She got a lot of compliments online and in the press for this dress, and rightfully so, but we're taking credit for it. Oh sure, she designed it and made it and wore it, but that's not going to stop us.
See, on Wednesday, we stopped by her place after Malan's show and found her knee deep in that most Mom-like of activities, planning a 6-year-old's birthday party. Pierson's birthday was the next day and an "intergalactic" theme was underway.
There were planets hanging from the ceiling and laser lights and even a smoke machine. Laura was perched on a stool in the kitchen blowing up about 30 inflatable aliens in between taking phone calls, getting us drinks and dishing on the designers.
We were originally going to post this with the caption "Laura poses with some of her children" with no further explanation.
At any rate, she pulled out two gorgeous dresses and asked us which one she should wear on Friday. We immediately pointed at the nude sparkly one with the plunging neckline and full skirt. The other one was equally gorgeous but it was black and sheer and we advised her that it was time to see her in something else since she wears black so much. Then there were 20 minutes of trying on different shoes to see which ones went best with the dress. The only thing that could have made it gayer was a giant sequined rainbow flag and a sassy, but kindhearted drag queen.
And yes, she really dresses like that every day.
[Photos: GettyImages/Project RunGay]
Laura has inspired me to put on a pair of stilettos and a cocktail dress and run the vacuum.
I only wish she wouldn't slouch. Laura, shoulders back!
Glorious, fabulous and glamorous. Excellent stylin' consultation for our fave designer, gentlemen.
Now I have to thank you two for brightening my afternoon, too!
Love the army of aliens with La Laura - that photo is a howl.
All the best,
I have loved Laura since her comment about being pregnant: "I'll just throw it on the pile with the others." Made me hoot with laughter...
I was trying to think if there's anyone who I'd want to hear from/hear about a year from now, the way I'm always interested in what she's up to, but no one jumps out. Christian seems too immature and has a somewhat limited vocabulary of words starting with f; Chris seems fun but I don't feel like he's shared that much of himself (or it may be the editing). I guess I'll stick with Laura.
There will never, ever, EVER be another contestant on Project Runway whom I love as much as Laura Benefit. Sad, but true...
Wow. I just wrote Laura "Benefit." Ha. Laura Bennett, of course. Duh.
She is just too fabulous for words. Luvya girl!
Thank You! I was beginning to worry that you two were starting to forget about our Laura! She still remains the most interesting and fabulous designer a season later. And I loved the dress you picked out for her. She looked great!
So enjoy hearing about
Laura and brood! Love the
Ooo la la, did you get an invite to the party?
Also, isn't the long sleeve black dress with the plunging neckline, the dress the that the QVC-Dress for Success dress is based on?
Jesus, what a woman.
How does she do it?
I'm lucky to just get out of my jammies most days.....
Laura's system really works. I'm living proof. I had some errands to run today--Home Depot, paint store... I did it without my usual jeans and tee shirt. I wore a nice pair of pants and a stylish top.
I actually got better service because I didn't look like the contractors or other customers who frequent those sorts of stores.
In fact, the guys at the paint store snapped to so quickly that I had to reassure them I was not from headquarters!
Thank you, guys, for the update on Laura. I really have missed her designs and especially her attitude. Without my weekly dose, I feel myself slipping back into suburban mom "I can just throw my hair up and go out in whatever" mode more than I really should. In fact, that's my biggest complaint about Season 4 - no Laura! Glad to hear she's doing well and she is still out there fighting the good fight!
I lovelovelove the dress, but doesn't it look a little too big in the boobs? Thanks for the update, boys!
You guys have truly, truly out-gayed yourselves. I'm impressed.
I aspire to her level of fabulosity!
And I want to know where she got the alien balloons.
I am here to tell you that when I saw girl's beautiful shapely legs in the dress she wore to fashion week, I nearly changed sides.
She is just IT for me and remains my PR fav to this day.
Gorgeous Things said...
And I want to know where she got the alien balloons.
Spandex house perhaps? That's where unnatural fabrics seem to come from... LOL
Thanks for the little dose of fabulosity, Boys! Now, off to put on my pearls before I go buy groceries! I hope they don't clash with my Georgia Tech T-shirt.
I thing I have always noticed and that is the Laura does have a great pair of legs.
Great choice on the dress, guys! Was the buckle made of rhinestones or real diamonds like her bone buckle?
"The only thing that could have made it gayer was a giant sequined rainbow flag and a sassy, but kindhearted drag queen."
That will have to be the goal for the next big event entrance; to have that sassy drag queen gliding along ahead, tossing rose petals, from a basket, into her path.
But great choice for this dress. It was a standout: Looked great & photographed well too.
Inflatable Aliens!
I just read the other day that women who wear high heels are having more sex than those who don't. I'm going to have to get me some.
A zillion thank-you's for that post. I'm going to be in the Galapagos when laura sells her stuff on QVC--quelle tragede. I've never even watched qvc, much less shopped from it Can you only buy stuff during the actual appearance?
I would also like more info on the QVC appearance. I have read that it is on the 25th, then I have seen someone on the QVC message board say that it was midnight on the 24th. Are there 2 appearances? Do we have to call in when it is shown? Can we order it online or will it only be available during her show segment? I know nothing about the QVC process, but I have gone to the QVC website and registered my name address, credit card info so that part is already taken care of. Any more info you can give us on the process would be great.
Oh, YAY! Excellent choice, y'all.
Laura and TLo, I get a kick out of being a vicarious 'friend'. The three of you are by far the best thing that ever happened to PR.
And Laura, I try, I really do, to maintain a certain level of fabulosity...but I had to shit-can the heels for a while after spraining both ankles.
Now they scare me a little.
I feel so dowdy when I see Laura...except for the boobs that don't quite fit in the dress. Maybe if she stood up straight??
Every time I've seen a picture of Laura in that nude dress, the right boob is totally wonky. I have to agree with the others that have commented about it - something most definitely needs adjusting! Either the dart is too long or the girls need lifting...something. I am disappointed because I know she's better than that! I do think the dress is very pretty otherwise.
um, my kid's having a bowling party for her birthday . And I will probably be in jeans and flip flops (fierce Havaiana leopard ones, but flip flops none the less.
Since the issue has been raised: Laura, at the risk of being presumptuous, may I suggest a Feldenkrais practitioner. There's one close by, who would not only add an extra je ne sais quoi to your posse, but would do wonders for the head/upper back/shoulder thing going on.
You are indeed fabulous--just don't want you to suffer if the day every comes when you stop being a girl (in the Southern sense of the word).
Love from an old bag.
Laura's just comfortable with being herself. And that's always nice to see. People like that are usually nice to others.
Dishing on the designers?
Please tell! ;0)
I just couldn't stand her on the show, I found her attitude irritating and her one recycled design geriatric and boring. I still don't know why she has the following she does, but more power to her! Every woman wants a fabulous posse.
I cannot explain how much I truly adore La Laura. She's the very definition of fabulous. And so much more!
Same goes for you guys!
About the uneven looking boobage (or as this blog calls it...titscepancy) perhaps Laura is still breastfeeding which makes the boobs different sizes at different times.
LB is to date the best designer PR has seen. I would venture she is a better women's wear designer than the dutchess and her team.
I still don't know why she has the following she does, but more power to her!
It's because her designs are wearable. Also, she's an in the trenches sort, the type who's had to handle work, kids, marriage and all the rest. I just found her approachable and not at all snotty as one might imagine a rich Manhattanite might be.
I love Laura, but I don't like that first dress you show her in, that she got kudos for. The color is all wrong for her skin color.
She looks fabulous in the black dress, though.
I always have to repeat to myself that she has a nanny, or whatever you want to call that lady that helps her, I don`t think she really does everything herself dressed like that everyday does she? ......Does she?
God -- how does she look like that after SIX kids????
I love her -- but I have to go lay down before the urge to exercise comes over me.
Damn, I wish I had had a mom like Laura!
love laura - always sooooo chic, and her clothes are super wearable, practical and beyond stylish
I EFFING LOVE LOVE LOVE Laura. I want her to design my wedding dress, my business suits, my casual outfits, my pajamas....
OH, and to Anonymous, she slouches like the couture pose!
Holy crap, I finally know something the fabulous folks here don't: how to shop on QVC (ugh...this is why YOU are faboo and I am not).
PROBABLY Laura's stuff will sell out fast, so I'd be parked by tv/computer during the actual presentation. But you can normally order from QVC anytime, online or by phone, not just while the product is being aired. There are often previews in the 24 hours or so before a new show airs. I expect there will be tons of interest in laura's feers clothing, and I expect most will sell out. so again: be ready! check online before the show actually airs (they have a schedule and product details). and if you have internet but no tv, you can often see video clips of the item presentations. It looks like Laura will be on 24/25 (there is something from 6-midnight on the 25th called Spring Designer Gallery that does NOT mention Laura but will probably be where she appears. Chloe Dao will be in that segment, though!).
so: check your QVC and qvc.com for more details as the day approaches!
cb thanks for the good info. I am not a QVC shopper either, nor do I even have it as one of my favorites in my channel list. However, I will find the channel, shirk work and clients and dutifully park at the appropriate time, credit card(s) in hand.
I always have to repeat to myself that she has a nanny,
FACT: Laura mops the floor wearing stilettos and a cocktail dress.
love Laura!!!!
love TLo for....
everything (including bringing us more Laura).
Thanks TLo!
Love Laura! She's fabulous! That picture with the aliens is awesome!!
I need more Laura Bennett in my life. When she was on PR I felt her influence in my everyday life. She just needs to be on TV more often so I can hear her pearls of wisdom and just look at her elegance. She is an inspration, she makes you want to do better and look better.
Thank you for giving us more Laura. We haven't seen Finn in a long time. He must be walking by now. Would love to see a pic of him sometime. After all, he is an official runway baby. Thanks guys for all your work. We appreciate it!
Gotta love LB.
Uh, the girls probably do lifting. 6 kids??? Plungant neckline???
Actually I read in The Boston Globe that Laura has two nannies. She might mop the floors in stilettos and a cocktail dress but I'd like to know if she has a maid too and if the glam mopping is a once in awhile thing. Since she once stated that the secret to doing so much is to never cook or open the mail I think the Help and Peter Shelton's money to get take out and delivery and nannies (maybe maid too) deserve some praise, no?
Laura as designer deserves praise.
Laura as some sort of role model for realness? Not many people live in NYC and can afford nannies and a loft. Yes, you can and should put effort into your appearance and it boosts your self-esteem. Yes, how nice that she is not snotty and full of attitude. But I don't get the worship of her as some model of one "in the trenches." That is laughable.
I think the point is that despite having a Really Busy Life, Laura takes the time to look like she cares about her appearance.
I own a business, am a Mom (of only 1)and yes I have a cleaning service and a babysitter now and then, but let me tell you - its pretty tempting to run around with no make up and schlub clothes when you have so many irons in the fire.
Its not about money really but about caring what you look like. How many women do we see on a daily basis that have slid down that sweat pant and mini van slippery slope? Even on a budget a woman can look Laura Bennett Fabulous if you take the time to give a crap.
Yeah, Laura may have resources that many mere mortals don't, but I find it useful to remember a few things that are worth emulating.
Like her ability to edit (wardrobe and other potential clutter), delegate when possible, make sure she takes some time for herself every day, and to make an effort to look good at all times.
What cracks me up about her is that her drop-dead chic look (hair and make-up) is incredibly simple, probably takes about 10 minutes a day, and her clothes are all home-made, classic and elegant and yet very basic.
Plus, she can say 'fuck' with gusto.
"anon said: Laura as some sort of role model for realness? Not many people live in NYC and can afford nannies and a loft. Yes, you can and should put effort into your appearance and it boosts your self-esteem. Yes, how nice that she is not snotty and full of attitude. But I don't get the worship of her as some model of one "in the trenches." That is laughable."
Living in NYC, or having money has nothing to do with style. First, you're more likely to be able to dress well if you live outside of NYC, and don't have the exhorbitant overhead we have to live here (even in a tiny apartment - forget the loft). And more suburbanites have maids and nannies than NYers.
NY'ers are also not 'snotty and full of attitude'. The nasty people you encounter in NYC are called 'commuters'.
There are tons of people with lots of money, who look tacky. They throw money at everything and tend to look like walking logos. They call that style, and you see them in any suburban shopping mall. They look ridiculous (like that plastic housewives from LA show on Bravo). I'd bet they spend more on their looks than Laura does, but yet they only look desperate.
Style and money have nothing to do with each other. Style is something you have (or can develop), it isn't something you buy.
You can be just as stylish in the suburbs, with little money, if you have the vision.
It's not about how much money you have, it's about what you can do with what you have. My best friend is one of the most stylist people I have ever met and she only shops at discount stores.
Fabulous dress and Laura is always impeccable! LOVE. HER!
Well, of course, she does. That's why she's fabulous. :-)
The point is that the amount of money Laura has allows her to not spend her time worrying about cooking and cleaning (two things I hate to do too and would gladly pass them off to hired help if I could). Thus, she likely has more time than your average mom to spend on things like thinking about her style and certainly more time on making her own clothes.
And yes, if you have no basal level of style of course all the money in the world isn't going to help. But someone with style with lots of money will probably dress better than one without lots of money. Or it's at least a lot easier.
TLo, does Laura still work full time, too?
I now know why there's a term called "haters"...*cough* jen in philly *cough*
I wholeheartedly echo Suzanne's point. As a full time working mom, for some reason, that desire/effort to care about how you look and do something about it, always seems to get pushed to the background. I need me some daily dosage of LB to remember to put lipstick on. Yeah, money is a factor, but you know what, Gap, Target and Wal-Mart are pushing out pretty decent things, and then there's always eBay where another woman's trash is my treasure (ahem, my gawgeous Tod's work bag that totally fits LB's criteria).
What?!!! She's not knocked up yet?
What the hell is wrong with her?
Umm, can you explain why you think I'm a hater, anonymous 12:08? Good for Laura that she can afford to not do mundane things. To assume that I hate her for it is quite a leap of logic there, especially since I said I'd do the same thing if I were in her financial position.
BTW, Laura was my fave on S3, so again, why am I a hater?
But to claim that money doesn't make things easier is quite a naive attitude. THAT was my point.
I may have to resign myself to not getting the chance to buy a LB dress, as I'll be getting my right kneed replaced on the 25th. That said, Laura will inspire to take some interest in my appearance while rehabbing....one does not have to look like a shmoo, even while doing phys. therapy!
what's the big deal? everything she wears looks the same to me. dull. safe. very rich white upper east side woman. good for her.
When I look at the QVC schedule, how do I tell which segment will have Laura Bennett's clothing? "Spring Fashion Designer Gallery?" "Style by Popular Demand?" "QVC Fashion Forum?" "Style Check?" argh. I definitely don't want to miss it!
Dang, even the aliens look fashionable standing next to our scarlett vixen.
As for the interesting debate going on as to whether Laura, with all her resources, is truly a role model for the average woman, I vote a resounding "yes." I don't have a housecleaner or nanny or a lot of moolah sitting around, but Laura inspires me to put on a little lipstick and getin touch with my inner-female. My house may not be as well-organized as hers and my kids may not look as well-presented as hers, but that's not the point here. The key is to find inspiration in the positive things Laura presents and not let your insecurities get the best of you regarding the rest.
I love Laura, but does she ever wear a bra?
Also, my Grandmother was not rich and did not have any hired help, but she always looked like June Cleaver. Dressed to the nines and doing housework. It isn't impossible, it just takes effort.
It doesn't take any effort to slouch around in sweatpants and complaining about cleaning house while not doing it. Like most women today.
It doesn't take any effort to slouch around in sweatpants and complaining about cleaning house while not doing it. Like most women today.
And a hearty buzz off to you sir.
Having staff gives Laura more mental real estate to hone her style. While she does relay some good messages to women (take time for yourself) she's hardly a role model unless "marry rich" is considered some sort of noble undertaking. In the trenches of Barney's perhaps.
Abby, you more effectively communicated what I was trying to say. Obviously my downfall was expecting rational thought and actions from people on the internet. :)
Well said Abby!!
I guess you ladies just want to look like slobs and hate women who look nice. Why is that?
Be proud of yourself and dress nice. It makes people think more highly of you if you present yourself well. Nothing worse than seeing a woman with jacked up hair, no makeup and it frumpy clothes. Women of the past did it, you can too. Quit being so lazy and fix up for yourself if for no one else.
No, anonymous 5:06, wrong again.
I like how you think you can tell what I look and dress like.
I'm all for everybody dressing more fabulously. (And for the record, I dress a hell of a lot better than most of the women in my field, not that that's difficult...) However, for women to aspire to be just like LB without her bank account... well, it's gonna be a ton more difficult for them than it is for her.
But then, there I go using logic again.
I really don't think most of this debate should be about the particulars of Laura, her life, her kids, or her bank account. What matters is that some people find her inspiring, regardless of whether following in her fabulous shoes is more difficult on a budget or not. We can all admit that money helps, but that's actually beside the point. The point is, some people look at LB and think "there's a quality about her that I relate to and that I want to emulate, in whatever small way I can, even if it just means taking the time to look nice and even if I'll never have her resources." Inspiration like that doesn't need reality checks from the people who aren't inspired ... it's too individual and subjective. Logical arguments and perfectly spot-on observations about class/wealth differences just don't matter when you're dealing with people's gut reactions of admiration. And why should they? We all have heroes and logic is often the last reason why.
I was never arguing that Laura isn't or shouldn't be an inspiration to dress better or look nicer. As I said before, Laura was my favorite S3 designer. And some people weren't willing to admit that money helps...
I do, however, have a problem with being called a "hater" for no good reason.
My daughter love that picture, guys. Thanks for sharing.
Laura has inspired me to look better and dress well; even my friends have noticed the difference.
"I guess you ladies just want to look like slobs and hate women who look nice. Why is that?"
Because I don't care for Laura I'm a snob and a woman hater? Look, bottom line it's different strokes for different folks! Why should my not admiring her 1) matter to you? and 2) cause you to make rash judgements about me or anyone else on this board?
Although I love Project Runway, I don't care much about how I look. Certainly not enough to put effort into it. Life is short; I am not going to waste mine on something that doesn't matter to me.
That said, I do agree that even those of us should take ten minutes a day to do something for ourselves. For me, that's reading the front page of a real newspaper full of actual current events (rather than anthropomorphized animals speaking in pithy rhymes). For someone else, it might be sliding down a bannister.
Can we all agree that what we choose to spend our ten minutes on is our business, and outsiders need to shut up about whether our choice is a sign of the Declining Values of Today?
I love Laura's clothes, but damnnnn that's one horsy looking dame!
Er.. make that HORSEY looking dame.
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