you did, though. That first lace one with the titty tape made me think of Stacey's shower-curtain dress with the granny panties. It just seems like a look that's trying to be sexy but isn't.

I loved many of Laura's looks but, like Jeffrey's, there were also several I hated.

Suzanne said...

This is a perfect example of why I love you boys.

You calls-it-likes-you-sees-it.

No blowing smoke up Laura's ass, just truth, justice, and the gay way.

Anonymous said...

You know, I love Laura as a human being, but I just don't feel the clothes. It's almost like Santino: there's a basic sheath dress of some kind, with nothing interesting or innovative in construction or silhouette, with a whole lot of embellishment. Granted, Santino did it to hide bad sewing, but Laura seems to just be hiding a lack of creativity in the construction.

The only exception might be that weird titty tape thingy but where on earth would you wear this? Is it supposed to be a nighty? a cocktail dress with pants underneath? I was confused.

Just my opinion, and if you disagree, I don't think you're a horrible person.

Anonymous said...

You guys, see if you can get Laura to write you a little something about the 8-week process. I want to know what happened to the red thing too!

You know what else I think the winner should get? I think they should get a fashion show three or four months later, where they can show 25 looks. A *real* collection.

Or I think these final 4 should get together with the other final 4's (only the cool ones, it goes without saying) and put together a runway show - 25 looks each. Can you imagine the full day of fashion?

I would love that.


Anonymous said...

Totally love your assessments, PRGays! Surprisingly objective-- given your well known Laura-love. Extra Props!
The lasting impression I get from the fabled "5th look" is that ensemble is solely meant for making your impact entrance at your chic cocktail party. And that's good enough for me. I think the pants are at an appropriate level. Showing belly button would betray the demureness of the lace covering (think I Dream of Jeannie-- you never saw her BB but the sex effect was still there). The jacket and shorts-- No. Seperately, maybe, together I kept thinking Ann Reinking (All That Jazz) was going to show up and do a Fosse routine. I loved everything else (the first look had me screaming w/ ecstacy-- I mean it. I immediately said, "Laura won.").

Unknown said...

A couple people have suggested they would've done without the nipple tape. I suspect that a Producer may have requested the cover-up; I don't know if showing nipples on Bravo is kosher.

Anonymous said...

"Otherwise, the poor thing would wind up as the sparkliest patient in the burn ward."

We thought the same thing! Our take was that she needs a Holly-go-Lightly cigarette holder!

LOVED look #1!


BigAssBelle said...

pretty pretty pretty except . . . that last one. wish she'd done it with a low neck. the model's neck just vanished and she ended up with a kind of linebacker look that doesn't do justice to the dress.

Anonymous said...

I know a number of us have said we would buy whatever Uli and Laura create and wonder what the judges were thinking.

There is an interview of Jeffrey in The Village Voice.

He shares his thoughts on the next great fashion designer making clothes women would love to own.

"...if greatness were measured in sales, then the people who design for Wal-Mart would be considered great."

I still wonder why the Wal-Mart guy was there. ;-)

BigAssBelle said...


We all eventually outgrow little twit-hood and to continue to wear little twit clothes past a certain age just makes one look ridiculous.

nevertheless, we all still want to wear pretty clothes. The Belle herself has not bought a new garment from the stores in years because none of the trendy styles look good on an older woman. They look stupid and cheap and old hippie. Been there, done that, don't need it again, at least not with out LSD.

Laura's clothes are elegant and grown up and beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I am no fashionista, just a pebble under a big mossy rock. Never heard about titty tape until Alison spilled the beans on Laura looking glam.
It would enhanced that gorgeous gown if the titty tape was nude in color. It would never have been an issue.
Got to get me a venti soy vanilla extra hot latte. See you later fabulousness T&L


Anonymous said...

i loved laura's entire collection. if only i was thin enough to wear them :)

did anyone notice that michael kors wore his sunglasses during the enitre runway show? he did it last year too. i dont get it, how can you see the true colors of the garments??


Anonymous said...

did anyone notice that michael kors wore his sunglasses during the enitre runway show? he did it last year too. i dont get it, how can you see the true colors of the garments??

I agree!
I find the move rude & pretentious. Never been to Bryant Park, but could the lights be that bright?
PRGays, any insight as to why MK sports the shades?

Anonymous said...

The leggings-under-lace (with titty tape) outfit immediately reminded me of one of my most favorite film outfits: the floor-sweeping copper waistcoat over fitted pants that Rosalind Russell wore in the scene with "poet" Brian O'Bannion in "Auntie Mame." I covet that outfit deeply, and I covet Laura's, too. I'd wear it someplace scandalous!

TLo said...

The lights are indeed that bright and it's not uncommon to see people in the front row sporting shades.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the quick answer about the sunglasses! unless they see the collection other than at bryant park, you would be misled by dark glasses. ok i know i need to get over it but it still bugs me.


Anonymous said...

I think the first three are very pretty, but they are (in design, but certainly not in craftmanship)similar to garments you could find in a department store.

The fourth I didn't like at all.

The last two would look old on anyone a day older or a pound heavier than those two lovely models.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I thought after seeing Laura's collection was, "isn't this supposed to be a Spring collection".

All the long, dark, heavy looking clothes. Very few pieces that looked light, or airy, or springlike. That was something I got from the other collections that seemed really lacking in Laura's.

I'm not a fashion expert, I'm not sure just how "in season" designers normally make their clothes, but to me this collection seemed a lot more fitting for fall or winter, and that really diminshed my opinion of it.

Anonymous said...

I like Laura's collection, but I don't agree at all about her first piece. I can't remember who said it, but the model really does look like a Ringwraith in that dress with that styling.

And I actually kind of like the poofy-collar thing. Actually, I like it much better when the Getty images were just coming in and we saw the model in profile, wearing it. Seeing it head-on, the shape does look a little off.

Anonymous said...

I said it before- if good taste and style mean no range then so be it. Laura was the real winner in my mind.

Anonymous said...

Formal evening wear is formal evening wear no matter what time of the year it is.

I remember Fern Mallis commenting on Laura's collection saying something to the effect that 'you can produce other colors, but they always ending up buying the black dress.' (presumably proms and pageants excepted)

Anonymous said...


We all eventually outgrow little twit-hood and to continue to wear little twit clothes past a certain age just makes one look ridiculous.

Belle, honey, sing that song loud and clear! Laura's collection is for those of us who now value quality craftsmanship, fit, and proporation. Uli may know a woman's body, but Laura knows how to dress a 40+ year old woman who find she can no longer wear young fashions.

--Granite Janet

Anonymous said...

okay - i gotta disagree. i think these garments are HOTHOTHOT and completely flawless! i loved each of them, including the tap shorts with the bow. i think it was silly for bravo to make her use titty tape on that stunning lacy number (my favorite). nipples are a runway staple... oh and that 2nd dress - i think the length is better as is. any shorter and it wouldnt look as good on anyone over a size 6, or age 25. throughout her collection her proportions were spot on - just enough skin to be young, but not too much to be daunting to the average woman. she needs to start selling these dresses immediately - as is! both larua and uli presented the most marketable collections ive ever seen on project runway.

Anonymous said...

The first dress is also my favorite, and I think it is enhanced by the long straight red hair. And you guy's are spot on about the shorts outfit looking like a costume--the Rockettes and Reinking have already been mentioned--looks to me like maybe a tap dance outfit--I could see it on someone like Ann Miller or a pageant contestant doing a tap dance routine. I also had a bad reaction to the necklessness of the sixth look--the dress and feather wrap would be fabulous if only it left some neck on the model.

Gidget Bananas said...

The judges were looking for something unexpected from each of the designers. So I think if Laura had done her collection in pale neutrals or whites the looks would have been younger and she would have gotten more favorable attention from the judges. For the purposes of this competition, showmanship was more important than commerce.

That first look is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Call me matronly, but in the real world see-through lace does not work. It may be a runway practice, but most of the clothes are shipped with linings, as I understand it. Remember when Gwyneth wore the milkmaid chiffon thing with exposed titties? It just looked silly, and didn't get her any "best dressed" kudos...more like "what was she thinking?" It was a major fashion faux paux for even the young and beautiful.

Laura did line the dress she showed with the marabou bolero, and I think a lining or strategic doubling up of lace would have better suited the empire gown, as well. Lycra leggings with high quality lace, diminishes the quality of the lace. Whether the leggings were hip high or waist high is not the issue to me. I would not put a horizontal line anywhere I was wide. I think many girls just look wide in hiphugger pants. They flatter mostly the long-legged; they're ghastly on short-legged people.

I loved the empire dress though. Lace has gotten a bad rap because there is so much bad poly stuff out there. I'm sure Laura used the real thing! Now would it really be "matronly" if it had a lining?

I would have loved it if the model had swirled off that little marabou bolero and trailed it behind her. Was she missing the drama gene? That stuff is very floaty and we could then have seen the top of the dress as well.

I liked the satin jacket and thought the tulle at the neck was a suggestion. I can imagine a whole variety of floaty or furry scarfs working here. Shorts are great for the lithe young and us matrons could wear nicely fitted trousers.

I also loved the opening dress, so wearable, especially to work type party events. The red head opening the show was a vision, but I could also easily imagine J-Lo or Beyonce looking fabulous in this dress. This dress would be hot on a curvy girl.

Jill said...

I totally adore the second dress, but I do agree that 2 or 3 inch shorter will be a great choice. It's weird that I adore this dress, I don,t like sparkly clothes usually.
I first, i did really like the titty tape dress, cuz I didn't realise it was sheer. it will be great if the top part will be made more like a corset.

Anonymous said...

Late brunch with fabulousness T&L.

Laura, the big apple. Red, round and delicious. So NYC. Laura could have easily won.

Season 3 will be remembered as the Laura and Jeffrey show. Best finale collection to date. No titties showing and no tripping.

Am I the one untrained eye that sees a black Pomeranian, or Chow Chow on the shoulders of that black feathered gown?

Other random thoughts.
Do the designers have to pay for the music out of their budget if they did not use PRs or compose it themselves?

Is it an even playing field if Laura gets her critique from Peter Shelton when he is renowned in the design industry?


Anonymous said...

Is it an even playing field if Jeffrey had higher-quality machines, a better working space, and "blocks" from which he could make many of the garments in his collection?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the first dress and the first model. Fabulous!!!

Anonymous said...

I have huge problems with Laura's second outfit. Not only is the hem too long, but the top is awkward and the dress too stiff. I don't care how beautiful the fabric is close up, from afar it just doesn't work for me. Not even with the hem raised above the knee.

That said, I just adore Laura's collection, part eins. What happened to the red dress with the sequins placed just inside the hem and slit? I recall slobbering all over my tv screen when she showed it to Tim.

Sewhat? said...

Yup, still beautiful...

The sheer black lace number is a hostess outfit. That is what one wears in ones fabulous New York apartment when hosting a major cocktail party. The above reference to the Rosalind Russell outfit was spot on. And I am sure that Bravo was afraid of the "prude-police" and that is why there was titty tape.

I would like to have seen the shrug presented with a low neckline underneath for all of the reasons already stated, or at the least to have had the model work that jacket a little and take it off at the end of the runway. I really wanted to see the rest of that dress.

And as for the seasonality issue. This is a spring collection. If it were fall/winter you would not see lace, which is usually worn only in the warm weather months. But then I come from the century when one did not wear white shoes outside of the Memorial Day-Labor Day continuem...and gentlemen wore hats which they tipped at beautiful women as they held the door open for them...sorry, just daydreaming for a minute.

And when you all start harping on me and pointing out the final gown (exquisite charcoal grey velvet with gold beading) I will put my fingers in my ears, close my eyes and tonelessly sing "LALALALALA...I can't hear you...LALALALA..." because that dress is unbelievable, and if I were Laura I would have put it in too.

I would kill for that dress.

personette said...

that's not a rockette on the way to work. That's a box of chocolates on the way to being eaten.

Anonymous said...

bleh. ugly clothes.

Anonymous said...

i agree with the croud on the long lace dress. not only did it seem to contour to the model's body, but it was damn sexy! the titty tape was 'eh' but what can you do.

Anonymous said...

another note, after reading some commments, it almost seems like it's wrong for people to be young these days. like, i'm 21. i want to dress like i'm 21. is that so bad?! is it so horrible that i rather go for a designer that dresses a bit younger? not equaling slutty or trashy, mind you. just younger. so when i comment on laura's collection, which by the way, was beautifully made and very attractive, i'm going to comment with a younger mind set because that's who i am.

oh, and miss bigassbelle...although i understand your point, i work at a lady's clothing store that's aimed for women 20-60ish, and we sell clothes that are not only sophisticated but also a bit trendy. and not at all hippie. but my point is that maybe you are just not really looking, because there are many many places that have nice, up to date clothes with a bit of a trendy side.

Anonymous said...

I've been needing to say the following all week and finally have an appropriate place to do so: That first model with the red hair is beautiful, but I just could not get past the fact that she is Way. Too. Thin.

Thank you for letting me get that off my too-big-for-most-fashions chest.

Anonymous said...

ash <3 you are correct about trendy clothes for older women. BUT, Laura's clothes are not designed only for the older woman. They are designed for sophisticated women who fancy themselves as modern day Audrey Hepburns: sexy, smokin', and classy.

Her first hot outfit on the runway would look as fabulous on (oh, ick) Paris Hilton as on Annette Benning.

Lisette said...

Ash<3, I believe that BABelle was making a point about the mass marketing of trends. Is it possible to find clothes appropriate to a more mature figure -Yes. Is it easy and affordable -most definitely not! When I was younger I could wear things that would now look ridiculous on me and I am not a radically different shape. As a woman of some but not unlimited means it is depressing as hell to not be able to find a basic suit that I don't have to spend hundreds of dollars getting altered. I was never an off the rack fit now because of all kinds of different factors I am strictly couture even if it means doing it myself! I am therefore I sew!

Anonymous said...

I liked the first look, but I hated the model. She had such a jilting, awkward walk. Not elegant at all. Kind of like on America's Next Top Model, at the beginning of the competition where they make all the contestants walk in high heels for the first time.

Anonymous said...

I've read about 20++ blogs of other designers and one of them stated that the titty tape was a last hour decision after the dress displayed way too much under the bright lights for Bravo to rerun the show during the family hour.

My take on the outfit is that it's lounging pj's designed for entertaining a significant other. Probably why Laura finds herself pregnant so often. I do think the pants could have been an inch higher but any woman who had a C section, hysterectomy or tummy tuck would appreciate the styling of the pant. Most likely, an older woman but is that so damned wrong? Older bitches like to seduce a person occasionally.

Anonymous said...

>>>And when you all start harping on me and pointing out the final gown (exquisite charcoal grey velvet with gold beading)<<<

Ummm...That dress is made of charcoal slipper satin (checked the hem, it's not charmeause or the hem would have been rolled) and the only thing velvet is the belt. You can get a real close up of the gown here:

Anonymous said...

the other redhead--

Thank you for that URL! I love being able to get a close up look at all the pieces of Laura's collection. They just get more and more interesting, even some of the pieces I thought weren't all that stunning on TV.

Anonymous said...

The closeups make a big difference. There was an off white outfit that looked like it had feathers on the bottom and they turned out to be gatherings of weeping sequins - amazing.

Anonymous said...

Miss Belle- you make an excellent point! Being “mature” shouldn’t be a dirty word, or the kiss of death in fashion. While I can appreciate fashion as an art, do I necessarily want to wear what I see? Not so often..

With the exception of the Hostess outfit and the hot pants mess, they all moved beautifully and showed a distinct point of view. Thank you Ms. Garcia, some of us mere consumers like her point of view. I do so wish she’d shown the red gown, I desire it, lust after it, WANT IT!!! But the final number nearly knocked me off the sofa!

A 45-year-old woman that can wear a size 4 has options I’ll grant you. But not necessarily ones she wants. Some of us like looking like a grown up, which can include sexy. And Laura proves you can be flat out sexy with class. I look forward to being able to purchase the Laura Collection very soon.

But I still think she and Michael ought to form Fabulously Glamorous Mo Fo Bitches, Inc. They'd be great together ;)

Anonymous said...

The lace empire-waisted number with the pants reminds me of the glamour that Hollywood used to produce. I could easily see Lana Turner wearing that fabulous thing in "Imitation of Life," a movie I simply adore!

And with regard to the titty tape, am I mistaken in thinking that Wendy Pepper from season one showed a gown where breast were more than visually apparent in her collection? If it could happen then why would Bravo get so priggish now?

Brian in KY

Anonymous said...

The whole Red Collection (gown jacket, etc) was spectacular! I really missed it, kept waiting for something red to come down the runway (but far from disappointed in the pieces that did-- absolutely incredible!). I understand the necessity of editing but hopefully those pieces will be part of Laura's actual line. Has La Laura released any information re: when she will be producing her own line of clothes or opening a shop?

Anonymous said...

If you look at the giant pictures of Laura's outfits you can see bare breasts on the black lace cocktail dress with the lace bodice and feathered skirt and black lace bodice over the long pants. The blogged story on the titty tape (another designer I don't remember which but one not showing at OFW and I am not re-reading 20 blogs to find it again) was that this particular 'hanger' had dark chocolate kisses rather that baby pink ones like the other two. Talk about some strange discriminatory values! Go figure.

Anonymous said...

The 1 good thing I can say about the Ann Miller tap shorts and jacket-- at least Laura didn't show gauchos (oh god!), bubble shorts/skirts or stovepipes. These are fad/trends that need to die (murdered) by the end of next season. Never ever to be seen again!

Thombeau said...

When all twelve models were on the runway, it was a fabulosity overload. LOVED IT!

myview said...

I'd sure like to know where anyone would wear her clothes. How many dresses does anyone have in their closet with bangles, beads and feathers? Um, well none actually.

I keep thinking her look is more 40's glamorama. I just don't picture her doing well with such a narrow, fancy-dancy line. Jeffrey probably nailed it when he said something like 'how can you make a business on one look?'

Anonymous said...

Laura's collection was fabulous! Of the outfits in this group its the feather shrug I need--love it.

Anonymous said...

myview said...
I'd sure like to know where anyone would wear her clothes. How many dresses does anyone have in their closet with bangles, beads and feathers? Um, well none actually.

I work in the television industry and there are several events that I must attend that Laura's collection would serve quite well (lots of bangles, beads and sequins in my closet-- no feathers, though). Plus during the holidays I have to host parties at my home to thank my co-workers for their incredible work. Sorry if there aren't any fetes that these clothes aren't suitable for in your life, I'm sure there are plenty of ladies out there that would beg to differ w/ your view. Maybe Laura's collection will inspire you to bring a little glitz into your own world. It's fun!

Anonymous said...

I'd sure like to know where anyone would wear her clothes. How many dresses does anyone have in their closet with bangles, beads and feathers?

Well, I would say, just CREATE those moments to wear them (like our own Ms. Laura). The few times I've dared to do it, there ain't nothin' in this world like sashayin' down the street showing off my well-toned gams and cleavage, and leaving men slobbering in my wake.

Oooh, honey. Now THAT is power!

Anonymous said...

>>>'how can you make a business on one look?'<<<

Let me think a minute...Vera Wang then maybe Victoria's Secret, Manolo Blahnik, Victor Costa, Benetton, Burberry, Kate Spade, Lands'End or Lanvin (a personal favorite). Then you have the narrow starters who blossomed or burgeoned such as Hilfiger, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Guess and Diane Vonfurstenberg who started with only ONE dress style.

Sewhat? said...

that other redhead,

Thank you for the fabrication correction and the very helpful sparklies URL. I should have known better than to think that Laura would use velvet for a Spring dress. I only wish you boys had shown the back of the the final dress,also, because the additional genius is how the belt threads through the beading and goes across bare skin. Wow

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Is it an even playing field if Jeffrey had higher-quality machines, a better working space, and "blocks" from which he could make many of the garments in his collection?

Fashion Curmudgeon replies:

Of course it is. It's no different than a kid who writes a better paper for school because he has Encyclopedia Britannica at hand and subscribes to the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times online. The contest was about originality and skill in execution. There were no limits on how sophisticated the equipment you used could or could not be.

Laura said in a recent article that she takes patterns (presumably Vogue, etc.) and has a knack for putting the neckline or sleeve from one onto another. Should she be penalized because she might have a chest full of patterns and/or pattern books which she may possibly have studied for ideas and inspiration? Those too would be tools.

Jeffrey merely invested wisely in superior equipment, but ultimately one has to know how to use it. And that skill, friends, is what makes or breaks the designer.

Anonymous said...

i LOVED the big lace dress.

it's dramatic and haute-couture, but it's beautiful altough the bad fit in the model.