"I had a feeling I might hear something from Laura Bennett after my interview with Santino last week, in which he called our elegant Park Avenue finalist a "hobbyist," among other things.... Sure enough, I got a message from an amused Laura the other morning saying that Uli was over at her place and that they were picking up their eyeballs off the floor after reading Santino's comments about them in this space."
Watch Laura throw down the gauntlet here.
Fabulous, sexy, fierce, bitchy, and good business sense. She totally gets me off!
You know, I love how she is able to twist the Tiffany's letter opener right smack dab into Santino's bloated ego and pop it like a zit without breaking a sweat. Love her.
"I even sent a nasty email to the boys at Project Rungay because I knew they'd be so jealous! Jeffrey came and Uli. Michael got lost on his way here actually and ended up on the subway trying to email us desperately from the subway saying "I’m somewhere between the Bronx and Brooklyn and I can't get off!"
LOL. Poor michael. You guys get email from Laura all the time?
But seriously, she is right. Santino is an idiot. On what planet 32 is too old to start a career?
Soooooo... Jeffrey came over to watch the Reunion show at her place? Guess that means they're all friends, kiss-kiss, bury the hatchet. Or Jeffrey just couldn't resist seeing her home -- I know I'd go for that!
That's it, I have something to say and I don't care who hears it. [gets down on one knee] Laura Bennett, you rock my world. Will you consent to be my hetero-NYC-based-already-married-mother-of-six wife? (Just don't tell my husband -- it'll be our little secret, just between us girls. 'Kay?)
The true awesomeness of this woman is beyond words. I love everything she has to say. It's quite refreshing to read something by someone who has no problem telling it like it is.
As I have felt for some time, it really does not matter if Laura 'wins' PR3 or not. Just by showing at Bryant Park, she 'won'. She got the needed exposure and I have to believe that she has gotten plenty of offers. She is moving forwards with her business plan and it is hard to imagine anything derailing her.
Dear Boys,
Do you have any idea what Laura's due date is for her baby? I would love to be able to send her flowers, or a Martini !
And I think she should name her baby Bennett.
MK, you need to fight this already married woman first to win Ms. Bennett's fabulous hand.
Laura is absolutely right. Santino has yet to prove he can do anything.
The man doesn't even have a fucking website. He has NO room to talk shit about her.
I really don't miss Santino's vulgar, self-centered attitude.
What's with the crap about you can't change careers after 30? OH MY, I know a lot of people who may have a bit to say about that to the youngster LOL
I wish I had Laura's wit and way with words.
Santino is a self important media whore who likes to puff himself up with grandiose speeches without listening to what others have to say.
He is becoming a ledgend in his own mind.
Laura, if you are reading this, invite our RunGay guys over next week for the season finale!! We want to hear all about your digs, your kids, your hubby and above all your black and white closet!
BTW anyone else find it odd that Andy addressed Vincent's craziness on last weeks show and not Keith's rant??
There was no gauntlet to be thrown. Schmantino is a world class dickhead and Her Fierceness knows it.
Truth, justice and the Park Avenue way. That's my girl.
Santino's comments were so dumb. To think that people over 30 don't have ambition and dreams is absurd. Most people change careers multiple times throughout their work history. And jesus, it's not like Laura has just been sitting around sewing and suddenly got the lofty notion she could take her designs into the marketplace. She has an fucking graduate degree in architecture from Columbia. It's not like she got that from the back of a cracker jack box.
Fuck him, I'm over 30, have an engineering degree, and am changing my career right now; I obviously have no passion. When 20-somethings finally get bored with his aesthetic and outgrow Myspace (as in next week), he'll be forced to rethink his game plan.
Santino is a very confused man ... He needs to make up his own mind before he starts dissing other people ... larua kicks ass!
love her to death
and quite frankly wether or not she wins Project Runway 3 I really don't think it matters ... she knows what she wants and i believe that she will go out and find it!
she's fantistic and really knows how to "Make It Work"
So if Michael wasn't stuck in subway hell, the final four were gonna watch the reunion together, arrangements made on the fly? AND Malan and J. McCarroll? wow...
All "let's make 'em live together" reality shows I've sampled (survivor, Real World, Big brother) seemed to feature people I never wanted to see again after like 2 episodes, and I figured if I was on the show, that would go double.
But here we have contestants who exercise their right to peaceable assembly of their own free will, together? How cool is that?
"the bot said
When 20-somethings finally get bored with his aesthetic and outgrow Myspace (as in next week), he'll be forced to rethink his game plan."
AMEN. I couldn't have said it better.
I'm 33 and still full of ideas and dreams.
Laura once again showed class and sophistication...
...and Santino affirms his status as a bitter reality show has-been.
Maybe he should ditch Jeffrey and start hanging out with Keith.
I mean, REALLY, don't we all remember that HIDEOUS jumpsuit he stapled/glued together for Kara? This is the same man who thought a World and Olympic silver medalist could land a triple lutz/triple toe loop in a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade turkey costume.
I never liked his clothes, never liked him, found him repulsive in a “homeless veteran” meets NYC “panhandler” meets “Cheech & Chong” sort of way. He looks like the people that ask you for money on the subway. That whole “Phoenix rising from the flames” skater mess was an assault on humanity and just a fashion DON’T. And in the end, his OWF collection was boring.
Now on the other hand….lies a silk glove that conceals an iron fist… Would love Laura to get some KY (no, dry is better) and cram that fist up Santino’s…
Oh, I do get myself discombobulated…time for a martini
Laura is just about the classiest chick PR has ever seen, throughout the three seasons. Yes, Santino thinks she's too old, but Laura's got money and business sense, and he has an ego and...um...yeah. An ego. That's about it.
Gaah! My name didn't come up!
Screeeeeeeee! Laura is going to do patterns!!!!!!!!!!!I may pee in my pants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh, Santino's aesthetic is already yesterday so does he really matter?
All I can think of when Santino talks about how "he went as far as he could go working for other designers" was WHO WERE THEY? All the other contestants have them listed. It's like listing companies on your resume.
As for "My dresses are 4-10k" Somehow I don't think his target shopper is going to be looking on slow-as-molasses MYSPACE or Blogger for information on how to get in touch with him.
He's an idiot. The market with money is the 33-45 age bracket. Not the 20something teenyboppers. Either find a backer and figure out how to design down for your market (like Uncle Nick) or set up a sophisticated front.
At any rate. I do adore Laura, but throwing a gauntlet to Santino is like kicking a puppy. You know she's going to win, she has the education, the business sense, and the MONEY.
Eh, screw it. Go Laura! I want to be her when I grow up! (and I'm 35. I guess I'm TOO OLD for Santino)
You go, Bad Mommy! And, as a fellow "hobbyist" I will buy each and every one of your patterns the minute they hit the stores. I won't even wait for a pattern sale! Laura Bennett is nothing if not a full price kind of girl!
How old is Santino? 28, 29? Looks much older (all that obvious insecurity weighs on a face). Shame he doesn't have the intelligence to behave more maturely. Maybe he meant dog years. At any rate, Laura's business acumen, diplomacy and style trumps anything Rasputin w/out a clue can do or say ever. I look forward to buying her line of clothes. Looking for Santino in the welfare line.
Once again, Laura delivers the elegant bitchslap. I love this woman.
I love how Laura handled it. Santino is right in that as of now, she is a "hobbyist," but she's right to throw back "what have YOU done with your 15 minutes?" He's done little beyond spout off.
I think Laura patterns are a GREAT IDEA!!! Do it!
There are a few careers in which 32 is old to start. Football player,basketball professional levels. Also 32 IS REALLY TOO OLD To start a "modeling career" which is why most models go into the agency's and tell the Agents & bookers they are 25 which is really a bit old to start a modeling career too. 32 is not to old to start designing though. Oh and yes there are some old models, but most were models from their teens and 20's. Most Hollywood agents won't sign and actress at 32, unless she's already pretty established, it's a bit old for that career too, but there is a percentage who do it. I can't see where designing would have an age limit at all, but Santino lives in LA...Land where they want everyone to walk into stardom and success between 16 and 26. LA is NOT the land for the old and unknown trying to carve out a career. The difference is that Laura is super talented, has a great organized mind, is studied,cultured, had knowledge in designs and degrees. I think SANTINO is just feeling a bit old to start.....He really needs to go over to Europe and do two years with a John Galliano or Paul Gualtier.
Jackie Kennedy would have completely ignored him.....Laura should do the same...Ignore him.
1 - fabulous aesthetic
2 - Brains AND balls
3 - True business sense
4 - Major time management/personnel management skills
She is going to totally rule 7th Avenue
And Gigi, I'll raise your buy of her patterns, and teach classes based on them!
Okay, I'm confused. Isn't Santino 32? By his own words, he's too old to start his own line.
On another note, if Jeffrey was at Laura's house watching the reunion, I guess the "sewing scandal" was resolved...probably like the Kara Saun Shoes scandal. Yawn.
With a little over two hours ago I dont think I can put a coherent thought together. But I do have one thing to say....
I dont think theres anything more to say about Keith. Lets not give him more fuel!
Santino needs to go get on-with-it...if he's going to get a designer career going. He should go to Europe create,create,create..get some magazine tear-sheets and then come back to US at 34..he needs to break away from the PR fame and get moving, he should stop worrying about what the other designers are up to or life will pass HIM by.
I think she should name our baby 'Gunner'
Smart lady. She can bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan & never let you (Santino) forget you're a jerk.
Laura understands what Santino (and some others- like Jeffrey) do not: That being 'good tv' as an obnoxious reality show whore, has nothing to do with the talent and business smarts required to turn the PR opportunity into something real.
In a few years, Laura's dresses will be carried all across the country, while Santino & Jeffrey will be appearing on The Surreal Life.
---Gotham Tomato
But my challenge to Santino is this: Let's talk in one year, a calendar year from now, and see where he is in business as opposed to where I am in business. And I'm even giving him the year head start. But a year from now, let's talk and we'll see what a 40-year-old hobbyist can do....This is why I love Laura. A year from now, she'll have left Santino in the dust.
Yes, Santino has received individual commissions to design and create expensive dresses since he appeared on PR. But hey, guess what? So has Wendy Pepper.
When he starts getting his clothes into stores and proves he can approach fashion as the business it is, then I might just start taking him seriously. I think he does have talent. But until then, he's just a dressmaker (admittedly a talented one) who happens to be a minor celebrity.
Poor Santino. He just wanted some attention again and he is wounded by blows of a steel magnolia.
Yes, "our baby should be named Gunnar.
Another thought -- this one about Michael being lost on the subway. Not a good sign.
It's also not a good thing that the written intention he had carried in his wallet was lost in the last competition. It said he would win Project Runway.
Those aren't good signs for him.
Yeah, how 'bout that MySpace comment. What an idiot. "Yeah, my business is on MySpace (MySpace Business = high school wannabe). Come get my wares there." MORON.
Her Fierceness showed why she is successful at being a mother of 6, married, and starting a new career at age 40-something. She has the patience and wisdom Santidiot lacks.
at first in the show I didn't care for her, but man do I love her now! What a classy lady!
Blah blah blah.
I still like Santino, and I still don't like Laura.
I started my successful pattern business at 43, and so can Laura. That is, if Vogue Patterns doesn't snap her up..and they'd be fools not to, she's perfect for them!
I think Laura was a beeyatch on the pt.1 of the Finale, she "threw Jeffrey under the Bus"...without an ounce of proof. She is acting like the rich b!tch who can say go back to the shed and sleep in the hay,to the "peasant help". I just HATE WHAT SHE DID TO JEFFREY....that was sh!tty!
I hope JEFFREY WINS the WHOLE Thing..I was sooooooooooo disgusted by the power play that Laura did to this guy. Laura is
"Lording it Over" Jeffrey and using Michael and Uli on her mission. Laura doesn't really like or care about anyone in that sewing room , except herself. She figures she can twist Michael and Uli around her finger She should be concentrating on her "OWN WORK"(Which is quite Beautiful,I'd buy any of her dresses,"but without the green ugly BELT" she doesn't have to play these little silly games to try and oust Jeffrey) It was obvious Jeffrey could "sew" from looking at the "Jetsetter" outfit. The one thing I noticed about Jeffrey's work all season is "the guy can sew". I didn't like him until TONIGHT. Now I don't have the greatest opinion of Laura, she was nasty and accusatory with NO PROOF to Back Up her theories!
Michael,Uli and Jeffrey are coming off much better than QUEEN LAURA...in this finale, she really seems like a BEEEEEEEEEEEEYAaaaaaaaatch!!!
Nothing on that show made me laugh harder than Santino's Tim Gunn impressions, especially the schtick about Tim and Andrae at Red Lobster.* So I want to like Santino but he's so boorish -- I'm inclined to think he's really just a big wanker.
*Okay, I may have laughed harder at Vincent's fluff and fold tantrum but I'm not proud that fact.
Just saw Finale Part 1. Wow. Don't think anything will come of the "Jeffrey didn't do all of his own sewing" scandal. Personally, I despise TALP; however, considering the sensitivity to cheating that must be prevalent since Keith's ouster, if he did cheat, what a moronic piece of butt cheese. But there seems to be some vitriol over Laura's presenting her suspicions to Tim. Was there similar venom for Kayne when he exposed Keith? I doubt it. What's that about? Perhaps a little greenism over the sight of La Laura's castellum and fab (LV) accoutrement?
I wonder...
Laura is so savvy. She just tells it straight up, and displays her talent for analytical clarity. Mixed with the fact that she is articulate, she says so much in so few words.
Is this some kind of Laura Bennet shrine in here? About the only thing can be said about the woman is that she knows how to work a black dress. a high-waisted little black dress. Yay her?
i really dont understand why you people rave over her. while i am NO fan of santino I have only 4 words for her 'c u next tuesday' if you ever watched s.i.t.c you know what thats about! and (coming from a gay man) if jeffrey were gay you people would be singing a VERY different tune about him. but because he is hetero you have vilanized him.
The thing that people seem to forget is, you don't have to be a *great* designer to do very well at it. Santino may be a great designer. But he (apparently) lacks all the other skills that go into making fashion work as a *business*.
Laura might be doing 200 versions of the Little Black Dress, but she'll have them all in every store in the world at this time next year, baby or not. And she'll do it while being true to her aesthetic and her creative vision.
It's two different things.
If you're happy making 10 Santino Originals a year for $4000, go for it dude. But don't say you're a successful designer when you have to serve up Big Macs to pay for the material because you're so lacking in business sense that people have to find you on MySpace.
The blog over on BPR is so sad. The people who support Jeffrey are showing what it is they really like about him by their viscious comments. It's all very sad.
It's business and Laura was right to voice what the other designers wwere also thinking.
In 3 years no designer has EVER come in without a button to show.
Good for Laura for having a spine of steel. It's just sad that she and her family are being brutally attacked.
I support Laura fully, and think that she not only had a right to question what she felt was off in such a high-stakes competition, but that she did so in a way that was honest and up-front and respectable. I thought she might come off like some manipulative drama-whore, but she was so down-to-earth and honest about her feelings on the whole thing that I don't think they could have made it look that way if they tried. Go, girl. I love you, Laura.
PRGayBoys, can we please have a cap of Laura looking all gorgeous when her daughter was a baby?? That's a picture I've got to see again.
I think Laura should release her own line of patterns AND instructional DVD's to go with them... can you imagine the fun with her as the host? Instead of PR or Survivor parties, people could throw "Laura" parties... it would be the 21st century equivalent of a quilting bee-- but with a lot of liquor, dish, and rhinestones.
Santi-ho who?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
It is NOT fair to launch an investigation of Jeffrey SOLELY on the fact that the needlework on his clothes is "too good." That is bullshit.
Why does no one remember that last year, when Tim Gunn visited Chloe (and her EIGHT sisters), she had only HALF A DRESS FINISHED, and then 3 weeks later, there are suddenly 12 near-perfect evening gowns??? Yet, nary an eyebrow was raised.
Redhead girl, sometimes comments need to remain anonymous because they're made from work.
I'll stake my 401K on Laura, not Santino. Let's see what happens in a year.
As for Laura's suspicion about Jeffrey's collection, she had every right to voice her concern. (She was not the only one fingering the clothes. Uli was right alongside her, and Michael voiced equal suspicion. Only Laura had the guts to approach Tim.)
I was in awe at the straightforward way she approached the situation. There was no sneaking around. She even told Jeffrey to his face what she'd done. I wish there were more people in this world like Laura.
Even if she doesn't win the competition, she's a winner in my book.
"Why does no one remember that last year, when Tim Gunn visited Chloe (and her EIGHT sisters), she had only HALF A DRESS FINISHED, and then 3 weeks later, there are suddenly 12 near-perfect evening gowns??? Yet, nary an eyebrow was raised."
And why don't YOU remember that when Tim made that visit to Chloe, she still had 2 months left to finish?
When Tim visited Jeffrey, he had just 3 weeks left to finish.
There is a very different time frame here.
These Jeffrey appologist are as delusional as Vincent.
-Gotham Tomato
Laura gets herself up like a flapper from the Roaring 20s. Flat chested little sparkly dresses and a mouth like a scarlet gash. Must have watched one too many showings of Lucille Ball in Mame.
Didn't like her from the first and still don't.
To all the Anonymous haters--how does having a Google Blog with some preposterous name make a post any more legit? An opinion is just an opinion.
Sue Minona
Oh Laura, PLEASE offer patterns so we can sew our own versions of your designs! I would LOVE that.
But then wouldn't she what Santino trashed Chloe as - nothing more than a "pattern maker"? I'm guessing that's derogatory in the fashion world.
Whatever. I havent' sewn in awhile, but I'd get myself boned up again for an opportunity to sew one of her cool dresses.
(Personally, I think BPR has jumped the shark.)
um, gotham tomato why dont you watch the episode again. jeffreys pieces were very polished when tim came for a visit. not to mention look at what happened on other runways this season, jeffreys was the only one of the 4 that had a current feel as to what is hapening in fashion. i mean come on feather capped sleaves???? does she (laura) work for st john knits?
Laura lives in New York. She based her collection on NY lifestyle. Have you lived in New York city during the spring? It's pretty white and cold through the first weeks and even months, just so you know.
If Santino was as good at designing clothes as he was at keeping his name in the press, he night actually have a career now.
I love the pattern idea. Sort of like how DVF licensed her most sucessful designs to the pattern companies before they were knocked off. One way or another I will own a Laura dress. And the idea for an instructional DVD, especially if it shows how to personalize with beading and trim, would be pure genius.
I like Lara, She has what it takes to make someone like me want to wear a dress again, but just once I would like to see what she could do with a nice pair of pants. I think she could even make that look sexy. And NO I don't mean riding pants.
thank you laura for being so clear headed regarding santino's agist comments that clearly were not said with any forethought.
laura is so talented, and a future ceo. age is irrelevant!
i have something to say on the age topic and santino.
AGE is not a deterrent to success, fear is. santino is afraid, arrogant, and short sighted. he actually has growing to do.
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