We were going to take them to one of those upscale Mexican places near us, but unfortunately, they were closed and we wound up at Cafe NOLA, the local New Orleans-inspired eatery. Laura, ever the New Orleans girl at heart, sat down at the table, saw a bug, smacked it, flicked its carcass away and said "Well, I know they're authentic if there are bugs on the table."
We spent dinner talking about her upcoming appearance on QVC, complimenting her on her hair and makeup like the good gays that we are, and dishing about Project Runway, which we always do when we're together.
It was funny and strange being on our own turf with Laura and Peter and watching the locals gawp at her wide-eyed. Our waiter (gay, bien sur) asked for a picture and Laura of course obliged. When we hauled out our camera to take a shot for ourselves, the batteries died. Peter, ever the mad scientist, pulled the batteries out and plopped them in his coffee to warm them up. We thought that was gross and not a little crazy, but wouldn't you know it? The camera worked fine for the rest of the night. A little tip from Bad Daddy to you. When your batteries die, order a cup of coffee.
As we walked them back to the car (followed by a wide-eyed girl whispering frantically into her phone) we all decided on the spur of the moment that Laura needed her posse with her on this important occasion and we would have to drop everything to ride out into the wilds of suburban Philadelphia to QVC headquarters.
We gotta say, QVC headquarters is like the Cathedral of Capitalism. The place is HUGE and impressive-looking. Once we got our guest tags (Laura gave our names and for the rest of the night, we wore tags identifying us as "Tom Bennett," "Lorenzo Bennett," and "Peter Bennett"), we were ushered to the green room. Honestly, we would never want to work there because getting from point A to point B is the equivalent of walking about ten city blocks.
After we passed BOB FUCKING MACKIE in the hallway, we headed in to the green room, which is disappointingly, not green.
Laura and the QVCettes.
The green room was kinda fascinating. There's a big screen TV on the wall where you can watch what's being aired at that moment with a graph laid over it indicating how many calls are coming in. If the on-air designer or host isn't wowing people, the graph immediately plummets. Put out a couple models and suddenly it spikes. Neutral colors? Fall. Bright colors? Rise. It's scary how they've got it down to such a precise science.
It was EXTREMELY DIFFICULT for us to watch models walk up and down a runway onscreen and NOT yell out our assessments. After all, we were surrounded not only by QVC employees, but friends of the on-air designer. Believe us, there were a couple times we looked at each other from across the room and used our married-for-twelve-years telepathy ("Ohmigod, that's HIDEOUS." "I know, right?" "Did you feed the cats before we left?" "I thought you did!")
QVC hostess Lisa Robertson came back to go over Laura's collection and discuss what points they wanted to hit on air. Lorenzo, ever the starfucker, lost it. "Ohmigod, you're fabulous! I have to take a picture." Laura laughed and said "Lisa, these are my gays." Lisa laughed loudly and said "Hey, every girl needs her gays!" Lisa gushed over the high quality of Laura's work (we agree of course). The fabrics and the construction are impeccable. After they conferred on the collection, the discussion turned to false eyelashes and they compared notes on their favorite brands and techniques.
Bad Mommy and Bad Daddy get it on while Tom pretends not to notice.
We had over an hour to kill before Laura would be called to set, so we spent the time looking at computer screens and noting the astonishingly high level of sales going on. Suddenly a familiar voice rang out. "Well hello, Miss Bennett."
We knew she was scheduled for the same week, but we had no idea she was going to be there that night. She, of course, had no idea we were going to be there either and when she turned and noticed us, she said in shock "OhmiGOD, you guys are EVERYWHERE!"
If we haven't said it before, Chloe is VERY pretty in person (and her boyfriend? HOTTIE McHOTHOT). Not that she's not pretty on camera, but she's surprisingly glamorous-looking when you meet her (and tiny, but that's not surprising) . This was her fifth time at the QVC rodeo and she admitted that she's still as nervous as she was the first time she did it (although you'd never know it looking at her on-camera). She gave Laura some advice, they traded notes and gossip on PR-related stuff and then Laura was ushered off to the set, our well wishes trailing her.
We had some time to kill before Laura's set, so we sat around talking about who we think is going to win this season. We won't give anything away, but Chloe was surprised by our pick and we were surprised by hers, although in retrospect, it makes sense. Her pick is the closest to her own style.
Then, they announced Laura and we all shushed each other to watch. It is NERVE-RACKING watching your friend sell her wares on camera with a graph laid over her indicating how well she's doing. Tom said it was like being on the floor of the stock exchange but Chloe more accurately said it was like watching a horse race. Bad Daddy sat in front of the computers the whole time tracking the sales.
It was cute, because the QVCettes were watching with us and oohing and aahing over Laura's collection. In fact, one of them whipped out her phone to order the wrap sweater right there. Unfortunately, the color she wanted sold out before she could order one. Chloe was murmuring encouragement and expressing admiration for several of the designs, including the wrap sweater and the silk blouse. "Are all those buttons functional? DAAAAMN."
She, of course, did fabulously and we all applauded her when she came back after her set. Ever the self-critic, it was all "Did I stand up straight?" "Did I talk enough?" "How are the numbers?"
Our opinion? For a first-time designer working at a fairly high price point for QVC, the numbers were fantastic. Several of the QVCettes agreed. There are still pieces online at QVC's site. We can't link directly to them, but just go there and do a search on Laura Bennett - and Chloe Dao, too. Chloe's collection was adorable and she also has pieces available online.
After that, we said our goodnights and stumbled home at one a.m. We do it all for you, kittens.
Oh, who are we kidding? We do it all for US. It was a blast.
[Photos: Project RunGay]
These are the posts that I love best! Getting my vicarious jollies through the Lifestyles of the Fabulously Glamourous.
I'm glad to hear that Chloe is stil doing well. She was always level headed and good businesswomen.
Thanks for the fun.
"Lorenzo Bennett" - snork.
You guys are now blood relatives!
Gotta agree that QVC is scary big - I drive near it occasionally schlepping late overnight deliveries to the UPS depot a couple of blocks away (that's nearer than FedEx at the Philly airport for me.)
Lovelovelove the inside scoop, guys!
Thank you so much for sacrificing yourselves at the altar of starfuckerdom for us.
"Bad Mommy and Bad Daddy get it on while Tom pretends not to notice."
I was watching and called my Mom to be sure she was watching (she's the QVC shopper). Beautiful, classic clothing--fabulous! Of course she had to bring TLo with her!
You did well with your "Show and Tell" today boys! XOXO ;)
I'd like the Reader's Digest version of this, please.
Hilarious! Aww, I love Laura and Chloe!!
I could only find 3 pieces (pants, jacket, blouse and wrap sweater) at the qvc site. did she have other things on TV? unfortunately it was too late for me, so I couldn't watch it. thanks guys for sharing your fabulous adventure!!!
I had the Guava Mojito at El Vez on a roadtrip to the city this weekend. Try it if you haven't!
The Adventures of Laura have caused me to have my first visit to QVC's website ever!
"there were a couple times we looked at each other from across the room and used our married-for-twelve-years telepathy.."
Isn't it true? I can look at Husbandji when something ghastly is spotted by the two of us and we know EXACTLY what the other is thinking!
How I love the Bad Mommy...I hope she makes bank going the QVC route. Love the post!
Future Guest Judge Extraordinare: BOB FUCKING MACKIE!!!
I would *love* to see a challenge based on his style and work, with him judging it.
Loved Laura's hair style, btw.
What a fab post, guys! Thanks for sharing! Can I have the two volume version? Because I wanted to read more : ) I love reading about Laura and her adventures with her gays! BTW, her hair looks great!!
You bitches were in the same room with Chloe and Laura? I'm SO JEALOUS!! They're both fabulous!!
"Tom Bennett. Lorenzo Bennett"
LOL. You guys crack me up!
what fun! you guys must have been over the moon. Chloe is an absolute doll. and Laura and Peter are adorable. you guys aren't so bad looking yourselves! thank you for sharing the picture story with us. enjoyed it thoroughly.
Chloe's bf is Hottie McHotHot and there's NO PICTURE? For shame...
Otherwise, fun post!
Great post. (Note to self: Cafe Nola is still around? I used to live across the street from the Magnolia Cafe's kitchen. Life-changing scents emanated from there...good times.) Thanks!
Oh, what a super report! Thanks so much, TLo! Gee, all I want to do is hit the exclamation point key.
How wonderful of you to have participated, and then, most heroically, to share it all with us minion(ettes).
Loved the telepathy, too. I'm not married, but I can share those same thought balloons with my sister, most definitely.
Congratulations to The Fabulous Laura Bennett for a successful debut and best wishes for continuing success.
Got to get down to Philly and mingle soon...... ;-)
All the best,
OMG! You guys are so lucky to be her Gays! I need some gays.
Tom Bennett. Lorenzo Bennett
LOL -- Welcome to the clan, have some turtle poop.
Wow, cool.
I'm sure Chloe liked Rami's. I swear he bought the same couch fabric as her.
Laura laughed and said "Lisa, these are my gays." Lisa laughed loudly and said "Hey, every girl needs her gays!" Lisa gushed over the high quality of Laura's work (we agree of course).
I THOUGHT you were going to say, "Lisa gushed over the high quality of Laura's gays."
We agree, of course!
Oh, TLo, it sounds like too much fabulousness all in one unlikely place. And I hear you on the telepathy part. Except ours would go:
Me: That dress is hideous!
Him: Are we going to be eating soon? I'm starving.
Me: But that sweater is so swoon-worthy. Must have.
Him: Do they sell power tools on QVC?
Oh well, I can always live vicariously through you bitches.
fka rain brain
Grrr...I tuned in last night to see Laura, but she wasn't on at 10PM, so (after a while) I thought there must have been some scheduling mixup & switched it off. I could only take so much of that Bradley guy.
I'm sorry I missed it. I'm glad you guys had fun though.
BTW, when did Bob Mackie's clothes make the leap from Cher to the Golden Girls?
Ever the self-critic, it was all "Did I stand up straight?"
Aha! Maybe she saw the post awhile back wherein several of us told her to stop slouching!
(fka andrea)
BTW, I agree that Chloe is even prettier in person. She looks like a little porcelain doll.
I love the photo of Bad Mommy and Bad Daddy. You can see the two of them have a lot of affection for one another.
That's great.
Wonderful post to read on a glum, rainy afternoon. Thanks for the ray of sunshine!
Loved the bug smacking, the picture snapping waiter, Peter's mad scientist coffee batteries, your rechristening as Bennetts, running into Chloe, these are my gays, the telepathy, the sales map (shudder - very Big Brotherish), and Bob Friggin' Mackie!!
I would have pounced on Mackie and inisisted on being brought to his set, put into some sparkly outfit and being photgraphed with him. His variety show costumes for Carol Burnett and Cher got under my skin at a very young age and have influenced me through decades of bad drag and over the top costumes.
Whore on, TLo!! Whore on!
Laura looks GORGEOUS! I love this woman! Thanks for the post, guys!
you tow are one of the highlights of my day.... i need to find me some gays
God, I feel fabulous just reading this post!!
You guys are he best!! Thanks for sharing.
As for Laura? She's a Goddess!!!
Love her. I think I'm going to try and wear make up every day in her honor. Small steps.
I remember reading before he got onto QVC, Bob's jobs had really dwindled. QVC has given him a new life. He designs for an older woman who probably goes on a cruise once a year, lives in Sun City and just wants to look nice.
But then, don't we all?
I just loved his clothes for Cher. I'm glad to see him still designing.
"OhmiGOD, you guys are EVERYWHERE!"
Chloe looks really good. Did you guys get a shot of her McHottie boyfriend?
I actually like some of Chloe's designs better. She has a great jacket that is sold out in mauve that I would love, and a wonderful chiffon top with a belt that I adore! Plus, a nice dress or two.
Laura's wrap is really beautiful, as is her blouse - but I couldn't put up with all of those buttons!
Thanks for being there and reporting.
It's the best next!
Bob Mackie...my Mom loved his stuff on QVC. When she was very ill and homebound, she was at home ordering Bob Mackie from the Q. We buried her in her favorite blue suit that she'd just bought from them to wear at her 50th anniversary party...she looked great, both at the party and now for eternity!
i think laura's new clothes are awesome! very chic and weareable everywhere.
lorenzo looked very fierce that night.
Oh, how I do love the LB moments. Love love love her, and love you both.
And can I just put something out there about Frau Seal...when I was in Los Angeles this weekend, I kept hearing the media gush about how good Heidi looked. Nobody commented about her bubblegum jewelry, but you guys were SO on target with that one.
French tip: If you have Word, you can get accented letters by typing
Ctrl + The accent you want, then the letter you want the accent on.
If not, there are plenty of sites online that have lists of characters for you to copy/paste.
I should stop being so concerned with spelling, but there's a huge difference between my mental pronunciations of "bien sûr" and "bien sur".
I heaved a big sigh of relief when Tim Gunn finally started spelling "Chacun" right. At least the accents missing in that particular turn of phrase don't affect pronunciation.
I don't know about anyone else, but
Gosh, I *love* Laura's hair!! She looks SO young!
I live vicariously through you guys! :-)
Such unexpected good fun to be had in today's post! Thank you, boys!
But I'm still waiting impatiently for that Little Black Dress to go on sale......
OMG! How gorgeous is La Bennett! Like Brenda Starr come to life! I just got on the site & the only things that are left are a wrap of some kind and a rather cheap looking jacket & pants. I must've missed all of the cool garb-- I'm sure her LBD sold out in mins! Is there some way to see the entire collection?
You 2 bitches are the 2 luckiest bitches on earth (sounds like a Streisand song)!
Thanks for sharing!
Emma P.
Thank you!
That was fun.
-- desertwind
Tom and Lo, proving once again that Philly is the center of the universe.
OMG, you two are the coolest gays on earth!
I came THIS close to ordering Laura's jacket, but I sweat too much to handle wool, even light weight wool. I'd have to dry clean the sucker weekly and never actually get to wear it.
It was freakin' adorable, as was the blouse, but again, silk and me just aren't a good combination. If I had some occasion to wear Chloe's adorable dress, I would have jumped on that in blue. CUTE!
Laura did a great job on air! Congrats, girl!
I love these "The Adventures of TLo" posts! You really know how to take us along for the ride. Spur-of-the-moment fabulousness...what fun!
Re: camera problems. As I said before, you two need your very own on-call camera bitch. There's plenty of us minions who would gladly volunteer!
thanks for the sharing. im jealous BITCHES!! totally forgot that laura was on last night. damn. what a great way to start!
love her husband too. hey laura does he have any brothers? :)
Wow, Laura looks absolutely fabulous! As usual. What a fun time! Thanks for sharing!!
OK, I got up sick but felt obligated to go to work; so, trying to feel better I checked your post...No Laura update. Stagger off to work, get sent home from work because "Shug, you look like shit..Go Home!" and find the best medicine available on your site! Great post, made me laugh, and cleared my sinuses! Fav quote: "Laura, ever the New Orleans girl at heart, sat down at the table, saw a bug, smacked it, flicked its carcass away and said "Well, I know they're authentic if there are bugs on the table."
LOL! As a fellow refugee from the Deep South I can totally relate. The more bugs you find, the better the food!
I tend to agree with liking a lot of Choe's stuff.
I am digging her pants.
The LB wrap sweater is way cute too.
I am kind of grateful they are selling on QVC since it is about the only way I am going to score some of their clothes in an XL or a 1X...
I would KILL for a Jeff Sebellia/ Cosa Nostra QVC piece though...
I am kind of on the Diablo Cody/ Ditta Von Teese side of the equation but you babies know that
Gotham Tomato said:
Grrr...I tuned in last night to see Laura, but she wasn't on at 10PM, so (after a while) I thought there must have been some scheduling mixup & switched it off. I could only take so much of that Bradley guy.
I'm with you, GT. There was only so much of that guy I could take, even with the TV on mute.
And I had no idea QVC HQ was outside Philly. You learn something new every day...
We buried her in her favorite blue (Bob Mackie) suit (from the Q) "
Oh, now, that made me just about cry.
I can't think of what designer I'd want to dress me for my funeral...
Which of the designers on Season 4 would you choose to design your burial garb? And isn't the winner entitled to 10K?
If you weren't so freaking fabulous, I'd be incredibly jealous. No wait, I AM incredibly jealous!
Gotham Tomato:
Laura was on right around 11 your time (I'm west coast, so 8 my time). I sacrificed a few minutes of Antiques Roadshow to watch!
I was lucky to have caught it at all...I saw the fashion blurb on my guide and said to myself, LAURA!!!! but turned it on in the 10:00 hour to see Victor Costa. BUT the hostess said Laura was coming up next and I squeed with delight. I didn't stick around for Chloe, but then she's been on a few times, so she's pretty much a polished veteran. :-)
I loved the Bob Mackie comment - I laughed out loud! I kept checking QVC but missed her!!! But immediately after reading your blog I went right to QVC and ordered the ivory shirt - can't wait to get it!
Keep up the good work - your blog is the highlight of my day (yes - I am a dull SAHM!).
Also - I know that the battery info will come in handy!
I thought Laura did a great job, but it was very rushed and they didn't seem to spend as much time on her things. Do the designers always sell in a big group program like this? Do they ever get their own little shows? I hope laura has a huge inventory of her Little Black Dress because that is what we are all waiting for.
Laura's hair and makeup looked gorgeous!
Oh, and I am finding myself lusting after Laura's husband. Is that a bad thing?
Seriously, you are so good to us.
You all look smashing darlings.
Which of the designers on Season 4 would you choose to design your burial garb?"
I'd pick Chris Marsh...in my living trust, I already have it mapped out that my celebration of life would be a happy memorial. (With my favorite fabulous friend working the door to make sure no one showed up looking mournful-he already promised) Chris would make me happening! But, oh wait, I've already decided on cremation.... Change of plans-I'd want to wear something of his in a photo portrait. Full length. No, not a stand-up cardboard cutout either!
ummm.....I better stop now. Getting a little too excited over funeral plans!
How cute is Laura's husband? C'mon.
You guys make me so jealous! That must have been awesome. You all look great and so thin!
But if a bug was on my table at dinner, I wouldn't eat there. No way. Alright for Laura killing it and going on with her business, too funny.
Is Chloe pregnant? She looks it. Glad you boys had a good time.
What an adventure. Will Laura adopt you guys and make your name change legal?
Did she give you the matching dog collars with tags?
I want a Viking funeral - placed on a small kayak or canoe with lots of flowers piled up and around, set on fire, and pushed out into the sunset to blaze and float away. (And I really don't care how many laws and statutes this breaks -- true friends will find a way around them to get it done.)
Bagpipes would be nice, too, but it might be difficult to run from the fire nazi's hauling handfulls of bagpipes along with you, so a simple Viking funeral without bagpipes will be fine.
I had never thought about what to wear for the pre-burning part, but I think BOB FUCKING MACKIE!!! would probably do admirably.
Wow, oh, WOW!!!!
Why your site is on my
MUST click list.
I can see it now.
Bob Fucking Mackie Burial Garb, only on QVC!!
I love it.
But if I had to pick one person from Season 4 to do my burial garb, it'd have to be Elisa.
What a lovely post! Thanks, TLo :)
Wah! My cable went out again (for the umpteenth time), and not only did I miss the Oscars, but I also missed Laura on QVC. Thanks TLo so very much for sharing your amazing WOWIE! ZOWIE! evening in every delicious detail. I feel so much better now. I may have missed the Bennett fashion show, but thanks to your tireless typing, I got something even better - a fun filled tale of what went on behind the scenes.
You guys are the BEST!!
~ no burlap ~
Oh, I'm SO glad you were able to go! Laura's hair looks fabulous - love the new cut. Her pieces were faboo and so was she!
Well, you can take the girl out of New Orleans, but you can't take the New Orleans out of the girl, thank God!
What a fabulous evening! And to think, I was sitting in a parent-teacher conference while you were glamming it up. Such is life.
"kanani said: But if I had to pick one person from Season 4 to do my burial garb, it'd have to be Elisa."
No, Elisa would design reincarnation garb.
I bike through there, walk my dogs, and performed with the community youth orchestra there for Christmas!
*faints again*
Did you drive down Airport Road? Wilson Drive?
*faints for a third time*
Ha! Well, all the better then.
I can be buried and reincarnated in the same outfit. I just hope I don't come back as one of her marionettes.
I want to be buried in Chris March's art challenge gown. I want to look fabulous for all eternity, and when I meet my maker, and all of my deceased friends and relatives. Plus, my deceased grandmother would re-die over it!
YAY! Such great writing in this post too, I could see the whole excursion perfectly from your wonderful descriptions and bonus, there were lines like these that had me spewing coca cola out my nose:
"Peter, ever the mad scientist. . ."
"After we passed BOB FUCKING MACKIE in the hallway. . ."
"there were a couple times we looked at each other from across the room and used our married-for-twelve-years telepathy ("Ohmigod, that's HIDEOUS." "I know, right?" "Did you feed the cats before we left?" "I thought you did!")"
"Lorenzo, ever the starfucker, lost it."
And my favorite:
"Chloe is VERY pretty in person (and her boyfriend? HOTTIE McHOTHOT)."
such the gaytorage!!
soooooo lucky!!
Love Laura's hair--
I'm on the waitlist for the sweater wrap and bought Chloe's black dress (w/ sleeves) and a blue wrap shirt that they didn't get to feature (but was on line).
Please have part 2 for us soon-- there must be more to tell...
You "bitches" :P are the best!
I love your "Did you feed the cat - I thought you did" telepathy moments.
And I'm soo glad that Chloe and Laura are doing great!!
You bitches really piss me off! First Rolling Stone and now this?
I am so jealous I can't stand it.
And as daxx said, these are the posts I live for. My life is not as boring when I get to live through you gays.
I am so bummed that I missed Laura's clothing being sold on QVC! How did I miss this? Yikes! And I desperately need something to where for my next cocktail party. Love, love, love the Laura!
Fabulously Glamorous Bitches!!!
Did anybody watch the actual QVC show? Do we know if the pants & jacket work as a suit or if you can wear them together? They're really pretty.
Does LBD stand for Laura Bennett Designs, or Little Black Dress? I think it would be cute if it stood for the latter.
Anne said...
Do we know if the pants & jacket work as a suit or if you can wear them together? They're really pretty.
We asked Laura and she said 'yes'.
Does LBD stand for Laura Bennett Designs, or Little Black Dress? I think it would be cute if it stood for the latter.
Little Black Dress
Love the post! You guys are beyond fab.
But I have one burning question- What IS Laura's favorite brand of false eyelashes???
I am just dying to know.
Yeah, I think that Chloe looks pregnant too. Does anyone know for sure?
Peter, ever the mad scientist, pulled the batteries out and plopped them in his coffee to warm them up. We thought that was gross and not a little crazy, but wouldn't you know it? The camera worked fine for the rest of the night.
All the best women like smart men. :-)
And I'll have to take your word for Chloe being glamorous, because that yellow balloon she was wearing said many things to me, but "glamor" was not one of them.
I thought I had missed Laura live on the show, but I did catch a promo that said you could look up the clothes by designer on their website. Every designer was available except Laura. I sent off a letter of complaint to QVC and told them to get Laura on their ads and on their website.
I think they seriously underestimated the Project Runway draw.
Anyone know why QVC went out of its way to never say 'Proejct Runway'?
Thanks for this! I flipped back and forth to and from QVC waiting for Laura and missed her intro but saw the rest.
I was wondering what QVC was like and how it worked with the hosts and the call volume metrics (of which I was peripherally aware). Was Laura happy with her sales volume? It sounded like there weren't a large number of each of the pieces to begin with, so I didn't know if Laura or QVC were expecting low sales volumes.
And note to Laura: you have a great voice and wonderful charm - talk more when you are on the air!
Bob Mackie does a lot of fantastic Barbies!
Speaking of which, I wonder what Robert Best is up to...
I looked up the clothes at QVC.com and noticed that they were made in China. Why is that? How does that work?
Do you just find a seamstress in China and send them samples and tell them to make up some?
That kinda turns me off, I think anyone should try to use American labor whenever they can. It's probably cheaper there, but for these high quality clothes, you don't really want them to be cheap.
I'm so jealous!! Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun with Laura Freaking Bennett : )
"phantomminuet said: All the best women like smart men. :-)"
And all the best men like smart women (unless they also like smart men).
I was bobbing around on the seas of Ecuador during Laura's QVC stint, but was delighted to find a few pieces still available. Ordered the jacket--may go back and order the pants.
Greatly looking forward to the April show.
Great, great post.
Gawd but her hair looks fab.
Laura looks fabulous in the pics. But I would not wear any of the clothes she sold last night. Not one. And I suspect Laura wouldn't either. What happened to the fabulous cocktail attire I was looking forward to? The sating trench sounded promising but looked "meh." Laura, when that plunging v-neck dress goes on sale (and more like it) I will be waiting, credit card in hand. Maybe you should just do you own thing rather than go through QVC which is gonna cheap your aesthestic down.
OMG, how funny, I was watching the show and thinking you were there since it's so close!
I loved the wrap sweater and am awaiting shipment.
My cousin sells Stiffel lamps on QVC and said it's nerve-wracking watching the flow of calls coming in based on what you're saying and doing. However, it's amazing how many peices can be sold in 15 minutes.
Good luck Laura!!
Wonderful post boys, thanks.
Did Laura make that gorgeous pin she was wearing?
Laura's hair looks great. Love it when it is shoulder-length. Makes her look very sexy. Even Bad Daddy was having a good hair day!
Can't wait til my LBD's arrive to see them in person.
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